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The Gate and Beyond

Page 18

by E J Gilmour

  779 BL – Muckrons attack several villages in Dravania. The Irilians hunt down the muckrons and pushed them north to the Endora Mountains.

  761 BL – A warrior named Wyn becomes general of the third Irvarian northern army.

  759 BL – Wyn leads his army through the Iron Gate Pass and into Ortaria. He battles against the armies of the Skathean Empire and holds the Golden Plains of Ortaria for several months before being pushed back to the Iron Gate Pass. Wyn’s Irvarian army hold the Iron Gate Pass and fortify the Edius Plateau.

  757 BL – Wyn again invaded Ortaria. He pushes across the Golden Plains and captures Riverside. Wyn quickly liberates all the lands west of Riverside and prepares to march further east. Slagen sends an army to reinforce his army at Ancora.

  756 BL – Wyn leads his army east and lays siege to Ancora, taking the city by the end of the year. Slagen escapes by sea and sails back to Orani on the Isles of Dawn. Meanwhile the Vastorian army cross the Iron Gate Pass and invade Scaldonia.

  755 BL – Wyn completely liberates Ortaria. The Fiorian Order assists the Irvarian army. Wyn builds a fleet of warships at the port of Ancora.

  754 BL – Wyn sails for Zyran and liberates the island.

  752 BL – Slagen plans to have Wyn assassinated. Slagen strongly fortifies the port cities of Silvor and Ateria.

  750 BL – The Vastorians completely liberate southern Scaldonia from the Skathean Empire. Wyn prepares to send an army through the Red Pass to Silvor.

  749 BL – Wyn leads his main army through the Red Pass. The battle is fierce. General Wyn is injured in the battle and the army retreats back to the Clarus River.

  747 BL – Wyn again attempts to take the Red Pass to Silvor, but his army is forced to retreat again.

  746 BL – A Shapeshifter infiltrates the ranks of the Irvarian army in Ortaria. Wyn is assassinated by the Shapeshifter. After Wyn’s death Slagen leads his army across the Red Pass and invades Ortaria. Slagen retakes the port city of Sevadir.

  745 BL – The Skathean army takes control of most of the lands south of Ancora.

  741 BL – Acelin, a close friend of Wyn, takes control of the Irvarian army in Ortaria. He prepares to face the Skathean army in the south of Ortaria. Many battles are fought around the region of the Clarus River.

  740 BL – Slagen sends his fleet to Ciran and retakes the island. Acelin prepares for full scale war. The Irvarian army invade the south of Ortaria and push the Skathean army back across the Red Pass. The Irvarians retake Sevadir. They also send a fleet to fight off the Skatheans in Zyran.

  739 BL – Acelin assails the Red Pass and invades Silvor. He successfully occupies all the land in the north around the Cerulean Lake. Acelin prepares his army to take the coastal ports. Acelin falls in love with a young Silvorian maiden from a village on the banks of the Cerulean Lake. He is distracted by his love and delays the invasion. This in turn gives Slagen time to muster his strength in Talis. Slagen leads his army from Talis to the Cerulean Lake and attacks the Irvarian held position. Slagen completely destroys the Irvarian army and takes Acelin away in chains to the dungeons in Talis. Slagen destroys all the Irvarian held positions in Silvor and retakes the Red Pass.

  738 BL – Slagen invades Ortaria. The reduced Irvarian forces retreat west. Slagen captures Ancora and Zyran. By the end of the year Slagen completely forces all the Irvarians out of Ortaria through the Iron Gate Pass.

  737 BL – Slagen sends his fleet to Scaldonia and contests the Vastorian armies in Orelin. The Vastorians force the Skathean army back to the coast. Scaldonia remains out of the grasp of the Skathean Empire. Slagen returns to the Isles of Dawn.

  715 BL – The Skathean Emperor Slagen dies. The empire is taken over by the Skathean Kerzar the Slough. Kerzar takes the Sword of Darkness.

  709 BL – Kerzar greatly taxes his empire. He lives in complete luxury in his palace overlooking the city of Orani. Kerzar has little interest in military affairs and focuses his full attention on worldly pleasures.

  705 BL – Bands of muckrons appear in the wilderness of southern Iarthar. They destroy many of the villages in the south and terrorise the people.

  703 BL – A group of young men from Iarthar form a new order of knights. The new order is called the Muckron Bane Knights.

  700 BL – The muckrons are forced back into the wilderness by the Muckron Bane Knights. Many young adventurers join the new order.

