An Accidental Statistician
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sixty fifth, letters
surprise party
Bisgaard, Søren
Bisgaard, Sue Ellen
Blackley, Lancashire, England
Bliss, Chester I.
Blue Knight, The
Bollinger, John G.
Bose, Chandra
Bounded adjustment charts
Box and Cox
Box, Claire Quist
builds a house
initial meeting
Quest program
work with AIDS patients
Box, Daisy. See Hoath, Daisy Box
Box, Eliza Jane
Box, Evelyn
Box, George (grandfather)
Box, George Herbert (uncle)
Box, Gladys Ingleton
Box, Harry (father)
Box, Harry C. (son)
becomes a pilot
cameraman, lighting technician
films CQPI short courses
train set
year in Essex, England
Box, Harry John Martin (“Jack”)
ham radio
Box, Helen E. (daughter)
born in England
making beer
year in Essex, England
Box, Helen Martin (mother)
Box, Henry Pelham
Box, Jessie Ward
Box, Joan Fisher
writes R.A. Fisher The Life of a Scientist
Box, Joyce. See Daines, Joyce Box
Box, Lester
Box, Lina
Box, Michael
Box, Pelham Edward
Box, Roger
Box, Simon
Box, Stacey K.
Box-Behnken designs
Boy Electrician, The
Boys Night Out In
Brightlingsea, Essex, England
British Broadcasting Corporation
British Institute of Recorded Sound
Broadbalk agricultural experiment
Brown, R.G.
Brownlee, Kenneth Alexander
Brumbaugh Award
Bull, The
Burman, P.J.
Caplan, Frank
Center for Quality and Productivity Improvement (CQPI)
1985 establishment
short course videotapes
short courses
Technical Reports
Chapman, Robin S.
Chemstrand Corporation
Chen, Gina Gee
Churchill, Winston
Clark, Mary Ann
Cleveland, William P.
Cobham's Flying Circus
Cold War
Color blindness
Compleat Angler Hotel
Connor, L.R.
Consulting work
Couper, David C.
Cox, David
Cox, Gertrude M.
as fund raiser
director of Institute of Statistics
editor of “Biometrics”
pioneer among women statisticians
CQPI. See Center for Quality and Productivity Improvement (CQPI)
Cullumbine, Dr. Harry
Culver Military Academy
Black Horse Troop
Daines, Alfred
Daines, Joyce Box
Daniel, Cuthbert
Daniel, Janet
Daniels, Henry E.
Darwin, Charles
Davies, O.L.
de Bono, Edward
Deming, W. Edwards
If Japan Can, Why Can't We?
Design and Analysis of Industrial Experiments
Dickens, Charles
Dodge, Harold F.
Doll, Richard
Drake, Francis
at Point Reyes
at Santander, Spain
Draper, Norman R.
summer student at ICI
DuPont Company
Durbin, James
Dye, Robert
B. Sc. in statistics
County School for Boys
disrupted by World War II
external degree, London University
Gillingham Technical College
grounding in the sciences
Intermediate Science Exam
mathematics courses
Ph.D. exam
Ph.D. thesis
second form
University College
Efron, Bradley
Einstein, Albert
Eliot, T.S.
Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, Queen
Escorial, El
Essex, England
Hill family
European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics
Evolutionary Operation
Experimental design
in Japanese industry
in the Army
Exponentially weighted moving average
External degree. See Education
Factorial design
paper helicopter
Finney, David J.
Finster, Mark P.
Fisher, George
Fisher, Harry
Fisher, Ronald Aylmer
British doctors' study on smoking
fiducial inference
influenced by Gosset
invents experimental design
invents Latin Square
Statistical Methods for Research Workers
Studies in Crop Variation
visit while in the Army
visits North Carolina State University
Ford Foundation
Ford Motor Company
Ford, Edmund Brisco “Henry”
Franco, Francisco
Fraser, D.J.
Frey, Anthony L.
Friedman, Jerome H.
Friedman, Milton
Fung, Conrad A.
on Bill Hunter
Gaddum, John H.
Galton, Francis
Gasses, Toxic
World War II
Gaumnitz, Erwin A.
