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Doctor Feelgood: (A Bad Boy Doctor Novel)

Page 31

by Weston Parker

  She looked up, meeting his gaze, and was shocked by the heat she found there. Was that lust? For her?

  Dani looked away. Her emotions were coming too hard and fast to cope with. For a moment her reasonable side marveled at how easily this man pushed her over the edge. She was usually better able to control her temper.

  She huffed once, then turned to stalk back towards the woods. If he wouldn't leave her campsite, then she would. At once his strong grasp latched onto her arm and swung her back.

  "Let go of me!" She struggled against his iron grip.

  "Just calm down." His voice was a deep rumble in his wide chest. "You sure do explode easily."

  Dani couldn't stand it when someone told her to 'calm down' or 'relax' when she was keyed up like this. "I'll show you explosions!" She kicked him in the shin, hard.

  "Ow, you little..." He groaned but didn't release her. In fact, he pulled her closer, putting his arms around hers, effectively pinning them to her sides. She kicked out with her legs as he lifted her from the ground to rush her backward, pushing her up against the trunk of a large tree. His body molded itself to hers, holding her in place. He released one arm to grab her chin and force her head up so that her eyes met his.

  "I said let me go," Dani muttered, her voice low. She ceased struggling as she realized she didn't want to get away. She groaned inwardly, upset that she would surrender to this Paleolithic park ranger.

  Hadn't she always been a strong woman, one who didn't want a caveman for a lover? She was here to do fieldwork, to further her research and make good on the prestigious grant she'd received. But one look into those fierce blue eyes and her resolutions flew away.

  "Relax." His voice was low, husky. "I'm here to help you, so why don't you trust me for a minute?" The intensity in his eyes calmed her, while at the same time it made her core throb with desire. Why did he turn her on so much when he was such a remorseless jerk?

  Caleb held her chin in one hand, and with his other hand, he trailed a finger up her arm. "If you're done throwing a fit, I can get busy looking for that trail."

  "I wasn't throwing a fit." Her voice was more sullen than she would have liked. Dammit, why did his arrogance make her want him more? She hadn't been able to take her eyes off his mouth as he'd spoken, and right now his lips were pulled up in a half-smile.

  His face was only inches away, his voice was so low it was nearly a whisper, and without realizing it, Dani moved in closer. "I don't think you want me to let you go, do you?"

  "Of course I do," she mumbled, tearing her chin out of his grip. Her breathing was heavy, her chest pressing into his with every inhalation. Her nipples tightened at the sensation of so much hardness rubbing against her.

  "Liar." His smile said he'd felt her desire.

  Dani's thoughts were in a whirlwind, her attraction to this man overwhelming her good sense. She'd never been so aroused, especially in such a serious situation. She didn't really date, didn't have time for guys, not in her mad race towards tenure and the career she'd wanted since she was eight years old. Not to say that she was a virgin, but she certainly wouldn't call herself experienced.

  The guys she normally went for were safe. Predictable. Not like the ranger. She knew, though, without a doubt, that Caleb could give her an evening she wouldn't soon forget.

  Their gazes locked and the moment seemed to expand into eternity. She heard him exhale raggedly, and a jolt of desire shot through her at the sound. He wanted her as badly as she wanted him. There was no aphrodisiac as strong as being desired, and in that split second Dani decided not to resist. She leaned in the remaining inches and brazenly pressed her lips against his.

  The moment her lips touched his, she realized she was entirely out of her depth. Caleb took control of the kiss with brutal precision. His mouth was soft and skilled as he teased her lips, sucking them in individually, nipping gently on the lower one.

  She opened her mouth to him, and he groaned, his tongue delving deep and gliding against her own, causing her to push herself against him, rubbing her body against his.

  The kiss accelerated, her arms sliding around his neck and her fingers burying themselves in his hair. His big hands cupped her face, holding her still for his explorations. Their embrace had the intensity of a sudden summer thunderstorm, powerful and surprising.

