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Consume Me (A Burning Desire Novel)

Page 13

by R. F. Allie

  “I don’t mind staying with you.”

  My voice was shaky.

  “Good. Let’s go then. We need to talk.”


  He wanted to talk. I had no idea what was going to be said, but I was anxious about it.

  I said my goodbyes to Jenna and the guys, then walked with Landon.

  To my surprise, we didn’t go outside the hotel. Landon walked us to the other end of the lobby at The Victoria. I followed him, puzzled.

  “Where are we going?”

  I asked.

  His lips twitched with an amused expression.

  “How did you come to choose this hotel, Miss Dane?”

  I didn’t understand where the question was coming from.

  “Jenna suggested it was one of Chicago’s finest, and it was close to your office.”

  I explained.

  Landon’s smile grew wider and he cocked his head with an amused gaze. I couldn’t help but smile at his delightfulness.

  That was when it hit me. He was in the hotel business.

  “The Victoria is one of your hotels, isn’t it?”

  He nodded, his smile still illuminating his face.

  “What are the chances?”

  He said sardonically.

  “Knowing Jenna? This has nothing to do with chance.”

  I answered impressed by my best friend’s determination. I thought it weird for her to insist on just one hotel. She hadn’t checked more than one on the website, and didn’t even try to compare services.

  “I need to snatch her out of Columbia.”

  We rode inside the elevator to the top floor. I stole little glances in his direction. He was focused on his blackberry. It amazed me how deeply he affected me by his presence; more so in such a narrow setting. I could barely breathe. He was all could focus on. His lips were slightly parted, clearly concentrated on his task. His shiny strands called for my hands to feel their silky touch along my fingers. I couldn’t help remembering their feel when I’d been with him.

  “See something you like, Miss Dane?”

  Landon kept typing on his phone; he didn’t even look at me.

  “Not really…”

  I muttered, amused.

  “Is that so?”

  He slid his phone in his pants and turned to me. Swiftly, he closed the mere inches between us and pushed my curls away. His touch made me shiver; my breath hitched.

  “So you see nothing you like?”

  I shook my head, holding on my density.

  “What about my eyes?” He said, staring into mine.

  “Don’t you like to see them undressing you every time they fall on you?”

  I couldn’t talk; my insides quivered.

  “What about my lips then?”

  He brushed a feathered kiss, making me stiff.

  “Don’t you like it when they’re kissing yours? Or last night, against your sweet, sweet little clit?”

  I was positive, I lost all consciousness. My mind went wild and twirled endlessly, making me dizzy.

  He brought his palm to the small of my back and slid it under the shirt.

  “Don’t you like the feel of my hand against your soft skin?”

  I couldn’t help letting out a moan.

  “Never lie to me again, Miss Dane.”

  Landon warned, suddenly pulling away and leaving me wanton and breathless.

  “I think that will be the second ground rule.”

  I was at a total loss as to what he’d meant.

  “Second ground rule?”

  I asked taken aback.


  He acquiesced, gesturing for me to walk out of the elevator.

  I stepped out into the most unexpected space. The door opened on a vast room, clean and simple; which made me aware of every intricacy that filled it.

  At first glance, I could tell that Landon had a particular soft spot for art. It was everywhere, in every painting; that went from soft and tender, to bold and expressive. Every individual object, every canvas had uniqueness in and of itself.

  A beautiful U-shaped sofa, with refined and refreshing lines gave an energetic vibe to the space. It faced the beautiful view of the city skyline. It was bright and inspiring.

  I was drawn to a familiar sight at the end of the room. A beautiful sculpture stood on its own. I admired the delicate lines and detailed features of the curvaceous woman represented. However small, the piece stood strong. It communicated something both dramatic and intimate. It was awe-inspiring.

  “You found her.”

  Landon spoke slowly to my ears and wrapped his arms around me.

  The gesture surprised me.

  “This is my favorite. It’s called La…”

  “La Courtisane.”

  I mumbled, cutting him off. I couldn’t believe it.

  The sculpture represented a myth for so many people. It was the work of Dubois. Allegedly, he had made it for the love of his life; who was a prostitute. She was stabbed by her “Madam”, who was also in love with her and got jealous when she thought her leaving. It was never exposed for the public; which was the reason people thought it destroyed or some sort of propaganda about the artist late life. It was part of his private collection and it ended up in some house in Luxembourg.

  “How did you come to acquire this? It was allegedly left behind by Dubois. People said it got painful for him to look at it, and left it behind when he moved to work at the Beaux arts?”

  I was completely taken by it.

  “I’m impressed, Miss Dane.”

  Landon walked in front of me and stood next to the sculpture.

  “Those endless hours around the Louvre must be a passion of yours.”

  I shrugged.

  “I love museums. I find them fascinating, and relaxing.”

  He nodded with a tender smile.

  “Sadly, I have no hand in acquiring this piece. My father is the only one who would satisfy your curiosity; that is if you manage to convince him.”

