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Life = Death - volume 6 - Poems on Life , Death

Page 10

by Nikhil Parekh

  I extracted lethal poison from the slithering reptile; after severing its hideous pair of toxic fangs,

  I extracted tones of stench and prurient debris; after profoundly squeezing the skin of a rotten vegetable,

  I extracted a plethora of hidden insinuations; after attentively listening to the bureaucrat's flowery speech,

  I extracted a bountiful ocean of redolence; after assembling a cluster of lilies in the flower vase,

  I extracted robust supply of air completely encompassing the squalid room; after I merely caressed the conventional plastic switch labeled as fan,

  I extracted compact cubes of triangular ice; after wholesomely freezing the large pitcher of water lying solitary on the slab,

  I extracted gold from mundane land cultivating a fleet of crops on it; after onerously digging the soil with my gleaming pickaxe,

  I extracted naked electricity from loosely dangling wires; after touching them with my profoundly wet hands,

  I extracted a battalion of brilliant rays from the sun; after unrelentingly staring at it for several minutes,

  I extracted sparkling foam from the rotund bar of soap; after vigorously kneading it into fine lather with my bohemian palms,

  I extracted scores of raw minerals from the gargantuan body of rock; after delving deep and distantly far into its crevices,

  I extracted loads of uninhibited love from my mother; after taking birth from her sacrosanct womb,

  I extracted unparalleled empathy from my beloved; after making her the one and only queen of my heart,

  And I extracted an omnipotent spirit to exist from life; after having being bestowed upon the form of a human; inhaling gallons of fresh air; by the divine Creator. 


  36. HEARTS 

  The heart of crystalline egg shell; lies in life bestowing yellow yolk,

  The heart of a fortified brick wall; lies in the amalgamated stone,

  The heart of slippery spider; lies in satiny threads of its web,

  The heart of tubular body bone; lies in amounts of calcium it impregnates,

  The heart of colossal ocean; lies in the intense fervor of salt it possesses,

  The heart of humming bee; lies in sumptuous stacks of honey inhabiting the apiary,

  The heart of a thoroughbred stallion; lies in its majestically muscled angular leg,

  The heart of a tortoise; lies in obdurate covering of its shell,

  The heart of an automobile; lies in its proficiency to adeptly brake,

  The heart of a postman; lies in philanthropic bundles of letter's awaiting to be delivered,

  The heart of a venomous mosquito; lies in frugal vials of sting circulating through its persona,

  The heart of a light bulb; lies in bare currents of electricity regulating its radiance,

  The heart of brackish mud; lies in its prowess to produce fertile crop,

  The heart of succulent grass; lies in profound coatings of chlorophyll imparted by sun,

  The heart of a four poster bed; lies in silken sponge which can instill celestial siesta,

  The heart of golden butter; lies in unprecedented calories secretly imprisoned,

  The heart of the inflated python; lies in its invincible power to strangulate innocent prey,

  The heart of shabbily attired clouds; lies in gallons of rain about to plummet down,

  The heart of scintillating stone; lies in its transparence under brilliant rays of light,

  The heart of the iron clad sailing ship; lies in its dogmatic vigor to wade through stormy waters,

  The heart of a tribal cow; lies in freshly extracted pails of virgin milk,

  The heart of eloquent speech; lies in the fleshy organ of tongue encompassed

  by mouth,

  The heart of ravishing food; lies in flatulence that inevitably develops a few seconds after consumption,

  The heart of a famished dog; lies in piquant slices of raw meat,

  The heart of a musician; lies solely in the mesmerizing cadence of voice,

  The heart of a fanatic lover; lies captivated by the person he adores,

  The heart of a tall edifice; lies in the stolidity of its deep dug foundation,

  The heart of the jungle; lies in the enigmatic river trespassing through its interiors,

  The heart of the nightingale; lies in enchanting tunes emanating from its beak,

  The heart of the mountain; lies in gigantic tunnels embedded with boisterous lava,

  The heart of unsolicited beauty; lies in supreme simplicity,

  The heart of the diabolical demon; lies in clusters of his menacing teeth,

  And the heart of all humans lies in; sources of opulence; the person whom they love;

  and the deity they ardently worship. 

