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Sermon on the Mount

Page 42

by Scot McKnight

  of Jesus, 13–14, 130

  secular distinction, 129

  Eucharist, the, 181–82, 238

  evangelism, 24–25, 62

  Eve, 94–95

  evil, the term, 125–26

  evil one, the, 185–86

  exhortations, with promises, 243

  eye: of the body, 207–8

  for eye, 122

  faith: little, 218–19

  salvation by, 54, 265

  faithfulness, 64

  false prophet, 265–69

  tests for the, 270

  false religions, 131

  fasting, 154

  in the Bible, 201

  and grief, 197–98

  history of, 193

  instrumental theory of, 193–94, 199

  Jesus’ own, 200

  in response, 194–97, 201

  Father, God as, 71, 175, 191–92, 247–48

  fatherhood, evokes today, 192

  fear, disposition of, 218

  fellowship, 230

  flowers, 219

  food, 72–73

  foolish, the, 275

  forgiveness, 123, 180, 182–85, 194, 230

  fruit, 267–68, 270–71

  fulfillment, claim of, 67–69

  future, perspective on, 211

  gate, 258, 261, 263

  Gehenna, 78, 89

  Gentiles, the, 140

  concerned with, 145

  mission among, 57–59, 61–62

  prayers by, 170–73, 188

  not to preach to, 238–39

  Ghandi, 133

  gifts, 14, 271

  giving: in secret, 157

  in public, 160–61. See also, almsgiving

  gleaning, laws of, 155

  God: character of, 244

  engagement with, 151

  as Father, 71, 175, 191–92, 247

  is good, 246–48

  is holy, 236

  as judge, 152, 194

  name of, 114, 176

  is a One-and-Three God, 95

  sustained by, 216, 220, 223

  we are not, 227

  will of, 268

  Golden Rule, the, 38, 44, 80, 126, 199, 249–55

  variant on, 5

  gospel, the: is the completion of Israel’s Story, 24

  is the law, 7

  law and, 53

  and Paul, 71

  preaching of, 239–40

  promoting, 62

  grace: beyond retribution, 126

  extend, 233

  pervasiveness of, 262–63

  revealed by Jesus, 123

  theology of, 2

  understanding of, 7

  grief, sign of, 197–98

  Griesbach Hypothesis, 16

  habits, importance of, 5

  halakhot, 122, 139

  hallow, the word, 177

  happiness, deconstructed, 50–51

  Ha-Tepillah, 188

  head coverings, wearing, 88

  hearing, means obeying, 275–77

  heart, comes from the, 73

  hell, 78

  discussions about, 260

  history, of the impact, 1–3

  holiness, code, 249

  marked by, 90

  Holy Spirit, the, 14, 71, 82, 244

  homosexuality, 149

  honesty, 110–20

  Honi, the Circle Drawer, 243

  humanity, 5

  humility: marked by, 228, 230

  of the poor, 37–43

  hypocrites, 155–59, 164–66, 229, 266

  and fasting, 196, 198

  idolatry, 205

  idols, pervasive presence of, 131

  image, of God, 71

  incest, 100–102

  individuality, 5

  instrumental theory, of fasting, 193–94, 199

  interpretation, of Scripture, 76

  Isaiah, 30

  Israel: story of, 71

  and the Torah, 122

  Jesus Creed, the, 44, 52, 67, 74, 80, 139, 251

  Jesus: authority of, 26

  the ethical theory of, 7–8, 13–14

  followers of, 56, 210

  is the gate, 258, 261, 263

  interprets, 76

  as Jewish, 61

  and Moses, 22–24, 81, 85

  the poor man, 209

  is the prophet, 14

  the real Torah, 69

  teaches the Torah, 25

  understood the Torah, 38

  as the voice of God, 8

  Jews: mission among, 57, 61–62

  “gospel” to, 239

  Judaism, 63

  judge: God as, 152, 194

  the term, 228

  judgment, 69, 78

  of character, 267

  connected to, 64

  fear of God’s, 194

  final, 259

  on one another, 152, 159

  sitting in, 227–29, 234

  by works, 264

