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Dawn's Tale

Page 7

by Nicholas Knight

  Later that night, while the bland, humdrum voice over the PA system was alerting the sanatorium unit of the 15-minute last call before lights out, Reuben audaciously peeks again through Dawn’s little window, only to get mooned by her in anger, as she yanks down her uniform pants and women’s boy-brief underwear, to exhibit her exquisitely splendid, teenage ass.

  This was one of Dawn’s special privileges, as the rest of the patients were given cheap, thin, standard-issue underwear from the bughouse facility. Dawn had evidently been allowed to keep the underwear she brought with her, as they were pastel purple, with a white elastic waistband and pastel pink trim. They were form fitting, and obviously made of a cotton/spandex blend.

  “Dang, so that’s what the crack of Dawn looks like,” he says aloud, but quietly to himself, as careful not to let her hear through the thick door.

  Dawn had a tramp-stamp tattoo of a tribal wolf paw, just above her butt crack. He sees that she’s patently and indubitably on her period, as there is a self-adhesive menstrual pad in her underwear that is marinated in blood.

  “Come inside and eat me out,” she says just loud enough for the person outside her door to hear, “I dare you.”

  She does this, presuming that it’s one of the usual male RNs coming for more oppressive indulgence, not bothering to look to see who the spy is who is actually peeping in on her. As she bares her magnificent and flawless backside, she sticks out her middle finger, showing her lack of appreciation for their abusive mistreatment and brutal malpractice.

  Though this would have effectively pushed most rational men away, seeing her in this natural state only turned Reuben on more. He even caught himself playing with himself, as he had subconsciously slid his wandering right hand down the front of his pants and touched himself to the embodiment of his lustful desires. It didn't even occur to him right then, that someone could be watching him or that he could get into trouble for his degenerate behavior. His tender heart and his aroused shaft wanted what they wanted, despite any reason or sensibility.

  October 30, 1977

  Reuben was once again awoken fairly early, after another fidgety night of fondling himself to the whole idea of Dawn, whom he wondered might just be a cruel mirage. He was once again given his vague, anonymous pill, with his overtly noxious breakfast, which he only shammed and again refused to consume. As he watched his fellow inmates simultaneously devour their plates of edible garbage, Reuben became well aware that they were no longer staring in his general or immediate direction. Though this pleased him greatly, the afflicting stress being brought on by the monsters that governed the disreputable facility, was beginning to have an unnerving effect on him. Reuben caught himself nervously picking at his face, with his unnerving serrated fingers, and blinking frequently and heavily, as if desperately trying to constantly purge them from some annoying optical obstacle. About an hour after breakfast ended, he was given a mandatory order to report promptly to the nurse’s station, to have his blood pressure and other vitals taken. Soon after this was achieved, it was group therapy time again. Kenneth was, of course, absent for this particular session.

  “I really want to bang Power Girl,” Chad said, sharing and revealing way too much personal information, as typically usual.

  “Who’s this Power Girl you speak of?” Dr. Aaron asked.

  “Ummm...she’s sort of an icon of pop culture. Duh.” William responded, as he also hoarded comic books, along with all the myriad of other books he compulsively collected.

  “Actually, she’s quite honestly just a lame character in a pretty fruity comic book, that came out a couple of years ago.” Thomas contributed. “The only thing substantially likable about her is the way she looks, and the fact that she has huge boobs.”

  Chad began to methodically play with himself, over his insipidly static pants.

  “Chad!” Dr. Aaron said, suddenly noticing what Chad was doing, “Quit that.”

  “Aren’t you afraid you’ll get ink-poisoning?” Reuben asked Chad, making the others laugh and chuckle under their breath.

  “Okay, that’s quite enough of that,” Dr. Aaron declared. “Let’s not have a dreaded rerun of yesterday’s grotesque display of total anarchy. I don’t want to see any more outbursts. I just cannot allow anymore disturbances or disruptions.”

