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Doctor Feelgood: (A Bad Boy Doctor Novel)

Page 76

by Weston Parker

  "Dana! They need an extra set of hands in the ER. Go. Now." One of the older nurses, whose name I couldn't remember to save my damn life, yelled from the nurses’ station at me.

  I turned and jogged toward the stairs instead of the elevator. Seven flights of stairs later, I was sucking wind like a freight train going uphill. I forced myself to jog toward the ER and swallow my need to lay down and beg for an oxygen mask. Cameron was right about one thing... I did need to get in better shape. Not for the way I looked, but for my job.

  "Are you Dana?" A nurse jogged past me, not stopping to confirm the answer to her question.

  "Yes." I turned and picked up my walk to a run to keep up with her.

  "Good. Second room on the left. Public bus got flipped over in an accident. We have about thirty injured. We just need extra hands on deck. Assist Dr. Parks with anything he needs." She moved down the hall as I stopped and ducked into the OR room.

  The handsome young guy washing his hands furiously glanced up and smiled. "Dana?"

  "Yes, Sir." I moved up beside him and washed my hands as well. "I'm just an intern."

  "Well, today you're going to be just a doctor’s extra hands like any great nurse would be. That sound good?" His smile was contagious, and I could see why Jackie was so ga-ga over him. He was sexy in a playboy way, but his warmth radiated around the room.

  "Anything you need." I nodded, washed my hands and helped him with his gloves before we moved into the operating room.

  "Great answer." He moved to the other side of the body on the table and started barking out commands. I moved to the sound of his voice, the message in his directives. Everyone did. He worked efficiently, and within a matter of minutes had multiple repairs done to the woman below us.

  He glanced up and winked at me. "You ready for the next one?"

  "Am I with you for the rest of the day?"

  "Yep, and I bite, so watch out, okay?" He chuckled, and I couldn't help but smile. Maybe New York was a good move for Jackie, hell, maybe it was a good move for me.

  "Don't make promises you don't keep." I went for ballsy and followed him and two other nurses out into the wash room. After scrubbing down, we reloaded for the next person that got brought in.

  "Are you studying to be a nurse or doctor?" He glanced up and lifted his hands toward me. I helped him get into a new pair of gloves and followed him back into the room.

  "A nurse for now. I'm graduating with a double major. Two bachelors next May."

  "Which two." He turned to the nurse on his left and barked out several orders. The room exploded with movement, but he kept his voice steady, his eyes on the dying man beneath us.

  "Business and nursing," I murmured and watched in awe as he worked with incredible precision.

  "Why both?" He glanced up and back down. Jackie hadn't been joking about how sexy the man was, though that wasn't what drew me to him at all. Sexy was everywhere, but the way he spoke to me like I mattered, like I was somebody... it was beyond attractive. I paid attention and realized that he did that with everyone in the room. Everyone was someone to him.

  We finished up and scrubbed out one more time before walking into the hall. He patted my back and smiled down at me.

  "Great job today. Did you see the way I patched up that tight curve in Mr. Sanders’ neck?"

  "Yes. I don't remember seeing that stitch in school."

  "No, you wouldn't unless you go to med school, which you should. You weren't fazed by anything in there today."

  "Why should I be?" I lifted my eyebrow.

  He chuckled and crossed his arms over his thick chest. "You shouldn't, but most nursing students are. The resident cardiologist told me that you're his top intern. Ever think about moving to New York?"

  "Not until today." I laughed, deciding to leave shy at the door. I wanted a different future, a better one.

  "Great answer. I'll give you my card before I go. You decide to head up that way, and I expect a call, all right? Deal?" He extended his hand.

  "Deal." I shook it and watched him walk toward the cafeteria. Maybe Jackie and I could go up there together after college and share an apartment. Maybe med school wasn't just a pipe dream, but something I could reach for. Maybe, but probably not. I'd need lots of emotional support, which I didn't have anywhere in my life.