  judgmentalism, tendency toward, 231–34

  justice, 37–40, 121–22

  love-shaped, 125

  pursue, 43, 49, 51–52, 207

  required, 129

  justification, 9

  “just war theory,” 131

  killing, 131

  kingdom: coming of, 218

  to enter, 257–560

  ethic of, 11

  in the future, 211

  of heaven, 40

  language of, 10

  least in, 69

  pursuit of, 220–21

  and will of God, 178–80

  kinnuyim, 114

  Kittim, 140

  kosher laws, 72–73

  lamp, and the eye, 207–8

  law, the, 13

  Christian and, 53

  to its essence, 249–51

  fulfilled, 66, 67, 68, 72

  gospel is, 7

  of Moses, 8

  ramped up, 1. See also, Mosaic Law, Torah

  laws, in society, 121

  legalism, 249

  Lent, 201

  lex talionis, 122–25, 128, 130, 132–33

  liberalism, 249

  light: give off, 207–8

  metaphors of, 55–56, 64

  of the world, 58–59

  Lord’s Prayer, the, 152, 169–92

  an essential guide, 191

  recited, 175, 189–90

  setting of, 171–72

  love: all humans, 147

  centrality of, 141

  of enemy, 142–44

  fruit of, 271

  gloriousness of, 95

  of God and others, 38

  live to, 207

  and lust, 93

  marked by, 90, 228, 230

  nonresistant, 124–26

  of neighbor, 132, 145

  others as oneself, 252–55

  Torah through, 249

  is understood, 94

  lust: adultery begins with, 86–89

  confession of, 90

  love and, 93

  Magnificat, 43

  male and female, God made, 94–95

  mammon, 209, 212. See also, money, possessions, rich, wealth

  marriage: confusion about, 94–95

  destroyed, 109

  Jesus understands, 100

  redefine, 96

  is about “with-ness”, 97

  Martyrdom of Polycarp, 143

  martyrs, 128

  masters, two, 209

  Matthew, dating of, 16

  meek, the, 42

  merciful, blessed are, 44–45

  mercy, 105, 270–71

  toward others, 227, 230

  Messiah, 25, 63, 257

  Jesus, 73

  messianic ethic, 13

  messianic Jews, 73

  military, 130–31

  Mishnah, the, 31

  mission, 222–23

  how we understand, 60–61

  includes both, 61–62

  monastic tradition, 4

  money, 203, 209

  danger of, 212–13

God or, 210

  matters, 223. See also, affluence, mammon, possessions, rich, wealth

  morality: code for private, 2

  the sermon and, 3

  Mosaic Law: on divorce, 96–97

  lex talionis of, 129. See also, law, Torah

  Moses, 1, 3, 8, 81, 85

  to Christ, 133

  Jesus as a new, 22–24

  summons of, 256–57

  mountain, into the, 22

  mourn, those who, 40–43

  murder, 76–80, 82

  Nagasaki, story of, 261–62

  name: of God, 176

  profane the, 110

  narrative ethics, 9

  natural theology, 218

  Nazirite vows, 114, 216

  neighbor, love for, 139, 141–42, 145, 147–48

  nonresistance, vision of, 126

  oaths, 110–19

  obedience, 27, 275–77

  Old Testament, and war, 133

  original sin, 244

  Oxford Hypothesis, 16

  pacifism, 47, 130–32

  pagan piety, 170, 172

  pagans, Romans as, 219

  parable, of builders, 273–75

  Passover, the, 257

  pastor, the, 269

  Paul: and divorce, 107

  and the law, 54

  means by gospel, 71

  in the Sermon, 2

  peace, 38

  peacemakers, 46–48

  followers as, 130–31

  pearls, 239

  perfection, 90

  the word, 145–47

  perichoresis, 95, 143

  permissiveness, 97, 99, 107

  persecution, 49

  perspective, of the divine narration, 226

  Pharisees, the, 142

  false teaching of, 155–56

  leaven of, 266

  provoked by Jesus, 231

  surpass that of, 70

  poor, the: blessing, 43

  sensitive to, 224

  in spirit, 38–40

  what about, 221. See also, poverty

