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Darker than Dark (Haunted Series)

Page 5

by Alexie Aaron

  Mia moved slowly to the couch, snagging a tissue box along the way. Burt watched the changing expressions on her face and could see that she would rather not talk about it but was determined to give it a try.

  “I’m an insecure guy. Most of us nerds are,” he qualified. “All I have is PEEPs. I guess I started to see that maybe I was losing the Burt Hicks lead investigator and turning into Mia’s boyfriend that holds a camera. Your talents and demeanor show true leadership potential. I need to be alpha dog, baby. I can’t seem to push away my jealousy when it comes to what you can do. Hell, I think you are just at the beginning of developing your gifts. As your boss, I can deal with your talents and use them to benefit the team. As your boyfriend I felt inadequate.” Burt stopped with his explanation, feeling he may have gotten off track.

  Mia grabbed his hand. “Can I speak?”

  “You’re going to anyway.”


  “Sorry, go ahead.”

  “First of all, I understand your concerns. I don’t want to take control of PEEPs. I love working with all of you. I like being part of it, not in charge of it. Yes, it may seem like I’m taking control during an investigation. This happens when instinctually I sense the need to move in a particular direction. It’s as if I’m getting direction from another part of my psyche. I have to pay attention to these clues. Instead of wasting time explaining myself, I just boss everyone around. Ted says I’m getting better, but he is looking at me through geek-engineered glasses.”

  “Ted sees what he wants to see,” Burt said.

  “You and I, when we were together, it was wonderful. Making love with you was extraordinary. I thought it was going to last. I really did. I supposed when you looked like you were going to dump me, I let you. I may be sensitive to the paranormal, but I can be pretty thick when it comes to matters of the heart. Whit showed up and put a shine on my ego. I thought, why not? He and I were friends for so many years. I thought maybe we could make a go of it. But, and you must understand this, I wasn’t looking for anyone to fill your shoes. My heart was broken, but it’s mending. The Hoffman case came along when Sabine went missing. I was launched into this world I could never have imagined. I guess I spent more time playing with my newfound abilities than paying attention that our relationship had hit rocky waters. I wasn’t there for you. My mind was elsewhere. I take full responsibility for that.”

  Burt looked at her. “There’s more, I can see it in your eyes.”

  “Yes, there is. I hesitate telling you only because it is very personal. I don’t want you using it as a weapon when I am getting on your nerves.”

  “I have been rather a bully and a bore, haven’t I?”

  “I plead the fifth.”

  “Okay, I promise on all I hold dear that I will not hold whatever you are going to tell me against you publically.”

  “I cheated on you,” Mia said softly.

  Burt was aghast. He never thought she’d say that. His mind came up with his suspicions. He asked, “With Whit?”

  “No,” she said firmly.

  “Not Ted.”

  “No, if so, he would have told you. The boy can’t keep his mouth shut.”

  “Please god, not Mike.”

  “No. Burt, when I was working with my aunt on Sabine’s disappearance, I got pulled into a vortex caused by intersecting ley lines. I know it sounds crazy, but it happened. I was frightened and willed myself to be taken to where I felt safe. It took me to Murphy. He pulled me from the vortex, and I could actually feel his hand. I’m still trying to figure out how the hell that was possible. Why didn’t the vortex take me home to my sanctuary? Instead it took me where I felt the safest. It was with Murphy.”

  “He’s your friend and protector. I can see how that would have happened. Father figure maybe?”

  Mia blushed and buried her face in her hands. After a few seconds she emerged and continued, “What you say makes sense, except in that spot in the woods, I could hear Stephen, feel him. And he could express what he’s been holding back for years. On an impulse he kissed me. It wasn’t a Casper the friendly ghost type of peck on the cheek. I was a full on assault on my senses.”

  Burt sat back on the couch, his body stiff.

