Love Above All: A Billionaire Romance Book 1

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Love Above All: A Billionaire Romance Book 1 Page 3

by Lillian James

  She refused a date with me? Connor thought as he stared at Amelia in amazement. She turned back to what she had been doing and pretended that the whipped cream had her full attention, though she was still very much aware of Connor's presence behind her. A stunned Connor left the kitchen as he thought of other ways to get Amelia in his bed.


  "Someone has an admirer," Vivian said to Amelia with a grin as she entered the kitchen with a bouquet of flowers. Amelia was making lunch at Gary and Samantha's mansion.

  "Vivian?" Amelia questioned with raised brows.

  "I knew it's not possible that a beautiful woman like you wouldn't catch the attention of a fine man," Vivian said. At the same time, Amelia gave her an even more puzzled expression.

  "These are for me?" Amelia asked.

  "Of course, who else would receive a beautiful bouquet like this?" Vivian said as she passed the bouquet to Amelia.

  Amelia collected it from Vivian with a frown as she turned the bouquet around before her eyes caught the card inside the bouquet.

  To a beautiful woman. I'm still waiting for you to consider a date with me.

  C. S.

  Amelia gasped as she read the card before glaring at it She knew the flowers were from Connor. Can't he get it that I don't want to have anything to do with him? Is rejecting his date twice not enough memo for him? Amelia frowned at the flowers.

  "Who brought this to you?" she asked Vivian.

  "A delivery man brought it," Vivian said before Amelia dashed out of the kitchen with the bouquet at hand. At the same time, she tried to catch up with the man.

  She opened the door to the entrance and was glad when she spotted the delivery man. He had just gotten to the gate.

  "Hey," Amelia called out, causing the delivery man to turn. She walked as fast as her legs could carry her towards him.

  "Good morning," Amelia said as she reached him.

  "Good morning," the delivery man said as he studied her dubiously.

  "Did you bring this?" she asked, raising the bouquet.

  "Yes, I did," he replied.

  "Thank goodness,” Amelia said. “Can you please return this to the person who sent it?”

  "I'm sorry, ma'am. It's against policy to do that," the delivery man said calmly.

  "Can you please return this? I'm willing to pay extra for it," Amelia pressed him.

  "I’m sorry, ma'am. I really can't do that," the delivery man insisted before Amelia spent the next few minutes that followed trying to convince the delivery man to return the flowers to Connor. After a long while, the delivery man agreed, much to Amelia's relief.

  What does Connor think? That he can buy me over with flowers? He has another thing coming if that's what he thinks. But then Amelia reconsidered her true feelings as she walked back to the mansion. I can't believe I'm attracted to a man like him. What's not to be attracted to?

  "Even I found him irresistible, it's still not an excuse for his behavior," Amelia muttered to herself as she let herself in.


  "I can't take this anymore," Connor growled to himself as he paced his bedroom. He thought of the various ways he had tried to get Amelia into his bed and how everything had failed spectacularly. He thought of how she had rejected his date on two occasions and had returned the flowers he’d sent to her days ago. What frustrated him was that the attraction he felt towards her still grew at a rapid rate. He felt a stir in his loins as he pictured Amelia's face.

  "I can't take this anymore," he said again as he left his bedroom. Amelia was in the kitchen and had just finished preparing his meals for the week when he entered the kitchen.

  Amelia wasn't aware of his presence behind her as she was clearing the tabletop she had used.

  "Amelia," he called out as she slowly turned to him. "I can't take this anymore. I don't know why you hate me so much, but I really like you. I mean, you are a breath of fresh air from the girls I'm used to. I've tried my best to control my attraction for you, but I can't do it anymore." Connor drew closer to Amelia. He wrapped his arm around her waist as he pulled her closer.

  "Connor," Amelia gasped as she put her palms between them and weakly pushed at his chest.

  "I know you feel the same way I do, Amelia," Connor said to her as he stared deep into her eyes.