  695 BL – Very few muckrons are seen again in the Far Western Lands.

  694 BL – Kerzar the Slough heavily taxes his empire. He takes pleasure in watching slaves battle each other in arenas. The murderous sport becomes commonplace around this time.

  691 BL – The Irvarian army gathers strength and prepares for a renewed invasion of the Skathean Empire. Kerzar takes no notice of the Irvarian plans. He is preoccupied with his focus on pleasure.

  690 BL – The Irvarian army invade Ateria. They quickly crush all resistance. Within a month they completely liberate Ateria. Kerzar sends an army to meet the Irvarians. The Skathean Empire army is completely obliterated. Kerzar prepares for the Irvarians and gathers a fleet at Orani.

  689 BL – The Vastorians and Scaldonians invade Ortaria through the Iron Gate Pass. They capture all the land west of Lantern Hill. The Skathean armies in Ortaria are forced back to the coast.

  688 BL – Ancora is captured by the Vastorians and Scaldonians. The Irvarians prepare a fleet at Aruna in Ateria. Kerzar fortifies the ports of Silvor and the Ilses of Dawn. Zyran is taken by the Scaldonian army.

  687 BL – The Irvarians sail for Orani. Kerzar’s fleet sail to meet them and a great battle is fought at sea. Hundreds of ships on both sides are destroyed. The Irvarians retreat to an island south of Orani. The Vastorians and Scaldonians invade Silvor through the Red Pass; they capture Talis. The Skathean army falls back to Larien.

  686 BL – The Vastorians and Scaldonians, with the help of the local freed Silvorians and Ortarians, attack the Skathean army near Larien. Larien is taken, and the Skathean army is destroyed. The Irvarians rebuild their fleet and again set sail for Orani. The Irvarians attack the city. A great battle is fought on the beaches. Kerzar is slain in the battle. The Ilses of Dawn are liberated. The Skathean Empire is completely overthrown. The Sword of Darkness is taken by an unknown Skathean who escapes into the northern countries.

  685 BL – The Ortarian royal family retake the throne of Ortaria. They are the only royal family who survived the occupation of the Eastern Lands by the Skathean Empire. They retake the throne of Ortaria based on the right of being descended from the Ecorian Arbiters. In the years that follow new monarchies, that are not descendants of Ecorian Arbiters, appear in Scaldonia, Ateria, the Ilses of Dawn, and Silvor. The only Ecorian Arbiters royal families who remain at this time are the Irvarians, Vastorians, Ortarians, Dravanians, and Iartharians.

  675 BL – The Muckron Bane Knights are rewarded by the people for overthrowing the bands of muckrons that had terrorised the western kingdoms.

  669 BL – The Irilian Order increase their academy intake to six a year.

  665 BL – The Eastern Lands prosper after the fall of the Skathean Empire. Skatheans are not seen in the south again for many years.

  661 BL – Many Fiorian Knights return to Emeril and take rest.

  658 BL – The Far Western Lands prosper after the destruction of the muckron menace. The muckrons are thought to be extinct by people in the west.

  650 BL – King Baznod of Alber sends a massive fleet south to invade Coran. Coran is quickly conquered by the Alber army. The Alber army moves eastward toward the Tabarian River.

  649 BL – The Alber army battles the Tabarian Knights near the banks of the Tabarian River. The battle is fierce. The Tabarian Knights are forced to retreat north into the wilderness. Few Tabarians Knights survive. The Muckron Bane Knights hold a council in Ghrian. They prepare to meet the invading Alber army. The Alber army divides into two large armies. One army sails south to the coast of southern Iarthar whilst the other prepares to
invade Dravania.

  648 BL – The Muckron Bane Knights gather an army and march south to meet the Alber army in southern Iarthar. The Muckron Bane Knights are overwhelmed and forced back to Ghrian. Later in the year the Alber army captures Ghrian. The Muckron Bane Knights are scattered. The Irilian Order helps to prepare the people of Dravania. Queen Ida of Dravania prepares a massive army to contest the Alber invasion. A young woman named Anna becomes friends with Queen Ida. Anna is the Ecorian descendent and carries the Sword of Midlight (The fact that she was the Ecorian was only known by the Fiorian Order). Anna helps Queen Ida prepare the Dravanian army.

  647 BL – The two Alber armies join together and invade Dravania. Anna Ecorian leads the Dravanian army against the larger Alber army. The Alber army is forced back to Ghrian. Anna Ecorian leads the Dravanians against the retreating Alber forces. The Alber retreat to the sea and Ghrian is freed. The Alber army returns to Coran and fortifies the kingdom against a Dravanian invasion. King Baznod places his brother Duke Almhock on the throne of Coran. Anna Ecorian completely liberates Iarthar.

