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Consume Me (A Burning Desire Novel)

Page 8

by R. F. Allie

  I scowled at her ridiculous wink.

  "Tell me everything. Every teeny tiny detail." She urged.

  I sighed.

  "My god Jenna. He's too intense, too overwhelming. Whenever I'm around him, it's like something shifts in the air and my insides just get all cluttered and mussed. When I manage to talk to him, I can't help being defying and bitchy. I can barely breathe when he's close. He just pushes my brain to shut down, I feel like I'm falling down the rabbit hole and there's no way for me to understand the rules without getting sucked in further."

  I let out a breath.

  Jenna eyeballed me.

  "Whoa! Slow down ma puce."

  I spoke without processing any word, I just blurted everything out.

  I guffawed nervously.

  "But what happened? Why did he come here?"

  "Initially, he came to invite me to have dinner with him."

  "But..." Jenna pressed.

  "But we ended up making out on the couch and I told him I was a virgin."

  "You what?" She laughed

  "Ok that dash of envy just switched to a pinch of jealousy."

  "I can understand." I responded smugly and laughed.

  She nudged me in the shoulder.

  "You're still having dinner though right?"

  "Yes, he's picking me up from work."

  "Jude is going to go ballistic."

  "I know." I said wryly

  "Oh he'll get over it once he sees that you're happy. You know he can't help it. It's a guardian angel's job; you should blame Danny for that."

  "Ryan will also go overboard if he doesn't get to dress you for that. I think he's a little in love with Mr. Davis."

  She announced chuckling.

  "Oh please, Ryan would fall for anything in Armani."

  We both burst into fits of giggles.

  "Seriously though, the way he looked at you." She sighed

  "My god Clea, I've had men looking at me with envy and desire, but the guy was just lusting over you. As if he was marveled by some kind of light wrapped around you. He was devouring you with every glimpse and every breath."

  Jenna was never the romantic type; she thought that the notion was basically a social currency invented for people who didn't deal well with their emotions. Her longest relationship lasted for three weeks and once the guy had suggested any kind of feelings, she'd dumped his ass in the middle of his sister's engagement party.

  So hearing her say that made me all the more unfocused.

  "He's just so overwhelming and it's a whole new level of scary for me." I admitted.

  "Don't!" She warned pointing a finger.

  "Don't what?"

  "Don't start that inner battle of yours about playing it safe and all the bullshit. You were betrayed and hurt. So what? You got over it. Not all men are some cheating violent assholes slash criminals"

  I shrugged.

  "I know but I'm afraid. He's going to break my heart Jenna. I know it, I'm not cut out for that kind of men. I've been around him only three times, and at each encounter I felt like I'm going to get lost without any possibility to find my way back."

  I explained truthfully hoping she'd get where I was coming from.

  "Haven't you heard what I said? He is totally into you, I saw it. Ryan saw it. And even if he wouldn't admit it, Jude noticed it too. He was more focused on him than any of us earlier."

  "So what?"

  "So nothing, you go to dinner with him tomorrow and see where it leads. If you fall in love, great. If you end up hurt, then we'll all be there to tell you what a gigantic bastard he is."

  Her words and smile both comforted and encouraged me.

  Chapter VI

  I woke up to a vicious red-wine-migraine and damned myself for the half of red Chardonnay Jenna and I had ingurgitated before heading to bed. I pressed the mute button on my radio alarm and turned under my duvet. It was barely seven and my first day at work didn't start until ten. I shuffled through my bed looking for my phone. Landon had managed to get my number, which worried me a little. He'd managed to know where I lived, my phone number and he insinuated that he'd known when I'd left Paris.

  I scrambled to open the text and read it again. It wasn't something exceptional. Well, it actually was for me.

  Sweet dreams Miss Dane. I'm looking forward to our dinner.

  L. Davis

  I'd found it when I got out from the shower last night. I couldn't believe it, and thought it was a hallucination due to one too many glasses of wine. I'd stared at it for ten good minutes before I'd turned off the light and drifted off to his wishes.

  I'd tried not to obsess about the dinner, but failed. Jenna and I stayed up till midnight deciding on something that would suit both my first day as an active woman and my first date with Mr. Consuming.

  We'd settled on one of Ryan's designs, although I was disappointed for my pencil Michael Kors skirt and tipped boy-shirt. We'd chosen an ivory A-line dress with a low back zip that fell above the knee. It had a bodice seamed to marry every inch of my upper body and keep the shape of the wooly fabric. It was both flattering and professional.

  I was looking forward to meet my team at work and spend some time learning about the basics of the job. I specialized in public relations and project management, but according to my contract I could still have the possibility to pitch ideas to the creative and marketing team.

  The dynamic in the firm was to create small teams to form several big ones. So basically; I was one of two project management team-members and there would be two or three individuals working under the supervision of the creative department along with two or three more who'd take care of marketing and production.

  That composed a full crew, and there were several others organized in the same way. The firm would assign a product to each crew to work on. Eloise had mentioned a new client for the new team I was going to be part of and I was eager to start.