  "Connor," Amelia gasped again as she felt herself slowly drowning in the passionate web he was weaving around her. She tried to push him with all the strength she could muster when he covered her lips with his and started kissing her.

  Connor pulled her closer with one of his arms while the other arm went around her neck to allow him to deepen the kiss. Amelia was left with no more resistance at this point. Her arms went around Connor as they kissed.

  "Amelia," Connor gasped as he broke the kiss and trailed kisses down her neck.

  Amelia moaned at this as she drew her neck back to allow him more access to it.

  "Connor," Amelia whispered as her palm held his head to her neck, where he sucked the point it joined with her shoulder. She gasped as intense pleasure washed over her.

  "What did you do to me, Amelia?" Connor muttered as he deftly unbuttoned Amelia's shirt before he trailed kisses down her chest as he exposed it to his gaze. Amelia could do nothing else but enjoy the pleasure Connor was dishing out for her.

  "Connor," Amelia gasped as he covered one of her nipples with his mouth. He sucked hard on it while he fondled the other breast with his palm.

  Amelia's fingers went into his hair as she held him firmly against her breast.

  "What did you do to me, Amelia?" Connor repeated as he released her breast with a pop. He lifted her skirt before he dipped his hand into her panties. He groaned as he felt her wet core.

  "Amelia," he muttered as she writhed against his palm while his erection grew. "I want you so much, it's killing me.” he removed his palm from her core and hurriedly undid his trousers and brought out his erection without entirely pulling off his pants.

  "Connor," Amelia gasped with glazed eyes while her fingers stroked his back.

  "I can't wait anymore, Amelia, I can't wait to have you anymore," he told her.

  Amelia pulled him closer. She was too lost in her need for him to care about anything else at that point.

  That was all Connor needed before he dipped his fingers into Amelia's wet core and shredded her panties before he lifted her to sit on the bare tabletop.

  "Beautiful," he muttered as he discarded her skirt. She was bare to him at this point. He barely had enough time to take in her full beauty before he started guiding himself into her. He gasped as he felt the tight sheath of her core. Amelia gasped at the fullness of his erection within her.

  "Connor," Amelia gasped as she writhed beneath him. Connor tried to summon every strength he could to hold himself back from an impromptu release. Intense waves of pleasure hit him with full force as he began thrusting in and out of her slowly.

  "Ahhh," Amelia loudly moaned as he increased the pace of his thrust. "Connor!" She moaned again as she was hit with the full force of orgasm.

  "Amelia," Connor grunted as he followed closely behind as he released. Only their heavy breathing could be heard for the next few minutes that passed.

  "That was incredible," Connor muttered as he raised himself slightly from Amelia. He had never felt such intense passion with his past lovers. What makes her so different? He wondered to himself as he studied Amelia.

  "This —" Amelia started to say as she slowly raised herself off the tabletop.

  "Shhh," Connor said as he placed his finger on her lips. He knew she was trying to draw up her defenses once more, but he wasn't going to have any of that because he wanted more. "Let's enjoy the moment.”

  This intense attraction is only for a moment. I'm sure by the time we wear ourselves out; it won’t be as intense anymore, Connor thought to himself.

  Amelia relaxed at Connor’s words. She decided to live in the momen
t like Connor had suggested. She wanted to feel the passion Connor had unleashed within her.

  "Okay," she said before Connor broke into a full grin.

  "Brilliant choice," he said as he lifted Amelia in his arms and carried her to his room, where they spent the whole night exploring their passion for each other.


  "The deliveries have been made to Germany," Andre said as he passed Connor the document he held in his hand.

  "Okay," Connor said as he collected the document. He scanned it briefly while Andre left his office.

  He dropped the document on his desk as his mind drifted back to Amelia. He smiled as he picked up his phone to give her a call.