  He smiled as if cherishing a memory. His gaze seemed to travel back in time.

  “In fact, you’ll start tonight.”

  He said with a wink that made my heart skip a beat.

  I forgot that his father was going to be at the party. I apprehended the moment with anxiety. I needed to talk to him before anything.

  I gathered my courage and put some order in my thoughts. I needed to take the lead on the conversation. I didn’t want to lose any control over the situation. I was going to spend the rest of the weekend with him, and then I’ll get on with my life. There was no point for me to lose an opportunity to spend some more time with him.

  “What is it Miss Dane?”

  I had no idea how he could do that. It really scared me.

  “You said ground rules.”

  Landon blinked at me in surprise, and then nodded.

  “I did.”

  He breathed out.

  “What did you mean?” I interjected quickly.

  He stifled a laugh.

  “Would you care for a drink? Have you eaten?”

  I shook my head.

  “No, I prefer answers. And yes, I had a burger and fries.”


  He said with a smile.

  “So?” I insisted.

  “Such an impatient little thing.”

  He whispered.

  He was teasing me…

  “That is not true.”

  I pouted.

  “And so puzzlingly innocent.”

  “And you are such a lawyer.”

  He cocked his head, seemingly amused.

  I shook my head to affirm my statement.

  “You’re turning around in circles, avoiding the real question.”

  “Oh am I?”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “And what do you suggest we do about that?”

  He had such a beautiful smile, arrogant bastard.

  “Jeez, I don’t know. Answer the damn question?”
br />   “Which question is that?”

  He was seriously wearing me off.

  “You know what? Forget it.”

  I rocked my tennis shoes and walked to the door.

  “Okay, wait.”

  I smiled to myself and secretly bowed.

  I turned to him and crossed my arms.

  “Let’s sit.”

  He gestured to the nearest sofa and I followed him.

  Landon fell silent for a moment, his eyes focused and intense.

  “Tell me Miss Dane, Do you know what the term a fortiori means?”

  I shook my head no. I was curious where he was going with that.

  “A fortiori, is a Latin law jargon. It means an argument from a stronger reason, we use it to point out that if one fact is true, then another one related and or included, must also be true.”

  I was lost.

  “We use the term, along with another one; bona fide, which implies something done in good faith, regardless of the outcome.”

  He straightened himself and pushed closer to me.

  “What I mean by this is…”

  Landon paused, and then continued, fixing me with blazing, sincere eyes.

  “Well, I heard you yesterday. You made your argument and I understand it perfectly. I’m in the habit of living by some rules. When I say bona fide, it simply means that every relationship I get involved in, starts with good faith and good intentions. I never meant to hurt anyone, and especially not you.”

  I nodded my understanding. I might’ve been getting closer to understand him some more.

  “But for you, I’m willing to make an exception.”

  My heart jumped in my throat, my pulse going over the charts.

  I swallowed, hard.

  “You’ll be what we, arrogant lawyers.”

  He said with a wink and a knowing smile.

  “What we call an ad hoc.”

  I smiled at the technique term. I wished for something a little more romantic.

  “What’s an ad hoc?”

  I asked trying not to sound flustered by the whole situation.

  “Well, it usually signifies a solution made for a specific situation, non-applicable in any other one.”

  I eyed him, suddenly confused.

  He tried to hide his smile.

  “It basically means; you’re my only exception. We will build our own relationship from the ground up.”

  I couldn’t believe what he was saying. It took all my best efforts not to jump on his lap and kiss him. But I needed to hear him.

  “You mean no expiration date?”

  I asked.

  “No, no expiration date Miss Dane.”

  Landon smiled sheepishly.

  “But we will need some rules.”

  I could live with that…

  “I live by strict rules in my business and personal life. I’m willing to get rid of what was, until yesterday, the most important one. But since you’re not used to it, we will make our own rules.”

  I looked at him wondering.

  “Yes Miss Dane?”

  “What’s the first rule? You said the lying was second.”

  I asked dryly.

  “Well, the first one has been implied, but not noted.”

  “Which one is that?”

  He tugged me further to him and pulled at the shirt.

  “You Are Mine.”

  Landon stressed every syllable and spoke with a warning tone.

  “I don’t know who this Noah Crosse is, but you’ll never, ever wear something that is branded with someone other than something around Oscar De La Renta.”

  He slowly tugged the shirt and took it off.

  “You know your brands Mr. Davis. Ryan would be falling in love if he was here.”

  I said as a way of lightening his mood.

  “That is my most important rule concerning you Miss Dane.”

  I looked down at my naked stomach.

  “Does it stand the same for me?”

  My voice came out small, and hesitant.

  “What do you mean?”

  I puffed at his feigned ignorance.

  “You’re mine too?”

  He stifled a smile.

  “Is that a question or an affirmation?”

  I shrugged. I meant it as a question, but wanted to state it as some confirmation of sorts.

  “I guess it is only fair.”

  He nodded.

  “I guess that too.”

