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Christmas Magic: A Billionaire Single Dad Romance

Page 3

by Cassidy London

  “Enough!” My words bellowed out stronger and louder than I had expected. Damn it! This sexual frustration was getting to me. Now, she looked scared.

  “I’m sorry Olivia. I didn’t mean to scare you but what that jackass did to you... you didn’t deserve that. He doesn’t deserve you. You’re an amazing woman. Warm and loving, you need someone who will love and respect you. Take care of you…” I trailed off because I was getting lost in those chestnut pools of warmth and quickly losing my train of thought. Fuck. Why does she have this power over me? Maybe, maybe if I talked about something else? I tried again.

  “Look I’m getting off track here. Work’s been crazy lately and the holidays are my least favorite time of year. You should probably talk to a girlfriend or something next time. What the hell do I know about relationships, anyway.” That last part I almost muttered under my breath and hoped she didn’t hear me. “I’ll give you some space.” Was the last thing I said as I got up and exited the room.

  “Luke…” She called after me. “I don’t want to pry but is there someone in your life?” She asked softly. Even with my back turned to her, I could feel her words invading the walls, I had so carefully built. She seemed to see through me, made me feel vulnerable in a way I’d never felt before. I had only intended to comfort her in her own distress but there she was reaching out to me.

  “Her name is Claire. Was Claire rather.” I whispered. I hadn’t said her name out loud in years. Much less to another person.

  “Who was she?” Olivia asked.

  I still couldn’t bring myself to turn around and face her.

  “Mason’s mother. She left on Christmas Eve when he was just a year old.” I stopped to suck in another breath, my chest tight, knots in my throat. “No explanation other than a note, a single line that mentioned how she wasn’t cut out for family life.” I exhaled slowly, the way they had taught me during that Thai meditation class last year.

  She was closer now, I could feel her. She reached for me and slipped her small hand inside my own. The touch of her skin was electric and the intensity flowed straight to my cock. Shock waves reverberated throughout my body, making me want to grab her and pull her into me once again. I wanted to bury myself in her sweet scent and look into those warm brown eyes…

  I let her lead me back to the couch, where we sat down together. She still hadn’t moved her hand from mine. We were sitting so close that our legs were touching, forcing me to hang on to what was left of my self-control. She was gorgeous, sweet and despite being the one most recently hurt, here she was trying to help me. I’d never met anyone like her.

  “That’s brutal Luke. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. And Mason too. No child deserves to be abandoned like that. Does he know?” Her hand had now moved to my thigh, her eyes were full of concern and comfort and they were boring into my soul.

  “No…” I trailed off. “Mason was only a baby. After that, there just never seemed to be a good moment to tell him the truth. Besides, what was I supposed to say? By the way little man, your mom abandoned you… us.”

  “What does he think happened?” she asked me softly.

  “Actually, I don’t know. He’s never really asked me.”

  “Staff rumors are that she died.” She told me. “So, that’s what he’ll eventually think if you don’t tell him the truth.” Her hand was now gently rubbing my thigh, just inches away from my throbbing cock. Yet, as I looked into her eyes, she didn’t seem to be playing me. Sincerity and compassion were the only things that emanated from her.

  Who was this woman?

  I wondered if she knew she was playing with fire. If she continued, she would surely get burned. I wasn’t the man she thought I was. If Claire left us, it should be clear to her that I wasn’t any better than Dan. Fucking Dan! I knew she deserved better than that asshole but better wasn’t me. The only love I had left was for Mason.

  Shit. I wasn’t sure which was worse. The information I’d shared or getting lost in my own thoughts again.

  “I think you need to tell him Luke.” Her words came out softly and floated towards me like my very own custom-made fragrance. I could hear her breathing and almost feel her pulse inside me. What was this woman doing to me?

  My hand slide over of its own accord and positioned itself on her thigh. It made her quickly draw her own hands back up into her lap. She seemed unnerved to find that she had been touching me. Suddenly, she withdrew and stood up quickly.