Gauss, Christian
Gauss, Johann Carl Friedrich
Geisser, Seymour
General Electric Company
George's Column
Gershwin, George
Gilbert and Sullivan
Goon Show
Gordon Research Conference on Statistics in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Gordon, Neal E.
Gosset, William S.
Graphical analysis
Gravesend, Kent, England
Grubbs, Frank
Gunter, Bert
Gurland, John
Guttman, Irwin
Hamming, Walter J.
Harpenden, Hertfordshire, England
Harris, Bernard
Hart, Lorenz
Hartley, Herman Otto
Harvard Business School
visiting professor
Hau, Grace
Hau, Ian
Haugh, Jane
Haugh, Larry D.
Hester, Muriel
Hill, Bradford
Hill, William J.
Hoadley, A. Bruce
Hoath, Daisy Box
Hoeffding, Wassily
nbsp; Hogg, Robert V.
Holden-Day, Inc.
Holmes, Terry
Holt, Charles C.
Homewood, Margaret
Hotelling, Howard
Hougen, Olaf A.
Houseboat trips
Høyland, Arnljot
Høyland, Liv
Hunter, Edna M. (Tady)
Hunter, J. Stuart
as driving instructor
first Statistician in Residence
first U.S. student
initial meeting
working on Statistics for Experimenters
Hunter, John J.
Hunter, Judith T.
Hunter, Justin M.
Hunter, William G.
arrives in Madison
becomes director of CQPI
collaboration with Mac Berthouex
First Street Garage project
gifted teacher
in Singapore
initial meeting
letter to George
Madison leaf collection survey
quality improvement class in Madison
teaching factorial design
tour of Motorola
working on Statistics for Experimenters
Île de France
Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI)
bus journeys to and from work
Dyestuffs Division
experimental design
Intelligence Department
leaving for North Carolina
Miscellaneous Chemicals Division
Statistical Methods Panel
stories and jokes
summer student
Improving Almost Anything: Ideas and Essays
Bisgard's definition
cross-functional discussion
inductive-deductive process
lateral thinking
Institute for Advanced Study in the Behavioral
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Evolutionary Computation Pioneer Award
Intervention analysis
Iowa State University
Department of Statistics
Ishikawa, Kaoru
1986 trip
Japanese industry
attitude toward workers
post World War II
quality control
surpasses U.S.
Jenkins, Gwilym M.
establishes own company
first contact
Jenkins, Margaret B. (Meg)
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Johnson, Richard A.
Joiner, Brian L.
Joiner, David
Joiner, Kevin
Joiner, Laurel W. (Laurie)
Jones, Stephen
Juran, Joseph J.
Kackar, Raghu
Kahlil, Alex
Kanemasu, Hiro
Kano, Noriaki
Kean, Joan
Kendall, Maurice G.
Kenney, Harold
Keswick, Cumbria, England
Lake District
Kish, Leslie
Kleene, Steven C.
Klotz, Jerome H.
Kotnour, Kenneth D.
Kramer, Timothy T.
Lancaster, Lancashire, England
summers with Jenkins family
Langer, Rudolph E.
Lawrence, Gertrude
Ledolter, Johannes
Lindley, Dennis V.
Little Davies
Little, Kevin
Liu, Lon-Mu
Ljung, Greta M.
Ljung-Box test
London University. See Education
Lucas, H.L. “Curly”
Luceño, Alberto
Luceño-Ros, Alberto
Luceño-Ros, Marian
MacGregor, John F.
Macleod, Norman
Madison Area Quality Improvement Network
Madison, Wisconsin
quality improvement initiatives
Mallows, Colin L.
Manchester, England
MAQIN. See Madison Area Quality Improvement Network
Maravall, Agustín
Martin, Keziah Hills
Masefield, John E.
Sea Fever
Mashed Potato Club
part of the basis for statistics
Maxwell, June
McGowan, Harry Duncan
Meeter, Duane A.
Meinwald, Jerrold
Military Air Transport Service (MATS)
Miller, Glenn
Monday Night Beer Session
Fauerbach beer
multi-disciplinary approach
Most powerful tests
Mosteller, C. Frederick
Muller, Mervin E.
Multivariate analysis
Munster Lager. See Raubkammer
Murtha, Andrew J.
Murtha, Isaac A.
