Crashing In On Love

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Crashing In On Love Page 18

by Taylor Love

  “Heads up, I won’t have a lot of time after tonight. Wedding stuff, tomorrow through Saturday. But I’ll try to give you a short call-”

  “You don’t have to do that. I completely understand. Text me if you can and if not, I’ll live. Focus on your family and making sure Eric and Felicia have an excellent wedding.”

  “Thanks. I guess you are right. I’ll see you on Saturday anyway.”

  Uh oh. “Umm, I didn’t plan on attending the wedding.”


  “I’m sorry. I should have mentioned it sooner. I don’t feel comfortable going so soon after we’ve decided to work it out. I assumed you would feel the same way with all your family there, I guess, like you assumed I was going.”

  “I see. You know if you’re worried about folks being nosy about us, I can warn them off. Make sure no one bothers you.”

  “No, Ben. You shouldn’t have to do all that. It’s a special day for you and your family, bringing another member into the fold. I’m talking about more than just Felicia. A marriage binds the entire two families. I would just prefer not to attend with us just finding our way again. I’d rather not meet the rest of your family until...”

  “Until you’re sure of us.” Ben finished for her.

  “That’s not what I said. I don’t mind meeting your family. I just feel like going to the wedding together is rushing. Maybe moving a bit too quick, considering just six days ago we were barely speaking.”

  “You have a point with that.” Ben heavily sighed. “Look, at the end of the day it’s one wedding. You’re welcome to come if you change your mind. But I want you to know anywhere and anytime I spend with you is a special day.”

  “Ben...stop being so understanding and sweet.” Great, now she felt crappy.

  “Sorry, can’t do that. I do understand believe it or not. Stop worrying about it. I can hear your brain turning. I kind of envy you. You won’t have to get dressed up and be in the hot sun for hours. I’ll make sure to text you when I can, and I look forward to seeing you once this weekend is over.”

  TAMARA THOUGHT THE couple had gotten extremely lucky. The last day of August gave them a bright warm day that wasn’t suffocating. The weather report said there were supposed to be clear skies well into the evening. Which was good, since they planned the reception outside as well. The couple had picked the same park where they had trained Boa but a different location. This part had a decent amount of shade, not too far from where the ceremony would take place. It had been a good choice, as it had a number of views that would make excellent picture backdrops.

  She appreciated that the attire was summer dressy. It meant she wasn’t sweating that much as she sat in her car like a stalker. Waiting until the last moment to grab what she needed from the car, before walking forward with the last straggling guests. To be fair, she had only waited an extra fifteen minutes. They were basically starting on time as far as weddings were concerned.

  After depositing her gift in the reception tent, she slipped into the back row of the ceremony, ignoring the few looks she got from those closest to her. She was just thankful that most eyes were focused forward. Sitting three seats from the center aisle, Tamara settled in. Five minutes after she did the processional music started.

  While she was trying not to be noticed, she was able to still get a few good views of Ben. He looked so handsome, standing there in his suit! She even recognized Eric’s brother from pictures around Ben’s house. Everything looked lovely, the couple and the decorations. But unlike other weddings, she couldn’t concentrate on the couple joining their lives together. Her thoughts were only on her man. Tamara’s only chance of ever taking vows for herself.

  She had thought long and hard over the past few days drilling down on what her future plans were. Envisioning what her life would look like, in say two years. Each and every scenario included Ben. She asked herself what was she waiting for? A big sign in the sky to tell her it would be all right? Was she hoping for some guarantee that it would stay wonderful forever?

  Tamara knew better than to ask for the impossible. Knew that anything worth having involved risk, effort and if you were lucky you got your reward at the end. The future that she finally allowed herself to fantasize about over the last few days was 100% worth striving for. Now that she let herself dare to dream, she could see what Ben had seen for months, them together forever. Once that happened, her fear had finally been put to rest. They would never be her parents or his. They had something neither couple had from the start—love. Deciding that it was counterproductive to wait, she decided to go all in. Hopping in the car and driving down to the wedding.

  While the vows were just as moving as most ceremonies, she just couldn’t appreciate them like normal. Tamara was very nervous. When it was over, she stood up with everyone else as the processional walked down the middle row. Here was the moment of truth. Would he notice her? Had she made a mistake in coming? And who exactly was the woman hanging on his arm again? She tried to remember who he’d been paired with, but the name escaped her. What she did know, was she didn’t like how that “chick” was all snuggled up on Ben’s arm.

  He was the last groomsman so she had more time to study him before he reached her way in the back. Should she smile, wave, trip him? If she had been on the other side of the aisle, Tamara would have tripped that woman. Shaking off the thought, she was determined to get his attention without making a fool of herself. It turned out she didn’t have to do anything. This time around Boa saw her doggie daddy, and let out one sharp bark, tail wagging madly.

  Tamara gave her a sharp hand command to settle down. When she turned back around Ben was one step away, a hesitant but pleased smile on his face. She ended up returning the smile as the processional continued. She wanted to be antsy like Boa as she impatiently waited for her row to exit. People spread out as some watched the wedding party take photos, while others headed to the tent with the tables to sit and wait.

