Crashing In On Love
Page 1
“Vacation Love Series”
In On
Taylor Love
Table of Contents
Title Page
Crashing In On Love (Vacation Love Series, #1)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Join Us For The Next Book
Join Us for the Final Book
About the Author
Other Books by Taylor Love
Stay in Touch!
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Crashing In On Love
Copyright © 2019 by Taylor Love
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
To the extent that the image or images on the cover of this book depict a person or persons, such person or persons are merely models. This book is for adult readership and may contain adult situations, language and sexual content.
Taylor Made Daydreams
P.O. Box 85458
Westland, MI 48185
Editor: L. Parker
I DEDICATE MY THIRD novel to my beloved departed sister Margrette, who actually was a lawyer. Her “I can do anything and so can you” attitude was a great example for me. Just the way she lived her daily life was an example for others to follow. Graceful, bold, confident, loving and caring for others at all times. She was never a pushover for anyone—family, friends or others. She didn’t care at what level a person was, she was not impressed and demanded respect from all. I believe while she may have scratched her head at my precarious choice to be a writer, she would have applauded my moxie for doing so. Then she would have been my BIGGEST supporter, using any means at her disposal to push me higher. I like to think a bit of her love for self and zeal for life rubbed off on me and my kick-butt female characters!
TAMARA LOUNGED ON THE beach reading a romance book called “Running Into You”. Reading anything besides briefs was a real luxury for her. To be fair she was also watching the preparations happening a hundred or so feet up the beach. Looking at the types of decorations being brought out, it was probably for a wedding. Her suspicions were confirmed when dressed up guests started to mosey down all excited and brimming with joy thirty minutes later.
Not a big surprise considering she was in sunny Jamaica on a four day vacation from the real world. Destination weddings were still all the rage. Even with the travel aspect they were often cheaper than most traditional ceremonies. Not that any of it mattered in the long run. Regardless of where you had it, or how much you spent, fifty percent of all marriages would end in divorce. Which sucked for people but rocked for her. More people to end up at her office door.
That’s right Tamara was a “damn lawyer”. Even worse she belonged to the worst subset; the blood-sucking divorce variety. Being called so many unflattering names usually by the spouse of her client, made her sometimes forget what her mama named her. It wasn’t her fault she was good at what she did. She fought hard for her clients, male or female. After all she wasn’t the one making her clients unhappy. In fact, it was her job to get them back to a happy state. Or at least to a place where they could move on with their lives.
Shaking her head Tamara turned back to her book. She was here to relax. Not to think about the cheating husbands and wives, and all the other unpleasant things that went along with her job. This was her last day and she was spending it on the beach, after exploring the island the last three days. She’d been to Dunn’s River Falls and had made it to the top without falling once! Gone shopping in all the major cities, Kingston, Negril, Ocho Rios and in Montego Bay, where she was staying. Even going on a rum tour as well. You couldn’t come to Jamaica and not have their famous rum and don’t forget that Blue Mountain coffee!
Yesterday she’d met some nice women who befriended her, before they all went to a nightclub together. Tamara had a ball dancing with people she didn’t have to worry about her reputation with. Didn’t have to be the stuffy and respectable lawyer everyone expected her to be. All-in-all, she truly enjoyed her solo trip. Though she missed her girls back home. Working together at the firm they’d started four years ago meant it was virtually impossible to have the girl trips of their younger days. Oh well, you gave a little to get a lot. The one thing that her profession had taught her, was change is inevitable.
Tamara was back to thinking about her job, which in turn made her glance back over at the wedding taking place. Sighing she gave up on reading and stood up. Packing her book in a small tote and shaking out her nice sundress, she made her way over to the white tent. There was a line roping off the side and around the back, but nothing to really stop her from going into the space. The fancy tent had decorative side windows and she saw all the people inside clearly enraptured in what was being said. She ducked under the rope slipping between the flaps. Luckily all the attention was on the couple gazing into each other's eyes. So she stood where she was, and quietly watched.
The wedding was certainly colorful and full of flowers. From the wedding party and guests to the couple tying the knot, color and life abounded. The bride looked beautiful, her big hair, curly and blowing in the breeze that penetrated the tent. Face beaming with love and joy as she looked up at the very handsome dark skinned brother who was looking down at her.
Even with the job Tamara had, she was still a sucker for weddings. Something about the pure joy of the moment kept a little kernel of hope alive inside her heart. She listened to the vows and would admit her eyes got a little watery. She laughed along with the crowd at the couples heartfelt, yet funny words. The bride went last and Tamara listened as she recited a list of the grooms faults then assets, all with the biggest smile on her face. Tamara thought this marriage might be one of the lucky ones to make it.
