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Consume Me (A Burning Desire Novel)

Page 11

by R. F. Allie

  "Mr. Davis!"

  A tall brunette with full breasts and collagen lips shouted over the loud music. She held some sort of notepad and her smartphone, eyeing him.

  He smiled at her.

  "Your table is ready."

  I didn't even know he took the time to make a reservation, although I noticed the warm greeting he'd gotten from the security guards at the entrance. The obvious preferential treatment was self-explanatory as to his familiarity with the place.

  "It's okay Sheryl, we're joining some friends."

  Landon threw a smile in her direction and her face lit up.

  I rolled my eyes. He must be used to that kind of attention, and although it was only human for women to just lose their self-control around him, I couldn't help the hint of jealousy.

  "Hey sweetie."

  Jenna appeared from the middle of the crowd, grinning sheepishly and completely drunk.

  "I've been checking on the entry waiting for you."

  Her tone confirmed her inebriation.

  "Hello Mr. Davis, so nice to see you again. Kudos for the exceptional ambience of the club."

  She gestured to the general direction of the club and gave him a warm drunk hug.

  I frowned.

  "You own the place?"

  He shrugged and winked at me with one drop-dead-smile.

  "Let's go, the guys are waiting at the table."

  We followed her past the crowd to join Jude and Ryan. They were completely smitten with each other. Jude had murmured something that'd made his partner flush crimson red.

  The club was plush, as were the clientele. It was several shades white from the ground up, on two levels. There were two bars as well, one on each floor. The upper level was a restaurant, people were eating and enjoying the view on the endless row of crowded tables and the dance floor. The menu appeared on a televised glass table and we could scramble through a variety of food and drinks. It was truly amazing.

  The boys greeted Landon warmly and he didn't miss on thanking each one of them, especially Jenna for encouraging the surprise. They congratulated him on his great club and he responded humbly.

  "What can I get you guys?"

  Another brunette appeared at our table.

  "Mr. Davis... Um...”

  She panicked seeing him, but she didn't ogle him like the other one.

  "Two dry vodka martinis and one scotch, neat."

  He glanced at my friends drinks and continued.

  "Two vodka tonic, one Manhattan and please tell Drake to come and see me."

  He finished with a smile while she finished writing down the order. I was fascinated by his composure, he had such a powerful vibe.

  "How long have you guys been here?" I asked

  "About an hour or so. We went to another place first, but it was boring as hell. Then Zee suggested Mr. Davis club; we had to see it."

  Ryan explained.

  "That club was boring alright. I don't understand that dub-step BS. It was like going through an electroshock treatment."

  Jenna wrinkled her nose in disgust and they all nodded.

  "What are your plans for tomorrow?"

  Landon asked signaling to all of us, but kept his gaze on me.

  "A spa for the two love birds, some tourism and architecture sightseeing and probably a club in the evening."

  Jenna announced.

  "You seem to have a whole day planned."

  They nodded.

  "I'd like to invite you to a charity event my father's organization is holding tomorrow. I wasn't going to attend, as I'd planned to fly to New York. But since you're here, I don't see why not."

  He held my gaze.

  "What's the charity for?"

  Jude interjected.

  "Children of the night."

  "Yes, that was you mother's."

  Jenna commented.

  He nodded.

  "We're sorry for your loss."

  Ryan said tenderly.

  "Thank you. My father likes to think that carrying her life's work is a way to keep her very much alive."

  His tone was composed, but I could see a glimpse of sorrow in his eyes and I couldn't help squeezing his hand.

  His gaze carried a soft tenderness. Landon was completely vulnerable when it came to his mother, I was sure of that.

  "I, for one, am very much looking forward to this."

  I said cheerily, trying to set his mood back.

  "Me too."

  Jenna squeaked, followed by Ryan's excitement.

  "I guess we should add some shopping time, you up for it boo?"

  Jude suggested turning to me with a surprisingly excited tone.

  "No need for that, I'll take care of it."

  Landon didn't give me the chance to respond.

  I stared at him, uncertain of what he'd met.

  "Take care of what exactly?"

  My voice came out more tense than I'd intended.

  Landon wore an unfathomable expression, then addressed the general direction of the table.

  "Please, you are my guests, allow me to take care of your attendance details. It would be my pleasure."

  It was utterly out of the question that I'd let him do whatever he'd planned to do. I eyed Jude quizzically and he turned to me with the same wondering look.

  Ryan and Jenna kept silent.

  "That is very considerate, but we can take care of our 'attendance details', all by ourselves."

  I hadn't meant to sound cold, but I couldn't help feeling annoyed, or somehow diminished.

  Everyone around the table fell silent, I stood my grounds and held his gaze. Something defiantly disturbing gleamed in his eyes, his silence spoke more than the words that followed.

  "As you wish, Miss Dane."

  His response didn't sound convincing, not a bit.

  "Ok, how about a dance Boo?"

  Jude cut in and I turned beaming at him.

  "Of course."

  I was consternated by Landon's attitude towards me and my friends. It was a question of principle for me, and I’d barely managed to accept some of Ryan's gifts and tried to return them as much as I could.

