Love Above All: A Billionaire Romance Book 1

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Love Above All: A Billionaire Romance Book 1 Page 4

by Lillian James

  Dammit, who am I deceiving. It's too late not to keep myself emotionally attached to Connor because now, there is nothing I can do about the fact that I love him. Amelia stopped short while her eyes widened in realization.

  "No, no, no," Amelia whispered as it hit home.

  "How did it happen?" She muttered with wide eyes. She was filled with dread as she realized the situation she was in.


  "That was amazing, as always," Connor breathed heavily as he fell next to Amelia's on the bed. They had just finished having sex.

  "Yes, it was," Amelia said as she also tried to steady her breathing. Her smile turned into a frown as her mind drifted back to what had been bothering her for days.

  "What is it?" Connor asked with a frown when he noticed Amelia's expression.

  "What do I mean to you?" Amelia asked as she turned to face him sideways. “What’s this we have together? Do you love me, Connor?" Amelia asked as she tried to read his own expression.

  "I…Amelia…" Connor stuttered as he stared at her wide eyes before he shifted his gaze elsewhere. Amelia frowned as she sat up.

  "You have no answer to that?" Amelia asked.

  "Amelia…" Connor stammered.

  Oh no, everyone was right, Amelia thought as her mind drifted back to Gary and Samantha's warning. She remembered her encounter with Mrs. Margarita Smith, Connor's mother, some days ago after her little chat with her employers. Amelia had been making some salad when Mrs. Smith had stormed into the kitchen with fury in her eyes.

  "Mrs. Smith, how may I help you?" Amelia had asked.

  "I'll never allow a gold-digger like you with my son. You should drop your plans and forget about him," she had said angrily.

  "I…" Amelia had stuttered.

  "I don't even know why I'm bothering myself when I know my son will soon be tired of you and he will dump you just like he’s done with many others before you," Mrs. Smith had said before storming out of the kitchen.

  "Amelia," Connor said. At this, she snapped out of her thoughts as realization dawned on her. She raised her hand to stop him from continuing what he wanted to say.

  "Please," she said before she got down from the bed and picked up her clothes, which they had flung around before making love. Amelia dressed as fast as she could before dashing out of Connor's bedroom.

  How could I have been so stupid? I went to fall for someone who doesn't see me as anything other than his plaything, Amelia thought as tears that streamed from her eyes. She left the mansion and started walking to Gary's mansion. She was lost in thought that she didn't realize a black van was following her. She didn't know the van had stopped right behind her, and she was still thinking of Connor when she felt someone's presence behind her before she could turn to see who it was. Before she could react her nose was covered with a handkerchief filled with chloroform. It took only a few minutes before she passed out.


  "Dammit, she should pick up her cell at least," Connor muttered as he paced his office with his phone pressed to his ear. He had been trying to call Amelia since she had stormed out of his house earlier. He had tried reaching her through Gary, but had been disappointed when Gary told him that Amelia hadn't returned.

  The phone picked up. "Thank goodness you've picked up your call. I've been worried sick about you," Connor said breathlessly.

  "$25 million or she’s dead," a male voice that picked up Amelia’s phone answered, causing Connor to frown in confusion.

  "Excuse me?" Connor asked.

  "Get the money and the address will be communicated. Any attempts of foul play and we’ll kill her," the person said. Connor's eyes widened as the realization hit him. Someone had kidnapped Amelia.

  "I—" Connor started to say, but they hung on him.

  "No, no.." Connor muttered with wide eyes before he tried calling Amelia's number again. To his disappointment, the number had been disconnected. The realization of what had happened hit Connor with full force.

  "Please be safe," Connor whispered as dread filled him at the thought of Amelia in danger.

  I couldn't bear it if anything were to happen to her. I can't do without Amelia. I can't do without her because she makes me feel what no other woman has made me feel, Connor thought as he dialed the number of his security team.

  "I need you to find Amelia Stephen for me. She’s been kidnapped," he said as soon as his call was picked up.

  "Okay, sir. We will be at your office for more details," one of his bodyguards responded.

  Connor ended the call. I hope they find her. Goodness, I can't lose Amelia, not when I feel so much like I'm in love with her. He paced before he stopped at his final thought.

  "Oh my goodness, I love Amelia. How could I have been so stupid? Why am I just realizing it when I'm on the verge of losing her?" Connor questioned himself.

  No…I can't lose her. I'll get her at all costs. Knocks sounded on the door before his security team entered. Connor launched into the details he had gotten from the call, and swift investigation began into Amelia's whereabouts.


  "Good morning, Mr. Smith," Connor heard as he picked up his cell days later. After much search by his security team, they hadn't been able to find out where Amelia was. But he had paid the ransom and they had released Amelia.

  "Good morning," Connor answered, even though he felt his morning was bleak and not in any way good. The reason for this is because Amelia had broken all contact with him since she had returned from the clutches of the kidnappers. She had resigned from her position at Gary's house and Connor had to resort to spying on her movements to ensure she was okay.

  "I'm Detective Armstrong, I'm the detective in charge of Miss Stephen's case," the detective said.

