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Biker's Heir Series Box Set

Page 55

by Brooklyn Jones

  My sweaty palms clenched the steering wheel as I drove back home. How was I going to break it to him? “Oh hey Ryker. By the way, I'm having your baby.” Sounded stupid when I said it out loud. “Ryker, will you have a baby with me?” That sounded like I was giving him the honor of being a father. Nothing that came to mind sounded good. I'd just have to wing it.

  I unlocked the door to our apartment and found Ryker sitting on our couch with his head in his hands. He immediately got up and came to me, his eyes on the verge of crying. What happened? Was that why he was trying to call me?

  “I was so worried,” Ryker said, embracing me. His musky scent almost lifted me off my feet. I wanted to stay safe in his arms forever. Ryker pushed me to arms length and looked me in the eyes. “I want to have this baby with you.”

  My jaw dropped. Every nerve in my body relaxed. He wanted to have the baby. “How did you find out?”

  Ryker laughed. “Wasn't very hard. You left the pregnancy test in the bathroom.”

  “I guess I was so blindsided that I didn't even think of that. You're not mad are you?”

  Ryker looked offended. “Mad?” He grabbed both of my hands. “How could I be mad? I want to do this with you. And actually I was planning to do this in a couple weeks but now is a better time.” Ryker got down on one knee and produced a small jewelry box. It popped open and sitting on a bed of clouds was a silver engagement ring with the biggest diamond. “Tempest, you're the one. There's nobody else I'd rather spend my life with. I love you.”

  I couldn't turn off the waterworks if I tried. I was so shocked and happy at the same time that I couldn't form a reply to Ryker. He just sat there on his knee, holding the ring up.

  “Any answer would be great right about now.” Ryker looked worried.

  I nodded up and down, shedding tears everywhere. “Of course the answer is yes.”

  Ryker put the ring on my finger and I couldn't help but admire how beautiful it looked on me. Ryker finally got off his knee and hugged me hard.

  “Promise me you'll love me forever,” I whispered in his ear.

  “I promise with all my heart,” he replied softly.



  Five Months Later

  Ryker scratched his head as he looked down on the mess of wooden pieces. This man used to have to beat the life out of people. A baby's crib was his new enemy now. He picked up and unfolded the white instruction manual. He looked like an explorer, standing on a vista, looking at his map.

  “I don't know how anybody is supposed to figure this shit out,” he said.

  I watched him from a rocking chair in the corner of the bedroom, trying to hold back my giggles. Moving boxes were stacked against every wall. We'd only just moved in a few days ago. This bedroom was going to be for the baby. “Take a deep breath, honey.”

  Ryker took my advice and inhaled sharply. “I think I need a break.” He set down the map on the pieces of the crib and knelt down next to me. “Is our boy going to like his room?” he asked, putting his hand on my stomach.

  “I was thinking of going with dark blue on the walls with white sailboats.”

  “White sailboats?” Ryker repeated. “Why don't we just paint the room pink and give him Barbies?”

  I playfully shoved him away and my chair rocked backwards. “How about race cars then?”

  Ryker smiled and showed his teeth. He had been so carefree and happy since our wedding. Like nothing could stop him from being happy. “Sounds good to me. Clay is going to love it.”

  “Clay? What kind of a name is that?”

  “A boy's name of course.”

  “I was thinking of something more like Justin.”

  Ryker pondered for a moment and began talking to my stomach. “Are you a Justin, little guy?” Ryker looked up at me. “I think we have a winner.”

  Time was moving so fast. One day I was a drug addict, getting high as much as possible. The next, I'm married, pregnant, and happier than ever.

  I eventually called my parents and explained everything that happened. Ryker insisted on it after the engagement. He had been insisting on a lot of things lately. They weren't too enthused about me getting married so quickly but their minds changed when they met Ryker. I even invited Sarah, making her my maid of honor.

  Once thing I didn't understand was how we were able to afford so much. I was almost done with school and Ryker still hadn't found a job yet. We had just bought a four-bedroom house in a nice suburban neighborhood. A small cry from the crack house I lived in while I was an addict. I didn't think to question it. I just thought that Ryker had some money saved up. But this was different.

  “How are we paying for for all this?” I asked, motioning to the entire house.

  Ryker grinned and felt my belly again for the baby. “All thanks to the Murphy brothers.”

  I cocked my head to the side. “What do you mean?”

  The baby kicked and Ryker felt it, keeping his hand on me. “I was the only one that knew where the O'Malleys kept their money. We inherited it all, baby. We have enough to live on and never work again.”

  “Holy shit! Why didn't you tell me before?”