  Admittedly, the three other persons around the table, are the only ones I accepted gifts from. We'd grown close to each other, and the attention of choosing a present, whether there was an occasion or not, was only some-kind of testimony to our friendship.

  Just two days earlier, Jenna had embarked on a tour around the city and found herself in Hoboken; she'd mistaken a pathway train with a subway. She'd came home with a bunch of clothes and a collection of unwearable lingerie for me, all French, soft fabrics. I'd accepted them gladly, especially since she argued free living space.

  I knew I wasn't going to be able to find a gown for a charity, that wouldn't crack my credit card for the rest of the month, but I could still get one and return it the following day intact. I rocked my nudes and head to the dance floor, after I'd gulped down my dry martini, I relaxed a little.

  Jude and I started moving to 'Kid Cudy Ft Kanye West' 'Erase Me'. The dance-floor was crowded. We swayed through the people and the endless girls eyeing Jude. I got used to the attention around him; he was like a human-magnet.

  Sadly, Ryan never stopped getting annoyed by it. Sometimes, when things got out control, he'd blame it on his partner for clothing ambiguously. He'd argue that fighting other men's attention was about enough, not to add the female population.

  "What was that about boo?"

  Jude asked once we settled in a less noisy ambience.

  "I know, right? He can be so commandeering."

  He stifled a laugh.

  "That's true. But I was talking about your reaction sweetie."

  I eyeballed him like he'd just grew a tail - on the head -

  "Don't you dare drop your bullshit on me, Clea!”

  “He asked nicely, made his arguments, and even thought it might've seemed unusual, it was still polite and considerate. Yet, you jumped at his throat like he'd just insulte
d us. If you ask me, you're no less commandeering yourself."

  I couldn't believe what Jude was saying, and it made me feel guilty. If there was one thing I knew about my best friend, it’s that he would speak his mind, no matter how he’d feel about the situation, and more so about the person he’s talking to.

  I also knew, for a fact, that he only tagged along to show that he’d always support me, no matter how it would end up. On our way to the hotel, he’d made no attempt to hide his skepticism about the whole idea of me flying all the way to Chicago, and about Landon being the right person for me, but he showed his support. So, what he said may have aggravated me, but I had no doubt about his sincerity.

  It felt like a hard punch in the belly, especially coming from him.

  “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, you’re never that aggressive.”

  Jude gave another nudge to my guilt and I shrugged.

  “You know how I feel about those kind of proposals, especially coming from outside the circle.”

  I explained.

  “I know sweetie.’

  He said pushing a strand of hair, and pressed a tender kiss to my temple.

  “I know you, and I’ve witnessed all you’ve been through in the past decade; the good, the bad, and everything in-between. But that doesn’t excuse the way you reacted.”

  Jude gave me an understanding look and smiled.

  “Ok.” I pouted.

  “I’ll apologize.”

  “Get right on it then.”

  I had no idea what I’d say, I was still against the whole idea, and I needed to figure out a way to apologize without caving.

  Jude stopped dancing just as ‘Amy Winehouse’ ‘You know that I’m no good’ filled the air. I felt an arm wrapping me from behind and pull me from Jude. I blinked in surprise, until I realized it was Landon. A genuine smile dressed Jude’s features and he pushed himself out from the crowd.

  “Dance with me?”

  Landon spoke to my ear; the way he said the words sounded more like an order, and it made me smile as I’d realized that it was his way of dealing with things. He was on top of the world. That was the undeniable truth about Landon Davis.

  I turned in his arms and faced him with a broad smile to match his own. I danced in his embrace and laughed at the irony of the song’s lyrics. He just moved along smoothly, all dark and graceful; looking at me with scorching gray eyes. I stared at him, thinking about all the ways I was going to get lost in those eyes. There was fire in them, something burning inside his gaze. It made my insides melt. I was dazzled by it.

  “I’m sorry.”

  I said hesitantly.

  “What are you apologizing for Miss Dane?”

  Landon squeezed me further in his embrace. His scent made me lose my course of thought. He smelled heavenly, like my very own Garden of Eden. But he was no heaven, he was hell; sinful and consuming.

  “I’m not in the habit of accepting gifts lightly. It represents intimacy, a token of friendship. Which is why, I never accept them from anyone, other than those three back at the table. I didn’t mean to be aggressive or disrespectful.”

  I mirrored Jude’s words.

  He cocked his head with an amused expression.

  “I assure you, you were neither of those things and I understand your reaction.”

  His smile faded and he continued,

  “But you’ll have to get used to it, I’ve already arranged everything for your friends.”

  I opened my mouth to argue. He silenced me with his thumb over my lips and spoke very slowly.

  “I said, you’ll have to get used to it Clea. Remember, mine.”

  Landon brushed his thumb against my lips and pushed it inside my mouth,

  “Suck!” He ordered.

  I gawked at him in both confusion and surprise.

  “Don’t let me repeat myself Clea!”

  I complied and sucked at his thumb. He rolled it inside my mouth, he tasted like a mix of salt and a familiar fragrance I’d smelled on him.

  “Good girl.”

  He pulled from my mouth and put his finger in his.

