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Doctor Feelgood: (A Bad Boy Doctor Novel)

Page 23

by Weston Parker

  "I am." Steph poked at him, and he winked at her before pulling her into a side hug and turning his attention back to Aiden.

  "We're going to grab a burger. You want to unscrew the ball and chain that has you stuck here 24/7 and come with us?" Parks nodded at Aiden. "Come on, buddy. Everyone has to eat."

  "No, but thank you. Stop flashing people." Aiden turned his entrancing blue eyes on me. "Have fun, and don't let this guy bother you. Just keep pushing back and he might eventually get the hint."

  "Never. She's going to be mine. I'm calling dibs." Parks chuckled and glanced down at Stephanie as she let out a grumpy sound. "You can be too. I’ll just start collecting women."

  I grabbed Stephanie playfully and pulled her toward the door. "And on that note, we're going to dinner alone. You guys have fun."

  "What? I got an invite!" Parks laughed loudly as we walked away.

  "Elizabeth. You know I wanted him to come with us." Stephanie glanced up at me as we walked toward the parking lot. I'd taken the train into Manhattan, but I knew Steph well enough to know that she drove.

  "I know that, but I need some time with you. Just me and you. That okay?" I released her and nodded toward her car. "Give me the keys, and I'll drive."

  "Yeah, of course it's okay." She pulled her keys out and handed them to me. "I just keep thinking this guy is going to fucking notice me. It's so frustrating."

  "He will. I'm not interested in him, Steph. You know that." I took a deep breath and got in the car, almost grateful for the silly drama that Parks kept causing between me and my best friend. It was easier than focusing on my recent transaction to play whore to my mentor.

  What the hell was I thinking?

  "Let's go to the sandwich shop a few blocks over. Dartin's Deli. They have a new roast beef on rye that everyone is talking about." She buckled up and glanced at the clock. "I have an hour before I have to be back."

  "Aww... really? I was hoping you were off for the rest of the night." I pulled out of the parking lot and tried hard not to think about Aiden, but it was almost impossible.

  "No. Dr. Mendom isn't going to let me go that easily." She leaned back and glanced out the window. "I know I'm being stupid over Parks, but he's so fucking hot. It's either him or your hottie. Which can I have? You take one, and I'll take the other."

  I laughed. Steph hadn't changed since we were in junior high, calling dibs on various guys before the other. We'd always been attracted to the same type of guy, which proved to be a pain in the ass at first, but manageable later. Dibs was the peacekeeper, and I was good with it. Some part of me wondered why she never wanted to be with Seth. The two of them would have been good together as well.

  "I'm thinking you can have them both." I pulled into the sandwich shop and parked. "It's busy in there."

  "It's all good. It moves fast. Plus, I see a group of residents from the hospital. We'll just crash their party." She got out of the car and moved toward the door before I could remind her of my need to spend some time together - alone.

  I walked into the smell of fresh baked bread and the sound of laughter and conversations going on in every direction. "I'll get this."

  She glanced back at me and lifted her eyebrow. "How? You get a sugar daddy?"

  Her question hit a little too close to home, but I ignored it and pulled out my bank card. I needed to get Aiden my information and talk to him once more to see if he was really serious. There was still time for me to apologize, and even back out. The trouble was that no matter how disturbing the situation was, I didn't want to back out. I wanted to dive in deep. I just wished it were under different circumstances.

  What did he think of me, offering myself up like a piece of meat for him to chew on any time that he wanted to? He couldn't respect that, and yet, he hadn't hesitated a bit to agree. His loneliness and need for a bedmate must have been much worse than I imagined.

  How long had it been since he'd taken a woman to his bed? He mentioned taking strangers.

  My phone buzzed and I looked down to see an unknown number. The text let me know quickly who I was talking to.

  Bring your account information by my office tomorrow. This Wednesday I have an event. I want you there with me, as my resident. I appreciate your offer today. I think it's going to be fruitful for both of us. Just make sure you respect the severity of what it could do should the news of it get out.