  37. DANCE

  The foliage of  leaves embossed on the maple tree; danced to turbulent currents

  of air,

  The intricate hands of timepiece; danced coherently with the unwinding of


  The crisp sheets of bonded paper; danced frivolously to the scribbling with

  writing pen,

  The placid demeanor of river water; danced sumptuously to vociferous inputs from floating ships,

  The rusty grey persona of the innocuous donkey; danced in indignation when deliberately kissed by cigarette butt,

  The succulent fruits high up in the tree; danced in passionate zeal when struck with torrential draughts of rain,

  The obnoxiously slimy body of tadpole; danced nimbly in fresh ponds of

  monsoon water,

  A plethora of cold blooded criminals victimized common man; danced unrelentingly to fat pads of printed currency,

  Scores of fragrant roses on the sprawling landscapes; danced when visited upon

  by the humming bee,

  The abhorrent caricature of the wall lizard; danced tantalizingly when it witnessed helpless insects in close proximity,

  The translucent fountains of water; danced in enchantment when struck with a myriad of opalescent color,

  The network of cable wires dangling at unprecedented heights in the air; danced in

  submission when fed with sumptuous amounts of white electricity,

  The crystal shard of transparent glass; danced with exuberance when shown illusions

  of ravishing beauty,

  A group of youngsters at the ostentatious disco; danced with boisterous energy after

  consuming barrels of intoxicating liquor,

  The battalion of soldiers clad in neat uniform, danced in organized synchrony as patronizing rhymes diffused from the loud speaker,

  Infinite souls; danced in solitary confinement even years after the person was buried,

  The fleet of birds danced tenaciously; high up in the clouds; when granted impetus

  by vibrant pouches of  breeze,

  The prisoner held captive in jail; danced with spurts of anguish when whipped by a belt dipped in onion curry,

  The animate and inanimate existing; danced onerously in front of God; to get reprieve from tumultuous sorrow,

  And I danced sporadically to tunes emanating from my heart; with mesmerizing impressions of the girl I loved at close quarters from my face. 







  The palace looked enchanting like a festoon of blossoming flowers; blended profusely with shimmering lights,

  It however appeared blurred and incoherently hazy; when I attempted to see it through the corner of my eye.

  The celestial moon in the sky looked like an animate ocean of white pearls,

  The same appeared distorted; with slim outlines of ashen grey, when I inadvertently attempted to sight it through the corner of my eye.

  The compact sedans traversing city streets; looked like silver fish in the sea with

  silken grace,

  They however appeared like fading mirages; disapp
earing into a whirlwind of

  obnoxious dust, when I tried to visualize them through the corner of my eye.

  The waterfall cascading down the mountain slope; looked stupendous; with a mesmerizing sound emanating,

  It however appeared like a stingy trickle of liquid this time; when I endeavored sighting it through the corner of my eye.

  The statue on its pedestal in the city square looked tall and stringently domineering,

  The same appeared thoroughly minuscule; utterly inconspicuous when I sighted it through the corner of my eye.

  The hands of the grandfather clock; looked saliently clear and ticking with meticulous perfection,

  However I had onerous difficulty deciphering the time; when I tried to picture the same through the corner of my eye.

  The silhouette of ship floating on the ocean; looked like embossed with infinite

  number of ivory tusks,

  I however had to strain my mind to entangle; whether it was a ship or a boat, when I perspired seeing it through the corner of my eye.

  Her magnanimous persona; seemed to radiate waves of indispensable love; looked

  like an innocuous fairy having descended from the sky,

  And let me say this explicitly friends; that it appeared all the more profound; exquisitely glorious, this time when I tried to sight her through the corner of my eye. 







  A little bit of water to quench my thirst; pacifying smoldering flames in my throat,

  A little bit of cloth encapsulating my shriveled demeanor; offering me warmth,

  A little bit of shoe covering my chapped feet; facilitating me to execute handsome strides,

  A little bit of chocolate rum; to impregnate my body with warmth in shivering cold,

  A little bit of stone roof over my head; shielding me from the acerbic sun and pelting rain,

  A little bit of hair on my scalp; cushioning my bones from body blows of the iron bludgeon,

  A little bit of pungent chili in my mouth; tingling dormant zones of my palette,

  A little bit of car to roam about uninhibited; gliding enigmatically through winding

  lanes of the valley,

  A little bit of sunshine filtering through the window; stringently fumigating forlorn

  memories of the past,

  A little bit of steam bath at dawn; reinvigorating exhausted muscles of my body,

  A little bit of silver watch wound on my wrist; incessantly highlighting the exact time of the day,

  A little bit pencil lead in my hands; prompting me to inundate barren sheets of paper with literature,

  A little bit of tear in my crystal eyes; portraying a plethora of effusive emotions,

