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His Honor, Her Family

Page 23

by Tara Randel

  Nathan’s tanned face went pale. “By what? Turning on the guys I owe money to?”

  “Nathan, be reasonable,” Grace said, all signs of unease gone as she faced her brother. “You dug yourself in deep. Those guys followed you here. That means they’ll find you no matter where you go. You’ll always be on the run or forced to work with them. Neither one is a good option.”

  “Not if I don’t rat them out.”

  “It’s either pay up or work with the authorities,” Deke said calmly. “You don’t have the money, do you?”

  He shook his head.

  “This isn’t going away, Nathan. We have to get ahead of this,” Grace said, all attorney now.

  “I’m not a kid, Grace, so quit treating me like one.”

  “Really? You could have fooled me. Why couldn’t you just focus on the business? Contacted me if you needed money for Mama. Your schemes never work, Nathan.”

  “And you never make it easy to follow in your footsteps. Grace Harper, who never makes mistakes. Oh, wait, until you got our father arrested and our lives changed.” He glared at her. “You aren’t going to do the same thing to me.”

  At her wounded gasp, Nathan stomped out of the warehouse. Grace started after him, but Deke stopped her. She tried to pull from his grasp, then went slack. There was no point fighting.

  He tugged her close. Oh, how she’d love to sink into his strength right now. Let him fix this latest disaster.

  “Going after him will only make matters worse, Grace. He needs time to figure out how to handle this.”

  “And if he runs?”

  Deke didn’t speak immediately. That’s what she loved about him, how he thought a situation through. Acted on fact, not emotion. Kept a level head when everything was crumbling around them.

  Wait. She loved him? Her heart nearly unraveled with the truth.

  Before she could wrap her mind about this unexpected realization, Deke said, “I don’t think he will. Look, he wants to come up with new tours and ways to advance your business. He made a mistake and he has to learn from it, Grace. He’s not a boy any longer, he’s a man.”

  “Yet he’s blaming me.”

  “He’s lashing out. It’s easier than accepting the truth.”

  She gazed up at him, turmoil making her eyes burn with unshed tears from both her untimely realization of love and her brother’s foolish actions. “What now?”

  “Nathan knows he screwed up. But he also knows he has a family who loves him.”

  “I do,” she agreed, voice barely above a whisper. And I love you, too. But look what happened. By falling for Deke, she’d started letting go of her family, and disaster struck. To be fair, Nathan’s troubles started long before Deke came into her life, but was she wrong to want to focus on Deke and herself? It was becoming difficult to split her attention between her family’s needs and her longing for a serious relationship with Deke. It brought her back to square one.

  “I came to Golden at my brothers’ request,” Deke said in a hushed tone, “wanting to escape the consequences of my last case. I never imagined I’d find myself smack in the middle of the Harper clan’s messy business. But I’m here, Grace. And I can help. If you want me to.” He bent at the knees so their eyes were on the same level. “There’s no way I’m walking away. You’re over your head with this newest information. Let me keep an eye on your brother. The fact that he started opening up to me, knowing I’m a cop, is a big step, Grace.”

  “It is.”

  He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Then you should suggest he go to the authorities.”

  “And be the reason another member of my family goes to jail?” She trembled at the thought. “I can’t. I won’t.”

  “Do you think any other way is going to work?”

  If only she had never left Golden. Maybe she could have steered her brother from going down the wrong path. Or helped her sister make better decisions. She’d let her family down yet again.

  “If he somehow works with the police, you can’t promise he’ll be safe.”

  “No, but he has a chance. If not, you’ll be defending him when he goes to jail. Because he will get caught, Grace.”

  Grace couldn’t breathe. She thought she might hyperventilate on the spot. “I can’t think. I need to get back to the office.”

  Releasing his hold on her, he stepped away. She swayed toward him, then snapped back. After a moment’s hesitation, she turned on her heel until Deke called out, “Grace.”

  She stopped, closed her eyes for a brief moment and turned.

  “All your skills as a lawyer won’t help if those guys get to him first.”


  LATER THAT NIGHT, heavy knocking on the cabin door jerked Deke from his comfortable position on the couch. Engrossed in a fiction thriller, he hadn’t heard anyone approach. Worried it might be Grace, he strode to the door and yanked it open.


  Under the single porch light, the younger man shifted from foot to foot, running a hand through his already messy hair. “Sorry to bother you but I didn’t know where else to go.”

  Deke stepped back. “Come in.”

  Nathan stormed inside, pacing the living room.

  Closing the door, Deke braced himself. “What’s wrong?”

  “Those guys I was telling you about? The ones in town last week?” If possible, his face went even paler. “They’re back. Looking for me.”

  So it was worse than they’d thought.

  “Where are they right now?”

  “At the park, I think. I was closing up the office when I noticed a car idling on the street. I turned off the lights and watched from the dark. This big guy got out and I recognized him.” He stopped pacing to pull his phone from his jeans pocket. “Here. He sent me a text.”

  Taking the device, Deke read the short, but succinct note.

  Meet at park. Now. We know where your mother lives.

  A chill ran down Deke’s spine. “Did you call your mother? Or the police?”

