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Consume Me (A Burning Desire Novel)

Page 27

by R. F. Allie

  His eyes were dark.

  "What's the difference?"

  "A pretty big one; a sadist enjoys inflicting pain. A dominant, merges pain and pleasure to satisfy his partner's need as much as his, a dominant has control, and masters it, and a dominant has the trust of his submissive. She trusts that he knows what he's doing, how he's pleasuring her. He controls the amount of pain in a way that is bearable for her; he knows her body, her limits, what makes her orgasm and what doesn't."

  He talked with such passion and knowledge; it scared me a little bit.

  "So, you think that I'm your submissive?"

  I didn't want him to answer that.

  "No, you're my girlfriend!"

  He sounded pissed.

  "But... You spanked me!"

  "I know I did, but that doesn't mean you're my submissive."

  "Then what does it mean?"

  I tried and failed to sound irritated.

  "I don't know."

  "What do you mean, you..."

  He placed his thumb on my mouth to silence me.

  "I don't know Clea, there are a lot of things you don't know about me. Let’s just stick to the rules and we can just discuss it another day. Just let me enjoy another night sleeping while I hold you. I find it very relaxing."

  He smiled gently and pulled me to him.

  "Okay, but we have to discuss this. I'm very curious."

  I admitted.

  He nodded and wrapped his arms around me. I turned and faced him, pushed my leg between his and settled in my own favorite place in the world.

  "Good night, sweetest Clea."

  "Good night, Baby.”

  “I love it when you call me baby.”

  He whispered against my ear.

  My heart skipped a beat.

  “I know you do; and so do I.”

  Chapter XVII

  "Don't worry Boo; we'll make it in time."

  Jude hugged me once we’d settled inside the cab.

  We were on our way to the airport to pick up my mother. Mario had cancelled at the last minute; apparently his future mother in law had been admitted at the hospital with a heart attack, we tried to get another car, but the agency was completely booked.

  I didn't want to be late, I was grateful she took a late flight. The week had been crazy, in every way. I’d started classes on Tuesday evening, and therefore a crazy new schedule. The tension at work was growing around the campaign, the deadline was in three weeks and the creative team was having problems developing similar ideas, it went in every direction.

  After I'd finished classes on Wednesday, I’d joined my colleagues for a team building at Eloise's, it'd been fun and relaxing, we talked a lot about our different majors, our college experience and some personal stuff that Brooke and Silver didn't mind to share. Then Eloise suggested my childhood game from the job interview, it was a lot of fun, especially since I’ won, only by a slight margin with Jason.

  I’d barely seen Jenna. She’d started to work part-time for a newspaper, so between that and classes schedule, she barely made it home the nights Landon and I stayed at my place.

  I’d been worried about whether she felt comfortable at school and if she made any new acquaintances. But I didn’t have to; she’d managed just fine.

  Landon, on the other hand, was a much more intense experience. We'd fought about me defying him, but he'd refrained from any kind of punishment, just like he avoided any discussion related to what he'd said to me Monday night.

  He had to work a lot, especially with the Braden Ellis, with which he’d got me acquainted and maybe a little scared.

  I got paranoid when he’d told me that he thought that the company had something to do with the not-so-accidental death of the lawyer who had the case before him.

  The sex got, if even possible, more intense, more intimate. We'd been in every room in the apartment, up to the kitchen and the terrace. We’d woken each other up according to the rules. It was amazing to wake up in such a heavenly way. He managed to wake up with a start every morning; except this morning.

  I didn’t want to think that I was thankful that my mother had no consideration for the hour difference and chose to send me her flight details at five.

  So I woke up and tiptoed my way to the kitchen to make him breakfast. Landon had a thing for French toasts and fresh fruits. I made him just that, with cinnamon tea and fresh orange juice then took the tray back to the bedroom.

  He was sound asleep and perfect. He was laid on his back, his legs flexed and his mouth slightly open. I marveled at the scenery, along with the light sun rising behind the trees. New York was ready for a new day.

  I fixed my hair and took off my silk pajamas, and then climbed slowly on top of him, holding my weight.

  I hadn’t been on top of him, other than that first night in the shower. He’d put me in some crazy looking positions. I thanked Jude’ stubbornness, he’d forced me into all sorts of physical activities. Landon had put my flexibility to some mad tests.

  I smiled watching his peaceful and satisfied state. He looked gratified in his sleep. I pushed through his boxers opening and pulled him out swiftly inside my mouth.

  I hitched my breath when he moved and froze.

  I sucked him and licked my way up and down his length.

  I apprehended him waking up like that; he was getting hard by the second. I was amazed that he didn’t wake up.

  It was so damn arousing.

  He wasn’t fully erect when I’d pushed him inside me; but it was just enough for me to go crazy.

  When I couldn’t hold my weight anymore; his eyes flickered open. I steadied myself with my palms against his naked chest.

  Landon blinked in surprise. He didn’t think I’d manage to wake up before him; or maybe he’d thought he was dreaming.

  I cherished the beautiful confused look on his face and started moving up and down his length. It was sensational to feel him grow inside me.