  "Get over yourself," I mumbled and walked toward the elevator, letting the high dissipate before I resumed my normal course of business.

  To Be Continued…

  Doctor Feelgood is mentioned in here a few times as a playboy that comes to Texas to the hospital where Dana works. He’s been around the block a few times if you didn’t know… lol. Hopefully you enjoyed the preview of Making the Rules. It was one of my sisters highest reviewed series, and I’ll tell you a secret if you don’t tell her I told you… Ali wrote this first book in 24 hours straight. She wanted to test out flow. Let’s just say – it exists. Alright! No getting out of the comfy chair. You got a few more curtains to peek behind. You don’t wanna miss a THING.

  RAS: I’m a big movie buff and I love watching movies that have twist after twist. I love watching movies with someone so take that as you will.

  Blood Money

  A Look Behind the Curtain

  Sneak Peek

  Bad Money Series, Book 1

  (Originally Published by my sister, Ali Parker (Pen name Nicole York)) Co-written by us together. Good damn thing we GET along!)

  Kate Jarrett has been around the block a few times, her life nothing more than a trail of failures. After her father dies she inherits the family bar, a place where she’s accepted for who she is and loved for who she’s not. Due to the location of her new establishment, a few friends from her past make themselves welcomed and death shows up at her door.

  Jon Peterson is a seasoned officer for the NYPD, his record clean and eyes set on being the youngest captain in the history of the force. When his little brother Adam turns up dead at a bar in the seedy side of town, Jon’s focus shifts. Is Kate involved in what happened to Adam or a pawn in a much larger game? Not interested in drama and hell-bent on justice mixed with revenge, Jon finds the one thing he never wanted – love.

  Book 1 in a 4 book series. All books are available on KU & Amazon.

  Chapter 1


  The club was far busier than she had expected. Never in a million years had she planned to reopen the place and have it the hot spot in the center of the city within eleven months. Her father hadn't been able to do anything with it in the six years he owned the place.

  Grateful, but worn out, Kate pushed through the bodies crowding around the edge of the dance floor and made her way to the bar.

  Marcus looked up, his hands busy wiping steaming hot glasses from the back. Three bartenders whipped around him, their expressions frantic at best.

  "What's up? You look like someone kicked your grandmother." He snorted and laughed.

  "I don't feel right." She turned and looked around the bar, a sense of trepidation sitting heavy on her shoulders. Having lived far too long on the street, she knew when things were about to go south. She glanced back toward Marcus. "Just keep your eyes open."

  "Always do, boss." He reached up and rubbed his bald head, his eyes dark and almost menacing. He had been with her since she opened the doors. Whether he liked it or not, he was her closest friend, if not the only one.

  "I'm going to check the alley out back."

  "I don't like the sound of that. Let me do it."

  "No. I got this. I'm as tough as you, if not more so, and I have the element of surprise on my side."

  "How so?" He smirked and tilted his head.

  "I look small and rather frail. No one would expect that I pack a punch." She shrugged, her eyes moving across the well-defined muscles of his large chest and abs. His black t-shirt was tight, his slacks fitting perfectly. He was a looker, but they had defined their relationship in the beginning with the business in mind, sex the occasional release, but nothing more. It
would stay professional, no matter how much either of them might want something else.

  "Frail isn't at all the word I would use for you."

  "I don't want to hear you talk dirty to me. I'll be back. If you don't see me in ten minutes, come rescue me."

  "Nothing else I'd like to be doing on a Friday night. I get a kiss if I do, right?"

  Kate rolled her eyes, walking from the bar and tapping a thin woman on the shoulder. The chick was screaming loudly at the guy in front of her, the atmosphere of the bar disrupted by her loudness.

  "Shut the fuck up or take it outside." Kate leaned in, narrowing her eyes.

  The woman's eyes widened, her messy red hair doing nothing for her appearance. Blush colored her cheeks as she pressed her hand to her hip and cocked her shoulder.

  "And just who the fuck do you think you are?"

