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Biker's Heir Series Box Set

Page 60

by Brooklyn Jones

  The huts on the southwestern side caught fire quick. A bell rang throughout the village. Barbarians stormed out of their homes and ran to the blaze. Orders were being shouted out.

  “Look!” Farondil pointed to the huts where the prisoners were being held. “Five guards left to go fight the fire.”

  Belim lifted his warhammer. “That leaves only five left.”

  “Go now,” Arkan began, “We take out each guard at the same time. Wait for my arrow.”

  Garel counted the group and scratched his head. “Will Jennifer be throwing her knife to kill the last one?”

  “She'll be watching my back while I take out two at once.”

  Jennifer unsheathed her dagger and looked at her eyes in the blade. They were eyes that weren't ready for battle.

  Garel, Farondil, and Belim, sneaked into the village undetected. There was so much commotion that they probably didn't even need to hide in the shadows. With everyone running around, they wouldn't even be noticed. Even the guards were distracted by the fires in the distance.

  “I hope Demorac is okay,” Jennifer said.

  Arkan drew his bow. “Don't worry about him, he knows how to take care of himself.”

  Jennifer didn't feel reassured. There were so many barbarians moving to the southwestern side that Demorac would be in big trouble if he was spotted.

  Arkan watched Garel take position behind one of the guards. Belim and Farondil did the same. Arkan nocked an arrow and took aim at one of the other guards. He would need to loose his arrow fast and get the other one out before the last guard could alert his friends.

  Arkan took a deep breath and let it fly. The arrow coasted through the night sky and landed in the guard, the arrowhead disappeared deep in his chest.

  The others sprung into action. Garel came from behind, put his hand over the guard's mouth and slid the knife across his throat. The guard was dead before he hit the ground.

  Belim lifted his heavy warhammer over his head and let it down full force on the head of the guard. It exploded into red chunks.

  Farondil slid his thin rapier through the back of the guard and stuck him right through the heart.

  The last guard remaining looked around at his dead comrade and realized what was happening. He went to scream when an arrow pierced the side of his neck and threaded his throated.

  “You got them all!” Jennifer said. She was ready to celebrate the victory.

  “Don't get too excited yet. We still need to get out of here without dying.”

  Jennifer saw her parents walk out of the hut with their hands tied behind their backs with rope. They looked unharmed expect for some bruises and dirt. Her heart filled with love.

  They were both still alive.

  She got up and ran down the hill towards the village. Towards danger. Arkan tried yelling at her to stop but it was already too late.

  Jennifer's parents lifted their heads and saw her running towards them. She crashed into the both of them and almost knocked them over.

  “Jennifer, what are you doing here?” Raldar asked.

  She hugged both of them tight even thought they couldn't hug back. “I came to save you two.”

  The rest of the prisoners came out of the hut with Garel, Farondil, and Belim following.

  Arkan made it down to the base of the hill. “We don't have time for a reunion. We need to get out of here before we're spotted.

  “Don't worry, they're with me,” she told her parents.

  The prisoners and the Rangers ran to the cover of the hills. The barbarians were still focused on putting out the fires. They hadn't been spotted.

  Arkan breathed a sigh of relief. Now they needed to meet up with Demorac.

  The group circled around the village. A few of the prisoners had trouble traversing the uneven terrain with their hands tied behind their backs but Belim and Garel kept them upright.

  “Everyone keep low,” Arkan reminded everyone.

  Jennifer could feel the heat of the fire against her face as they made it to the southwestern side. Arkan signaled for everyone to start making their way back to Icebor. Garel led the party and Jennifer took her knife and began cutting everyone's ropes.

  “Demorac should've been here,” Farondil told Arkan.

  Arkan peeked over the hill at the village. “I know. Something must've gone wrong.”

  “We can't stay any longer. The barbarians will be sending out scout parties once they find the prisoners gone.”

  Arkan nodded. “I know.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Demorac came bounding over the hill, out of breath, and with a large red gash in his left arm.

  The Rangers had just left the meeting spot with the prisoners. He could see them cresting a hill a hundred yards away.

  The blood loss made him pale and lightheaded but he had to catch up with the party before the barbarians caught up with him.

  Demorac ran as fast as he could, almost stumbling over his own feet.

  Arkan heard a noise and spun around with his bow drawn. Demorac stood before him with a smile and blood dripping from both arms.

  “Mission accomplished,” he said before closing his eyes and fainting in Arkan's arms.

  Demorac was still alive but barely. Arkan called over for Farondil to help carry Demorac. They dragged him to the rest of the group.

  But there was no time to rest.