  After a long, hot shower, I walked back to my bedroom and started getting ready. My curls made my morning easy and I decided that a boost of hair product won't do them any harm because I didn't want to work on a bun or chignon. I slipped my dress on and acquiesced my approval. My friend was extremely talented, he made a piece of art from the simplest things. I decided to wear my pearl studs. They were my father's last present to me, even though he'd been too mad at me to give them himself, I still cherished the thought.

  I grabbed my Cartier watch, my purse and walked to the kitchen. The smell of coffee was a merciful one to my senses. Jenna left me a good luck note and a red velvet cupcake on the counter. I heard her rush out while I was in the shower. I finished my dose of caffeine and sugar boost and head out.

  I didn't have time to check on my mail. I pushed through my building doors and found Carl. It was rather Carla, and she was my favorite noisy drag queen waiting around for Maria to come out and give her a cigarette before she'd head inside her building and sleep her hangover off. I just buzzed Maria for her and ran to the street for a cab.

  "Miss Dane?" I jumped and turned to find a weirdly familiar face that I couldn't quite place.

  He was dressed in a very well groomed suit and had bright brown eyes. His smile was friendly and respectful.

  "Yes. Can I help you?"

  He smiled.

  "I'm Calvin, Mr. Davis’ driver. He sent me to get you to work."

  He gestured for a town car behind me and I frowned.

  "How did you know when I was getting to work?"

  It was getting creepy.

  "I didn't, I've been waiting for you."

  "For how long?"

  He just beamed to reassure my horrified expression.

  "Not too long Miss Dane. It's my job."

  I was a little pissed, I didn't want to get inside the car. I was a grown woman and perfectly able to get myself wherever the hell I wanted.

  But the guy had clearly been waiting for at least an hour, so I wasn't going to turn down his patience. I'd talk with his boss over some bo
undaries during dinner. I got inside the car and allowed him to drive me to work.

  "Good morning Clea."

  Eloise welcomed me in front of the reception and handed me a badge and key. She looked professional and neat in a black pencil skirt and a cranberry colored blouse with black pumps. She wore her hair in a French twist with little makeup.

  I followed her feeling comfortable with my choice of clothing. I belonged there. We strode through the already animated office floor. The space was energetic and welcoming. The walls were painted in bright colors in the art department and sober in the others. Several campaign ads appeared on an all screen wall, it was at least thirty television screens gathered together like inside a retail store, but more elegant, transmitting advertisement.

  We walked inside a conference room filled with loud talks and laughs. They didn't seem to notice our presence until Eloise grabbed their attention.

  "Hello everyone. Let me introduce the final member of the team Miss Clea Dane." She put her hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze with a reassuring smile.

  I was surprised at the burst of cheers and greetings. I felt both awe and a dash of self-consciousness.

  The team's first meeting went smoothly, as did the rest of the day. We were presented with a challenging client but a fun product. It was a chain of themed restaurants. The concept was new and certainly brave for the owner. It wasn't your usual themed restaurant. The owner worked with more than five chefs, each had two or three specialty up their sleeves and they wanted to theme the place differently every night.

  The ideas had started flowing instantly for the creative team and we were offered four meals of our choice to test the product. The people I worked with were fun to be around, also very passionate about their work. Overall, we were seven members all under Eloise Jones and David Sweets supervision.

  Brooke, Jason and Silver were the creative team; they were all about graphics, colors and sceneries. They had a collective mind on their own, completely synched in a world of linear expression. Liam and I were the project management and public relations. He was hot-headed and funny. Also very attractive if you like the blondish alluring womanizer.

  Otis and Christy were the marketing team. Otis was very nice, he'd spent two hours selecting the marketing strategies we'd studied which were actually applicable in the job. He was in his late thirties and had worked for several agencies on the west coast before moving to the jungle.

  Christy was a little too intense for me. She barely spoke and seemed to be studying each and every one of us by turn, trying to assess us.

  I had my first lunch date with Brooke and Liam. It was so fun that we'd decided to try and make a habit of it as often as possible. They were actually best friends, Liam had actually been working at BMA for almost a year and when the agency decided it was time to compose an additional team, he'd suggested Brooke. They kept talking about how much fun it was going to be to work together and we talked about our college experiences and our respective lives.

  Before the end of lunch-break, Liam convinced me to accompany him on a shopping trip to a retail store to buy some things with which we'd decorate or shared office space. They encouraged personalizing and each one of us had a key to close it after work.

  We bought a plant to each other and made a deal to take care of it as it symbolized our partnership and we invested in a beautiful canvas that would fit perfectly on our wall. I got two photo frames from a small decorator and some other knickknacks.

  We were standing outside the decorator when I felt my phone buzzing. I shuffled through my purse while Liam ran back inside to grab an extra gift for Brooke.

  The caller ID was private. I answered it thinking it might've been an international call from my mom.

  "I hope you're having a better day than mine Miss Dane."

  His voice jolted some extra beats in my heart.

  "Hello Mr. Davis." I said cheerily

  "Might I be of assistance for making it a little better?"