  “I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t. I had to work out in my mind that I didn’t want to be the crazy lady in love with a wisp of smoke. We, he and I, have since gotten it all sorted out. He knows I need to live in this world. But I wronged you. I’m sorry. When you broke up with me, I didn’t fight it because I felt that I had cheated on you.”

  Mia watched as he sat there and worked it out in his mind. He asked, “Did you ask him to kiss you?”


  “Seems to me, he was only doing what any warm-blooded male would do. He took a chance. You were there in his world. If you hadn’t been able to come back, he wanted you to be with him, not move on to your reward. Lord, Murphy, has a lot of nerve. I don’t blame you. You didn’t hurt me. In a way it’s kind of funny. Here I was thinking my nemesis was that handsome cop. And all along it was a sneaky ghost.”

  “He had a few chances since to stand back and let me die, but the stubborn bastard won’t. He brought me back after the fall into the well. I don’t really know what goes on with him.”

  “I continue to throw you in harm’s way, and Murphy comes along and saves you. No wonder you questioned your feelings towards both of us.”

  “No. You’re not endangering me. I’m part of a team of top notch paranormal investigators. I think it’s what I’m supposed to do with my life. The reason that Whit and I are always at odds is that he wants a normal life. How can he and I have that when I am who I am? Fuck me and leave me a rose, I love who I am, thanks to you. Here I am Mia Cooper, a girl that never had any friends growing up. Now, I’m liked, even sought after. I have friends, people that have my back. Men who don’t want me to wear girly clothes and sit with my ankles crossed in a pew every Sunday.”

  “What does this have to do with Murphy?”

  “If I were alive in Murph’s time that would be what was expected of me. He hasn’t changed in 150 years. I don’t see him doing that now. You see, even in this paranormal situation, Stephen Murphy and my relationship wouldn’t survive. We’re great friends though.”

  “So no Ghost and Mrs. Muir scenario for Mia Cooper and Stephen Murphy.”

  “Probably not. Although, I understand I have sixty years to figure it out,” Mia said and started laughing.

  “Poor you. Twenty years of Ted and sixty of Murphy. You’re never going to have any peace are you?”

  “It could be worse.” Mia paused for a moment drawing courage. “I have a question that I have to ask. How do you feel about me? I mean, can we be friends? Work together?”

  “You know how you and Beth are always saying that knowledge is power?”


  “Well, knowing that you didn’t dump my flabby ass when Whitney wonderful looked your way helps heal the hurt that I caused myself with my misconception of what was going on. I know that we are both at fault. I will do my best to step off the merry-go-round of self-pity and begin again with you.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Mia, what you did with Murphy wasn’t cheating on me. It was paranormal, and I wish I got it on film.”


  “What are you going to do about Whit?”

  “See where it goes. He and I get along so well. There is a fly in the ointment though.”

  “Really, do tell.”

  “Angelo said he wasn’t the man for me. And Angelo is coming.”


  He sat with the old ones and sought their counsel. Women and men from various cultures, the only thing they had in common was a longer than recorded life span. They used their energies to heal this world, this plane, this dimension. Angelo gathered as much information as he could, and yet he still mourned not being able to find a more direct source. The old ones repeated stories that had been passed
down to them. It had been many years since ATzxe had enough energy to stain this world again. They all had theories about why now, but each, although confident with their thesis, was not willing to put a little girl’s soul on the line with old information. They urged Angelo to find out more, and then they would ponder an answer. And with God’s help come up with a solution.

  Chapter Six

  Whit heard the doorbell in his sleep. He chose to ignore it. A sharp rap of fist on the door followed and wouldn’t let up. He pulled himself away from his dreams and stumbled to the door. He swung it open and said, “This better be good.”

  Standing there was his fellow deputy and friend Tom Braverman. He held up a bag of fast food breakfast items and two large coffees.

  “That’s going to get you in the door,” Whit said stepping back, enjoying the aroma of the coffee mixed with the greasy smell of the food.

  “I’ve got a favor to ask you,” Tom began as he walked into the tiny living room to the minuscule kitchen and set the offering on the table.