  I nodded, and texted him back that Wednesday would work. I could talk to him in the morning. I needed some time to really think through what I'd done, and if I could honestly go through with it. I was beyond attracted to him, but we'd moved from dancing along the line of inappropriate to diving head first into depravity.

  The part of me that craved affection and carnality was thrilled. I'd have to rest heavily on that feeling alone if I wasn't going to chicken out.

  "You alright? Who are you texting?" Steph glanced back at me as we moved up in the line.

  "I'm good. No one. Wrong number." I dropped my phone into my purse and took a shaky breath. "Let's share. You know you can't eat a whole sandwich."

  "Yeah, and you can eat two." She smirked and moved up to the counter, leaving me to wonder why in the world Aiden Crawford would be attracted to me. There were so many other women in the hospital that would jump at the chance to share his bed. Why me?

  Because you offered.

  Chapter 12


  My head was still in the clouds by Wednesday, and I was grateful that Elizabeth had spent most of the day before in a training. We'd only gotten to see each other for a few minutes to talk about prepping for a closed observation surgery I had most of the morning. She would be working with a couple of other doctors on our floor while I was busy.

  Her relief told me that she was struggling with our arrangement as well. I wanted to comfort her, but I could do that later. She needed reassurance as well. She was an intellectual, and yet she craved physical touch just as much as the rest of us did. I could almost see the battle raging behind her pretty brown eyes while she nodded and took notes as I barked out instructions for the day.

  I made sure to soften my tone as we wrapped up the instructional part of our conversation. "So just shadow this morning, but don't let them intimidate you. Ask any questions that you need to ask. You want to not only show them that you're interested, but also get something out of your time with these guys."

  She smiled and nodded. "Got it. I'll see you this afternoon?"

  "Yes. Did you bring your clothes here for the event tonight?" I crossed my arms over my chest as we stood in the hall just outside of my office. I ignored the stares we got as a handful of residents passed by. I was her mentor. I had nothing to hide from that angle, and, in all actuality, we'd not overstepped any boundaries yet. I would talk to her, and if she wanted to back out, I wouldn't hold it against her.

  "I have them in the locker room, though it's going to be weird getting dressed in there." She glanced to her left and waved as a few people from the group called out her name.

  "We'll just go back to my place." I glanced down at my watch. "Let's see... we need to be there at six tonight to take our seats. Let's leave here around three-thirty and you can change at my place. You comfortable with that?"

  "Yes." Her voice lost a little bit of steam as she licked at her lips subtly.

  "Good. I'll see you back here around that time. If you need me, you've got my number." I winked at her and turned, making a trip to see H.R. before heading to my scheduled appointment.

  "Dr. Crawford." She walked toward me as I paused and looked back at her. "You're okay with me, right? I didn't lose your respect the other day?"

  I smiled and moved back toward her to reach out and squeeze her shoulder tightly. "No. Not at all. I don't think of this like you do, but if you're rethinking things and-"

  "No. I'm good. I just wanted to make sure that you didn't see me differently." She moved back, and I let my hand drop. "Three-thirty."

  "Yes, and Elizabeth, just think o
f this as a future investment. We're clearing the path today to make room for growth in your future." I turned and continued my trek down the hall as my mind buzzed through the various things I wanted to do to the beautiful girl who had captivated me. She had no clue just how taken I was with her, but I would make sure later that night to show her.

  I knocked on Julia's door, who was the head of our Human Resources Department. She was rail-thin and bossy as hell. No one liked her, and she almost seemed to prefer it remain that way.

  "Come in," she called out from inside the office, and I walked in and gave her a tight smile.

  "Julia." I sat down and leaned back before clasping my hands over my chest. "I need your help with something."

  "Doctor Crawford. Of course. What can I do for you?" Her fuzzy blond hair was pulled away from her face, making her appear more bird-like than usual.