  "Connor," Amelia said after her phone rang. Connor smiled as soon as he heard her voice, which was like a soothing balm for him. He didn't feel like it had only been hours since they’d parted. He couldn't believe it was weeks now that he’d started his affair with her. It was foreign to him, since he was only used to having one-night stands with women. However, with Amelia, he couldn't stop himself from wanting more. He had thought it would fade after their first weekend of fantastic sex, but it hadn't.

  "Amelia," he said back with a smile as he leaned back in his chair.

  "Is there a problem?" Amelia asked with concern.

  "Of course not,” Connor said. “I was wondering if we could go out tonight?".

  "Go out? Like a date?" Amelia asked.

  "Yes, a date," Connor said with another smile.

  "Well, I have a long day at the mansion today," she said.

  "Then let's make it tomorrow," Connor said. He was displeased that he would have to wait until the next day before he saw her.

  "Okay, tomorrow it is," Amelia agreed.

  "Good, let’s plan for 7 pm. I'll pick you up," Connor said.

  "No, just send me the address and I'll be there," Amelia said while Connor frowned on the other line. She didn't want her employers to get wind of the affair that was going on between her and Connor.

  "Fine, if that's what you want," Connor said as he heard a knock at his door.

  "Yes, we'll talk later," Amelia said.

  "Okay, later," Connor said before he ended the call. The door swung open and Andre walked in.

  "Your 10 am is here, sir," Andrew said.

  "I see. Where are they?" Connor asked. His 10 am meeting was with some potential investors.

  "They’re in the conference room," Andre replied.

  "Good, I'll be there in a minute. I need the necessary documents ready in the conference room," Connor said to Andre as he stood up.

  "Okay, sir," Andre said as he marched out of the office after Connor. The rest of the day passed by uneventfully for Connor as he tried to keep his mind off of Amelia and focus solely on the meetings he had. It wasn't an easy task for him, and he grew even more puzzled about how Amelia could have such an effect on him.


  "Wow, this place is beautiful," Amelia said, as her eyes scanning the restaurant they were seated in as they began to eat the food they had ordered minutes ago. They were on the date they had agreed on the previous day.

  "I'm glad you like it. I wasn't sure about your preference for Italian food," Connor said.

  "I like any good food," Amelia said as she chuckled.

  "That must be part of the reason you make good food," Connor said with a smile.

  "I love cooking," Amelia said, beaming.

  "You are excellent at what you do. I'd choose your food over this anytime. However, I wanted to spoil you and I wouldn't be able to achieve that if you were the one who had to cook the meal," Connor said.

  "I wouldn't have minded that," Amelia said, chuckling again.

  "I would have," Connor said with a slight shake of his head.

  "So this is our first official date," Amelia said, changing the subject and looking thoughtful.

  "Yes, it is," Connor said. He couldn't believe he had made it to the dating stage with Amelia "I wanted a chance for us to talk more about ourselves. I knew that wouldn't be possible back at the apartment because I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off you. Even now, the only thing keeping me from doing that is because we’re out in public," Connor said as he stared intently at Amelia.

  "Connor," Amelia gasped as she locked eyes with him.

  "Ahem," Connor coughed when he started feeling his loins stir.

  "Let's talk about you," he said as he broke his eye contact. He was ruffled by the intensity between them.

  "What do you want to know?" Amelia asked.

  "Everything," Connor said and frowned when he realized that he truly was interested in knowing everything he could about Amelia. It was unlike him to want to know about the women he got involved with.

  Amelia launched into full details about herself.

  "Wow, I'm glad you followed your dreams, or else we may never have met," Connor said after Amelia had told him about how her parents had first thought her career choice was absurd before they’d finally given their consent and support.

  "I'm glad I did too,” Amelia said. “Now, tell me more about yourself.”

  Connor started talking about himself. He didn't realize when he started talking about things he didn't usually speak of with Amelia. He found that he was enjoying every moment of it.

  "Wow, I just can't picture you with mud all over you," Amelia said, laughing at his story. Connor had just told her about one of his most embarrassing moments when he’d been young.