  This time, instead of taking turns going around the room, they were forced to sit and listen to the psychiatrist going on and on about job interviewing and other such things, none of which had anything to do with why they were there, or what had led them to being who they were or why they turned out how they did. Reuben slowly shook his head in frustration, at this vastly non-constructive topic.

  “How is this relevant here?” Reuben queried.

  “What do you mean, Mr. Peterson?” Dr. Aaron asked, visibly sighing, and growing impatient and intolerant with his proneness for contempt.

  “No one will ever hire any of us, when we get out, so what’s the point of going over helpful techniques for successful interviews?” Reuben proposed a legitimate question, making a strong case and valid argument.

  “That’s really a pathetic attitude. Think negative, and that’s precisely what you’ll get.” Dr. Aaron arrogantly professed.

  “No. I just know enough about how this country works. America doesn’t hand out second chances, and neither does God. Once you get a blemish of any kind on your record, regardless of how petty or trivial, it haunts you forever, be it a misdemeanor, a felony, an unfounded allegation, a wrongful termination, or a stay at a loony bin” Reuben testified.

  Reuben had very little life experience, if any at all, but he had spent an enormous amount of time reading the newspaper and flipping through diverse magazines, which his parents often provided him, to entertain him down in the damp basement. Various papers and periodicals were even often used and served as incentives or rewards, to motivate him to be on his best behavior and do exactly what he was told. Reuben knew about the world, just not so much from his own encounters. Other than his grim dealings with his parents, his personal education was slim to nil.

  “Getting support here is all fine and dandy, but those of us who eventually get released from here, will inevitably have to face the dark reality again, of what it’s like to be a citizen of this nation,” Thomas said, in full agreement with Reuben’s depressing yet factual outlook. “Once a person is labeled as being certifiable, their life is more or less over.”

  “Yeah, Chad” Bethany blurted out of the blue, “Aren’t you afraid of getting ink poisoning?” she asked, arriving late to the game in her response to the previous conversation about Power Girl. “Why don’t you fantasize about a real woman?”

  “I don’t want to peel out,” William stated nervously, “I’ve been here for too long. The very thought of going out there…just terrifies me now.”

  William helped put the scattered puzzle pieces back into proper perspective for Reuben, as his words backed up what Reuben had spoken, thereby both confirming and representing the macabre reality of the asylum prepping the susceptible patients to be permanently disconnected from the outside world, who were already under the preconception that they are unwanted and unaccepted. These patients were vulnerable and somewhat impotent, and though most of them were horrified to come here, the concept of being discharged served as an even greater nightmare. Despite Reuben’s social phobia, he was exceptionally and notably proud to see the others take a firm stand, and not cowardly hold their tongues in fear of being wrongfully judged or unfairly penalized. Though being in this psychiatric ward was slowly killing him in certain ways, it had also taught him that he isn’t alone after all.

  “I can tell, from listening to your opinionated views and convictions, that some of you have been severely burned by our judicial laws and governing authorities. That being said, however, this is neither the time nor the place to vent or dispute these tribulations. You people are making it very difficult to impossible, for me to effectively and efficiently conduct these sessions.” the a
nnoyed Dr. Aaron proceeded to elaborate in aggravated frustration.

  “How does that make you feel?” Reuben asked sarcastically but courageously, turning the tables on the wicked doctor, and putting his figurative shoe on the aspired dictator’s foot.

  Though Reuben had once again made Dr. Aaron’s job a tough challenge, by making a public spectacle of himself, the group session somehow returned to the premeditated lesson plan of job hunting. Reuben’s apparent ambition of being an official nuisance had subsided, as if it had been nothing more than simply a moody phase.

  The rest of the day passed slower than a busted lava lamp, while Reuben had begun to feel as if he had been there for nothing short of an eternity. It was soon that closing time again, to retire to their respective rooms, and visit their personalized dreamlands. Reuben compulsively risked peering in Dawn’s spellbound window again, this time to be surprised off guard with finding the bombshell of his life. Dawn was expecting him this time, and had patiently waited by the door, quickly opening it and vigorously pulling him inside. Dawn was much stronger than she looked, and threw Reuben so aggressively across the white room, that it knocked him completely unconscious, when he collided his red head with her white wall.