  I couldn’t believe what had happened. Landon Davis agreed to having a real relationship with me, rather than letting me go. I had never felt happier. There was no way of telling what the future had stored for me, but I was hopeful and content. It wasn’t perfect, the rules implied so many things; it meant there would be several adjustments, and tricky situations that would need dealing with.

  A relationship with Landon was going to be a real roller-coaster of emotions; I had absolutely no doubt about it.

  Chapter X

  I woke up in a dazed state, the warmth of a naked chest against my back, and wet kisses draping the back of my neck. For a moment I felt at loss as to where I was, and then I recognized the familiar feel. I was in Landon's arms, I had no idea how long I had been sleeping. I grinned to myself thinking about what he did to me before I drifted off to an apparent long nap.

  I could get used to it.

  I moaned and pushed further into his embrace. It was bizarre how comfortable and soothing being so close to him felt like. He got my head upside down, his intensity and tenderness, his passion; those eyes I could get lost in; they were engraved in my mind no matter how long the relationship would’ve lasted.

  I turned to face him, and offered a weak sleepy smile, it felt like a dream and I wasn't ready to wake up just yet.

  He squeezed me in his arms.

  “As amazing as having you in my arms feels, we need to get ready"

  I pouted a little protest against his neck and he chuckled.

  “Come on, we'll be back before you know it and your appointment is here, also I have a few calls to make"

  "What appointment?"

  I asked looking into his beautiful eyes.

  “Hair, make-up, dress.”

  He said kissing my forehead and turning to sit on the bed.

  “Oh my god, I forgot to call the guys, they must be freaking out!"

  I jumped out of the bed in a hurry looking for my phone and realized I was completely naked. I flushed crimson at his gaze and ran back to cover myself. He was laughing and pulling at the sheets I was trying to wrap around my bare body.

  “Let go Davis."

  I yelled at him

  He shook his head

  “You let go Miss Dane, you have no reason to hide from me"

  He wore a wicked smile.

  “Fine I'll go downstairs this way."

  I defied him and strode to the door, hoping he won't let me do it.

  “Suit yourself"

  He said leisurely.

  ”But I should warn you, Calvin is down there, along with Antonio, your hair stylist”

  He announced.

  I froze in my path, there was no way I was letting other men see me naked. I turned and looked around me.

  “Where are my clothes?"

  “I don't know, probably somewhere around here"

  He said feigning ignorance.

  “What do you mean somewhere around? Give me my clothes you bastard"

  I groaned at him.

  He brought his hands up.

  “I don't have them."


  I turned and head to the stairs, I opened every door I’d stumbled upon in my path; a library, an office, and a locked one, until I found a gym.

  I got inside and looked around; thankfully, I found some towels on a shelf, they were all too small, but they had to do. I wrapped one around me and head downstairs. Reaching the last step, I glanced around but didn't see anyone. I ran to the couch for my phone. I had three missed calls fr
om Jude and a text from Ryan.

  ~ Get your pretty ass back here ASAP~

  I had to go back to our suite and see what had went down. But I was stuck there, since I couldn’t find my clothes and the lying bastard upstairs was hiding them somewhere. I couldn’t understand why he was hiding them. If it was his idea of a joke, I was obviously not laughing.

  Well maybe a little…

  Getting down there despite what he said was gratifying.

  Thank god he was only trying to scare me off, the towel was barely covering anything and I needed to find my clothes and go find my friends.

  “A-Hem “

  I jumped to the sound of a coughing sound and turned; only to find Calvin staring down at his shoes.

  “I’m sorry Miss Dane; I didn't think that you were... um... downstairs."

  He said still looking down. I freaked out.

  Oh my god!

  “Calvin, I’m, err, I'm so...”

  “Get out!"

  Landon's voice came from behind me, angry and serious.

  Calvin turned in silence, without even glancing in our direction

  “I’m sorry!"

  I yelled to his back.

  “What the fuck do you think you're doing, walking around like this?”

  His voice was screeching and his eyes dark.


  “Well if you gave me my clothes, we wouldn't be in this situation now, would we?"

  I answered him with my coolest tone.

  “No, we wouldn't be in the situation if YOU didn't defy me”

  “Defy you?"

  I feigned shock.

  “Yes, you defy me. You hide from me, Clea; and it wounds me.”

  He pulled at the towel, exposing my naked body to him.

  I felt my knees weaken; watching his bewitching gaze burning a path through my skin.

  "You are stunning, Clea. So pure, so intoxicating.”

  Landon spoke slowly, burning desire inside me.

  “For my eyes only, Miss Dane. Only mine.”

  He finished and lifted me swiftly in his arms and walked us toward the stairs.

  He carried me upstairs and made me climax again, in the most possessive way. He took a shower, and when he came out, all steaming hot and mouthwatering; he pulled my clothes from one of the drawers. He offered me a sheepish smile and let me get dressed.

  "I'll be back in twenty, I have few calls to make, take everything you need for after the party. I have some plans for later."


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