  "I own this club and you've been warned. Take your drama out in the street and come back in when you're ready to remember that you're not the only one in here."


  Kate glanced toward the sickly looking guy she was with. "Control your bitch or take her outside. I only give one warning."

  The girl huffed and marched to the front, the guy smiling shyly toward Kate before following her. Turning and moving fast toward the back, she heard the first gun shot, but just barely.

  "Fuck..." She picked up her walk to a run, looking over her shoulder to see if she could catch Marcus's eyes. He was flirting with someone by the looks of things. No time to deal with him.

  Kate pulled her glock from the back of her jeans and stopped by the back door. Reaching up to open the door slowly, she jerked back as someone began screaming and pounding on the door.

  She knew that voice.


  Frantic to get the door open, she tucked her gun back in her pants and pulled the four bolts that held the door closed. The scene before her was nothing new, but the poor boy bleeding and crying was too young to die. She moved into the alley as he hit the ground. Looking quickly to her right and left, she noticed that no one seemed to be around. The screech of a car gave attestation to the fact that whoever had shot the boy was gone.

  She knelt beside him, her hand pressing to his chest softly. "It’s okay, Adam. Let me call the cops. I'll get an ambulance."

  "Kate," he whispered, reaching out and grabbing her with bloody fingers. "Don't... don't go."

  "I have to." She stood and moved to the door as he groaned loudly. She glanced over her shoulder, cursing at the situation. She moved back to him and squatted beside him, pulling out her cell phone and calling the police.

  "Stay with me..." He reached up, and she hit her knees, scooting close to him and holding his hand as she tilted her head, trapping the phone between her ear and her shoulder.

  "9-1-1. What's your emergency."

  "This is Kate Jarret. I'm the owner of Expulsion on Twenty-second and Johnson Avenue. There's been a shooting behind my club and the boy is bleeding out."

  "All right. Calm down ma'am. I'm going to need you to stay on the phone with me. Do you understand?"

  Adam mumbled, blood seeping from his mouth, his eyes wide with fear. Kate mumbled yes to the operator and leaned over, one hand brushing through his hair as she used the other to try and get his shirt open. Frustrated and tired of the lady barking instructions to her, she jerked the phone from her ear.

  "Just fucking get someone here. I'm not talking to you while he needs my help. I'm hanging up. Get someone here now!"

  She dropped the phone and leaned over the teenager, ripping at his t-shirt as her eyes filled with tears. Five large bullet holes oozed blood. There was no way they were going to make it in time.

  "It's okay... just hold my hand, Katie." He reached up, his fingers shaking as she slid her hand into his. She moved toward his head and closed her eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks.

  "Who did this to you, Adam? I'll find him."

  "Don't get involved." He coughed, spraying himself and her with blood. She moved toward his head, pulling it carefully into her lap as she brushed her fingers through his hair. The scream of the siren lifted in the night and Kate sighed with relief.

  "They're almost here. Hold on, kid. Hold on and it's going to be okay."

  "No. I can't. I'm tired of running. Find my brother and tell him not to look into me."

  "What? No. Hush and save your energy."

  "No. Find him. Officer..." His words slurred, his eyes closing.

  "Adam. Adam. What's his name?" She looked up as the ambulance stopped at the opening of the alley. Three men ran toward her.

  "Hurry. He's going to bleed out. He's just a kid. Fucking run faster."

  They moved in, one of them carefully pulling her to her feet as she choked on a sob.

  "Don't go anywhere, Miss. The cops are almost here and will want to get a statement from you."

  "I'm not, just save him. He's just a kid."

  "Move back and get out of the way." One of the EMS guys looked up, his expression less than kind.

  Kate wrapped her arms around herself and pressed her back to the wall of the club. She slipped her phone from her pocket and texted Marcus that she needed him out back.

  The door to the club opened a few minutes later, Marcus barreling out as if he were ready to take down the whole city.

  "What the fuck?" He looked at Kate, moving toward her fast. He brushed his hands along her arms and pulled her against him, his thick arms trapping her. "Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?"