  “I called Mama, but it went straight to her answering machine.” A look of terror came over Nathan’s face. “And I don’t want the local cops involved. I lit out of the office and came straight here.” He ran both hands through his hair. “You gotta help me.”

  Deke walked to the coffee table to retrieve his cell phone. Hit the speed dial for his brother.

  “Awfully late to be calling,” came Dylan’s groggy voice.

  “I have a situation.” Deke quickly explained the issue at hand.

  “I need names.”

  Deke shifted the phone away from his mouth. “Nathan, do you remember those guys’ names?”

  “One of them.” He rattled it off and Deke relayed the info to his brother.

  “Can you check into this? These thugs are serious and I’m afraid things are going to get dicey around here.”

  “I’m on it.”

  Dylan hung up.

  “Who’d you call?” Nathan stopped moving long enough to ask.

  “My brother. He works for the DEA. Hopefully he can get some answers.”

  “And until then?”

  “We do what we can.” Deke went to his bedroom to remove his firearm from its hiding place. Checked the chamber and rejoined Nathan. The younger man’s eyes went wide at the sight of the weapon.

  “You, ah, think you might need that?”

  Deke sent him a really? look.

  “Yeah. Those guys probably have guns, too.”

  “Where is your sister?”

  “At Mama’s. Faith came home sooner than expected. Grace was spending the night.”

  Deke froze. Grace was in danger? He grabbed his phone again, calling her. “Straight to voice mail.”

  “Grace and Mama were playing with John. Maybe they got involved in
a game or something.”

  A cold resolve filled Deke, momentarily eclipsing his alarm. He needed to keep a cool head, needed to get to Grace and the others. Now. “We have to be there before your friends.”

  “My friends?” Nathan sputtered.

  Deke yanked his arm. “Let’s go.”

  They ran to the Jeep and jumped in, gravel spraying as Deke took off. All he could think about was Grace. She had no clue she was in danger. None of the Harper women did. And just like a few months ago, when his best friend had unknowingly walked out of work into the sights of a murderer, he couldn’t help feeling he was living out his worst nightmare.

  “I’m sorry,” Nathan yelled over the engine. “I never thought.”

  “Let’s just keep a level head,” Deke advised, even though he was less than calm. If Grace got hurt... He couldn’t go there. She was safe. She had to be.

  Ten minutes later Deke screeched to a halt in front of Wanda Sue’s house. As soon as he cut the ignition, he jumped from the Jeep and ran to the door, Nathan on his heels. The door flew open before they reached the steps. Faith stood there, silhouetted in the bright light, the baby on her hip, tears on her cheeks.

  “They took Grace,” Faith cried.

  Deke’s heart seized. When he could breathe again, he asked, “Who?”

  “I don’t know. Two guys I’ve never seen before.”

  Deke made his way into the house. Wanda Sue sat in an armchair, tissue in hand as she wiped her face. “They wanted me,” she told Deke in a choppy voice, “but weren’t happy that I couldn’t walk fast enough because of my bruised ankle. Grace volunteered herself instead.”

  Of course she did. If putting her own safety in jeopardy meant protecting her family, she would jump in, eyes wide open. And give Deke a heart attack in the process.

  “I called the police,” Faith said, bouncing the whimpering baby.

  Deke nodded. He didn’t think he could talk, his throat so clogged with fear. When his phone rang, he snatched it up immediately.

  “Talk to me, Dylan.”

  “Your guy has been on our radar for some time. I notified the New Orleans Division and they’re getting right on it. Atlanta’s closer, so they’re sending some agents. Afraid I can only give you an ETA.”

  “That’s better than nothing.”

  “Look, don’t go rushing into this. Let the agents handle it.”

  “I can’t, Dylan. They have Grace.”

  His brother uttered a few choice words. “Then be careful.”

  “I will.”

  Deke rammed his emotions down deep into that dark place where they couldn’t affect him or his ability to save Grace. He had to get to her. “Did they say where they were taking her?”

  “Gold Dust Park.” Faith shot a nervous glance at Nathan. “They said they sent you a text and would meet you there.”

  Nathan’s voice trembled. “What do we do?”

  Deke went deadly serious. “We bring Grace home.”

  * * *

  IF GRACE’S HEART beat any harder, she could almost imagine it jumping through her chest. She’d never been this scared in her life.

  When the two thugs had shown up on Mama’s doorstep, shock and fear had coursed through her veins. She’d known Nathan was in trouble, but had hoped they’d have time to come up with a plan before the situation got ugly. Turned out these guys had other ideas.

  The taller of the two men shoved her toward a park shelter located far from the main road, draped in shadows. She lost her footing and nearly fell until she quickly righted herself.

  “What do you want with Nathan?” she asked for what seemed like the twentieth time.

  “I think it’s pretty clear. He owes us money and product. We’re here to collect.”

  The taller man pushed Grace down on a picnic bench. She wrapped her arms around her middle, hugging herself tightly, her legs shaking. “Do you honestly think he’s going to show up?”

  Taller bent down to get in her face. “You’d better hope he does.”

  She swallowed hard. His eyes were soulless.