  “Sweeter than all my favorite deserts. Can’t wait to feel it wrapped around my cock.”

  His words, along with his burning gaze, electrified me. I fell short of words, and breath. I was mesmerized by him, and longing for him.

  “Tell me Clea, have you done that before?”

  I flushed scarlet and stared down at his chest.

  Landon gripped me harder, his fingers invading my skin.

  “Answer me!” He ordered.

  I shook my head no.

  “Good. I’ll be your first.”

  He said, his tone composed and serious.

  “You’re a very arrogant man, Mr. Davis.”

  I stated firmly, a little annoyed by his presumptuousness, but secretly relishing it.

  “One more thing for you to get used to.”

  He responded wryly.

  “Are there any other aspects of you I should know about? Or should I just make my way back home right now?”

  I said sardonically.

  His face sobered and his expression became unreadable. I was only teasing him, but he seemed affected by my statement.

  “Miss Dane, if you’re looking for ways to convince yourself that I’m no good for you, then don’t look any further. I know I’m not.”

  I wanted to interrupt him, but he brushed me off with a scorching look.

  “Which is why, I suggest for you to spend the weekend with me and decide for yourself.”

  Landon paused then spoke again.

  “If after the weekend, you decide that you want to call it quits, I’ll let you be and you’ll never have to deal with me again.”

  His words were firm and concise. The notion of never seeing this man again felt like a knife stab in my stomach.

  “But if you choose to carry on with me, then you’ll have no way out.”

  He nodded to affirm his statement,

  “You get controlling, arrogant and possessive. You get fucked-up and mercurial. You get all aspects known to mankind which need getting used to, with no way out, ever.”

  His words echoed in my mind. He described himself as a way to explain to me what I’d be dealing with. I couldn’t understand the restriction, a weekend wasn’t enough for me to know the man. I needed more time.

  “How about a week. Sounds fairer for me to get to know you.”

  He shook his head.

  “Two days, two nights Clea. That is my final offer.”

  “What if I want out a week from now?”

  He shrugged

  “No way out before the end of the relationship.”

  I frowned, confused

  “So what’s with the ‘ever’ if we can actually end it?”

  Landon acquiesced.

  “Yes, after six months.”

  What in the effin’ hell?

  “You mean, a relationship with you has some kind of an expiration date?”

  I was amazed by the words coming out of my mouth.

  “I wouldn’t put it that way, no.”

  “How would you put it then? Please, enlighten me Mr. Davis.”

  I was askew and bewildered.

  “The six months are renewable if agreed on by both parties. I just think that six months are enough for a couple to go through all phases before they get bored of each other. I find that, agreeing on a due date for the end of the relationship is a suitable way to avoid heartbreak and disappointment.”

  I needed someone to pinch me, or punch me. I thought I might’ve been hallucinating or living a nightmare. I’d just flew all the way from Manhattan to see the man, to be with him, and he was announcing that whatever we were going to have was doomed to end no matter what.

  I wanted to disappear from the surface of the earth.

  I was destined for failures in any relationship. The thought saddened me.

  “Miss Dane?”

  I blinked at him, uns
ure of the way I felt about everything he’d said. I had no idea what to do. I wanted him, more than I’d ever wanted anyone in my life. He was a mystery to me, and I wanted to unravel him. But I knew I wasn’t cut out for that kind of relationships.

  “I’m sorry Mr. Davis. I won’t need a weekend to decide, the answer is no. I don’t see myself starting something doomed to end.”

  Landon blinked at me in disbelief,

  “What do you mean by that? Please explain.”

  “Well, it’s pretty obvious. Would you get on a plane if you knew it would crash?’

  Landon frowned.

  “I’ve told you that I’m not made for relationships, I knew that. I had no expectations coming here to see you.”

  I paused.

  “Well, I did… But it doesn’t mean that I’m going to agree to your kind of relations either. Why would I want to get involved with you, knowing that I’ll lose you in the end?”

  I stopped moving to the music, feeling an ache reaching from my stomach up to my thrumming heart. I was disappointed.

  “You wound me Mr. Davis.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat and spoke again.

  “And I must say, that is no way to live your life. It is well known, that sometimes relationships end, that people end up heart broken and disappointed. Most of the time, people aren’t aware that there was nothing else to gain from their relationship, but they fight, they work on it and give it their best. That is the way we function. Some succeed, some survive while others move on. And that is what makes us human.”

  I looked around me searching for reassuring eyes. I needed my friends.

  “Life can be unfair, and unexpected. Look at us. We were two strangers just two weeks ago, on another continent, and now, we’re dancing and discussing a relationship with an expiration date. I could be your soul mate, or just another fling. Yet, you’re not even willing to try, you decided that six months would be enough for you to know me, and get bored of me. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to expect anything else from you.”

  He stood there, watching me with a blistering gaze.

  “Are you finished or is there something else broiling in that head of yours?”

  Landon didn’t seem the least affected by my words; it pissed me off.

  “You know what? You’re right.”

  I stated.

  “There still is something I want to say.”

  “Please, go ahead.”

  “You think six months are enough for you to get bored of me?”


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