  “I’m so sorry! I’m overstepping the line again. Listen Luke, I love Mason… I love this job, I don’t want to risk anything…” Her words were spewing out almost uncontrollably. I should have been all business but all I could think about how damn cute she was when she was flustered.

  “Your job is very secure Olivia. Mason loves you too and I would never take you away from him.” My words made her slow down and visibly relax. Maybe it was the Henny or maybe it was sound of Michael Bublé in the background but something had changed in me.

  I let myself go. I wanted to feel her warm skin beneath my hands. I needed to suck on those rock-hard nipples that were clearly showing through her shirt.

  “Liv…” It was the first time I’d ever called her that out loud.

  “Luke….” She breathed back at me, her eyes still locked on mine. We stepped closer. Both of us, aware that we were now fully invading each other’s personal space. Our lips inching closer and closer together. Her neck beckoned my mouth to take possession of it.

  Damn I wanted this woman! I wanted to bury myself deep inside her and make her scream my name. I needed to hear it. Without another second of hesitation, I reached my hand around the back of her head and pulled her in. My mouth crashed down on to hers and I slowly sucked in every part of those soft, wet lips. I could feel her melting at my touch but cautioned myself to slow down. The last thing I wanted was to scare her again, especially considering the last twenty-four hours she’d been through.

  I opened my eyes to check in, only to see her blinking furiously. For a second, I wondered if I’d been wrong. Maybe that wasn’t desire in her eyes? Then her hands began to run up and down my arms and chest and I knew we were both in the same place.

  My lips curled up into a grin as my dick pushed harder against the constraints of my jeans. I went against everything I believed in but somehow; she was making this the best Christmas yet.

  Chapter 6


  Holy crap! I’m in a goddamn fairytale and this man kisses like Fucking Prince Charming! The man I’d been lusting after for so long, now had his hands all over my body. Exploring it like he’d never seen a woman before. My brain was still reeling from Dan’s betrayal and I could hear a voice in the back of my head telling me not to fall for this trap. Fuck it. I ignored the voice and listened to my body instead.

  Luke kissed me for ages before making another move. My body ached for his touch. Running my hands across his chest made him shiver. I smiled enjoying his reaction to my touch.

  “Look what you do to me, Liv...” He whispered as he nuzzled into my neck. His lips still skimming across my neck. “Fuck, I want to bite you…” he breathed, sending shivers up my spine. I jumped, causing him to backtrack.

  “Don’t worry Livvie.” I smiled as he used Mason’s name for me. “I can be gentle too.” He said.

  “Mmm... actually, I like it.” I teased, biting my lower lip purposely.

  This would be fun. Dangerous but fun. Whatever. I’d think about it in the morning. The hottest man I’d ever met was right in front of me and he wanted me. This was a guy, if I was being honest with myself, that I’d been quietly lusting after for a long time. I’d always pushed those feelings away and been professional. Yet, they’d been there, bubbling under the surface all along.

  Dan had been a loser since day one. I knew that now. Plus, I’d never felt about Dan, well… the way I did in that moment with Luke. There had been no lust, no passion with Dan. In the end, I guess he hadn’t felt much for me either.

/>   “Well then beautiful, let’s do this right.” Luke continued, leaving little bite marks down my neck and across my collarbone as he pushed me back into the couch. “You have no idea how curious I am to see what’s under those clothes.”

  With his arm supporting my lower back, I arched and felt his fingers trailing further across my body. He tilted my head back, encouraging me to push my breasts up towards his face.

  “Fucking gorgeous.” He murmured under his breath.

  Wow. This man had words. Words that could make me come before he even touched me. No man had ever spoken to me like that before. I could feel heat pooling between my thighs and the ever-growing desire that made me shift in my hips.

  “May I?” He asked, before he reached forward to lift my t-shirt over my head. My eyes locked onto his and all I could do was whisper a soft yes. The cold air assaulted my senses and my exposed skin brought forth feelings of vulnerability. His hand grazed across the lace of my bra, flicking my nipples and forcing them to stand upright to attention. I wanted him to grab me, manhandle me but still he kept control and took it slow.

