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Ryder Steel: Rockstar Romance

Page 14

by Thia Finn

  “G’Anna?” I heard Trudy call. “I’m going around the corner to get some coffee. Be back in a few.” I spun and looked at the doorway, but she never appeared. She didn’t like coffee. Something was very wrong.

  “Did you want her to get you some, too?” Britton jumped up and stepped to the doorway as though he was going to speak to her. Before I could make a move, he stood in front of me with his back to the camera installed in every room.

  “What’s going on, Britton?” I looked down and saw a gun in his waistband under his jacket, my eyes doubling in size. “What the hell?”

  “Let’s go, bitch. I told you before that this wasn’t over. I let you have the upper hand the last time, but this time, I have all the control. I’ll never step aside and let a slutty little thing like you tell me how my life is going to go.” He jerked his head to the side indicating I needed to move.

  “You know there are cameras everywhere and before he left, Ryder assigned a guard to me. You won’t get by with this.”

  “Oh, you mean the big guy who’s now parked in the alley behind your building. He’s going to be out of commission for a long while, I’m afraid. Let’s go.” He pushed me down the hallway. “By the time security sees what’s happening, we’ll be long gone.”

  Trudy’s desk sat empty. “Where is she?” I turned back to see his face. He had the potential to succeed in the business. Now my eyes met evil ones, but I’d seen him smile. His natural beauty and youth would have catapulted him and the band into stardom. Instead, revolting negativity took over.

  “She’s fine. She’ll be found by morning.” He pushed me past her desk and down the hallway on the other end to the parking lot.

  “Where are we going?” I knew the cameras recorded sound if only I could convince him to say where.

  “Don’t worry, princess. You’ll figure it out.” He looked at the camera and smirked, and I knew he understood my ploy. “Now move. Your chariot awaits. It’s not a huge fucking SUV like the famous Ryder Steel uses but something that meets my needs.”

  A dark van sat at the doorway, motor running. The side door slid back, and Britton pushed me into the dark cavern. “Where are we going?” My voice faltered from fear. I knew I needed to get tough in a hurry. My life depended on making level-headed decisions along with confidence and willpower. Britton pulled my hands together and zipped a tie wrap around them so tight, I feared he’d cut off my circulation.

  The door shut with a loud bang, and I jumped. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Think, G’Anna. Listen to the sounds, count the turns. Kidnapped victims needed to think smart. With him beside me, I couldn’t kick out tail lights.

  The vehicle lurched forward causing me to fall back, but Britton kept me upright. We turned right to get to the corner which was only about hundred yards away. A loud, horrid brake noise sounded as we screeched to a forceful stop, sending me flying forward through the air banging into the seat in front of me. Thankfully, I landed shoulder first and not with my head.

  Before I could right myself, the door sailed open. A man aimed a gun at Britton, his still tucked in his waistband.

  “He’s got a gun,” I screamed at my rescuer standing in the darkened door.

  “Yeah, please go for it, motherfucker. He’d like nothing better than to shoot you. And by shoot you, I mean kill your sorry ass.” Ryder stepped into the doorway as he spoke.

  My savior reached in and removed the concealed weapon while keeping the gun aimed at Britton’s head.

  “Ryder.” I launched myself at him. With my hands bound, I couldn’t stop, but I trusted this man. He always caught me when I fell. I knew he always would, too. He held me tight against him.

  “Sugar, I’m so happy to see you.” He walked me to his large SUV. The two accomplices, now handcuffed, leaned over the trunk of a vehicle sitting sideways in the street. Looking at them as we passed, I realized they were young, much younger than Britton.

  As we reached Ryder’s car, it dawned on me he was supposed to be in Europe. I shot him a look. “What are you doing here, Ryder? You’re supposed to be in Europe.” He pulled out his pocket knife and cut my wrist ties loose gently rubbing the skin to get my circulation back.

  “Little shit. He’s never tied anyone up before, or he’d know better than to make it so tight.”