  He held her tighter and pressed her against the tree until she could feel the bark scratching through her clothing. She didn't care and pulled him in closer. She wanted the kiss to go on forever, and when he broke contact a few moments later, she let out a whimper.

  He pulled away from her with a shuddering breath. Her arms slid down from around his neck, and she splayed her hands against his chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat. Dani smiled up at him, but his eyes became cold. Her smile slipped as he pierced her with his gaze.

  "I don't do relationships. Ever." His tone was stern, severe even. "I need you to understand that before we go any further."

  "Relationships?" Dani's head was still in the clouds from that kiss, and she wasn't quite sure where his statement had come from. But being a professor meant always being on her toes, expecting the unexpected, from her data, from her students. Without thinking, she improvised. "I don't have time for a relationship. I'm busy with my work."

  "That's all I needed to know, darlin'." Before she could blink, he was crushing her lips beneath his again. She moaned, and his hands were on her, cupping her face as he held her still for his onslaught, then moving down her body, over her arms, across her hips, and sliding around to her ass.

  Without warning he picked her up, lifting her bottom to settle her against him. "Wrap your legs around my waist," he ordered, and she obeyed without question. She could feel his hardness as he pressed it against her center and let out a gasp.

  "That's right, feel how much I want you." His lips moved from hers to pepper kisses across her cheek until he reached her ear. She could feel his hot breath, then shivered as he sucked her earlobe into his mouth.

  "You're sensitive there. Let's see where else you're sensitive." He licked his way down her throat, sucking at the place where her neck joined her shoulder. She inhaled sharply, and he chuckled. "There too, huh? I bet I can find some other places, but let's move this party inside."

  Without letting her go, Caleb walked them towards her tent. He bent down to climb inside, then zipped the flap up with one hand, the other still firmly grasping her bottom. Walking into her "bedroom," he stopped before her air mattress. Pulling on her ponytail to position her head properly he once again claimed her lips.

  He broke away when both of them were panting, then moved to lay her down on the bed. Before he joined her, Caleb stood back and began to slowly pull off his t-shirt. Dani watched, lust in her eyes, wondering if he knew the effect he was having on her.

  His smile said he did, as pulled the shirt over his head, exposing his tanned, muscled flesh. His pants followed until he was left only in a pair of navy blue boxer briefs which seemed to strain at the front.

  He knelt on the bed and reached for the bottom of her shirt. He took his time tugging it upwards until he exposed the pale pink bra beneath it. She rose and allowed him to pull the shirt off then unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them off herself. Lying beneath him, exposed to his hungry gaze, the anticipation of what was about to come caused goose pimples to materialize over her heated skin.

  His eyes devoured her, and she felt so desired, so sexy, that she couldn't wait a second longer. She grabbed his arms, attempting to pull him down on top of her.

  "Wait, darlin'," he laughed, her eagerness amusing him. "I want you to be sure. We have tonight, a night in which I'll make you come harder than you ever have before. But just for tonight, nothing further. Are you sure?"

  Dani's forehead wrinkled as she took a second to consider his words. Was she sure? Hell no, she wasn't. She'd never done this, never succumbed to seduction. Her lovers before had usually been nice guys, polite men who were gentle but unskilled, and easily dismissed
in favor of her work.

  Caleb was none of those things, but in the heat of the moment, she didn't care. She wanted this, wanted the pleasure she knew he could give her, wanted the release her body was screaming for.

  "I'm sure."

  "Good." His voice was like warm molasses as he put his lips on her. His mouth commanded hers, forcing her to open underneath him and surrender to his questing tongue. Soon she was writhing under him, shamelessly pressing herself against his erection.

  He abandoned her mouth and moved lower, taking a moment to unhook her bra and slide it off her body. "Magnificent," he murmured before assaulting her breasts with his hot mouth. He captured a nipple and sucked, the sensation almost making her scream. Her nipples were so sensitive, and his mouth was so skilled, she began to shake.