  “Luke…” A growl escaped my mouth and for a moment, left me feeling embarrassed. It was so primal. God only knew what he must have thought of me…

  As if on cue, he leaned over so that our faces were inches from each other.

  “Open your eyes Olivia.” he commanded.

  Like a light switch that flickered on, my eyes opened and I lost myself in those cerulean pools of beauty.

  “My greatest pleasure will be to watch you reach yours. But I want your full cooperation okay?”

  All I could do is nod.

  “No holding back angel. I want to see you come undone.” he paused, waiting for confirmation.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.

  This time I nodded and smiled.

  “Good. Then let me take you to a place you’ve never been.” He grinned as he continued twisting my nipples in his fingers as he spoke. “And when I’m done giving you what you need... I’m going to bury myself deep inside you. So deep, that your body will me crave me for days afterwards.”

  Oh. My. God. My mind was reeling from his words. They were as intense as his touch. I may not survive this.

  Luke was everything I had imagined and unlike anything I’d ever experienced. While still rolling one nipple beneath his expert fingers, he assaulted the other breast with his mouth. Licking, sucking and blowing air until it ached deliciously from his touch. Then, as suddenly as it all began, he switched gears and changed sides. I’m not even sure I was aware how long it went on for. All I knew though, was that my breasts had never received so much intense pleasure. I couldn’t stop shifting in my wet panties.

  “Please Luke... please!” I could no longer control myself.

  “What are you begging for Liv?” He taunted me.

  Jackass. Somehow, he so in tune with my body. Knowing how much I loved and hated this all at the same time.

  Sex was always so mechanical before, but now with Luke, we’d barely hit second base and I was more turned on than I’d ever been. This man was incredible.

  “Your breasts are just exquisite…” That rumbling in his voice gave away his own desire. Luke lifted me back to a standing position and unzipped my jeans. I already felt embarrassed standing topless in the middle of his living room. Self-conscious, I folded my arms to hide my nakedness.

  “Don’t you dare!” Came his voice. “I want to see all of you baby.” As he guided my arms back down.

  Pulling my jeans along with my panties down over my hips, he helped me step out of my clothes. I was now naked, with swollen aching nipples and a visible wetness smeared across the inside of my thighs. Luke meanwhile, was still dressed and grinning like a Cheshire cat. I knew this guy had a hell of a lot of tricks up his sleeve. In fact, I had a feeling my days of vanilla sex had come to a halting end.

  Shit! This is so hot!

  “Fuck you’re beautiful.” He growled under his breath. “I knew you would be too... I’m trying hard here Liv. I want to take this slow with you tonight but next time, I will fuck you so hard you won’t walk for days.” The words were barely out of his mouth before he scooped me up and marched off toward his suite. Next time? We hadn’t even done it yet, and he was talking about next time? I must be in the Twilight Zone.

  “Uhh… wait!” I cried my voice stopping him dead in his tracks.

  “I... I… I’m not on birth control.” I stammered. My eyes rolled back in my head with shame as soon as I had uttered the words. Totally could have done that more delicately, Liv.

  He chuckled. Somehow, he seemed to find my awkwardness amusing.

  “No shit, huh? I’ve got us covered babe. However, I don’t keep condoms in the living room, so regardless, we have to move over to my suite.” He winked.

  Obviously. I should have known he’d be a few steps ahead of me.

  He opened the door to his suite, and I gasped. In awe of how beautiful it was. Floor to ceiling glass that looked out to acres of dark forest. The image of him carrying me over the threshold reflected through the window of the night sky. The room was a mix of an urban contemporary with a slightly rustic, masculine feel. A huge four-poster bed was the focal point of the room, it was both inviting and comforting while somehow screamed sex.

  Delicately, he placed me on the edge of the bed and before I could adjust myself, spread my legs apart and dropped to his knees. His gaze was direct and his voice penetrated my soul. “I feel like I’ve been waiting a lifetime to taste you Livvie.”

