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Doctor Feelgood: (A Bad Boy Doctor Novel)

Page 54

by Weston Parker

  "Hey." Nate moved up beside me and smiled.

  "Are you still thinking about me in my panties?" I elbowed him and took a drink, liking the guy a little more now that he'd given me the thumbs up on being hot.

  "Hell yeah. I wish Jenna were into girls too. We could have some fun tonight." He smiled and leaned his beer toward mine. "You know Erik cares about you."

  "What? That's absurd."

  "Why? Because he's a heartless bastard? He's here tonight, right?"

  "Yeah. For you." I let my eyes drag down his back to the thick curve of his perfect ass. "I wanna do so many things with him. It scares me."

  "It should." Nate chuckled and extended his hand. "Half of one of these will have your blood boiling and your inhibitions completely gone. Take it and tell him you got it off of someone and you need him to help make it stop."

  "Make what stop?" I took the pill and glanced up into Nate's strong gaze.

  "The lust raping your system." He pressed his hand to the bottom of mine. "Take it and force yourself to break a few boundaries tonight."

  "I'm scared." I glanced down at it as the pulse in the side of my neck went wild.

  "Good. You should be." He took a sip of his beer. "You both need each other. Make it happen, Grace. He'll fall in love with you before he knows what's happening."

  I popped the pill in my mouth and shot it down with a quick sip of my beer as Jenna and Erik walked back toward us. "I want that."

  "Of course you do." Nate moved around me, his voice low, seductive. "Because you're a good girl."

  A shiver ran through me. I might have been before I showed up, but something told me that I wouldn't be for much longer.

  Chapter 5


  "Here. Finish this shit while I dance with my girl." Nate handed me his beer and grabbed Jenna's hand, walking out toward the dance floor.

  I shouldn't have agreed to come, but sitting at home in the dark and pondering over my empty existence was getting old.

  A soft moan pulled me from my thoughts as I lifted the beer to my lips and drank deeply. Grace was beyond seductive in her tight skirt and skimpy top. Every man in the whole fucking bar was doing double and triple takes, which had me on edge. She might not be mine, but she sure as fuck wasn't going to belong to anyone else as well.

  "Hey. You okay?" I turned to face her as she sucked her bottom lip into her mouth and nodded.

  "Nate gave me something to help me chill out." She ran her hand over the tops of her breasts, and my cock twitched in my jeans. Zandra. Fuck.

  I lifted my bottle to my nose and breathed in, the taint of the drug more than obvious. "What the fuck?" I growled and moved toward her. "Stay here and don't move. I'll be right back."

  "Okay," she breathed out, her pupils dilated, her cheeks pink. She was pure. Untouched. Why the hell would Nate think it was okay to mess with that?

  I grabbed his shirt and jerked him toward me, pressing my chest to his as I got in his face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

  "Hey!" Jenna moved up on my right, reaching up to pull us apart.

  "It's alright, baby. Go check on Grace. I deserve this." Nate turned back to me. "You know why I did it. You're just gonna keep rotting away inside that head of yours. Stop being an idiot and take what the fuck you want."

  "Watch yourself, Nate. You know I have nothing to offer that beautiful girl but death and horror. You'd do that her?" I growled at the thought.

  "I'd do anything for you." He moved back and patted my chest. "Take her somewhere and taste her, Erik. You've wanted her from the moment you started going to that fucking library. Stop lying to me and everyone else." He patted my chest again. "Better yet... stop lying to yourself."

  "It's not that easy, asshole," I called after him, but he was already walking toward Grace and Jenna. Not a moment later, he walked her to the edge of the dance floor like a lamb to the slaughter.

  Grace walked toward me, but paused, looking back. Nate encouraged her to keep going. The poor little innocent thing had no clue how to seduce a man. It was a damn good thing I didn't need that. Just the thought of her naked and crying out left me almost shaking.

  "Erik. I'm really sor-"

  "Hush." I reached out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her toward me and spinning her until her back was pressed against my chest, her soft ass tucked against my erection. I leaned down and pressed my teeth into the soft flesh below her ear, wrapping my arms around her and dancing slowly to the music. "Seems your friends are no friends at all."