  Arkan and Farondil sat Demorac on the ground when they heard noises coming from the hills behind them.

  “Do you hear that?” Farondil asked.

  “Sounds like a war party is coming after us.”

  Farondil pointed to Demorac. “We aren't going to move very fast.”

  A weak voice came from below. “Leave me behind.” Demorac turned on his side and opened an eye.

  Farondil crouched down on one knee. “That's too bad, Demorac, because we're taking you with us whether you like it or not.”

  Demorac laughed and began coughing up blood. Farondil examined the wound on his arms and deemed it not too serious. He had reopened the wound that he received when scouting Icebor. But he noticed Demorac's tunic was also soaked with blood.

  Farondil took Arkan out of ear shot of Demorac. “He won't make it unless we get him back immediately.”

  Arkan looked out to the hills where the party of angry barbarians would no doubt appear soon. “Get him and go. I'll stay behind and hold them off for as long as I can.”

  Farondil stepped forward. “I would like to volunteer for this job.”

  Arkan shook his head. “Sorry, but I'm the leader and I say I'm the only that gets to sacrifice himself today.”

  He looked past Farondil at the group of prisoners they rescued. Jennifer was helping her parents to some water. Arkan wanted to say goodbye but she had such a big smile on her face that he didn't want to ruin it.

  “Tell Jennifer I love her,” Arkan said.

  “Good luck,” Farondil replied.

  They clasped each other's arms and Arkan was off into the night.

  Farondil helped Demorac to his feet and ordered the party to keep moving.


  Jennifer was too busy making sure her parents were all right to notice Arkan leaving. It wasn't until they were far away when she looked around and couldn't find him.

  She spotted Farondil at the back of the group with Demorac stumbling under his arm. “Is he okay?” she asked.

  Farondil strained as he tried to keep Demorac from tripping over his own feet. “He will if we can get him back to the Kingdom.”

  “Where's Arkan?”

  Farondil didn't know how to answer. “He's scouting behind us to make sure that we aren't being followed.”

  Jennifer looked behind them at the rolling hills. Farondil wasn't sure that she believed him but it seemed to work when she went back to her parents.


  Arkan set up at the top of a hill and could see torch lights a few hills away. It wouldn't be much longer before the barbarians were upon him. He
took out every arrow in his quiver and stuck them into the ground until they made a wooden fence around him.

  If he was going to get out of this alive, he would need to fire every arrow as quick as he could. And he didn't feel like sacrificing himself today. Not when Jennifer was waiting for him.

  He counted the arrows on the ground and cursed when he only got to six.

  “Hope it's a small war party,” he said to himself.

  He kept low to the ground to keep his position hidden. He needed the element of surprise. The light became brighter as the barbarians approached.

  Arkan got onto his knees took an arrow out of the ground. He nocked it and pulled back the string until it was taut against his cheek. He waited until the first barbarian peaked the hill, his head just barely in sight.

  He let go the arrow and it soared through the night sky until it landed with a thud into the barbarian's head. The man fell backward down the hill and Arkan could hear a commotion as the group discovered their dead friend.

  The barbarians shouted an order for everyone to get down which is exactly what Arkan was hoping for. They had no idea what Arkan's position was or how many there were. The more time it took for them to figure it out and kill Arkan, the more time Jennifer and the Rangers had to get to safety.

  Arkan nocked another arrow and waited patiently. It only took a few moments for another head to crest over the hill. Arkan let the arrow fly but the barbarian ducked before the arrow reached him.

  “Damnit. Keep it cool and wait for the perfect shot. Only four arrows left.” He strung another arrow and stretched the bowstring.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a barbarian trying to come around the hill to scout out his location. An arrow through his chest made sure the barbarian wouldn't be able tell his group where Arkan was.

  Three arrows left.

  Arkan had no idea how big the barbarian group was. They were still hidden behind the hill. For all he knew, there could be thousands waiting to attack.

  Two came running over the ridge, swords in the air, screaming a battle cry. Arkan didn't let that scare him. He fired his first arrow into the throat of one and immediately fired another into the leg of the other barbarian.

  The barbarian left alive dragged himself up and over the hill. Arkan didn't want to waste his last arrow on someone who couldn't even fight anymore.

  He pulled his last arrow from the ground and kissed its head. “You better be able to kill at least twenty barbarians when I let you loose.”

  He readied his bow and watched the hill. The light from their torches still glowed against the dark night. Sweat dripped from his forehead. After this arrow he'd have to resort to close combat with his dagger.

  Arkan waited and waited but the barbarians never came. He heard an order of retreat and the glowing light of the torches began to move away from him.