  640 BL – The Tabarian Knights revive their order.

  638 BL – Two hundred Tabarian Knights, with the support of five thousand Iartharian soldiers, and ten Irilian wizards, invade Coran and capture Duke Almhock. The Coranese monarchy is restored.

  631 BL – A group of twenty Skatheans travel south from Kaznor and enter Vastoria. They plan to rebuild the Skathean Empire. The gather a small army in the Sandy Lands of the south and convince several small tribes to follow their rule.

  630 BL – The Skathean army attacks Darancra, but they are repelled and retreat into the Deep Desert. Sir Grecob, a knight of the Vastorian throne, gathers together a group of brave young men to go after the Skatheans. Grecob travels through the Deep Desert and is ambushed by a dozen Skatheans. Half his men are killed. Grecob escapes with a dozen men into the north. They are pursued by the Skatheans until the reach the Empyrian Hills. Grecob and his men hide in the Empyrian Hills. They meet an old man named Huchon the Mystic. Huchon teaches Grecob a new method of swordsmanship using a single edged curved sword. Sir Grecob becomes a master of Huchon’s method and teaches his men. Huchon’s method is the original method taught to Grecob; Grecob’s method is a simplified version of Huchon’s method.

  628 BL – Grecob and his men travel south and search the desert for the Skatheans. A battle is fought between Grecob and his ten men and the ten Skatheans. Grecob and his men are victorious. Grecob returns to Darancra.

  625 BL – Grecob is made Lord of the Deep Desert. Grecob forms a new order of Vastorian Knights based in Darancra. He calls his new knights the Desert Knights.

  621 BL – Another group of Skatheans enter Vastoria with plans to avenge the Skatheans who were killed by Grecob and his men seven years earlier. The Skatheans assassinate most of the Desert Knights when they are off duty. Grecob attempts to hide the identity of his men by covering their faces so the Skatheans will not be able to recognise them when they are not bearing arms for the kingdom. From this time onward the Desert Knights always cover their faces with black cloth or a mask when they are in the role of knight.

  615 BL – The Order of Zyran reopens the ancient academy. The order begins to grow strong again.

  601 BL – Zyran begins to exert influence over the lands of the east. Scaldonia, Atera, and Silvor all fall under direct influence of Zyran; however, at this time the Zyranian intentions were not entirely evil.

  598 BL – Zyran places wizards as advisors to the kings and queens of Scaldonia, Silvor, the Isles of Dawn, Ateria, and Vastoria. The Zyranian Order grows strong.

  591 BL – A Fiorian Knight, Wyon the Gentle, visits Zyran to hold a council with the Gatekeeper of Zyran. The Zyranians fear the Fiorian Order and refuse to take counsel from the Fiorians. The Zyranians think of themselves as superior to all the other orders of wizards and knights in Veredor. Wyon leaves Zyran.

  585 BL – The power of Zyran extends further. A Zyranian wizard becomes an advisor to the Irvarian throne. They directly influence all the lands of the east. The Fiorian Order begins to grow concerned about the extent of Zyranian power.

  579 BL – A group of Zyranians cross the Great Mountains and seek to exert influence over the kingdoms in the Far West. Five Irilians come face to face with a dozen Zyranians in the court of King Conor of Iarthar. A feud begins between the two order as the Irilian see that the Zyranians seek power over all the monarchies of Veredor. King Conor accepts a Zyranian advisor.

  578 BL – A second group of Zyranians arrive in Dravania. They enter the court of King Niall of Dravania and seek to influence King Niall. King Niall accepts a Zyranian as an advisor. The Zyranians begin to seek out a way of ridding Veredor of the Irilian Order.

  576 BL – The Zyranians attempt to convince King Niall of Dravania to restrict the Irilian Order. King Niall passes a law that does not allow the Irilians to instruct any new apprentices. A group of twenty Irilian wizards face the ten Zyranians in Dravania. A battle is fought between the two orders. The Irilians are victorious. The Irilians then move to remove the Zyranians from Iarthar. The Zyranians resist at first and then flee into the east because they are outnumbered.

  571 BL – The Zyranians prepare to return to the Far Western Lands to avenge themselves against the Irilians. Forty Zyranians assail the Iril Fortress. The Irilian Order holds back the onslaught, but many Irilians are slain in the battle, and their order is much reduced. The Zyranians force returns to Zyran. Carrig, the leader of the Irilians, plans a counterattack.