  porneia, 100–102

  possessions, 205–7, 209

  can create anxiety, 216

  danger of, 217

  hermeneutics of, 209–10

  the lure of, 210. See also, mammon, money, rich, wealth

  poverty, 39, 204. See also, poor

  prayer, 153, 155

  as aching and yearning, 191

  anchor of, 244

  discouragement in, 246–47

  by Gentiles, 170–73, 188

  makes a difference, 187–88

  memorized, 174

  persistence in, 241–42

  in public, 165–68

  recited, 162–63, 189

  will answer, 243. See also, Lord’s Prayer

  prayer life, 244–45

  preacher, the, 269

  priest, the, 266, 269

  priesthood, of all believers, 236

  prophets, 10–11, 13, 66–68, 140, 141, 266

  providence, 219

  public deeds, do not prohibit, 160

  punishment, commensurable, 122–23

  pure in heart, 45–46

  Q, source called, 36

  Qaddish, 173, 179

  Quakers, 131

  Qumran community, 40, 42

  reading: of the gospel, 27

  the Bible, 65–66, 71–72, 133

  reconciliation, 51, 183, 228

  exhortation to, 79–80, with other humans in, 82–84

  marriage and, 105–6

  redemption, our need of, 37

  relational disposition, 34

  remarriage: is adultery, 103–4

  and ecclesial discernment, 105

  justifiable, 107–9

  repentance, 109

  resources, for those teaching, 18

  retribution, requirement of, 123–24, 129

  revelation, 122

  revolution, in evaluation, 51–52

  reward, 144

  Father’s, 198

  heaven as, 184

  involves living, 154

  lack of emphasis on, 200

  language of, 157–58

  motivation by, 211–12

  possession of, 165–66, 197

  rich, the, 39, 40. See also, affluence, mammon, money, possessions, wealth

  righteousness, 105–6, 144, 151–54

  kind of, 70

  marked by, 90

  meaning of, 44

  to pursue, 43, 49, 51, 220–21

  a term describing, 276

  rock, 274–75

  Rome, subject to, 126

  sacraments, 14

  sacred, the, 236–40

  sacrifice, 155, 224

  sage, the, 266

  salt: of the earth, 57–58

  metaphors of, 55–56, 64

  salvation, by faith, 54, 265

  Samson, 43

  sanctification, 54, 70

  justification and, 9

  mutual, 230

  Satan, 186

  scribes, 266

  secular calling, 236

  secular life, no distinction between, 128

  Sermon on the Mount: context for, 19

  essence of, 250

  is the moral portrait, 1

  both instruction and indictment, 1

  preliminaries to reading, 14

  structure of, 17

  is not Torah on steroids, 277

  sexual immorality, 99–102

  sexuality, 88, 91–92

  sexual purity, 85

  sexual redemption, 90

  Shema, the, 139, 163, 173

  simplicity, 210–214

  social custom, radical distance from, 127

  Spirit. See, Holy Spirit

  spiritual disciplines, 4, 91, 195, 221

  spiritual gifts, 14, 271

  spousal abuse, 107–8

  St. Francis, 131

  state, cooperation with, 132

  Story: commitment to, 9, 10

  of the gospel, 24

  of Israel, 71

  of Jesus, 71–72

  student, posture of a, 26

  supersessionism, 24

  swearing falsely, 112–14, 119

  synagogues, 165

  teacher, the, 269

  Jesus as, 25

  temptation, and the Evil One, 185–86

  Ten Commandments, the, 8, 111, 163, 252

  Torah, the, 8: conformity to, 44, 153

  divine origin, 122

  ethic flows out of, 141

  to describe, 249–52

  following, 69

  God gave, 81

  is God’s revelation, 54

  Jesus himself is, 14

  Jesus quotes, 123

  Jesus taught, 25

  Jesus understood, 38

  mastered the, 70

  Moses taught, 22

  not to abolish, 68

  not a criticism of, 140

  obey, 257

  observance of, 30–31, 33

  revealed, 256