  A little bit of entangled rope; on which I could vigorously roll and swing,

  A little bit of sweat dribbling down my chest; revealing signs of exhilaration,

  A little bit of greenery besieging my vision; catapulting me into waves of ecstatic jubilation,

  A little bit of slimy reptile in my arms; cuddling me with its enchanting charm,

  A little bit of camera slung over my shoulder; capturing innumerable objects in proximity,

  A little bit of moonshine infiltrating through my skin; accentuating its radiance and

  supple complexion,

  A little bit of cream butter to smear on roasted bread; to savor the pinnacle of appetizing taste,

  A little bit of leather riveted to my hands; enabling me to punch my fists in air,

  A little bit of agility in my legs; helping me clamber the steep mountain,

  A little bit of tinted glass camouflaging my eye; obliterating my vision from acrid rays of the sun,

  A little bit of unscrupulous joke; provoking me to burst into unrestrained pools of laughter,

  A little bit of stuffed cotton quilt; for me to blissfully sleep in the treacherous night,

  A little bit of blessing from the creator; to assist me in versatile arenas of my life,

  And a little bit of love; from the girl I intensely loved,

  Is all that I needed to rekindle my soul; making me feel I was wholesomely alive. 



  When I was just born; witnessing the first rays of brilliant dawn,

  swinging innocuously in my rustic cradle; with intricate bells jingling over

  my forehead,

  they asked me whether I wanted honey or frosty milk.

  When I grew a little older; crawling onerously on my spongy pair of feet, 

  crying effusively; emitting volatile tears from my cheek,

  They asked me whether; I wanted a toy; embracing and hoisting me high in

  their arms.

  When I started going to school; voraciously pedaling my dilapidated bicycle,

  Chewing my crimson colored lips; which superbly blended with my babyish

  white tinge,

  They asked me insistently; about the marks I had secured in my arithmetic paper.

  When I scrupulously passed high school; passing with exorbitant marks in a

  plethora of subjects,

  The surreal days of childhood; now an evanescent memory of the past,

  They asked me the arenas I was going to specialize; trying to decode my aptitude towards life.

  When I transited to realms of youth; with impetuous blood circulating in slender veins,

  Bulging muscles protruding from the flimsy fabric of my knitted shirt,

  They asked me; the ways and indispensable means to perspire in the Sun and earn.

  When I procreated a battalion of progeny  of my own,

  Devoting infinite hours of the day; catering to their boisterous demands,

  They asked me; whether the children were mine or did I adopt them.

  When I acquired the form of an old man; with grizzly hair encompassing my scalp,

  An ocean of bones drooping in my body; with gaping holes clearly visible as I blatantly opened my mouth,

  They asked me; how much I had achieved in the tenure of my life,

  Trying to test reserve levels of my prevailing endurance.

  And eventually when I departed for my heavenly abode; succumbing to

  perils of old age,

  The amalgamate of supple flesh and bones in my body; reduced to sacrosanct ash,

  They mercilessly asked the cause of my death; the amount of affluence I had accumulated and now safely stored. 


  They polluted the atmosphere with obnoxious gas; toxic sprays of repulsive insecticide,

  Hunted for treasured species dense foliage of the jungle; ruthlessly chopping

  animate green that confronted their way,

  The cluster of immaculate trees; observed the proceedings in mute silence as

  silent spectators.

  They marauded the sapphire ocean with tankers full of deplorable crude oil,

  Disrupted the synchrony of ocean bed by traversing through monstrous submarines,

  Scores of fish; blissful coral; watched the tyranny unleash as silent spectators.

  They whipped innocuous people with thorny belts; making them cry and

  profusely bleed,

  Snatched indispensable morsels of food from the miserably afflicted,

  The siblings of the same; watched the strokes of rampant vandalism on their

  parents as silent spectators.

  They uprooted her nest from snuggled interiors and dark corners,

  Made a travesty of her eggs; banging the shell hard with the obdurate ground,

  The mother bird welled up tears in her eyes; and that was all she could; watching her

  dreams crumble to ashes as a silent spectator.

  They planted lethal explosives in its core,

  Bombing the undulating colossal structure; for mining gold coin,

of mud erupted along with the bare skin of wandering sheep,

  And the gargantuan mountain watched its destruction as a silent spectator.

  They spit saliva blended with red betel on his legs,

  Made lewd comments; supplemented with a volley of expletives as they passed him,

  The statue of the revered historian; stared helplessly at the miscreants as a silent spectator. 

  The lady took bizarre steps to assassinate it,

  Consumed the most poisonous of drugs to annihilate its possible trace,


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