  "My resident is going to be quite an asset to this hospital. She's at the top of her class, and was at NYU as well." I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth, pausing as she watched me closely.


  "And I want to know more about her. She's got some struggles, from what I can tell. We should help. A lot of doctors come out of their M.D. programs with hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt." I crossed my ankles and tilted my head. "Pull her file and give me a few details that might help me understand if she truly needs financial assistance. If she does, I'll talk to Peter about helping her."

  "Did Elizabeth ask for help?" Julie lifted her eyebrow as she started to bang away on her computer.

  "No. Never. She's far too proud for that." I leaned forward as she turned the screen toward me.

  "You know that this is highly confidential. I'm only showing you because the girl basically belongs to you through this process. Don't tell anyone that I helped. I don't want a line of do-gooders like yourself piled up outside of my office."

  "I understand." I hovered over her desk and ran through the address for Elizabeth’s mother, realizing how deep in the bad part of town not only her mom was, but she and Stephanie were too. That had to change. I was willing to help with her bills or anything else she needed, but my first move would be to talk her into moving into another apartment. It was ballsy and perhaps a little controlling, but I didn't care. She was mine to take care of, and whether or not there was the promise of being intimate together, I was going to make sure she was okay, as was her mother.

  "No father. He died when she was-" Julia started, but I cut her off.

  "That's okay. I don't want her history. Just wanted to better understand the level of poverty the girl was dealing with." I stood and walked to the door. "I'll talk with Peter soon, but don't mention this. It was just a necessary precaution to ensure that her story was valid."

  "I understand. She's lucky to have you." Julia shrugged and went back to typing on her keyboard. "Good day."

  I walked out and headed down the hall, having a whole new level of respect for the pretty girl who would be my date for the evening. Parks was going to be at the event, which didn't sit right with me, but there was little I could do about it. I was nothing more than her mentor, which wasn't changing too drastically. If she had feelings for the younger doctor, then I would release her from our agreement. I just prayed like hell that wasn't the case, though I knew he was crazy about her.

  "I understand all too well." I walked into the O.R. and let all my thoughts go. I could deal with my feelings and the related drama later that night. There was nothing I could about it right then.


  I walked up to my office after a long day, and quite a few twists and turns in the surgery that morning that I hadn't expected. After almost losing the lady we were working on several times, I was edgy and a little pissy to boot.

  "You ready?" I glanced down at Elizabeth's clothes as I moved into my office and grabbed my keys from the drawer in my desk. "That's pretty."

  "This?" She lifted the black dress. "I don't know. It's a little too much in my opinion, but Stephanie wouldn't let me out of the house without something that would show me off."

  I chuckled. "Did you tell her about us?"

  "Us? What about us?" She gave me a cheeky grin as we turned and walked toward the exit door.

  "Funny." I wasn't playing her games, though, funnily enough, they brought me out of the angst I was sitting in only moments before. "I assume the answer to my question is no."

  "You'd be correct." She moved out into the parking lot and waited for me to take the lead. "Tell me again what this event is all about. Is anyone else from the hospital going?"

  I unlocked the Mercedes and moved to open her door. My eyes moved down the length of her body, and I couldn't fathom someone looking so damn good in a pair of scrubs, but she did. Her body was a little curvier than any of the other woman who I'd spent the night with, but I was thrilled. I was tired of holding onto a boney body. Her curves tantalized me and left me thinking about how nice it would feel to press her tightly against the bed, or the shower... the wall.

  "Aiden?" She turned to me as I got into the driver's side.

  "Hmmm?" I started the car and smiled at her.

  "I asked you a question. Are you okay?" She pulled on her seatbelt and leaned back.

  "Yeah, I'm great. The surgery was tough, and didn't go as planned, but they never do." I pulled out of the parking lot, expecting her to say something, but she remained quiet. I glanced back over at her to find her watching me with a sexy look on her pretty face. Her eyebrow was lifted like I was in trouble, and I almost enjoyed the idea of her punishing me. "What?"