Murtha, Thomas J.
in childhood
jazz band during World War II
learning to play guitar
playing guitar in Pensacola
playing the piano
Muth, John F.
Nair, Vijay
Narasimhan, Surendar
National Science Foundation
Nelder, John A.
Newbold, Paul
Neyman-Pearson theory
Nicastro, Brent
Non-parametric tests
North Carolina
buying a car
learning about U.S. culture
learning to drive
North Carolina State University
Institute of Statistics
Visiting Research Professor
Oakeshott, S.H.
Öller, Katerina
Öller, Lars-Erik
Oxford University
Jesus College
Pack, David
Pagel, Judith
Pallesen, Lars C.
Paniagua-Quiñones, Carmen
Paper helicopter
at home in Gravesend
Pearson, Egon S.
Pearson, Karl
Peña Sanchez de Rivera, Daniel
Pender, James
Pender, Kevin
Pender, Margaret
Peterson, Emily
Phadke, Madhav
Pierce, David A.
Pike, Frederick Philips
Plackett, Robin L.
Plays. See also Shows
in French class
role of the porter in Macbeth
Porter, Cole
Porter, Warren P.
Porton Down
Chemical Defence Experimental Station
Potter, Kenneth
Practice generating theory
Prat, Albert
Price, Richard
Princeton University
Gauss House
IBM 650 computer
meeting Bill Hunter
meeting John Tukey
Statistical Techniques Research Group (STRG)
Theobald Smith House
Process control
Pukkila, Tarmo
Quality control charts
Quality Engineering
Quality Quandaries
Queen Mary, RMS
Quigley, Stephen H.
Raiffa, Howard
Raleigh, North Carolina
Ramírez, José
during World War II
post World War II
German Chemical Warfare Experimental Station
Reinsel, Gregory C.
Reith, John
/> Response surface methodology
Response Surfaces, Mixtures, and Ridge Analyses
Riordan, Frank S.
Roig, Tina
Ros, Marian
Rothamsted Experimental Station
Roussas, George G.
Royal Air Force
Women's Auxiliary Air Force (WAAFS)
Royal Navy
Women's Royal Naval Service (WRNS)
Royal Society of London
becoming a fellow
Royal Statistical Society
Research Committee
Rubin, Donald B.
Sale, England
Salford Technical College
Salisbury Plain
Salisbury, Wiltshire, England
Sandland, Ron
Scheffé, Henry
Schlaifer, Robert
Scholtes, Peter R.
Sedransk, Joseph H.
Sensenbrenner, F. Joseph
Sewage treatment
activated sludge process
assistant chemist
first published paper
Shain, Irving
Shewhart, Walter A.
Shoemaker, Anne
Shorewood Hills, Wisconsin
Short courses
with Stu Hunter
with Stu Hunter and George Tiao
You've Had It
Shube, Beatrice
Smith, Smudger
Snedecor, George W.
Snee, Ronald D.
Chattanooga Choo Choo
Closet that Holds Up the John, The
I Am the Very Model of a Professor Statistical
Let's Go Robust
Marching through Georgia
The Chairman's Lot is Not a Happy One
There's No Theorem Like Bayes' Theorem
Southward, G. Morris
Spencer, Mr. (headmaster)
Sredni, Jacob
Stansted Hall
Statistical Control by Monitoring and Adjustment
Statistical Methods in Research and Production
Statistical Methods Panel. See Imperial Chemical Industries
Statistical significance
Statistician in Residence Program. See University of Wisconsin Department of Statistics
as a field separate from mathematics
as catalyst to scientific method
evolution of the field
Statistics for Experimenters
second edition
Spanish translation
Steinberg, David
Stigler, Stephen M.
Stone, Mervyn
Taguchi Methods
Taguchi, Genichi
Taguchi, Kumiko
Taguchi, Shin
Taylor, Mark
Taylor, Richard
evolution of the journal
Thain, Jean
Thames River
Tiao, George C.
Los Angeles air pollution data
Tilbury, Essex, England
Time series
ARIMA models
estimation using Bayes' theorem
Time Series Analysis
Forecasting and Control
Tippett, L.H.C.
Tort-Martorell Llabrés, Xavier
1986 visit