  "No. It's the kid's blood." She shivered and pressed into his hold.

  Two of the EMS guys ran toward the truck with Adam on a gurney, the boy not responding to anything. The other looked over at Kate.

  "Did you see anything?"

  "No. When I got out here he was on the ground. I tore his shirt off of him and called 911."

  The sound of the siren just behind them caused her to sag against Marcus. Talking to the police was never a good thing for her. With a record long enough to stay forever attached to her, they never listened.

  "The cops are here. I'm headed to the hospital." The guy turned and jogged off as Kate pulled from Marcus's hold.

  "Don't talk to them without an attorney, Kate."

  "I didn't do anything. I called the ambulance. I was holding the boy as he was dying. Why would they even consider me a suspect?" She looked back toward him as the sound of shoes clipping along the pavement drew her attention away.

  "You have a past. They could care less about the rest."

  "Whatever." She sighed and turned to face them.

  "Kate Jarret?"

  "That's me."

  "We're going to need you to come with us." The bigger of the two men moved toward her as Marcus moved up beside her.

  "Why? Take her statement here." He moved in front of her. Kate reached up and pushed him a little to the side, Marcus not giving her much option but to move around him.

  "That's none of your concern, Sir."

  "I'll go. I don't see why this is necessary, but if it will help Adam, then let's go." She moved toward them, looking over her shoulder at Marcus. "Just hold down the fort and I'll be back in a little while."

  "I'm calling Paul."

  "No. I didn't do anything but try and help. No need to get anyone involved."

  "If Paul is your attorney, that might be a good idea." The older cop to her left spoke softly, his eyes more kind and accepting.

  "What? Why? That's fucking ridiculous." She shrugged and turned to walk toward their car, keeping the rest of her thoughts to herself.

  "I'm calling Paul." Marcus's voice followed her out of the alley and into the busy street.

  She lifted her hand in the air and tucked her head before turning to get in the car. "I have a weapon on me. Do you want it?"

  "Why are you carrying a weapon?" The younger cop moved toward her aggressively.

  "Because I own a club and have a few enemies." She turned her back to him, lifting her hands so that he co
uld get it himself. This wasn't her first rodeo. Any sudden movements and the cops were likely to make an example of her. His hand touched her back, walking her to the back of the car. She jerked from him.

  "Unless you're arresting me, get your hands off of me."

  "Should we be?"

  She turned and looked at him over her shoulder before getting into the backseat. "That's ridiculous. I have no motive to hurt the boy."

  "We'll see what the evidence says."

  "Yeah... we will." She got in and flipped him off behind his back.

  Once a criminal, always a criminal.

  Chapter 2


  "Where the fuck is she?" Jon walked into the station, his heart pounding in his chest. He worked hard at staying focused on not losing his shit and letting the whole place know how fucked up he was. He narrowed his eyes on his partner Seth, his voice gravelly as he asked again, "Where the fuck is she, Seth?"

  "Hey buddy. You're gonna need to come back here with me. Captain wants to see you, okay?" Seth moved toward him, hands extended. His light blond hair was matted to his forehead, his blue eyes filled with sympathy that Jon didn't want.

  "Stop fucking with me. I'll talk to the Cap after I see this bitch."

  "Jon. She isn't guilty until proven so. You're one of the good guys. Come on. Come back here with me, man." Seth reached out and put a hand on Jon's shoulder, moving him down the long hall of offices.

  The New Orleans Police Department was vast and the building stood empty most nights. Too many crimes to fight out in the streets. Jon let out a slow breath, his chest tight, hands squeezed into fists. Adam was his only brother - his kid brother. The little shit was trouble from the day he could walk, but damned if Jon didn't love him.

  "She had his blood all over her, Seth. I've already read the initial report."

  "Did Karen send it to you?"

  "It doesn't matter how I got it. The girl was covered in his blood and she's a known criminal. She's been brought up on murder charges multiple times. The bitch did it. I want to question her."


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