  "I asked you what the event was about tonight and if anyone else was going to be there with us." She pushed at my shoulder as a smile lifted her lips. "Where are you right now?"

  "You don't wanna know." I chuckled and turned on the radio. "It's an awards ceremony that we have every year… just a collective group of all the hospitals in the state getting together. I'm being awarded Surgeon of the Year in Neurology."

  "Wow. That's impressive." Her voice was soft, as if she wasn't there with me either, but lost somewhere inside her head.

  "Thanks. I've gotten it a few times, but Peter loves showing off the hospital, especially the neurology ward. He's a brain doctor as well." I pulled onto the freeway and leaned back, wanting to watch her from the corner of my eye. "And... Peter and Parks will be there tonight. I'm not sure of anyone else."

  "Parks? Oh, great." She ran her fingers through her hair, and growled softly as I chuckled.

  "He's just a young guy with great taste. Don't hurt him too badly." I reached over and took her hand, pulling it into my lap and resting it on my thigh as I intertwined my fingers with hers. "I know you're struggling with all of this, and I get it. I am too, but I want it. I want you."

  She squeezed my hand and nodded as I glanced over at her. "I’m okay. I'm just scared I guess. It's weird, different."

  "Yeah, but we'll figure it out together. I have a ton to teach you and you're going to love us spending time together." I tried to reassure her by bringing the hospital aspect of our new relationship back into the mix.

  "In the bedroom?" Her cheeks grew pink, and I laughed.

  "No. In the operating room." I lifted her hand to my mouth and kissed her knuckles. "I'm not sure you don't have a thing or two to teach me in the bedroom. I've spent far too much time at the hospital to say I'm well versed in women. I know what I like, but I'm hoping to learn what you like too."

  It was too natural to open up to her. I didn't feel a bit of regret or concern as I let my thoughts pour from my lips. I wanted her, and I had since I'd seen her picture the day before she showed up. The night would be fun, and we could laugh and have a good time with Peter and Parks, but then I was taking her back to my place.

  There, our titles could be stripped away, and we could just be two people who needed the warmth of the other. She might not need me as badly as I needed her, but I was going to work to get her addicted, and fast. The darkest parts of me wanted to see her
struggle to hide the intensity of her lust for me when we were at work and in front of her peers.

  It was uncouth and so far from right, but it made me feel alive. She would crave my touch before it was all said and done - agreement or not.

  Chapter 13


  The time at his house had been fast and furious, thanks to a bit of traffic we ran into just outside of the city. I changed as quickly as possible, and was ushered out the door before I could make sure my makeup looked right, or I had my hair fixed good enough. We rode to the event, with Aiden on the phone. He'd taken the call because the number was unknown, and twenty minutes later he was still trying to get off the phone with one of his new patients.

  I turned and studied him, but he was too deep in his conversation to notice me. His black jacket and matching pants fit him as if tailor-made. The white button-down shirt that sat crisply beneath his jacket brought out the darkness of his tan, and left my heart beating a little faster in my chest.

  We weren't a couple, but we were starting to intertwine various parts of our lives, and I wanted to keep taking steps forward. It was scary and exhilarating. I knew that no matter how much he asked of me, I would most likely give it. I planned on digging a little that night, as time allowed.

  I knew that he was a brilliant surgeon, and an all-around good guy, but what else was he? How was his childhood? How did his parents die? He wouldn't appreciate my need to know, but I would manipulate the situation to gain access to the information without too much pressure.

  Reaching over, I ran my hand from the middle of his thigh up to where his leg met his hip. He stiffened as his breath caught, and he glanced over at me.

  I gave him a smile and shrugged. "Don't mind me."

  It was a side of myself that only existed in my mind. Never before had I wanted to drag it out and flaunt it, but I did now. We'd made the agreement, and he was all in from what I could tell. My bank account had an extra five thousand dollars in it when I'd woken up that morning, and to say that I was shocked would be an understatement.


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