  “Answer me.” My tone more demanding this time.

  “After the first incident, Thomas and I spoke. I told him the specific things taken from your studio. I doubted from the beginning it was a random burglary. We concluded it had something to do with Steel, otherwise, why wouldn’t they take your expensive equipment?”

  “Right. I wondered about it, too, but I never thought it could be about the band. I decided it had to do with the pictures of the band. Maybe the thief wanted exclusive photos or something.”

  “It wasn’t a burglary, G’Anna. It was revenge for not getting his way. Do you remember telling me about the interview with these guys? You said then you’d never shoot them, but you used the tour as an excuse at the time.”

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t explain why you’re here.” I leaned back and cocked my eyebrow up. He’d been holding out on me.

  He turned that panty-dropping smile on me. “Sugar, I couldn’t possibly go off without you by my side, especially with what had happened. Thomas’ gut said they would come back the minute the band left, and he was right, as usual.”

  “W… What did he think they were they going to do?”

  “Who knows, but we’ll leave that for the police. Right now, we’re taking your equipment, picking up your bags. The jet’s waiting to take off from Bergstrom. I’m not giving you another chance to be without me around.”

  “You’re pushy. Has anyone ever told you that?”

  He grinned at me again before pulling me in for a heated kiss.


  “Sit back and relax, G’Anna.”

  “How can I relax? In the last five hours, I’ve been kidnapped, rescued, and whisked away on a private jet to Europe. I don’t think I’ll relax for the next four months.” She sat on the edge of my seat beside me.

  The armrest separating us disappeared as she pulled it up and leaned over into me. “This is really happening, isn’t it?”

  “What, sugar?” I kissed her temple holding her close.

  “The tour, us, Steel. The whole thing.”

  “Yes, that’s how it works. Someone spends hours scheduling our tour, and we show up to play. Our new manager, Ace, is waiting for us to arrive. We fired that dickhead, Paul, after the problems he caused between Chandler and me.”

  “You’ll have to tell me the whole story sometime.”

  “I don’t want to think about that right now. I’m just happy to have a daughter in my life.” I leaned my head down on the top of hers. “It was a long time coming, but I have a kid.”

  “Just one?” A lot of secrets stood between us, but tonight wasn’t the night for them.

  “Yeah, just the one. I never had a chance to fall in love after her mom until now.” She raised her head looking at me. “Look, G’Anna. I know we’ve only been together a short time. I’ve kept my heart hidden away for so long that I didn’t think I’d ever find another woman to love like I did Chandler’s mom. Then, you fell onto my radar.”

  She turned, and those golden-chocolate mixed eyes stared into mine. “What are you saying, Ryder?”

  “I’m trying to say that I can’t imagine being without you now. I wonder what you’re doing when we’re apart, who are you talking to, and what has your attention during the day? Are you eating dinner alone or out with friends?”

  “Oh, wow.” I knew she wanted to say more, but I wasn’t finished.

  “I don’t want to start my day before I talk to you. Hell, I don’t want to wake up knowing the other side of my bed doesn’t have you in it. Opening my eyes and watching you sleep and looking peaceful and destressed from the day’s worries would make me happy, sugar.”

  “Oh, Ryder. Are you
sure about this? I mean, I feel the same way, but it’s so new.”

  “The only way we’re going to know it to try, G’Anna.” If she said she felt differently, I think I’d cancel the tour and stay in Austin to convince her.

  She sat back and dropped her eyes to her hands in her lap, and my heart stopped beating. In a flash, she jumped and threw her arms around me. “Okay.”


  “Okay to all of that. It’s the best offer I’ve ever had.” She leaned back and pressed her lips to mine. “Does this mean I get to have my way with you now?”

  I looked around at the two security guys with us on the jet. Thank God for bedrooms on it. Taking her hand in mine, I led her back to the closed door. “You’re sure about this, sugar?”

  She wrapped herself around my waist. “Already second-guessing the decision?”