  Soon; his hands were holding my thighs and he was meeting me with his thrusts. His low grunts sent shivers through me. He never took his eyes off me; nor did I. I was hypnotized by the sight of his gaze. His smoky gray eyes; they were taupe, his pupil dilated.

  He grew deeper inside me, moving in a way that hit every nerve and conjured a pressure inside me. I quivered and moaned my pleasure.

  I leaned down and sealed my lips with his. He’d wrapped his arms around me in a powerful grip and quickened his pace; he grew relentless extracting loud moans inside his mouth. All the muscles in my body clenched. His hips flexed and stiffened, and we came together in a muffled symphony of moans and groans that led to the most beautiful and intimate orgasm.

  It was exhilarating and heart-stopping.

  I lay on top of him for a moment; pressing kisses inside the crook of his neck.

  There was something about it; I felt safe in it.

  “Good morning baby.”

  He’d finally said; his voice all raspy and hot.

  “I think it’s better than good.”

  I smiled against his neck.

  “That’s undeniable. I’d say best morning; but I don’t agree Miss Clayton would approve.”

  I frowned.

  “Who’s Miss Clayton?”

  “My English teacher in seventh grade.”

  He announced amused.

  “Don’t tell me you had a crush on her while you’re still inside me.”

  I warned.

  I heard him chuckle.

  “Okay; I won’t.”

  Landon pressed feather kisses to my knuckles.

  “I made you breakfast.”

  I said pushing to get from on top of him; he stilled me.

  “You did?”

  I nodded struggling out of his grip; I didn’t know why I kept trying, I could never manage.

  “Stay; just a little longer.”

  I loved how the color of his eyes shifted from dark and taupe, to an ashy-gray, sparkling with the early morning light.

settled in his crook again; he played leisurely with my curls.

  “I love your curls; they’re just like you, rebelled and soft. I’m going to miss you.”

  My smile faded; he had to leave to Chicago until tomorrow.

  “It’s ok; it’s just one night right?”

  “The longest night; I can assure you.”

  I knew it was going to feel like an eternity. I couldn’t imagine my life without him. It was delirious. It’d been a week since my first night in Chicago and we hadn’t been apart. We had lunch together every day, he’d pick me up from work, drive me to campus and pick me up again. We went to the movies had a night in with Jude and Ryan. I’d been glad that he and Jude were getting along. They even had a mysterious conversation; on which I’d chosen not to pry. I’d rather have them being friends. Ryan was more accessible and social, and he was impressed with Landon.

  But he had to work; he’d managed during the day, and Braden had been better. Well as better as any kid would be; functioning with a machine. The doctor said he could make it if he gets a kidney in the next month; but he had to stay in the hospital.

  “Are you going to miss me?”

  His voice was a little hesitant.

  I smiled and looked into his eyes.

  “You know, for a very successful, off-the-charts rich, handsome lawyer and businessman; you got some very stupid questions.”

  He laughed; his face lit up.

  “So I’m handsome now, am I?”

  He commented amused.

  “You know damn well that you are; with all those women drooling over you. Yesterday, they were really pathetic.”

  I said with a hint of jealousy.

  “They don’t know that you can’t judge a book by its cover; once we get to know you; you’re really not that interesting.”

  His smile broadened; ever the cocky bastard.

  “Is that so Miss Excitement?”

  He abruptly pushed his awakened erection inside.

  I squeaked with surprise.

  Landon rolled me under him and pushed inside me again.

  “I’m very much exciting, thank you very much.”

  I appealed caustically.

  It felt so good.

  “And I’m very dull, aren’t I. Nothing more than some empty attractive shell.”

  He slammed, hard.

  “You’re always so keen on bruising my ego Clea.”

  “Yes; and I said handsome not attractive.”

  He thrust again.

  I had no idea how I could still speak.

  But one dangerous gleam told me to stop defying him; or else I wouldn’t have gotten my orgasm. He’d deprived me Wednesday night; and even though he’d given three the next morning between the bed and the shower; I still had a troubled night of sleep.

  His slams got righteous and relentless; I was getting close. I shut my eyes.

  “Look at me.”

  He’d ordered.

  I was lost in his gaze.

  “Will you miss me Clea?”

  His voice was soft and pleading.

  “More than you think.”

  I’d blurted out.

  “Good. Now come for me baby.”

  I came undone and he followed crying out my name.

  It was what I loved most about our lovemaking; he always called my name and claimed me.

  We had a shower and ate breakfast before he’d head to his flight.

  It had been the happiest week of my life. We talked a lot, about work, classes, family and some of his exes, or the ones he’d considered important, they were two, the bitch that became his partner, and another one named Audrey.

  I told him a little about Caden, but avoided getting into any details, which he did too.

  I’d spent the week obsessing about the spanking session, trying to wrap my head around the fact that, it might've hurt, but I liked it.

  Once I accepted the pain, I relished the pleasure. I felt dysfunctional, especially since, I couldn't talk to my friends about it without feeling judged, sickened or ashamed.

  I spent a great amount of time researching the Internet about everything related to the subject of dominance and kinky stuff. I was going to talk about it, one way or the other.