  "There is no case anymore. She has been released," Connor said as he sighed.

  "We are aware of that, Mr. Smith. You could have avoided paying the ransom if you hadn't gone behind our back to pay the money," Detective Armstrong said.

  "I don't care about the money," Connor snapped as she pressed his fingers against his forehead. He was more concerned about Amelia breaking all ties with him.

  "I'm aware of that Mr. Smith. However, I called to inform you that the culprits behind the kidnapping have been caught. We have informed Miss Stephen as well," Detective Armstrong said.

  "I see," Connor said as dissatisfaction washed over him that Amelia had picked up the detective's call while she had been ignoring his.

  "Yes, the kidnapping has been traced to Miss Sarah Russet and Mr. Duncan Anderson," The detective said, causing Connor to frown. The two names sounded familiar.

  Wait a minute…Sarah is the same woman my mother has been trying to match me up with. His eyes widened in shock.

  "Do you know either of these two?" Detective Armstrong asked.

  "Yes, I do. I know Sarah Russet," Connor said, his teeth clenching as anger washed over him.

  "Perfect, they are in our custody now. You might want to come around to give us as much as you can," Detective Armstrong said.

  "I will," Connor said. But he had somewhere else to be first. After much thought, he knew he had to do what he’d planned on doing. He had known what he was about to do was long overdue. I just hope I'm not too late, he thought.

  "Okay, we'll be expecting you," Detective Armstrong said as Connor stood up.

  "Okay," Connor said before he headed out of his office.


  "Enjoy the rest of your day," the receptionist at the gym center called after Amelia as she stepped out of the gym and was heading out the door. It has been days since she’d been kidnapped. She cringed as she remembered what she’d realized before she’d been abducted. Hence the reason she had stayed at a distance from anything that had to do with Connor, including resigning at Gary and Samantha’s mansion.

  She knew he had paid the ransom for her release, but the thought of going to thank him and meeting him wasn
't something she could handle. She knew it would be her breaking point as she would confess her love for him. I can't believe Duncan would do such a terrible thing to me, she thought as she remembered the phone call she’d received earlier that morning from the detective in charge of her case. They had informed her that Duncan was responsible for her kidnapping, as well as a woman named Sarah Russet. She had promised the detective she would visit the station when she had the time.

  "Amelia," she stopped as she heard someone call her name. She turned around, and her eyes widened when she saw both Gary and Samantha Smith.

  "Mr. Smith—" Amelia said, but was cut short when she saw the person with them. It was Connor. She frowned and prepared to walk away when Connor said, "Amelia, please wait."

  “What do you want?" Amelia asked as she paused her movement. She couldn't bear to look into his eyes. “Don’t come close," she warned as Connor tried to close the distance between them.

  "Amelia, it kills me bit by bit when I hear you say that,” Connor said earnestly. “I want to be close to you at all times. I know I don't deserve your listening to anything I have to say, but please hear me out," Connor said. Amelia paused as she took in the sincerity in his face.

  "I love you, Amelia," Connor declared, causing Amelia's eyes to widen in shock. "Yes, I do. I was too stupid to not have realized it until it was too late. I hope I'm not too late. I want you, Amelia, with every fiber of my being. I want to be by your side at all times.” Connor watched as Amelia stared at him in shock. “Please say something,” he begged her.

  Connor gave a dejected sigh when he thought Amelia was going to stay silent.

  But Amelia opened her mouth. "I love you too, Connor. Staying away from you has been the most difficult task for me. I don't know how it happened, but I fell in love with you even when I thought you would never return the feeling."

  Amelia watched a smile light up Connor's face.

  "Thank goodness," Connor said as he crossed the distance between them and placed a full kiss on her mouth without minding the onlookers at the entrance of the gym. Gary and Samantha watched them kiss, beaming.

  "I love you, Amelia," Connor repeated as he pulled back from the kiss.

  "I love you too, Connor," Amelia said back, as she stared lovingly into his eyes.

  "Then you wouldn't mind spending the rest of our lives together?" Connor asked.

  "What are you saying?" Amelia asked with widened eyes. Connor fell on one knee and took out a ring box from the pocket of his trousers.

  "Amelia Stephen, will you make me the happiest man on this earth and be my wife?" Connor said.

  "Oh, my goodness!” Amelia shouted in excitement. “Yes! Yes, Connor.” Connor slipped the ring into her finger. He rose to his full height and pressed his lips against hers as he kissed her while the crowd that had gathered around the gym's entrance cheered.


  "They won't get away with this even if it's the last thing I do. There will be no happily ever after for anyone, especially not these two," someone from the crowd muttered. He stared at the couple who were kissing and oblivious to their environment.


  Check out Love Above All: A Billionaire Romance Book 2!

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  “Love Conquers All”

  Lillian James is a romance author with a passion for crafting engaging, touching stories with lovable characters and relatable conflicts. As a lifelong romance fan, she brings her unique perspectives to the genre, hoping to entertain readers and take them on whimsical journey into romance where the stress of the real world is forgotten and love conquers all. When not writing, she enjoys spending time in nature, writing songs, watching movies, and of course, reading. She currently resides in her home state of Florida.

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