  Later, Reuben came to and regained his surroundings, finding himself on Dawn’s bed. She was kneeling on the floor, at his side, stroking and caressing his sideburns and his crimson-colored widow’s peak. Fortunately, Dawn was the one resident patient in the nuthouse who had her own room, where there were no intrusions…well, at least not from the other patients anyway. She had also been granted a softer queen-sized bed, as opposed to the standard twin-size that the other unluckier inmates were left to settle for.

  “I’m so sorry” she apologized to him with watery eyes, “I thought you were one of them.”

  “N-n-n-no,” Reuben stuttered anxiously, “I’m s-s-sorry. I s-s-shouldn’t have been s-s-spying on you.”

  “Why were you?” Dawn asked him out of phony curiosity, now smiling seductively out of the corner of her enticing mouth.

  “You’re b-b-beautiful, and I wanted to just be n-near you. I know that must s-s-sound crazy.”

  “No,” she said, “Not at all.”

  Dawn felt a hard lump on the back of his troubled head, as she continued to gently massage his scalp, running her soft fingers through his thick head of gritty red hair.

  “I’m so sorry that I hurt you” she apologized again, while her eyes continued to tear up and now release liquid emotions down her smooth cheeks, “Please allow me to make it up to you.”

  Though Reuben was equally sheepish and stimulated about what was currently happening to him, he watched in blissful disbelief, as she unhurriedly pulled his pants down, just far enough to disrobe and expose his limp but excited penis. Then, before he could fully process the blessed miracle before him, he watched his fantasy commence, as she converted his pipe dream into a joyful reality, by submissively leaning over and placing her soft, wet mouth around his now growing erection. He was only average size, but was afflicted with an insatiable appetite that he was only now permitted to entertain; courtesy of the generous charity of his juvenile fixation. As her pretty head courteously bobbed up and down, not in sympathetic obligation but with altruistic enthusiasm, Reuben was torn between the euphoric sensation of pure newfound ecstasy, and the risk of being caught by one of the passing intrusive nurses. She fiercely jacked him off, while she attentively played with his hairy balls with her other hand, all while sucking his undefiled dick. Leaning his dazed head back, he soon temporarily forgot about the dicey jeopardy, and centralized his full attention on the hedonistic delight and overdue gratification.

  As Reuben’s throbbing manhood grew impressively stiffer in her welcoming mouth, he felt an unforeseen, irrepressible hankering come over him, and without warning, assumed unadulterated, overwhelming power. Reuben, though an inexperienced virgin, decisively took the reins of this rare opportunity, and seized Dawn by her long brunette hair, not to push her head further down his aroused shaft, but to pull her head off him entirely.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, worried that she had unintentionally disappointed him somehow.

  “Nothing, beautiful” he reassured her. “Nothing at all,” he said without stuttering or stammering.

  Reuben quickly sat up, and jumped off the bed as if he was running off of natural adrenaline, and dead set on having his way with her. Before Dawn knew what was happening, he had procured total command of her. He scooped her off the floor, as if she was a lightweight, and threw her aggressively, but gently, on the bed. Now it was his turn to ravage Dawn, and hopefully ruin her for other men in the process, as he vigorously pulled her pants completely off, and flung them carelessly on the floor. Dawn was petrified in embarrassment, but something magical kept her from fighting him off. He frightened her a little, but she also felt strangely connected to him. Though she didn’t know him, she sensed that she belonged to him, like she was born to be in his arms. She felt ashamed of her body, wishing that she could have been sexier for him. Her vagina was abnormally bushy, and the pubic hair extended up to and around her naval. The curly hairs even spread about six inches down her inner thighs.