  I could hear a light chuckle.

  "You just did. Thank you."

  "Glad I could help."

  I smiled.

  "Why isn't your day going well?"

  I asked curious and a little disturbed for him.

  "That's the reason I'm calling. I'm actually in the plane heading back to Chicago."

  I felt a stab of disappointment hit through my heart.


  My voice came out small through the phone.

  "Yes. Didn't you read my Wikipedia page? I’m a windy city native and trust that you'll find me as mercurial as my birth place."

  He was amused by my Internet venture.

  "I wasn't aware no. When are you coming back?"

  "Not before Saturday I'm afraid."

  I cringed. Two days sounded like an eternity. I was reassured that he sounded as disappointed as I was.

  "Are you still there Miss Dane?"

  "Yes. Yes, I'm just a little disappointed."

  "How you wound me Miss Dane, only a little?"

  He made me smile instantly but I didn't give him any reassurance.

  "I wish I could see that smile of yours right now."

  I felt my knees weaken.

  "I wish you could too."

  "It is only delayed gratification."

  "So no driver to wait for endless hours for me tomorrow morning?" I teased.

  "Actually I'm leaving Calvin; he needs to take care of some arrangement in New York."

  He explained and I scowled.

  "I don't need a driver Mr. Davis. But thank you."

  "Why not? He's as good of ride as any."

  That was an understatement, it was the most fully equipped and luxurious car, and I've rode many over the years.

  "Just let him take care of your business and I'll get back to good old yellow cab."

  I said smiling.

  He kept silent.

  "Please Miss Dane, do it for me, just two days. He can be very accommodating to you and your friends. He's my most beloved companion; he's been with me for eight years."

  Well, how could I say no to such a nicely presented offer, and with that tone?

  "Two days. That's all I’m agreeing to"

  I announced firmly.

  "What are you doing?"

  "I'm shopping with my colleague."

  "Your colleague?"

  "Yes Liam. Since we're sharing an office space we thought we'd go shop to make it personal."

  "That sounds like a great idea."

  Landon's voice was suddenly stern. He sounded annoyed by something.

  "Why are you going back to Chicago this early?"

  "Work emergency, I need to be there early. Actually I need to hang up. I'll call you when I land."

  "Okay. Fly safe."

  The shift in his mood confused me.

  "Take care of yourself Miss Dane."

  He hung up and I stared at the screen, trying to wrap my brain about what I could've possibly said that made him go from hot to freezing in a nanosecond.

  Surely not...

  Of course not, that would be insane…

  But that was exactly when he'd gone stone cold. When I mentioned Liam.

  Clea Iris Dane! Can you be any more narcissistic?

  He was already upset; it had nothing to do with you hanging out with Liam.

  I reasoned with myself and let go of the debate.

  When I'd finished working around six, I found Calvin waiting for me in front of the entrance. I drove with Brooke and Liam to a bar between our neighborhoods for a drink. They'd offered during lunch and I'd declined due to my plans with Landon.

  When I'd gone back to the office, I ended up agreeing to Brooke' second invitation. I had two margaritas then called it a night. I was officially in love with the two of them. They should totally be an item. But they cared for their long friendship.

  Back at the apartment Jenna was even more disappointed. We made some club sandwiches and hogged each side of the sofa work
ing. I'd waited for Landon's call till I could not hold my eyes open anymore and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter VII

  I stepped out of the little room, moving ungracefully, as an effort to calm the fire between my thighs. I was undoubtedly going to kill Jenna for dragging me into it.

  I'd used my Friday lunch break for some girl time with my friend. We were at a spa two blocks away from my work and once we'd showed for our appointment, I discovered that Jenna had booked a waxing session in addition to the mani-pedis.

  I was shifting awkwardly on two left legs, I had an extremely sensitive skin, my father's stubble used to turn my cheek to crimson, and despite all the moisturizing applied between my thighs, it'd still burned like hell.

  I always went with neat, and comfortable for personal hygiene purposes, but never had a Brazilian before that day.

  Jenna kept laughing at me while I climbed on one of the comfy pedicure chairs. I threw well-deserved-daggers her way and turned to choose an adequate nail polish from the hostess. I hesitated a lot, I was anxious.

  "Stop over thinking it. It's going to be A-mazing."

  Jenna was well aware of my state of mind.

  I was going to see Landon.

  In fact, I was flying to Chicago to surprise him. I still couldn't believe that I was going to do it. It was Jenna's idea, and she spent two days nagging about how perfect it would be if I’d just went over there and did things on my own terms. Landon and I had been talking and texting a lot. I was fascinated by his ability to affect me with typed words. I spent the past thirty-six hours grinning at my screen like a lunatic, and it encouraged me to take the leap and surprise him earlier.

  Admittedly, I didn't know the man. His texts were mostly flirtatious and chivalrous, like he was from a different era. I did spend the night scrambling through the Internet to try and acquire as much information as possible.

  There were so much information. Tabloids seem to care mostly about who he did and did not date, and he dated a lot, models and celebrities from around the world.


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