Here was a woman going into a marriage with no blinders on. No fairytale visions of what her mate was supposed to be. Instead she saw him clearly for who he was. Accepted his faults and praised his good points and loved him anyway
. Yeah, they might just make it. Strangely she really hoped they did. Their energy and vibe were infusing her with happiness. Guess her heart wasn’t completely hardened after all.
Hearing a sound to her left, she turned to see a man standing on the other side of the tent. He seemed relaxed, like he had been there for a while. How had she not noticed him? He was a fine man with a medium-brown complexion, dressed in a lightweight grey and white striped t-shirt with an open white shirt over it. He had on white linen pants and what looked to be leather sandals. Sporting a full beard, though it was cut low along his angled jawline. More importantly than all that, he was looking right at her.
A slow smile spreading across his face. His generous lips stretching wide, showing off ridiculously straight and white teeth. Tamara caught her breath then lost it again as he brought one finger up to his lips in the universal sign of “shhh, don’t say anything”. His gesture surprised a smile out of her and she responded by zipping and locking her lips, which only made the stranger across from her grin harder. They were snapped out of staring as claps and cries of congratulations filled the tent. Apparently they had both missed the end of the wedding. As she joined the crowd in clapping, fine guy to the side made his way over to her.
“It’s good to see I wasn’t the only wedding crasher.”
His voice was warm and playful and he stood at least five inches over her 5’6 frame.
“I plead the fifth on any allegations of being a wedding crasher.” Tamara responded in kind.
He gave an easy shrug, stepping closer as the noise in the tent continued to rise in jubilation.
“Well I’ve already told on myself so I can’t take it back.” He held out a hand. “I’m Ben Thompson, first time wedding crasher. You?”
She hesitated just a moment before taking his hand. Which was big, a little rough and almost swallowed hers completely.
“Tamara Reed...nice to meet you.”
Chapter One
THE AFTERMATH OF THE wedding was crazy. She and her “partner in crashing” didn’t go unnoticed but no one seemed to care. As the bride and wedding party took some pictures everyone else started in on the drinks. By six they were plating out dinner and she and Ben took a seat, enjoying some top notch food. Laughing and conversing with those around them and each other. By seven the real party started. The music was turned up and dancing ensued. The bride herself, chased by her bridesmaids, went running up the beach—telling random resort goers to come celebrate with her. Since it was Jamaica most did. Turning it into one big party.
Even with the addition of people Tamara found herself sticking close to Ben, or was he sticking close to her? Either way they partied the night away. Alcohol and the festive occasion making it easy for them both to interact with new people. Many of which assumed they were together. The first couple of times they explained they’d just met. Which helped her find out he was from Louisville, Kentucky and she shared that she lived in Cincinnati, Ohio. When it came up again, they let the assumption of their “coupleness” ride.
She also found out that his full name was Benjamin when he’d introduced himself to guests. Part of her liked his more formal sounding name even if it was a little old fashioned. However, Ben rolled off her tongue easily enough. Tamara hadn’t had this much fun since her undergraduate days, before she’d buckled down and focused on law school. It didn’t hurt that Benjamin “Ben” Townsend was good looking and could dance like no one’s business. If she didn’t know any better, Tamara would say he was from the island. He had so much rhythm in his hips!
He was funny and interesting so that was an extra benefit. Telling amusing stories when they were in groups, being easy going and quick to smile. Then again who wouldn’t with those perfect teeth? She really wanted to ask him who his dentist was. When that silly thought ran through her head she cut off the drinks. It was about an hour after that when she pulled him to the side, announcing she was about to turn in for the night.
“Awe, come on. It’s only going on eleven!” Ben said, his arm around her shoulders.
“I know but I’m not as young as I look.”
“Since you brought it old are you?”
Ben had wanted to ask all evening. With black women you never knew, they aged slowly like fine wine. While he knew she was grown enough, he really had enjoyed her company and wanted to know more about her.
“I’m none of your business old. Now you know better than to ask a lady's age.” Tamara gave him the side-eye while grinning.
“Can’t blame a man for trying. Whatever your age, you are fine.”
“I guess not and thank you. I’m just ready to turn in, it was a long day and all that partying was unexpected.”
She didn’t mention she had to fly out tomorrow at seven a.m., which meant she needed to leave around four-thirty. None of that was his business either.
“Fine, let me walk you back to your room.”
“Are you staying at this resort too?”
“Yeah.” Ben asked a little confused. “What did you think? That I not only crashed a wedding but a whole resort?”