  “Yeah” he said in a breathless sigh, “This isn’t going to work this way.”

  This was his first time attempting intercourse, or engaging in any form of sexual activity with a partner. He needed easier access to her envied love canal. Without hesitation, Reuben flipped her over, so that she was lying flat on her stomach, forcing her to bear her firm, teenage buttocks to him. Her tush couldn’t have been more flawless or scrumptious. Fortunately, unlike her frontal region, her luscious ass was hairless, and couldn’t have been any smoother.

  “Wow,” he said.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, worried that he was either disappointed or disgusted.

  “Your ass is so beyond decent,” he told her, astonished and amazed at how much more breathtakingly beautiful it was close up.

  “Usually, they say a girl is indecent, when she’s in this position with a guy,” she said smiling, relieved that he wasn’t let down by her abnormally hairy body.

  “Well,” he responded, “I’m not they.”

  Using his animal instinct, and his four lustful decades of waiting for a taste of indulgence, he kicked off the scrub-like pants that were still hugging his ankles, and pounced on her like a lion to its prey. Within a matter of seconds, he had pushed himself inside of her, from behind.

  For the first time in his life, Reuben had found reason to take charge of his life, and motivation to go after what he wanted. Though his unhealthy obsession with Dawn had much to do with the way she looked, his insatiable hunger for her wasn’t dirty or without meaning. His heart was just as involved and invested in his pursuit of her, as his forlorn penis was.

  “Gimme some skin, baby” Reuben dominantly ordered her, as he thoroughly and euphorically enjoyed the way her overheated, moistened, miraculously tight hole felt on his rock hard phallus, which stood at attention exclusively for her.

  Dawn came dangerous close to nearly blowing their cover, by letting out a pleasurable scream, but luckily Reuben caught her just in time, placing his coarse and perspiring palm around her hot mouth, to keep her muffled and discreet. It wasn’t that Reuben was too big, but he unknowingly misdirected and penetrated the wrong hole.

  Though Reuben was just less than six inches, he was impressively thick and she had never been sodomized before. Reuben moved his feet underneath hers, signaling to her to lock her feet around his, giving him the organic equivalent of restraining her ankles with metal cuffs. This kept her from squirming too much, by having her ankles entangled with his. As he mercilessly pounded her wet, snug orifice, Dawn twisted and twitched in painful discomfort, but once again was hesitant and reluctant to protest. Though it hurt, she also learned something new and insightful about herself; she got off on being least by him. She actually began to kiss and lick Reuben’s sweaty palm, which
still firmly and steadily covered her open mouth, which turned Reuben on even further. She still writhed a bit, so Reuben laid down the law.

  “Stop moving” he demanded, in a whispering but commanding voice, “You’re going to push me out.”

  Reuben reached down with his free hand, and spread open her butt cheek, pulling it to the side as far as he could, allowing him to go deeper in her ass. Though his endowment may not have been as long as other men, he was still able to bump up against her cervix, as he thrust aggressively inside of her as if afraid that he would never again get another opportunity.

  “Stop clenching your butt cheeks,” he insisted, “Just relax. Let me have complete control.”

  Once again, she did as she was told, forcing herself to stay loose and obey without question, to allow him to go as deep as he could, in her forbidden canal. The fact that he was making love to her butt hole still managed to dodge him, leaving him with a disillusioned feeling of what it’s like to fuck a pussy. He had also conveniently forgotten the night before, when he saw her on her period, which should have been a crystal indication to him now, that he was invading the wrong pleasure tunnel. She was wet with natural lubricant, but definitely not filled with a bloody substance that came to visit once a month.

  “You’re so tight,” he complimented her on her anal cavity, struggling himself not to make too much noise, or draw too much attention, as he experienced sheer euphoria by penetrating and violating her anus.

  “Feel the funk, Daddy,” she replied, as she breathed heavily and moaned softly, as she began to feel the pain turn to pleasure, as he took his time exploring and stimulating her dark yet delicate erogenous zone.


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