  She could feel her insides start to tingle, and she pressed his head into her chest. Caleb moved from one breast to the other, taking her nipple into her mouth while thumbing the one he had just abandoned. His warm hand squeezed her breast almost painfully, while he ran his teeth over her nipple, nearly driving her over the edge.

  "Please!" She pressed herself against him, and he laughed, his hand moving down to rub over her panties.

  "Is this what you want?" he asked, moving a single finger up and down, up and down, stroking her seam through the pink material which was rapidly becoming wet.

  "Yes!" She moaned, almost driven to madness.

  Without hesitation, Caleb tugged forcefully on the panties, and they ripped away from her, revealing her to his gaze and his skilled hands.

  "Oh darlin', look how pretty you are."

  She bucked up against him, his words firing her lust to a fever pitch.

  "Please, Caleb." She'd beg if she had to, anything to make him touch her again.

  "So impatient." He resumed his stroking, sliding one finger up and down her slit, causing her to thrash her head back and forth.

  She needed relief, and she needed it now. "Stop playing with me," she growled, running her fingernails up his rugged back.

  "The kitten has claws," he joked. "Don't worry baby; I'm gonna give you what you want."

  He moved away, standing and pulling down his boxer briefs so that his cock sprang free. She almost sighed at the sight of it. It was large, just like he was, and a bit intimidating. Bending down, he dug in his pocket. His eyes found hers again as he brought a condom wrapper to his mouth, where he held it between his teeth and ripped it open.

  She couldn't tear her gaze away from his until his hand moved lower to slide the condom onto his engorged member. Dani licked her lips in anticipation, and she saw his eyes heat up as she did.

  Caleb positioned himself between her legs, spreading her wider before claiming her lips again. With one hand he idly played with her nipples, while the other hand gripped his cock as he moved it up and down her entrance, just as he had done with his finger. Before long she was trembling under the force of her craving.

  "I want you," she whispered, amazed at her forwardness. Her words were coupled with movement as she ground herself against him.

  "And you'll get me," he replied, at last beginning to push his hardness into her.

  Dani gasped, astonished at the feeling as he stretched her to accommodate his girth. He continued teasing her, sliding in only a few inches before withdrawing to slide in again. Damn him, she wanted him all, and she wanted him now!

  She wouldn't wait anymore, couldn't wait. Wrapping her legs around his hips, she locked them together and pushed, at the same time arching off the bed, attempting to force him deeper.

  "Ah," he groaned, biting his lip. "You eager little minx. I wanted to go slow, but you obviously aren't having it, so hang on."

  Caleb thrust in hard, his cock pushing all the way inside her, filling her up and causing her to cry out in pleasure.

  "You wanted it all; you got it all." He thrust again, and again, his movements becoming more rapid, more forceful. She thrashed beneath him, unable to control her response.

  Caleb moved his mouth to the spot where her neck met her shoulder and gently bit her to keep her still. His hands caressed her soft breasts, toying with her nipples as he licked and sucked the smooth skin of her shoulder.

  It was too powerful, too intense, and her pleasure began to crest as she trembled around him. The walls of her womanly center writhed against him, squeezing his manhood in its humid grasp. Dani let go, accepted the pleasure, and felt it wash over her in waves that shook her to her core.

  It seemed that her climax killed the last of his control and he grabbed her hips, angling her up to meet him more fully. He withdrew and slammed back into her, drawing out her orgasm as he plunged deeply into her willing body. Again and again, he entered her, pumping furiously.

  "Oh God..." she moaned, "oh God," a litany of erotic joy. Her words drove him on, and his pace increased until she was mindlessly groaning under his assault. She cried out, "Caleb!" as another orgasm overtook her, causing her to shake uncontrollably.

  At the sound of his name on her lips he shoved himself as deeply inside of her as he could and let go, finding his own release. "Oh holy fuck," he groaned, thrusting inside her until his cock stopped spasming. As the last tremors of his climax receded, he lay alongside her, panting.