  She rolled her hips, working herself against my dick in a way I wouldn't have expected her to do. "I've wanted you for so long."

  "You don't even know me, Grace. The outside is beautiful and shiny, but the inside is so dark, baby." I reached up and cupped one of her small breasts, just enough flesh to fill my hand. I squeezed softly and slipped my other hand down the front of her dress, cupping her pussy. "You need to get Jenna to take you home. This isn't happening between us."

  "Why?" She cupped her hand over mine and whimpered, rolling her hips seductively as I pressed forward and ground against her. "You're hard and ready for me. Why would you deny me?" She turned in my arms, surprising me by her quickness. Her pretty nails ran up my chest as she pressed herself against me and glanced up. "I want you to have me first. Before anyone else does."

  "First?" Mother fucker. I was right. She was untouched. My fantasies were off-handed concoctions from my wet dreams. My girl hadn't been with another man yet. The knowledge of her virginity caused something to swell inside of me.

  "I... um... I mean..." she pulled back as her facade slipped a little, the scared woman underneath the drug far more beautiful to me than the vixen rubbing up against my cock a few minutes before.

  "I love it." I leaned down and brushed my nose along hers, ready to give up my resolve to leave her be. It was just sex. Or maybe not even sex. I just wanted to taste her, to be the first to hear her come. "My place or yours?" She leaned up to try and kiss me, but I stopped her. "No kissing, kitten. I don't like it." I nipped at her lips and ran my hands down her back, squeezing her ample ass to reassure her that it wasn't anything to do with her. Kissing was too much of a commitment, too intimate.

  "I don't know." She glanced back and then returned her gaze to me.

  I ran my fingers through her hair. "Then it's my place. I brought my bike though. And listen to me." I gripped her hair tightly as she closed her eyes and let out another sweet moan. "This is just tonight, Grace. Nothing more. You have your bastard friend Nate back there to thank for this shit."

  "I'll remember to thank him." She opened her eyes, and something inside of me melted. I could love her so easily. And she'd die. I had no doubt.

  The thought caused my lust to die down, and I moved back and took her hand. I'd take her up to the mountains and get her a little more liquored up. Hopefully, she would fall asleep, and I could save us both from the heartache that would come in the morning.

  After I got her back home safely, my next steps would be to kill Nate. I loved the guy, but he had to die for hurting my girl, and I had no doubt... she would end up hurt.


  I pulled up to the house on the bike, Grace wrapped around my back, her hands cupping my cock as she played with me from the club up to the house. My body was on fire, every cell of my being wanting deep depravity with the woman behind me.

  "No," I grumbled and got off the bike.

  "Promise you'll fuck me tonight?" Her voice was teasing, her eyes half-closed as she stumbled off the bike and wrapped herself around me.

  She felt good there. Too good.

  "Anything you want." I walked toward the door, half-holding her up.

  "I know you don't want anything more than tonight, and that's okay. I just want to give myself to you, Erik. I've wanted to since you started coming to the library." A soft giggle had my heart swelling. Fuck me.

  "And I thought you were a good girl. Seems not so much, hmm?" I walked to the bedroom and untangl
ed myself from her. "Strip and get on the bed Grace. Lay on your back and put your hands above your head. Now."

  She stood in front of me, her brown eyes wide, her breathing off. "I'm scared."

  "As you should be." I reached out and brushed my fingers over the tops of her tits. "Do what I told you to do. I'll not ask again."

  "I want to," she breathed out and worked her shirt over her shoulders before unclasping her bra.

  I moved back and slipped my hands into my slacks as my phone buzzed in my pocket. Her perky tits were bigger than I thought, but nothing prepared me for the tiny white g-string she wore so beautifully. The wet spot at the front of her pussy had my muscles locked in place. She wasn't spewing words. She wanted me as badly as I wanted her.

  We were in trouble.

  "Get on the bed," I barked out as aggression raped my veins.