  I tried to bring it up yesterday around dinner. He'd taken me to one of New York's finest restaurant; we had a nice date instead of working and eating at home.

  Which I officially preferred since all along the evening three waitresses had switched place just to drool over him, without mentioning some of the people he knew and who were there.

  Some women were shameless.

  I'd brought the spanking up during dessert and he'd suggested that we talked about it after my birthday. I hadn't insisted further, because he was also troubled with the Ellis case, and he had to be in court this morning.

  I was secretly a little thankful that he had to leave; I hadn't told my mother anything about our relationship, nor who he was and the fact that she knew his family. I wanted to wait for tonight, we were having dinner with Jenna and the guys.

  "So boo, what are you wearing tomorrow?"

  Jude got me out of my swoon; we were stuck in the traffic on the expressway.

  "Umm, I don't know. But mom says that she got me the ‘Perfect Dress’ ;which made Ryan a little pissed, so I guess I'll decide tomorrow, but I treated myself with new pumps yesterday."

  I grinned widely.

  I’d had lunch with Landon and stopped in front of my favorite shop just to look around and ended up with some beautiful red soles. Landon had insisted to pay for it; which got us into a little fight but I caved as he’d invoked the holy rules.

  "Nice. I'm thinking, blue skinny chinos, denim shirt and Prada."

  Outside of modeling, Jude liked to wear out-of-the-box, but he never messed with the P brand.

  "And I'm thinking, I like the sound of that!"

  He gave me a scrutinizing look and seemed to think about a way to ask me a question.

  "Spill it baby boy."

  He feigned shock, and I threw him a warning look.

  "Okay, okay, but you know I have to ask."

  He paused.

  "You're in love Boo, aren't you?"

  It was my turn to be shocked, I didn't expect that.

  "Oh come on Cléclé.”

  He got some old French endearment out of the archives, and I smiled amorously remembering the days it was all about the two of us.

  “It's me; you don't have to hide it."

  He smiled.

  "Actually, scratch that, you can't hide it even if you tried, which you aren't."

  “I don't know."

  I looked down at my hands.

  "Sure you do, you're just freaked out. But you have this glow; it's like your perfect make-up. Bright, starry eyes, wide smiles, every time he's next to you, you seem to be under a spell, every time he calls you or texts you, your face lights up. That can only mean one thing, and I'm happy for you, maybe a little happier than you are.”

  I blinked at the unexpected admission.

  “Frankly, I’d lost hope after everything the asshole did, and I was afraid of Landon. But I see it, in your eyes and even more in his. The man is head over heels in love with you."

  "You think so?”

  He knew me all-too-well. It was true; I couldn't hide it even if I wanted to.

  "Oh, I know so."

  He circled me in an embrace pressing a kiss to my forehead.

  "But, don't you think it's too early?"

  I was really scared about it.

  "If you were truly in love in the past, you would know that there's no such thing as too early or too late. Love knows no such things, it just hit you like a rock on the head, and if you ask me, I think he fell in love with you the moment he saw you in the museum. I mean the guy chased you across the globe."

  He insisted.

  "That's impossible, love at first sight is a fiction, and mostly for women."

  "Actually, that's totally wrong. Men
are visual, boo, they fall in love with their sight, but women would rather talk and discover what's beneath the person before falling in love. That's why I think he fell in love at the museum, while you fell in love during that charity party where you went all Million Dollar Clea on us."

  I laughed at him.

  “Million dollar Clea?”

  It was funny.

  “Yep that’s what Ryan calls you in your back. You were silent, and out of nowhere you went like; One million dollar! I swear boo; I went blind with disbelief that night.”

  He was laughing; and I was too. It was a pretty crazy night.

  "Anyhow; so I know that’s when you fell in love. And I know it because I care about you, because I love the hell out of you, but mostly because I'm curious and attentive to details."

  He winked at me, and threw me a knowing look.

  He was right; I was utterly and completely in love with Landon Davis.

  Chapter XVIII

  We barely made it to the airport on time, my mother's flight landed and Jude went to the baggage claim to get her luggage, she'd brought Ryan's fabrics and described her suitcases on the phone.

  I sent a text to Landon telling him that I’d missed him.


  I ran to my mother as soon as she came through the doors. She looked positively glowing and beautiful. Then again, my mom had always distinguished herself in a crowd.

  She wore a gray pin-stripe dress and her quilted Chanel; she held her hair in her usual chignon, nothing to suggest that she just flew for seven hours.

  "Ma Chérie."

  I plunged myself into a much needed hug from her and stayed there for a minute or ten, until she started feeling weak.

  "I'm glad I came, it seems like you've been missing me more than I expected."

  "You have no idea. How was your flight?"

  I asked.

  "Oh Mon dieu! Horrible!"

  She exclaimed.

  "First class aren't what they used to be, and a very annoying man spent the whole flight snoring. I suggested he took care of it as soon as he could."

  She tut her disapproval

  I loved my mother, she was one of those women who hated bad manners and responded to them in the same fashion. She was hot-headed and big-hearted. But she’d lived in a world of spotlight for so long, she was far from the girl who had met my dad during a summer she’d spent traveling and volunteering across the globe.


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