  “Fuck no. I think it’s the best one I’ve made in well over twenty years.” I kissed her and pushed her through the open door, kicking it closed behind me.


  On my way to pick up G’Anna, I thought back over the last few months. We made a few trips over to watch some of the concerts Assured Distraction played after Steel returned to the states. Peri did a fine job of booking them in the best cities all over Europe but in smaller venues than we played.

  If it were possible, their success made me even prouder of my daughter. She adapted to the craziness of their band in no time. Assured Distraction skyrocketed to fame on foreign lands like Steel had done years before.

  G’Anna and I caught the last show and brought the band home with us on the jet. They deserved a treat. Those crazy kids took advantage of all it had to offer, too. The attendants would be restocking for the next trip because of what little was left in our liquor cabinet.

  The band came home to a fine mess with Ryan, Krissy, and Peri, though. Babies and bands co-existing rarely work, but that’s another story. They’ll probably all end up in court straightening the problems out.

  As the SUV pulled up to G’Anna’s office, I saw Trudy talking to G’Anna, who held an overnight bag in her hands. I stepped from the vehicle, and she turned and greeted me with a huge smile I never tire of seeing.

  “Hey, sugar.” I pulled her in for a soft kiss.

  “Hey yourself, Mr. Rockstar.” She knew I hated being called that but enjoyed teasing me.

  I took her bag from her hand and held the door open. “You know, G’Anna, this living out of a suitcase is getting old to me.”

  She looked at the bag in my hand and climbed into the back seat without speaking. She slid closer when I moved in next to her.

  “Yeah, I thought the same thing, but I have no suggestions.”

  “Well, I sure as hell do. Move in with me.”

  “Ryder, I live in a house. You live in a hotel. That’s not living to me. It’s a place to stop over between visits.”

  “Your house is too small. I mean, it’s in a great location in Austin, but it’s way too small for us.”

  Her eyebrows moved up her forehead. “You’d consider moving into my house?”

  “If it meant we could stop this insanity, then yes. I want to be with you, wherever you are, G’Anna. Don’t you know by now how much I love you?”

  “Hmmm… interesting way to profess your love to me for the first time.”

  “Sugar, I profess my love to your every time we fuck.” I leaned in and kissed her. Talking about fucking made my dick twitch.

  “That’s not the same thing.”

  “The hell it’s not.” Women had strange ideas about telling them you loved them. “Stop the car,” I called to the driver in front. The car pulled to a stop on the side of South Congress.

  “Right here, sir? Is everything okay?”

  I threw open the door to a sidewalk full of people usually milling around the SoCo area. Stepping out, I dragged G’Anna with me. In the middle of the sidewalk, I dipped her back in a grand gesture and kissed her with a kiss hot enough to set us both on fire. When I stood her back on her own two feet, I kneeled. I knew how it looked, but I wanted this to be as important and memorable for us both. A crowd clapped and whooped as we looked at each other.

  “Ryder?” she questioned me. Fuck, she probably questioned my sanity.

  “G’Anna, I love you with all my heart. Do you understand how much that is? I love you like a man should love a woman, and I hope you love me back the same. I plan to love you until the end of our time on this earth.”

  I looked around at the people watching this. I knew they took pictures of us, and we’d end up blowing up social media, and someone would bank some cash off the video, but I didn’t care. “Okay, guys. This isn’t a proposal so get this right. This is one happy man telling one beautiful woman how much he loves her. When I propose, it won’t be on a sidewalk on South Congress, and it certainly won’t be with a bunch of strangers around us.”

  I turned back to G’Anna. “Sugar, I love you.” I looked around at the crowd. “Did y’all get that? I love her.” They clapped again, and then we all waited to see how she would react. I didn’t expect her to say the words if she didn’t feel them.

  She ran her eyes around the circle of people of all ages.