  "Well, it did happen,” Connor said, smirking at the memory. “I was too ashamed of it and I ensured my brothers didn't know about it because they wouldn't let me hear the last of it.”

  "Well, I can understand that because it sounded like an awkward situation," Amelia said as she dropped her cutlery.

  "That's all you’ll be having?" Connor asked with raised brows.

  "Yes, I'm satisfied," Amelia said with a shrug.

  "Then let's leave. I've been wanting to peel that dress off your body since we came for this dinner," Connor said with a mischievous smile.

  "Connor," Amelia said, sounding alarmed as her eyes darted around to ensure that no one had heard him. "You are insatiable, Mr. Smith,"

  "Only for you, Miss Stephen," Connor said with a sultry voice. He held her palm in his, and they walked out of the restaurant into the limousine. Connor helped Amelia into the limousine before he followed suit, and the driver headed back to his apartment.

  Connor kept a distance between him and Amelia to help keep himself from peeling her clothes inside the limousine. However, all hell broke loose as he watched Amelia give him an intense look while she slowly bit her bottom lip.

  He muttered some words under his breath about how irresistible Amelia was before he crossed the little space the limousine provided and slammed his lips with hers.

  They moaned as their lips touched while their arms roamed each other's body. They wanted to feel each other and they wanted more of their shared passion.

  "You break all my control," Connor whispered before he lowered himself and removed one of Amelia's breasts from her gown. "Beautiful," he said as if in a daze before he covered her nipple with his mouth. Amelia threw back her head as Connor sucked hard on her nipple. They were just getting into their passion state when the limousine reached Connor's mansion and stopped. Connor stopped what he was doing with every restraint he had in him.

  "Let's continue this in a proper bed, shall we? I want to properly treat you like the princess you are," Connor said as they both breathed heavily as they stared at each other.

  They heard a knock on the limousine door, and that was all it took for Amelia to readjust herself. She had just managed to make herself look presentable again when the door opened. They made their way into Connor's house, and they had barely shut the door when they pounced on each other and started devouring each other with the burning passion between them.


you, Amelia," Gary said as Amelia served his lunch after she’d served Samantha's lunch. He was seated at the dining table with Samantha.

  "You're welcome, sir," Amelia said before turning to leave. Gary and Samantha exchanged a look. They knew it was time to talk about what they’d noticed about Amelia recently.

  "Amelia," Gary called out as she reached the door.

  "Sir," Amelia said as she turned and returned to the table.

  "Please sit," Gary said to Amelia's surprise.

  "Sir," Amelia said as her gaze darted between Samantha and Gary.

  "Please have a seat," Gary repeated, and Amelia took her seat. At the same time, different thoughts of what could be the reason for the meeting flooded her mind. She saw Gary and Samantha exchange a look before they turned to face her once more.

  "Amelia," Samantha said as she thought of how to start with Amelia. She liked Amelia, and that was why she’d called Gary's attention when she began to notice Amelia's sneaky movement. They had both been alarmed that her behavior was due to her affair with Connor.

  "We want you to know that we aren't here to judge you. However, we would like to advise you," Samantha added.

  "We know about your affair with Connor," Gary said after a long silence. Amelia's eyes widened on hearing this.

  "You are an adult and you can decide on your own, so like we said earlier, we aren't going to judge you about what you decide to do. However, it would be best if you’re careful with my brother. He could hurt you if you aren't careful. I'm not talking about the physical aspect here," Gary said.

  "Connor is a playboy, Amelia. We love you around here, so that's why we thought we should talk to you about it," Samantha said.

  "Thank you," Amelia said.

  "That was why we called you in. You may leave now," Gary said before Amelia nodded and left the dining area.

  I shouldn't be bothered about Connor hurting me. I mean, we didn't agree on anything permanent, and I don't love him, so there is no way he can hurt me, Amelia thought as she walked back toward the kitchen. Gary and Samantha's words kept resounding in her head.


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