  568 BL – Twenty Irilians secretly cross the Great Mountains. They enter Irvaria and remove the Zyranian counsellor to the King of Irvaria. They then do the same in Everdon. The Zyranians are outraged and declare war on the Irilian Order. One hundred Zyranians set out to fight to Irilians in Everdon. The Irilians cross the Vastorian Wastes and enter the Iron Gate Pass. The Zyranians arrive in Lucaria to find the Irilians are long gone. The twenty Irilians cross Ortaria and remove the Zyranians from Ortaria. They then sail to Zyran. The Irilians attack the unguarded Citadel of Zyran and ruin the academy of Zyran and damage the citadel significantly. The Zyranian Order returns to Zyran and are outraged by what they find.

  567 BL – The Zyranians chase the Irilians across Ortaria and catch them in the Iron Gate Pass. A battle is fought at the Edius Plateau. Carrig holds back the Zyranians using the Irilian Star. The Irilians escape into Vastoria. For the first time the Zyranians fear the Irilians because they do not understand how one Irilian wizard could be so powerful. Ten more Irilians cross the Great Mountains to help in the fight against Zyran. Thirty Irilians battle seventy Zyranians just east of the Sunset Hills. The Irilians are forced to retreat over the Great Mountains. By this time only twenty five Irilians remain in the Irilian Order.

  566 BL – The Zyranians gather one hundred wizards and prepare to completely destroy the Irilian Order. They cross the Great Mountains and attack the Iril Fortress in Dravania. Many Irilians die in the battle. The Tabarian Knights come to the aid of the last wizards of the Irilian Order and push the Zyranians back from the Iril Fortress. Many Tabarian Knights are killed in the battle. The Fiorian Order decides to intervene. The Gatekeeper of Emeril, Siobhan the Graced, holds talks with the Zyranians and the few remaining Irilians. An agreement is reached that prevents both orders from crossing the Great Mountains ever again. The Zyranians agree because they feel that they have all but destroyed the Irilian Order anyway. They also feel threatened by the Fiorian Order and do not want to battle the Fiorians. The Zyranians return to Zyran after the accord is signed.

  560 BL – The Zyranians reinstitute their regime of advising and controlling the kingdoms in the east.

  549 BL – The Zyranians attempt to influence the Fire Order in the Old Guardian Mountains. The Fire Order sends the Zyranians away from the Tower of Fire. Later in the year a group of twenty Zyranians attempt to assail the Tower of Fire. The Fire Order destroys the Zyranians and all twenty Zyranians die in the battle. The Zyranian
s decide not to interfere with the Fire Order again.

  541 BL – Three Northern Sorcerers, the Northern Triad, come south to Dravania and cause havoc in the kingdom. The few Irilians who remain do not have the power to stop the sorcerers. The Muckron Bane Knights gather a small company to challenge the three sorcerers. The company of Muckron Bane Knights is destroyed. King Lollan of Dravania attempts to negotiate and is taken prisoner by the three Northern Sorcerers.

  539 BL – A hero named Azer appears in Dravania. Azer is the Ecorian descendent. Azer seeks out the sorcerer’s stronghold in the Tabarian Mountains and singlehandedly defeats the three sorcerers with the Sword of Midlight. Azer rescues King Lollan. Azer returns King Lollan to his palace. Azer becomes known as a hero in Dravania.

  534 BL – After spending several years in Dravania, Azer crosses the Great Mountains into Irvaria. He becomes a friend of King Farman of Irvaria. Azer influences King Farman against the Zyranians (Azer was mentored by the Irilian Order and knew of all the suffering the Zyranians had caused the Irilians). King Farman banishes the Zyranian Order from Irvaria. The Zyranians are angered and discover that Azer was behind the motion.

  531 BL – Azer Ecorian confronts three Zyranians near Sabulo in Vastoria. Azer defeats the Zyranians. The Zyranians suspect that Azer is not an ordinary man as they know that no single man could defeat three powerful Zyranians without magic. Azer does not fear the Zyranians and makes his way to Ancora in Ortaria.

  530 BL – Azer convinces King Ennius of Ortaria to break his alliance with the Zyranians. The Order of Zyran forms the Zyranians Enforcers to deal with Azer. Azer confronts a group of Zyranian Enforcers on the banks of the Merus River. Azer is forced to retreat and flees the Zyranian Enforcers. The Zyranians chase Azer and attempt to cut him off at the Northern Pass; Azer escapes into Scaldonia. Azer finds the Scaldonian Oracle and discovers many secrets.


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