  “How can I deny in front of all these people what I feel in my heart? I love you, too. I’ve loved you for such a long time. I just didn’t know how to say it first. Now, I’m ready to shout it to the masses.” She turned to the circle and shouted, “I love Ryder Steel.”

  I knew when she said my name out loud, things would escalate quickly. Most already knew, but her announcement confirmed it.

  I stood and kissed her again picking her up off the ground and stepping toward the SUV. By the time we broke apart, the crowd had grown and started getting out of hand. I climbed in and slammed the door.

  I yelled at the driver, “Take off, dude, before there’s a problem, and I’m charged with inciting a riot.”

  “I hope our love always causes a riot.”


  Beck and Call


  The scorching heat burned my back. I glanced over my shoulder to watch flames shooting skyward, but it didn’t cause my steps to falter. This day had been coming for years, but I never dreamed it would end in fire.

  Sirens blared in the distance. My body rattled as they grew closer. When the sound blistered my ears, I stopped to watch them barreling down the road in my direction. The truck’s red blur sped by, and I knew the men and women holding on grew anxious as their adrenaline rose with each mile passing in the direction of the fire.

  I feared for them as I always did when I heard the distressing call of a public service vehicle. Those people put their lives on the line each time they drove away from the station. I admired them for the servants they were. Their bravery amazed me because I knew I didn’t have what it took to sacrifice myself the way they chose to daily.

  Walking backward down the side of the road leading to Main Street, I watched the driver turn the corner for the last time before slamming his foot down to stop at their destination. I knew what they would find. I knew what they would believe. I knew how it would look.

  My legs moved faster, and my heartbeat increased, carrying my guitar case and a backpack. Escaping the scene was my only option until the truth could be proven. My life held change I hadn’t planned on so soon. Now, I had no choice.

  If you enjoyed Ryder Steel and haven’t read the Assured Distraction series, check out the rest of the boxed set and Hayden’s Timbre. These are all full-length standalone novels that are best enjoyed if read in order. See links below by clicking here.

  Join Finn’s Freaks to keep up with the next series of rock star romances at:

  All the latest news of cover reveals, new releases, and book signings can be found there.

  Everybody Gets High by Missio

  Sorry by Nothing but Thieves

  Something to Believe In by Young the Gia

  Angela by Lumineers

  &Run by Sir Sly

  Die Young by Sylvan Esso

  Wish I Knew You by Revivalist

  Blood in the Cut by K. Flay

  Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea by Missio

  Silver Lining by Mt. Joy

  Love on the Brain by Cold War Kids featuring Bishop Briggs (Rhianna cover)

  Runaways by The Killers

  Tongue Tied by Grouplove

  Suit and Jacket by Judah and the Lion

  One Night Only by The Struts

  Acknowledgements are always difficult to write because I know I always leave someone out and never mean to. Please believe me when I say, I appreciate everyone who spends their time doing anything for one of my books or helps to make my life easier.

  I want to thank Julie, Mayas, Tre, and Mary for doing the beta reading over and over. Without these wonderful ladies, I would never get a book started off on the right foot. They help form the finished product you see. I’m so grateful for the time they spend trying to make me look better.

  I absolutely couldn’t do anything without my outstanding PA, Julie Lafrance. She keeps me straight, attends takeovers to make sure everyone sees all my books, she makes beautiful teasers without me even asking her, and more and more things. Mostly, she makes sure my head is on straight, so I can continue doing what I love but lifting me up in every way.

  The outstanding team at Swish Design and Editing, Kaylene Osborn, Nicki Kuhn, and Kim Osborn, work their magic with each book I write. I have learned so much from these wonderful ladies about writing, editing, and the publishing world. I can’t say thank you enough to this team of women.

  Sisters of Word Porn, one of my groups that listens to me rant and rave when I need to, are a fantastic group of crazy ladies. Renee, Kristine, Teri, and Nichole are there for me when I need them, and I love them all. If you haven’t found this group on Facebook, look us up. We always love getting new people in the group to hang out with.


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