  Someone had a mic and made a few announcements, that drinks and appetizers were being served while the pictures were being taken. Also that the wait would be less than fifteen minutes. By all accounts the majority of the photos had been taken earlier in the day. Tamara stood around, talking to a few guests who were interested in Boa, while she and Ben watched each other from across the distance. He was going to look crossed-eyed in all these pictures, so thank goodness for the others.

  Once those wrapped up for everyone but the bride and groom, Ben immediately started making his way to her. She met him halfway. He started talking as soon as they within speaking distance.

  “Tamara, I want this to be us one day. Do you think you see that happening? Be honest.”

  “Not exactly.” She turned to look around, then looked back up into his eyes. “I think I want a small intimate wedding, with just a few close friends and family. But the rest can come to the reception.”

  “I would be 1000% fine with that!” Ben didn’t think his smile could get any bigger. “The only other person I care about being there is you. I mean that. I love you so damn much!”

  “I love you too! Please don’t ever doubt that.”

  “I won’t. But just to be clear Counselor, I’m asking you to marry me...someday.”

  “I know and I’m saying yes I will. In fact, I’d like to enter into a more formal contract about that if you don’t mind. Something to seal the deal.”

  “I’m listening.” Ben stated, relieved beyond belief, his hands itching to touch her.

  Biting her lip, Tamara dug in her purse and pulled out two O-rings.

  “I found these in a little baggie you left of extra parts. I know we’re a little old for promise rings, but until we get the real things, I figured these could stand in their place. If you hadn’t asked me, I was going to ask you. Benjamin, you make me laugh, and make me take silly risks like this.”

  She waved the rings around.

  “And I love that about you. You make me dare to be happy. You make me happy. I wan
t you to know I see us at the finish line. Think of it like when you’re building a house. Just because it’s in the process of being built and unfinished doesn’t mean it won’t ever be a house. It means the builders are taking their time, layering each brick correctly. Picking the best pieces of wood and laying thick slabs of concrete to build the strongest foundation and frame that they can. So that when that house is finished it will stand the test of time, be a house they can raise their kids and grandkids in. Do you understand what I’m saying? I love you. I want to finish building a fabulous, strong house with you.”

  “Damn Tamara, you picked a hell of a time to find your words.”

  Ben pinched the corner of his eyes—must be his allergies acting up.

  “It’s about time. I’ve been tongue tied it seems since the day I ran out that hotel room with one shoe.”

  Tamara didn’t even try to pretend, just wiping at her running eyes. Taking one of the rubber rings she took his hand, her own shaking. They had attracted a sizeable crowd by now. A group of people standing around openly listening.

  “Benjamin Earl Thompson, will you take this ring as a promise to finish building what you started with me.” Boa barked in protest, so Tamara added. “And Boa too?”

  “Damn straight I will.”

  Ben declared before she eased the ring unto his pinky finger. He took the matching ring from her, placing it on her finger before he spoke.

  “Beautiful Lady, you had me in the palm of your hand, the moment we shook on that beach. Even though you ran from me, I never had any intentions of letting you go. I like being in your presence, it brings me joy. You have become more important to me than money or work. I want to share all my hopes and dreams with you now and forever. And I’ll count my days blessed that a woman with your strength has decided to stay by my side.”

  Ben snatched her close, giving a short but passionate kiss to his woman. When he pulled back, he heard a few twitters around them, but he didn’t care he only had one focus.

  “For all my life I’ve been so determined to make my own way, to build my own legacy. Something tangible, yet grand. Something I could call my own. Remnants of my upbringing made me feel I might not be good enough for any woman. I measured my worth as a man by what I amassed. Then you came along, and it all seemed insignificant.

  The long nights, the endless hours of work, suddenly didn’t seem worth it. Made me realize I’d focused on building the wrong thing. Things and money don’t matter if you don’t have love in your life. I realized the best thing I could ever build was a life with you. I cannot wait to build that strong, lasting future together no matter how long it takes. Tamara Reed will you accept this ring as a promise to finish building what we started together.”

  “You bet I will. You are stuck with me and Boa forever.” Tamara let out a silly laugh. “There is no way I’m being a single dog parent.”

  He picked her up and twirled her around. Kissing her between both their laughter, and the dog running circles around them. When they settled down enough, they realized people were clapping and even the bride and groom had circled around them. Tamara saw Earl step forward with a genuine smile on his face.

  “Son, why don’t you introduce my future daughter-in-law.”

  “Everyone, this is Tamara Reed, attorney-at-law, two-time wedding crasher-”

  “Technically, I was invited.”

  “Most importantly, my fiancée and our dog, Boa.” Ben continued. “Tamara this is your future family.”

  Tamara gave them all a bashful yet elated grin, squeezing tight to Ben’s waist before letting out the breath she was holding to say, “Hi, I’m very glad to meet you all.”

  This was her new family and anywhere with Ben and Boa was her home.


  BEN WALKED WITH TAMARA and Boa through the open archway of the Grand Distinction lobby, the day before Christmas Eve. The island workers greeted them both warmly and they returned the favor. They had been open since December 1st, on track with his plan due in part to a business partner he had taken on eight months ago. With that influx of money, he was able to incentivize a push for completion, grease local palms where needed and easily deal with the last-minute complications that popped up.