“Don’t look at me like it’s impossible. I’m sure folks do it. Plus a lot of these places have sister resorts or sometimes even day passes for outside folks. Not to mention one small crime often leads to bigger ones.” She teased.
“Come on, a little trespassing isn’t like doing drugs. It’s not a gateway crime.”
They were slowly walking up the beach and towards the path that led back to the buildings.
Tamara shrugged. “I beg to differ. Trespassing leads to voyeurism. Voyeurism leads to breaking and entering, which leads to theft or kidnapping.”
“Yeah...okay. What do you do for a living again? Are you a cop?”
“I didn't say. And no I’m not a cop, I’m a lawyer.”
“Ahh, okay makes sense. Let me guess a criminal attorney.” Ben lightly twirled a lock of her long straight hair around his finger.
Smiling Tamara just shook her head. When she told men what she did for a living they immediately thought she was jaded. They were right of course, but she was enjoying their energy and didn’t want to ruin it. With that in mind she deflected his question with one of her own.
“Maybe you’re the cop? You ask a lot of questions.”
“Can't a guy be curious? You are a beautiful mysterious woman.”
“Laying it on thick don’t you think?”
They had made it to one of the many pathways that led through the buildings to reach the rooms.
“Nope.” He stopped them briefly so they could face each other. “Tell me counselor which part was a lie? That you’re mysterious or that you’re beautiful?”
Tamara actually found her cheeks heating, and was thankful for the darkness. It had been a long time since a man looked at her so intently and complimented her so sincerely.
“Well, since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess you’re right on both points.”
Ben didn’t respond. Figuring now was his chance, he leaned forward. Going for the kiss he’d wanted to take all night. Damned if a loud group of friends didn’t come around the corner just then. He saw her eyes widen to alertness and knew the moment was over.
Clearing his throat he nudged her into a walk again, trailing much more slowly behind the interrupting party. They walked past a pool area and into another hall when he realized they were at his door.
“This is actually my room right here.”
“Oh.” Tamara didn’t know what else to say. She was still reeling from that “almost” kiss. What had she been thinking? She didn’t know this man! Yet she had been more than ready to welcome his lips on hers.
“I can still walk you to your room or at least your building.” Ben interrupted her thoughts.
“That would be silly.” She’d never planned to let him get to her building, much less her room. “Why can’t it be that I ended up walking you to your door?” Tamara challenged.
Ben held up his hands in surren
der. “Hey that’s fine by me, I’m an enlightened man.” He smiled easily. “Thank you for a wonderful evening and making sure I got safely to my room.”
She couldn’t hold in a giggle but quickly got it together and played her role. “You are very welcome, it was a pleasure to spend time with you. I enjoyed myself. Take care.” She went to leave when his next comment stopped her.
“Hey, wait a minute. I feel cheated. Where’s my end of the night kiss?”
Tamara turned back, half amused and half annoyed he’d turned her own escape plan against her. The man did look good and sexy, standing by his door patiently waiting, his thick lips curved into a hopeful smile. She had wanted to see what he tasted like. It would be one tiny kiss to cap off her vacation. Deciding that it wouldn’t hurt anything she stepped back towards him.
Too late she remembered she’d never initiated a kiss before. Feeling a little odd and nervous she wondered if this was how men felt all the time? Shaking off the random thought she put her hands on his waist, watching his smile fade away and his eyes get serious. He wasn’t helping her out either, only tilting his head down slightly. Tamara had to get on her tiptoes to lightly brush her lips across his.
His lips were warm and soft so she did it a second, then a third time. To his credit he kept his hands to himself, his body compliant as she took her first taste. She could smell a hint of the alcohol they’d both consumed. Deciding to see if she would taste it too, she licked her tongue against his bottom lip and he obligingly opened for her.
She melted against him as her tongue explored his mouth, her hands tightening around his waist as she closed the distance between them. Tamara soon realized she was no longer controlling the kiss. He tilted her head with one hand, while the other was firmly gripping her waist, before it slid down to her behind. Hearing a soft moan that sounded far away, before realizing it was her own voice.
She had good reason to moan as his large hand massaged her ass. And before she really processed that—he broke the breath stealing kiss, to trail his mouth down her neck. Was he leaning her back to kiss along her chest? Why yes he was! Tamara felt dizzy with arousal, she hadn’t been touched by a man in a long time. She didn't remember it feeling like this either. Air hit her knees, making her aware he was inching up her dress. The thought to stop him never came. Instead, she was eagerly anticipating the feel of him touching her actual skin. Even so, when the pads of his finger swept over that ticklish spot behind her knees, they buckled like he’d pressed a release button.