  "Anything for you," she whispered and turned, slipping her panties off and crawling up on the bed seductively. The lighting was perfect. Her body was bare, her pussy glistening as she put herself on display for me.

  My balls tightened, my dick throbbing as I walked to the dresser and pulled out a handful of silk. I sat down at her feet and tied her foot to the bed, glancing up at her.

  "Do you trust me?" I ran my hand up her leg, squeezing her thigh as she undulated her hips and reached down for me.

  "Yes. Please don't tease me too much. I've never done this before."

  "I know, kitten." I got up and tied her other foot down before moving up toward her upper body. I grabbed her hand roughly and tied it to the bedpost before leaning across her and tying the other one. "I'm not going to hurt you, and we're not fucking tonight."

  "What?" She sounded panicked.

  My phone buzzed again.

  "Relax and breathe. I'm going to grab a glass of water for you." I turned as she called out to me, her voice thick with need.

  "Erik. Please. Don't leave me like this. I feel stupid."

  "You look like heaven, Grace. Be quiet and relax. You'll wanna be in the right frame of mind to remember this, baby." I walked to the door and pulled out my phone, pissed that someone was interrupting us. I was almost dizzy with need, and yet the break from her was probably a good thing. The last thing I wanted to do was drive into her tight little pussy and hurt her. She needed to know what pleasure was before she ever decided to hand her virginity over to anyone.

  "Over to me." I pressed the button on my phone. "What?"

  "Get to the house. We have a problem." My father's voice was stone cold. Something was wrong.

  "I need an hour, and I'll be there."

  "You have thirty minutes." The line went dead.

  "Goddamn it." I turned and walked back to the room, pulling off my shirt, my beanie and kicking off my jeans before I reached her. It was a damn good thing I didn't wear underwear. It would have been soaked the way my cock was weeping for attention.

  "Grace." I moved up on the bed and straddled her as she opened her eyes and jerked against the bindings.

  I gripped my cock and ran it in between her breasts. "Something came up, baby. I don't want to rush this for your first time."

  She jerked against the bindings harder, her tits jiggling as she did. "I want you tonight. I came home with you and let you tie me up and-"

  I leaned down and pressed my hand to her mouth while sliding my free hand down the center of her body and cupping her pussy again. She was drenched, her delicious opening pulsing against my fingers.

  There was no fucking way I was opening her up for thirty minutes and leaving. I was a bastard, but I wasn't going that far. Not with her.

  She bit my finger, and I yelped, pulling it back and growling loudly at her.

  "That hurt!" I moved down her body, reaching up and squeezing her breasts hard.

  "Don't cover my mouth again," she bit out and arched into my touch. "Never again."

  "Never," I whispered as I pressed my lips to the bottom of her stomach, breathing her in and quickly finding myself drunk on the scent of her lust. "I can't stay long, but I wanna taste your come."

  "I don't know how to." She moved her knees, opening herself up for me as I settled between her legs and glanced up to find her watching me with wide eyes. She had to be the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

  "No worries, baby doll. I'm going to force you to." I leaned down and ran my tongue through her wetness as she cried out loudly.


  "That's it, kitten. Keep your knees open and scream all you want. No one is gonna hear a damn thing way out here." I leaned down and let myself go against her swollen flesh.

  All I wanted was to taste her release, to hear her cry out my name again, to know that she belonged to no one but me.

  Chapter 6


  Fire boiled in the center of my stomach as the drug Nate gave me ran through my veins, the carnality in my mind's eye so wrong, so naughty.

  "Release my hands," I cried out and lifted my hips as Erik gripped my lips and flicked his tongue across my clit. I'd played with myself more times than I cared to admit, but nothing compared to having him between my legs.

  "Not happening, baby." He sucked my flesh into his mouth and rimmed my opening, pressing in a little with a thick finger.

  Tingles ran down my back, and I pressed my ass against the bed and gripped the headboard above me as electricity shot out from the center of my stomach.

  "Please fuck me," I moaned and thrashed below him as he forced his finger deep inside of me. The pleasure intensified, and I was lost to the lust, rocking against his mouth and hand as the bed bounced below me.