  on steroids, 277

  weight of, 139

  transformation, demanding, 89

  treasure, storing up, 203, 205–7

  trinitarian manner, 71

  Trinity, the, 143, 170

  perichoresis of, 95

  truth, tell the, 116. See also, honesty

  Twelve, the, 22

  universality, 5

  utilitarian ethics, 6

  violence, 48, 132–34

  curbing, 124

  virtue ethics, 4–5, 9, 132

  vow, 110–14

  Waldensians, 131

  war, the Old Testament and, 133

  wealth, 39

  Jesus benefited from, 212

  the lure of, 210

  and the church, 204. See also, affluence, mammon, money, possessions, rich

  wisdom, 11–13, 52

  Jesus is, 14

  strive for, 207

  wise, the, 274

  woe, statements, 37

p; Word, the, 14

  works, 144

  of compassion, 268

  judged by, 264–65

  and salvation, 54

  tell the truth, 269–70

  world, earth or, 57

  worry, the term, 218

  YHWH/Yahweh, 71, 176, 209

  Yom Kippur, fasting and, 194

  Zealots, 46, 131, 142

  Author Index

  Allison, Dale C., Jr., 18, 22, 23, 33, 39, 40, 46, 56, 68, 78, 87, 99, 102, 112, 118, 126, 129, 134, 141, 155–56, 172, 174, 181, 185–86, 190, 199, 205–8, 211, 219, 229, 237, 244, 251, 258, 267–68

  Amaru, B. H., 42

  Anderson, G. A., 49, 144, 154

  Aquinas, 3, 4, 218

  Aristotle, 3, 4, 11, 12, 14, 32, 218, 230

  Augustine, 3, 4, 15, 21, 37, 46, 48, 91, 131, 207, 238

  Banks, R., 195

  Barth, Karl, 1, 66

  Batey, R. A., 156, 197

  Bauckham, R., 26

  Bauman, C., 1

  Beasley-Murray, G. R., 40, 178

  Benedict, 4, 213

  Bentham, Jeremy, 6, 12

  Berghuis, Kent, 199

  Bethge, E., 47, 91

  Betz, H. D., 1, 15, 197, 208

  Billerbeck, P., 62

  Blackburn, Simon, 91, 93

  Blomberg, C., 209

  Bockmuehl, M., 97

  Bonaventure, 4, 12, 46

  Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 8, 18, 37, 47, 49, 50, 58, 60, 87, 90–91, 115–16, 124–25, 128, 134, 199, 228, 258

  Brown, H. O. J., 266

  Brown, Michael, 207

  Brown, R. E., 40, 186

  Brueggemann, W., 163

  Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, 201

  Buber, Martin, 11, 12, 151

  Bunyan, 46

  Calvin, 3, 18, 48, 53, 64, 66, 90, 129, 131, 145, 157, 174, 182, 186–88, 190, 193, 197, 205, 208, 231, 238, 271

  Campbell, Charles, 31

  Campbell, Constantine R., 274

  Carter, W., 1, 15, 19, 31

  Cheshire, Michael, 232

  Chrysologus, Hilary and Peter, 78

  Chrysostom, John, 3, 69, 87, 154, 200, 219

  Clark, Greg, 12, 56, 78, 97, 123, 155, 253

  Clement of Alexandria, 204

  Clouse, R. G., 48

  Cohn-Sherbok, Dan, 63

  Cornes, A., 100, 103

  Craigie, P., 129

  Crouch, J. E., 39

  Dante, 46

  Davies, W. D., 25, 56, 68, 78, 99, 102, 112, 126, 141, 155–56, 172, 174, 186, 206, 209, 211, 219, 237, 251, 258, 268

  Davis, J. R., 123

  Dean, O. C., 1

  Dewey, D., 19

  Dickson, J., 62

  Dodd, C. H., 66, 178

  Dorsett, Lyle, 245

  Dowsett, R. M., 21, 30

  Dunn, J. D. G., 40, 175

  Estep, W. R., 47

  Eusebius, 23–24

  Evans, G. R., 266

  Ferguson, E., 170

  Fitch, D., 92

  Fitzmyer, J., 100

  Foster, R., 66, 88, 90, 130, 150, 167, 193, 242, 271

  France, R. T., 15, 18, 22, 37, 39, 44, 45, 68, 78, 79, 125, 174, 177, 182, 183, 197, 207, 208, 222, 242, 244, 259, 260, 267

  Gale, Aaron M., 77, 146, 209

  Galor, K., 206

  Garland, David E., 18, 22, 37, 59, 65, 77, 86, 87, 97, 100, 141, 142, 156

  Gelius, 86

  Gert, Bernard, 12

  Gilbert, G., 140

  Gill, John, 190

  Glynn, P., 261

  Goldingay, J., 184


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