  Dani smiled, barely holding on to consciousness. It was the most powerful sexual experience she'd ever had, and it had sapped her strength. She closed her eyes, trying to rein in the overflow of emotion that followed their intense coupling.

  Chapter 5

  His heart pounding hard enough to burst from his chest, Caleb caught his breath. Damn, that was... He'd promised to make her come harder than she ever had, but it looked like the professor was the one who made good on his promise. He was drained, and his body wanted to sleep. But his mind wouldn't let him.

  He sat up, glancing at the woman beside him. Her eyes were closed, and her breathing was heavy, regular. She was asleep.

  Caleb slid to his feet and began dressing quietly so as not to wake her. When he was dressed, he risked a quick glance at the professor. Her chestnut hair was tangled around her head, her lips swollen and pink, her nipples in the same condition.

  He hardened before tearing his eyes away from her and heading towards the tent entrance. When he stepped outside it was almost dark. Caleb walked to his ATV, opening the storage hatch and pulling out a flashlight. He was ready to leave, but there was one thing he had to do before making his retreat.

  Although her tent hadn't seemed disturbed to his eyes, he didn't doubt Danielle's perceptions. She was bright, if a bit obsessive, and she wasn't the type to cry wolf. He'd check out the area around her campsite and see if he could find any hint of who might have rummaged through her things. The flashlight helped light up his way as he circled her tent.

  As he scanned for tracks, he worked hard on calming his mind. Caleb had bedded plenty of women in his time, but always with the knowledge that it would go no further than sex. It had never bothered him before; in fact, it made him feel safe enough to risk the intimacy, knowing that it was just that and nothing more.

  But tonight, when he'd been deep inside the professor, he hadn't needed a safety net. Even now he wanted to storm back to the tent, strip himself naked, and spend the rest of the night with of her. Rest of the night, shit, how about the rest of the week?

  Caleb scowled. These weren't the kind of thoughts to be having, especially since the woman would be staying in his park for the next few months. He'd planned to get her out of his system tonight but instead bit his lip in frustration, wondering how he was going to resist the temptation of having her again when she was so close.

  He swung his flashlight nearer to the tree line and froze as he spotted a footprint. It was large, a man's work boot. A few paces away he found another, then several more as the land got muddier closer to the water. Another pair of work boots joined the first, and Caleb followed the trail down to a nearby stream. The tracks went right up to the water and disappeared.

; It wasn't definitive proof, but he would lay odds that these tracks belonged to men involved with the mining operation. In the last six months since he'd taken possession of the cabin and began his work on the park, Caleb had seen only three people on the land. Two were hikers who'd gotten lost after deciding to forge their own trail along the river. One was a hunter who'd soon been made aware of the changes in hunting regulations, as the state now held the land. That had been four months ago.

  Caleb started back towards the campsite, anger fighting frustration for control. How dare these assholes try to fuck with my park? With my woman? He stopped. His woman? That was just ridiculous. She meant nothing to him, just a night of phenomenal sex, a night that wouldn't be repeated. Especially now that he had proof of outsiders in the park.

  The situation actually made things easier. He'd hustle her out of the park, professing concern for her safety. Getting her out of harm's way. When she was gone, he wouldn't have to worry about keeping her safe from the miners. Or safe from him. He strode back into camp, pausing when he noticed the fire blazing outside the tent.

  * * * * *

  Dani had awoken almost immediately after dropping off and rolled over to find an empty bed. Geez, he sure wasn't kidding. Apparently, anything that happened directly after sex was considered a relationship by the ranger. She stood and gathered her clothing. Her body felt lighter as if tension she hadn't even realized she was carrying had been relieved. I guess a couple of exceptional orgasms are good for one's health.

  She'd skipped lunch to hike to his cabin, and her stomach refused to be ignored any longer. Dani gathered a few supplies and headed outside, barely able to concentrate. Her mind couldn't ignore what had just happened, and her body wasn't ready to let go of the memories.


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