  Arkan relaxed his bowstring and fell to the the cold ground from exhaustion. “The gods must be watching over me.”

  Chapter Twenty

  The Rangers, Jennifer, and the prisoners made it to Icebor as the sun crept over the horizon.

  Farondil and Garel had to help the unconscious Demorac into one of the huts. “I'm going to need bandages,” Farondil said.

  “I'll ask Jennifer if the village has any medical supplies,” Garel replied.

  “Better get some ale too.”

  “For you or for Demorac?”

  Farondil laughed. “I think we're both going to need it.”

  Jennifer stood at the edge of the village, looking across the river and to the hills. She thought that Arkan would come bounding over the hill at any moment.

  “Jennifer, do you know where I could find some medical supplies?”

  She turned to find Garel behind her but her attention went back to the hills. Her hands were clasped so tight together that she couldn't even bring them apart if she wanted to.

  Garel knew exactly what she was worried about. “He'll be back. Arkan knows how to take care of himself.”

  “I know. But I still fear that he will never come back.”

  “We need bandages for Demorac. Do you know where we can find some?”

  Jennifer sighed and began walking through the village without saying another word to Garel.

  She brought him to her home that hadn't been touched since that day the barbarians raided. Her parents were inside picking up pieces of broken pottery.

  “Mother, can we get some bandages? One of the Rangers is seriously injured.”

  Eliden nodded and ran off to the kitchen. She came back quickly with so many bandages that they were falling out of her arms. “Will this do?”

  Garel nodded. “Thank you those will do fine.” He took the bandages from her and ignored the ones that had fallen on the ground. “I'll be off now. I must get these to Farondil.”

  Jennifer was left alone with her parents. They all hugged for several minutes, enjoying each other's love.

  “Thank you for coming for us,” Raldar said. “But never do that again!”

  Jennifer was shocked by his booming voice.

  “We could never forgive ourselves if you were hurt because of us.”

  Eliden agreed with him and Jennifer could only stand there and accept it. “I know I'm sorry. I just couldn't let you both become slaves to those barbarians.

  They hugged again with a lot of kissing on the cheeks.

  “I'm just glad were all back home and in one piece. I guess we have your Rangers to thank for that.”

  “I think I will cook them a glorious feast,” Eliden said. She noticed that Jennifer wasn't even listening to them anymore. She seemed far away. “What's wrong dear? Shouldn't you be happy that we're all back here safe and sound?”

  Jennifer shook out of her daze. “I am happy. It's just that Arkan is still out there.”

  Eliden smiled. “You care for that man, don't you?”

  Jennifer blushed. “Well I'm not sure.”

  Eliden took her hand. “You're my daughter, Jennifer. You can't hide your feelings from me.”

  “I think I'm in love, Mother.”

  “That's great news!” Eliden hugged her.

  Ralder stood there with his arms crossed. “I will have to approve of this man before you can go with him.”

  Jennifer couldn't confess that she'd “gone with him” already. Her parents wouldn't understand.

  “I just wish I knew that he was all right.”

  Jennifer left her hut and went back to the river overlooking the hills. The stream was quiet today, a few fish could be seen swimming in the clear water. A figure appeared over the hill. Jennifer couldn't quite make out what it was.

  It almost looked like a barbarian. He wore a furry coat just like they did.

  Jennifer thought that this could be the beginning of another raid. Losing her parents again would be unbearable. She looked around for someone to call out for help when she heard a familiar voice across the river.

  “Did you miss me?”

  Arkan was back.

  He stumbled down the hill towards the river. He had a barbarian coat around his shoulders and his bow stowed behind his back.

  Jennifer couldn't wait for him to come to her. She jumped into the river and sloshed her way to him.

  They met in the middle of the river and Jennifer jumped into a hug that almost knocked Arkan over.

  “Easy there,” he said.

  Jennifer kissed him a hundred times before she stepped away and examined him. “Are you okay? Are you injured?” She checked under his coat for any signs of blood.

  Arkan grinned. “I'm fine. Just very tired.”

  “Let's get you back to my house so you can rest.”

  “First tell me how Demorac is?”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Arkan entered the hut that was being used as a makeshift hospital. Some of the prisoners they rescued had been injured in the raid on Icebor and they had not been treated while at the barbarian camp.

  Arkan passed a few be
ds until he came upon Demorac. He lay still with his eyes closed, taking shallow breaths. All of his clothing was stained dark with blood. Arkan kneeled next to the bed and held his hand. Demorac stirred for a moment but never came conscious.


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