  Ryker looked down at the floor. He thought I was mad. “I didn't want you to quit your dream of finishing school.”

  I lifted his face by his chin. “I love you more than anything, Mr. Ash.”

  “And I love you, Mrs. Ash.” Ryker kissed me, his hand sneaking down my shirt and feeling my up my breast. “God damn, your tits are absolutely gigantic now.” Ryker pinched my nipple and I felt that familiar desire between my thighs—that same desire that led me down this pregnant path in the first place.

  “We've christened every room but this one,” I said, twirling my hair with my finger.

  Ryker bit down on his bottom lip. “Mrs. Ash, you're a dirty girl.”

  I giggled as he kissed my neck.

  Life couldn't get any better.

  I couldn't be with a better man.

  The End


  Copyright 2018

  All Rights Reserved.

  Disclaimer: This ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is coincidental.

  No section of this book may be copied or reproduced without the author's permission.



  Arkan saved my life.

  He's the first real man I've ever laid eyes on.

  My crotch swelled at the sight of him.

  I'll do whatever it takes to pay him back.


  I'm a Ranger of the Old Forest, Protector of the Kingdom of Rian.

  After rescuing Jennifer, she's made me rethink everything.

  She's the woman I've always been searching for...

  Fury is a fantasy romance featuring very steamy scenes and a happily ever after!

  Chapter One

  The village of Icebor stood on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Danzar. Located a few miles from the castle, it was one of the smaller villages but was bursting with activity.

  Jennifer Saro strolled through town, holding a large wicker basket filled with dirty clothes. She walked by Guntho and his stall that was stocked with the freshest bread. Guntho was balding with a big belly that jostled when he laughed. He was always the most friendliest out of the villagefolk.

  “Washing clothes today?” he asked.

  Jennifer nodded, looking over the different types of bread. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. “Smells so good.”

  “I'll let you have a loaf on the house.”

  The basket took both hands to carry and she couldn't very well put a piece of food with the dirty clothes. “I'd love some. I just don't have the room to carry it.”

  Guntho laughed and his stomach rippled. “Don't worry about it, I'll deliver it to your parents.”

  Jennifer blew him a kiss. “You're the best, Guntho.”

  Jennifer continued on, passing by more
neighbors and saying hello. Everyone in Icebor knew each other. That was one of the benefits of a small town.

  She passed by the stables and could hear the horses rustling inside. Her parents didn't have enough money to own a horse but she was allowed to ride one every once in awhile. Jennifer made a promise to herself that she would one day own a horse.

  And she already had a name picked out. Illa if it's a girl. Dune if it's a boy.

  She imagined riding at top speed through the dark forest, the wind in her curly dark hair, weaving in and out of trees. She could almost feel the horse breathe beneath her.

  But it was only a fantasy. A dream that would never come true. Horses were expensive in the Kingdom of Danzar.

  She caught a glimpse of Hugo the stable boy tending to a bale of hay as she passed. He looked up and brushed his shoulder-length blonde hair out of his eyes. Hugo smiled at Jennifer and she blushed, walking away as fast as possible.

  Hugo was about the only man in Icebor that was around the same age as Jennifer. Ever since they were children, the village had talked about them getting married and having kids. But she always dismissed the idea.

  Now that she was eighteen, which was the acceptable age to marry in Icebor, she saw Hugo differently. He was always nice to her but he was very small and weak when they were younger. But after working in the stables for two years, Hugo had bulked up nicely.

  Now Jennifer could barely fumble out two words around him without making a fool out of herself. If only he would ask her on a date.

  She passed the last of the thatched-roof huts and made it to the river. It was calm today which was a relief. Rain had bombarded the village day after day and the river was too wild to get close to. The laundry had piled up and the basket Jennifer held was only the first of many.

  The Junti River bordered Icebor and was the only place to get fresh drinking water and wash clothes. She set her basket down and stretched her arms. Jennifer looked out across the river to the other side. The green hills ran high and she never knew what lay over the top. The other side always called to her but she had been told from an early age to stay away.

  “Evil men live there,” her mother told her.

  But as long as she lived, Jennifer had never seen anyone over there. The river wasn't that wide. A quick swim over and she'd finally find out if the stories were true.

  Jennifer suddenly found herself ankle deep into the river. It wasn't even deep enough to swim across.

  Before she got halfway, a voice called out to her.

  She looked behind to see Hugo at the edge of the river. “What are you doing, Jennifer?”

  Today wasn't the day to cross the river. Jennifer began to make her way back. “I wanted to wash my feet off,” she replied back.