  "Hell, yes, Grace. Keep riding it, Kitten. Fuck yourself good against me, baby." He glanced up as I opened my eyes and looked down the length of my body.

  "Please undo my hands. I want to touch you. I want to touch myself." I jerked against them as he ran his tongue through my folds, lapping at me like an animal drinking milk from a dish.

  "I'm touching you right now. You can have your turn later." He gave me a devilish smile and reached up, running his fingers down my wetness before slipping them back inside me. "Whose pussy is this, Grace?"

  "Yours." I pressed my head against the bed and pressed against his hand as lust burned my insides. The drug wasn't going to give out anytime soon, and I knew Erik had to leave. I wanted him buried inside of me before he-

  "Good girl." He moved to his knees, and my heart almost stopped in my chest.

  His thick cock was nestled between a patch of black hair, his balls thick and heavy. I wanted him in my mouth. I needed to taste him. I had to know before he left and then what? What if this was our only time together?

  "Come here. Please. I wanna taste you." I licked my lips and pulled against the bindings as he chuckled low in his chest.

  "Not this time, Grace. I have to go." He moved up beside me and gripped his shaft, leaning down and brushing his thick head over my lips as I leaned up and licked. He groaned low in his chest and reached over the top of me, grabbing the headboard. "It's the drug, Kitten. It's not you. Hopefully, you won't remember this shit."

  I sucked hard and pressed my teeth against his shaft as he groaned and pushed a little, filling my mouth with his meaty cock. I moaned and rolled my tongue along his dick as he pressed a little more inside my mouth before pulling out and panting above me.

  "More. I want more of you." I ground my teeth as frustration ran through me. I might have been inexperienced, but I wasn't a pushover. "Give me what I want. Now!"

  He chuckled. "Yeah? You think you want this? It's a lot of dick for such a pretty little mouth."

  "Shut up and fuck me," I ground out.

  "Dirty little slut." He moved above me, straddling my chest as he ran his hand down the side of my face, gripping tightly.

  "Your slut," I leaned up as he offered his cock again and I took as much as I could. He wasn't done with me, his fingers sliding into my hair and holding me in place.

  "Drink me, Grace. Get ready for it." He locked
gazes with me, stealing my heart with the passion I saw in his face. "Oh fuck. Here it comes, baby. Take all of it."

  I mumbled and leaned forward, trying hard not to gag in the middle of his orgasm. He was too big, and I had no clue what I was doing.

  He cried out and worked himself in and out of me until he'd emptied himself fully. He pulled out, panting loudly. His beautiful tanned skin was flush, his eyes wild when he opened them.

  "Goddamn it. I didn't want to..." He growled in frustration, leaned down and kissed the side of my face down to my neck.

  "I loved it." Pressing my cheek against his, I tried to hold back tears. He was going to leave soon, and I'd be forced with waking up at his place alone and then what?

  Would things go back to the way they were before?

  "Grace." He ran his cheek by mine as he hovered above me. "You know we can't do this. My life won't allow it."

  "No. Please don't say that." I turned to face him and thought for a moment he was going to lean down and kiss me. I needed him to so bad it hurt.

  "I'll untie you. Sleep off the drug and lock up when you leave." He kissed the tip of my nose. "Fuck Nate for doing this to us."

  "Yeah. Okay." I closed my eyes and turned my face from him, holding my breath as he untied my hands and feet. I curled up into a ball on my side, wanting so much more than he'd ever be willing to give.

  Where I understood it, it didn't stop my heart from breaking. Why had I put myself in such an odd situation?


  A soft blanket wrapped around me, and a few minutes later, the bedroom light turned off. The drug pumping through my system danced around my center, begging for attention it wouldn't be getting. My mother was right.

  Sex was evil and left those who played with it bare and used.


  The smell of our lust still lingered in the air when I woke up in Erik's bed the next morning. I sat up and moved to the edge of the bed, covered in something sticky. Regret burned in my chest and forced tears to my eyes again.


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