  “First coffee, then favor,” Whit said in his caveman voice. He grabbed the bag and claimed an egg and cheese sandwich.

  Tom watched his friend from across the table. He was a bit put off that the man looked so good fresh from slumber. Dressed in last night’s boxers and an old tee, Whit was still handsome.

  “Okay, speak,” Whit commanded.

  “My uncle Archie, you know, my father’s older brother.”

  “No, but continue.”

  “He lives over in Wheybridge. Well anyway, he delivers papers at night. This morning he was attacked on his route.”

  “Damn, I’m sorry. Is he okay?”

  “A few broken bones, a busted ear drum. They beat him with his papers.”

  “Bastards. Do they have any leads?”

  “The cops at Wheybridge suspect kids, but they’ve never had this kind of problem before. My uncle is singing a strange tune though. He says shadows attacked him.”

  “Shadows? Didn’t he report a UFO a few years ago?”


  “The man’s a whack job, no offence,” Whit pointed out.

  “Normally, I would agree with you, but the genuine look of horror on his face made me think that you, I and Mia ought to look into this.”

  “Ah, you’re too chicken to ask Mia, so you ply me with delicacies, hoping to get me to call her.”


  “I’m not sure if she’s at home. She was over in Chi town getting her head examined last I heard.”

  “Call her.”

  Whit walked over to where he dropped his uniform pants and pulled his battered cell out of his pocket. He walked back and sat down. He took a long drink of the coffee before dialing.

  “Hello, copper,” Mia said. “Pretty early for you.”

  “Tom came begging. He wants to ask you a favor,” Whit said and tossed his phone to Tom.

  “Mia,” his voice was shaky. “How’s things?” he asked lamely.

  “Pretty good, you?”

  Her voice was kind. The deputy took this as a good sign. “Um, my uncle…” he told her what had occurred.

  “Where did this happen?”

  “In Wheybridge subdivision, Hillside Drive I think.”

  He heard a sharp intake of air and worried that she was preparing to yell at him. Instead she said, “I’ve got to chauffer a colleague around. We’re at the start of an investigation. Do you mind if I bring him along?”

  “Yes. No. I mean that would be great. When could you meet me up at the hospital?”

  “I can be there in an hour. Is Whit coming with you or do I need to pick him up?”

  Tom looked around, and Whit was gone. He walked through the one bedroom apartment, careful not to trip over the unpacked boxes. He found Whit face down in bed sleeping. “Um, I think that we can leave Whit out of this, he just fell back asleep. He’s been up all night,” Tom explained.

  “He’s asleep, it figures. I have to get moving if I’m going to meet you on time.”

  “Okay, thanks, Mia.” Tom hung up before adding, “The dolt doesn’t deserve you.”

  Tom placed Whit’s phone on the nightstand and retreated from the room. He grabbed his coffee and was tempted to snag the rest of the uneaten breakfast but decided to leave it for Whit. He let himself out.


  Mia and Burt walked into Green Ridge hospital. It hadn’t changed much since the two of them were patients here - first Mia, surviving the attack of a possessed Amber and then later Burt, who sustained mental and physical agonies from the attack of the Hell Fire Club denizens. Mia resisted the urge to hold Burt’s hand for comfort. She chided herself for having the impulse to begin with.

  “Memories…” Burt said, leaving the rest of the tune unsung.

  Doctor Walters was the physician in charge of Archie Braverman. He looked up from his paperwork when Mia and Burt walked onto his floor and into his patient’s room.

  Mia nodded to Sister Agnes, the resident ghost of the room.

  “Is she still here?” Burt asked in a whisper.

  “Oh yeah, she’s still here. Don’t be rude, smile in the direction of the windows.”

  Burt did as he was told.

  Tom stood up and gave his seat to Mia. He shook hands with Burt. “Thanks for coming, guys.”

  Archie moaned and opened his eyes. He looked over and saw a petite woman with unusual features staring kindly at him. Her large eyes regarded him with concern.