  “Dangerous way to get your feet clean.” Hugo reached out his hand and Jennifer took it. He helped her out and Jennifer was back in the grass.

  “You really think the people on the other side are dangerous?”

  “I wasn't talking about them. The river is dangerous because of flash floods. With all the rain lately, you never know. I'd hate to see you get whisked away.”

  Jennifer could barely make eye contact with him. “What are you doing by the river?” She noticed the bucket on the ground and knew the question was stupid.

  “Getting water for the horses.” Hugo dumped the bucket into the river until it was full. “I better get back now. Hartnet will whip me if he finds me slacking off.”

  “Well it was nice talking to you.”

  “Stay out of the river, hear me?”

  Jennifer nodded and smiled. “I'll be good from now on.”

  Hugo began to walk away but Jennifer didn't want him to go. She wanted to touch his hand one more time. She wanted a kiss.

  Hugo turned back. “I was wondering if you would be interested in going on a date with me.”

  Jennifer clasped her hands behind her back and beamed. “I would love that.”

  “How about tomorrow night?”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  Hugo left and Jennifer was alone again. She couldn't wipe the smile from her face as she washed clothes. She even whistled a tune as she worked.

  Maybe some dreams do come true.

  Chapter Two

  Jennifer entered her home carrying the large wicker basket of clothes. Her family's hut was an average size for Icebor: two bedrooms, kitchen, and living room. Nothing fancy. Just enough space for a family of three.

  “Is the laundry all clean, Jennifer?” Eliden asked.

  “Yes, Mother,” she replied, setting the basket down in the living room. Jennifer wiped the sweat from her brow and let out a sigh.

  “The dishes need to be set out for dinner.”

  “Yes, Mother.”

  Jennifer went into the kitchen to retrieve the dishes. The smell of her mother's famous soup hit her nose. She was carried over to the cast-iron pot set above an open flame. She took a wooden spoon and dipped it into the boiling brown liquid.

  “What are you doing, Jennifer?”

  Jennifer jumped and accidentally dropped the spoon into the soup. Eliden rushed over and fished it out before it could sink to the bottom.

  “Nothing, Mother. Just checking to make sure that the soup tasted good.”

  Eliden smirked. “Go along and finish setting the table before your father gets home. We don't want to get him angry. He already has enough on his plate with some of sheep missing and all.”

  Jennifer nodded. The last thing she wanted to do was stress her father any further.

  Her family had a small flock of sheep that was her father's primary business. They were used for food and wool, selling primarily to his fellow villagers.

  A couple weeks ago, a couple of sheep went missing. It was normal for sheep to escape their pen every once and awhile. But when a few more went missing a week later, they knew they were being stolen.

  Jennifer's father had been standing guard over the flock every night since the thefts and had barely slept. He was in no way going to allow anymore to be taken.

  Jennifer was finishing setting the table when Raldar walked in. “I'm home.”

  Eliden kissed him on the cheek. “How was work today?”

  Raldar took off his large coat and handed it to his wife. “It was fine,” he replied in a low voice.

  Jennifer came over and kissed him on the cheek too. “Dinner is almost ready, Father. Why don't you sit at the table.”

  “Fetch me some ale.”

  They all sat down as a family at the dinner table. Raldar ate his food in silence and Eliden and Jennifer tried to find a subject that wouldn't anger him.

  “Did the river quiet down?” Eliden asked.

  Jennifer tasted the soup and savored the rich flavor of the beef. “Yes it's almost back to normal.”

  “And did you see Hugo on your way there?” Eliden winked.

  “Mother, please it's embarrassing.”

  Eliden elbowed her. “Oh come on, your father and I both see how you look at him.” Eliden looked to Raldar for backup but all he could do was grunt while he ate.

  “Well I did see him when he helped me out of the river.”

  Raldar put his spoon down and looked up at Jennifer. “What were you doing in the river?”

  Jennifer realized she said something she shouldn't have. “I didn't mean to...I just wanted to clean my feet.”

  She remembered the blind curiosity that had taken her into the middle of the river before Hugo had called out to her. If he wasn't there to stop her, she would have gone to the other side.

  “What's over those hills?” she asked. “On the other side of the river.” Jennifer couldn't help but asked.

  Raldar inhaled deeply. “We've told you time and time again to stay away from there.”

  Jennifer sucked down some more soup. “I know but you never tell me why.”

  Eliden put her hand on Jennifer's. “Evil men live over the hills. There's no telling what they would do to you if they found y

  “But we've never seen them before. How do we even know they exist?”

  Raldar set down his spoon. “I've seen them before and that should be evidence enough. I will hear no more of this at the dinner table.”


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