  All thoughts ceased to exist in my head as his tongue assaulted my most delicate parts. Licking and lapping up my juices like he’d been dehydrated for days. He sucked hard on my tiny swollen nub making me vibrate with sensations. There was nothing I needed to say or do, I wanted to stay there, captive to his talents forever.

  Luke slid his fingers inside me and pumped me like a well. All while still alternating between sucking and flicking my clit with his expert tongue. I could feel the intensity rising from deep inside me. My body started to shake and the feeling of complete loss of control was eminent. A garbled sound escaped my mouth.

  “Say it Liv. I want to hear you scream my name.” Luke’s voice travelled through the darkness of my mind.

  “Luke…” I whispered.

  “Louder!” He commanded as he pumped faster. His thumb was now pressing hard against my clit as I climbed higher and higher. “Luke! Luke!” I repeated it again, not because he wanted me to but because I literally could not stop. “I’m coming!” I cried. My mind went blank as my body shuddered. No more words, no more thoughts, just release. Release so hard, I feared it had paralyzed me. This man had taken me to a place I’d never been and one I never wanted to leave.

  The warmth of his body covered me as he brushed the hair and sweat from my brow. “Damn, you come like a goddess Olivia. I fucking love your taste, your smell. Watching you come undone like that is so fucking hot.”

  I smiled weakly, my body limp like a rag doll.

  “I’ll give you a minute to breathe baby, but then I need to be inside you. I’ve waited a long time and that beautiful pussy of yours is calling my name.” Luke stood up and undressed as I watched. He’d barely unbuttoned his jeans before the biggest cock I’d ever seen came springing forth. It was so long it reached his abs and so thick, I was certain he would never fit inside me. My eyes widened in astonishment which only made him smile more. Those pearly whites gleaming at me in the darkness. I pushed myself up into a sitting position and swung my legs off the bed. His hands came around the back of my head and guided me down to my knees. The sides of my mouth ached as they stretched to accommodate his size. Groans of pleasure escaped his mouth as I worked my way around his impressive cock.

  I could have done it all night. Making his eyes roll back in his head was feeding my soul in a new, more powerful way. My heart swelled with happiness as I watched this perpetually controlled man, relax and allow himself to crumble at my touch.

  I should have known he wouldn’t let me keep the control for too long. A few minutes later, he flipped me over on my stomach and once again pried my legs apart. A moment of shyness came over me but thoughts of my previous earth-shattering orgasm quickly pushed it away.

  “What a sight... your beautiful soft pussy is shining wet for me. And that tight little rosebud Liv….” He trailed off as his finger pushed on my back entrance. Shit! I jumped off of the bed as he pushed a little further. “No worries babe, not tonight.” He said with a playful slap on my butt cheek.

  Luke reached over to the bedside drawer and pulled out a condom. He took less than a few seconds to get it on before he said “Liv… I held back all this time but I’ve wanted to be inside you all along.” And with that I felt him at my entrance, my lips slick with need as I beckoned him in. Arching my back and thrusting my ass up into him. There was no more hesitation. His hands grabbed onto my hips as he slid halfway in, letting me get accustomed to his size. I felt so full, so stuffed up, yet so whole.

  “It’s okay…” I exhaled to him, encouraging him to go all the way in.

  Luke needed no more prodding as he rammed his huge cock into me so hard I wondered if either the bed or I might break. In and out until we were both breathing heavily and rocking with the rhythm together.

  My screams were getting louder forcing him to push my face down into the pillow. “Liv, you could wake the dead with those lungs!” We laughed, but it didn’t break the mood. Nothing could have stopped us so close to the brink.

  “Come on baby...come for me…” He kept whispering as he left a trail of kisses across my back. “I know you have another one in there.” And he was right, I did. It started deep inside my core and rumbled towards the precipice.

  “Luke!” I called out his name this time.

  “Shit, Liv. I’m going to come too….” His breath was ragged and short. As if in a dream, we both thrusted harder until we could no longer hold back and finally came tumbling over the edge together.


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