  “Hello,” he said and added, “Excuse me for not getting up.”

  The woman smiled ear to ear. Her large full lips parting to show a shock of white teeth. “I’ll let it slip this once,” she teased and got to her feet. “My name is Mia, I’m a friend of your nephew Tom. The gentleman at the end of the bed is Burt Hicks. We are here to help you, if we can.”

  “Not more psychiatrists.”

  “No. We would like to hear your story.”

  Archie started with 1634 Hillside Drive and repeated what he had told Tom and the police. He studied the faces of the couple and noticed that their expressions lacked the incredulous look that he received from the majority of the others he told his tale to.

  “You said when you tossed the newspaper it bounced off?” Mia asked.

  “Yes, but not the first time. It went right through it the first time,” he explained.

  “And when they attacked you, they had form… I mean you could feel their weight?”

  “Not exactly, it felt like icy water moving over my skin. The bastards tried to choke me. Busted my eardrum. Ruined my new hearing aid,” he complained.

  Mia looked over at Burt and Tom before asking, “Which way were they headed?”

  “West towards the country.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Braverman, I hope you heal fast,” she said.

  “Do you know what those things were? Ghosts, demons, aliens?” Archie asked.

  “Not aliens. I think they are indigenous to this planet. But what they are is still yet to be determined. I don’t think that they will bother you again. But maybe have someone with you when you deliver the papers for the next week or so,” she suggested. “And don’t engage them. They seem to be nasty little bastards.”

  “I think I killed one of them,” Archie said. “I mean, I think my hearing aid did when it exploded.”

  Burt moved closer and asked, “What kind of device were you using?”

  “It was a Cosmeto Amp. It fit totally in my ear. You couldn’t see it unless you were looking in my ear. Super expensive, my vet benefits paid for it,” he explained. “The battery was hard to get. Had to order replacements directly from the company.”

  Burt took out his notebook and jotted down the information for Ted to look into. “When you say you think you killed it, what happened?”

  “I was in pain at the time, but I felt it fall into ash on my face. Smelled like a rotten egg.”

  “Sulfur,” Mia guessed.

  “Yeah, sulfur, like spent matches,” A
rchie agreed.

  Burt scribbled down this information too. “Anything else?”

  Archie thought a moment and then shook his head.

  “Where are the clothes you were wearing when you were attacked?” Mia asked Archie.

  He lifted his hands. “Don’t know.”

  “I have them,” Tom informed her. “Why?”

  “Perhaps on his jacket or shirt there may be residue. If the DTD turned to ash, I would think it may have left remains.”

  “DTD? Is that what they are?” Archie questioned Mia.

  “Stands for darker-than-darks. This is what they were named by a little girl who has been plagued with their attentions all her life. I thought it aptly described them.”

  “Poor child. Yes, they are darker than dark and seem more like a river of emptiness than something you can touch. You can feel them but can’t grip them. I tried to pull them off, but they kept sliding out of my hands.”

  “We have an associate that may want to talk to you about your experience. Would this be okay?” Mia asked.

  Archie started to cry. He raised his hand when Mia moved forward to comfort him. “It’s just that you all believe me. No one has ever believed me before. Here I am a silly old man talking about shadows, and you young people actually believe me.”

  “It’s our job,” Burt said. “We’re PEEPs, and we’re here to help.”

  Mia turned around and looked at Sister Agnes who uncharacteristically rolled her eyes. Mia winked at her and turned back to Burt with a look of innocence on her face.


  Doctor Walters walked over to Burt and Mia as they exited Archie’s room. He smiled and gripped Burt’s offered hand. “So I guess the patient may not be a raving lunatic.”

  “Maybe not,” Burt answered noncommittally.

  “Is he going to lose more hearing?” Mia asked.

  “Well the eardrum went with the electrical discharge from the battery. This is most unusual. I’m not even sure how this could happen? People have been making hearing aids and wearing them for years without an explosion.”


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