  To date, things had gone pretty well. They had started with a handful of guests but each week brought more and more rooms being filled. They would be at capacity from Christmas through the first week of the New Year. Tamara had taken two weeks off to come support and so they could have a vacation. In fact, they were about to meet his new partner now. Ben had a feeling she would get a kick out of meeting this person.

  “You know I could have met him at dinner. You didn’t have to get me up just for this.” Tamara complained.

  “It’s noon.” He chastised, watching her cover a yawn.

  “I know, I could still be asleep. Remember, I’m on vacation.”

  “I have a feeling you’ll appreciate this meeting.”

  “Not this early in the day I won’t.”

  Tamara mumbled, while nudging Boa aside. The dog kept purposely pressing against her legs. Great, both the dog and Ben played too much.

  Just then a car rolled up and stopped at the entrance. Ben waved his hand and a couple of bellhops rushed over to the car. Once the doors were opened, out stepped a black couple both wearing shades. Tamara nudged Ben as they waited for the pair to walk over to them.

  “I thought you only had one partner.”

  “I do, that’s his wife. You should know that.”

  “How would I know that?” Tamara muttered, as the couple reached them.

  “My man! Good to see you again.” Ben declared before shaking his partner’s hand and giving him a man hug.

  “Same here.”

  “Again?” The woman by Ben’s partner side spoke up as she took off her sunglasses and turned to her husband. “What did you do, and will I like it?”

  “You better like it.” The dark-skinned man commanded, removing his own glasses.

  “It’s you two!” Tamara let out a gasp, covering her mouth. “From the wedding we umm attended!” Tamara grinned, shaking her head at Ben.

  “Surprise.” He grinned back.

  The light skinned woman with the gorgeous curly hair was squinting at them.

  “You two do look a little familiar.”

  “Mika, meet Benjamin Thompson and Tamara Reed. Remember they crashed the wedding last year, before you decided to invite the entire beach. They were sitting with your rich aunt during dinner.”

  “Robert, I was drunk on love and then champagne. I don’t remember much except you were mine at the end of the night and you were never getting rid of me.” Mika winked at Robert, before turning back to the couple.

  “But, I will take my husband’s word on it.” Launching herself at Tamara, Mika caught the other woman off guard with a big hug. “It’s so nice to see you again! Thanks for coming to our wedding!”

  “You’re welcome. It was a beautiful ceremony.”

  This was bizarre. Tamara looked at the two men for help. Ben was openly laughing at her and Robert was looking at his phone while his wife accosted her. Finally, Boa took pity on her, nudging herself between the two. Mika turned her energy towards the dog, who was happy to have someone paying her some attention.

  “Ben, what’s going on?” Tamara asked seriously.

  “Robert, you want to take this one?”

  “What? Sorry, I was checking the markets.”

  “Do you want to explain how we got to know one another?” Ben repeated.

  “Yeah, sure. Mika, leave their dog alone.” He walked over, pulling her up from where she was hunched down rubbing Boa’s belly.

  “I want a dog!” Mika turned her excited face towards him.

  Robert just rolled his eyes. “That’s a hard no.”

  “But I always wanted a pet! What about a cat?”

  “Listen, I have another surprise for you.” He offered instead.

  Mika smiled smugly at t
he other couple. “I'm getting a cat.”

  “Mika, focus. When I started planning to spend our first anniversary back on the island, I was doing some research and came across Ben’s resort. It was still in the process of being built. So I reached out, to make sure it would be finished and open by December.

  “I told you we should have gone on our actual anniversary date. But noooo, you didn’t want to disappoint either of our mothers. You had to be so family oriented.” Mika did air quotes around the last two words.

  “And our moms love me for it.” Robert gave a smug smile of his own.

  “You are such a mama’s boy. But don't tell your mama I said that.”

  Ben cleared his throat to get them back on track.

  “Anyway.” Robert continued. “When we got to talking, we figured out he had been at the wedding. Once Ben told me more about his vision for this place, it caught my interest. So, I decided to invest.”

  When his wife just blinked, Robert laughed at making her speechless for once.

  In awe Tamara said, “So that’s how you suddenly got a partner? What a crazy small world it is. Ben I know this was your baby, I didn’t think you’d want to share it with anyone.”

  “It was.” Ben looked down at her. “But you taught me to share my dreams. After talking with Robert and checking his background out, I decided he had the quick capital. Exactly what I needed to truly pull this opening off on time, and he was willing to be a silent partner about it. To let me continue the way I pictured it.”

  “Silent partner? Robert what exactly does that mean? How much did you invest?”

  Mika had been at a rare loss for words. Frankly, she was astounded that he would invest in something this big and risky. A new resort was just that—new. Not to mention on an island already saturated with tourist spots.

  “Roughly about five percent. Because I’m a silent partner it means I do little and reap the rewards. I have no desire to do anything with the day to day. I checked Ben out as well and he’s solid when it comes to property investment. I like what he wants this place to be, which is why it caught my attention in the first place. Think of it like we have our own timeshare in Jamaica.


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