  “What if I give you the money?” She’d already been thinking about ways to come up with the funds Nathan needed. At this point she just wanted to bail him out of trouble and deal with the consequences later.

  The other man laughed. “I doubt you got that kind of money, lady.”

  “How much?”

  “Twenty grand.”

  Her stomach sank. Okay, that tactic wasn’t going to work. What could she offer them to make them happy? She knew the answer was Nathan, but tried to come up with a different, less horrifying solution.

  A piercing ringtone tore through the night. The heavier man answered. He nodded his bald head a few times before ending the call.

  “Boss wants results.”

  Taller cracked his knuckles and sent Grace a menacing smile.

  Pressing her lids shut, she tried not to panic. Impossible. The only thing that kept her from falling apart was the knowledge that her mother and sister were safe. By now, Mama would have called the police. And hopefully Deke.

  Hot tears pinched her eyes at the thought of Deke getting involved. Because he would. She had no doubt. As a police officer, he understood the gravity of the situation. Knew anything could go wrong, just like it had with his best friend. Was he reliving that nightmare right now?

  Squeezing her hands into fists, she inhaled shaky breaths. Help would come, somehow, some way. She had to hold on to that assurance. Golden might be a small town, but people would rally in her defense. Wouldn’t they?

  Time ticked slowly by. The waiting was almost as excruciating as imagining what the final outcome would be.

  The two men kept to the shadows, moving restlessly, watching for her brother. Taking advantage of their distraction, she inched her way to the far end of the bench. Maybe she could make it into the woods. It was dark. If she could only—

  “Hey. Where do you think you’re going?”

  The taller man yanked her collar and jerked her back to the middle of the bench.

  “Don’t even think about going anywhere.”

  Okay, but she could shout as soon as she saw someone. Anyone who could get help. Except it was late and this was Golden, so the streets were deserted.

  Time stretched. Grace blinked away tears, needing to stay alert. Once the rescue started—please let there be a rescue—she’d make her escape.

  If anyone was coming.

  Holding back a sob that desperately wanted to escape her throat, she noticed movement. From the direction of the parking lot, a figure strode their way. Squinting, she saw it was Nathan and she barely held back a cry.

  Taller moved beside her, his frightening tone cold as ice when he said, “You’re a smart woman. Keep quiet.”

  Nathan stopped ten feet away. His gaze met hers. “You okay?”

  As she opened her mouth to answer, the man gave her a hard push. Her side jammed into the picnic table, the contact painful enough to send tears to her eyes. She got the message and clamped her lips shut.

  The bald man stepped forward. “You got what we asked for?”

  “Yeah. But not until you let my sister go.”

  A sneer formed on his lips. “Nice try. Not gonna happen.”

  The taller thug pressed a heavy hand on Grace’s shoulder, as if to keep her in place in case she tried to run.

  “Then follow me to my car. The stuff is there.”

  Grace could tell Nathan was trying to sound tough, but caught the slight tremor in his voice.

  “Think I was born yesterday?” the bald man asked.

  “No, really. It’s in my car trunk,” Nathan explained. Grace almost believed him. “You can get it and take off.”

  Bald guy turned to his partner. “Keep her here. I’ll get the goods, then we’ll leave
.” He sent her a look. “With you, honey.”

  Grace almost passed out.

  Nathan turned on his heel, leading the hulking man away.

  “It’s just you and me now,” Taller said, his words sending a shiver over her skin. When he pulled a pistol from his pocket, she lost her breath.

  Forcing herself not to panic, she decided to try to reason with him when a thud, then another, sounded from behind him. He whirled, gun drawn, to determine what had caused the noise. Grace thought she caught sight of a shadow in the nearby woods, but Taller turned back to her.

  Suddenly Deke appeared out of nowhere. He barreled into the tall man with enough force to throw him off balance. As Taller went down, his gun raised, a flash of white flame fired from the weapon.

  Grace reared back and cried out in pain.

  * * *

  “NO,” DEKE SHOUTED, launching himself toward the gun. He managed to pry it out of the struggling man’s hand before another shot fired. As they tussled, Deke tried to get a glimpse of Grace. Had she been hit? Was she hurt? Worse?

  Taking care of the bad guy took Deke longer than he’d hoped but after a well-aimed punch, he had the creep on his stomach, arms behind his back. Local law enforcement streamed from the tree line, guns drawn. Once Deke made sure the perp was in the hands of the locals, he raced to Grace, who lay slumped against the picnic table, her beautiful face pale in the moonlight. She squeezed her upper left arm with her right hand. Deke could see a dark trickle between her fingers.

  “Grace. Talk to me,” he said as he sank to his knees before her.

  “I’m fine,” came her answer, spoken around chattering teeth.

  “I don’t think so,” he countered. “You were hit.”

  “I...can’t tell if the bullet...”

  “We need paramedics,” he shouted to the police officers nearby. Someone immediately radioed for assistance.

  As Deke hunkered before her, Grace’s entire body began to shake.

  It took everything in him not to hug her close, but he couldn’t risk it until he knew the extent of her injury. “Help is on the way.” He cupped her face. “Can I look at the wound?”


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