Sinful Temptations (Forbidden Love Series Book 1)

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Sinful Temptations (Forbidden Love Series Book 1) Page 9

by Kelsey King

  "She'll come to hate you," Rebecca warns. I glance into the waiting room and hear the receptionist calling out for Oakley.

  “She won’t,” I say finally, hoping it’s true and end the call.

  Within seconds, I’m beside Oakley as we step into the doctor’s office. I square my shoulders ready to defend my position in her life when or if I’m mistaken for her father, but the doctor doesn’t infer anything. She talks to Oakley and gently explains what is about to happen to her body along with a few do’s and don’ts. We’re finally shown into a small room where they do an ultrasound of the baby.

  As soon as the little heartbeat gallops through the room, I know I’ve lost my heart to another child. A smile spreads across my face as I watch Oakley’s eyes widen with wonder. “Is that the baby’s or mine?”

  The technician smiles. “That’s your baby.” She moves the wand around some more, taking measurements and pictures. “I’d say you’re about ten weeks along, but I’ll get you an exact due date in just a moment. We should be able to tell the baby’s gender with your next one though.”

  I can see Oakley is enamored by the little fuzzy body moving on the screen. A tear slips down her cheek, and her gaze meets mine. My heart swells with so much love. I never thought I'd feel this way again.

  Maybe wisdom came with age, or perhaps I wasn't the same person I was twenty years ago, but there is no doubt in my mind about what I want to do.

  On the way home I tell Oakley about Rebecca's call. I want to shield her from Rebecca's judgment, but we're in this together, no secrets.

  “I’m sorry she’s making this so hard for you,” Oakley says when I’m finished. I glance toward her and notice her eyes are still moist.

  "Baby, is something wrong?" I ask, taking her hand in mine. Oakley sniffs and shakes her head. "Come on, you don't need to worry yourself about Rebecca's opinions."

  Oakley laughs and shakes her head. "Levi, Rebecca is the last person I'm worried about. I just can't help but wonder how many friends you're going to lose over us. How many people are we going to lose in our lives?"

  I squeeze her hand and press a kiss to her knuckles. "This isn't really about Rebecca, is it? This is about your parents? You'd like to tell them about today, you want to share this with them, and you feel you're no longer welcome there because of our relationship."

  Oakley looks at me with a frown before a lopsided smile spreads on her face. “You don’t always have to read my thoughts, you know?”

  “No I don’t, but I love knowing that I can.” I give her a reassuring smile. “Have you thought of ideas for the nursery? I was thinking a galaxy theme if it’s a boy and a meadow theme if it’s a girl.” I smile to myself on changing the subject so smoothly.

  "I love those ideas!" Oakley gushes, and the tears start to fall again. These days I expect them. She cries at the drop of a hat.

  "Well, why don't you make yourself a cup of tea and relax when we get home? I quickly need to head over to a client, but I won't be long."

  Oakley nods and wipes her face with the back of her hand. “Even though things are perfect right now, I’m so happy. Even Vayda is starting to see that we really love each other. I never could’ve imagined that seeing you in the shower would’ve led to this. I want you to know that I don’t regret any of it. I love you.”

  “Please, baby. One of us in tears is enough, if you keep going like that, I’ll be tearing up as well.” I fake a sniff and grin at her.

  “Maybe you could take my mind off everything tonight?” Oakley encourages with a sultry smile, trailing a finger up my thigh.

  It's amazing to have her in my house and in my bed without having to sneak out or worry about getting caught. My world felt right for the first time in years, and as soon as I dropped Oakley off at the house, I was going to make sure hers started feeling better as well.

  I drive around the block a few times before I pull up to her parent's house. I take a deep breath and head for the front door. I knock on the blue door I've hardly ever used in all the years we've been neighbors, and Sarah opens the door with a confused look. "Levi?"

  “Sarah, I’m sorry to bother you like this. But it’s time we talked.” Sarah sighs and nods before she lets me into the house. I follow her to the kitchen where John is having coffee at the kitchen table.

  “What the fuck do you want? Was taking my daughter not enough?” John snaps as he stands up, thunder flashing in his eyes.

  “Before we start pummeling each other again, can you shelf the insults for a moment and listen to what I came to say?” My hands are fisted at my sides, my jaw clenching in anticipation of John landing a right hook.

  "He's right, John," Sarah says, shaking her head and taking a seat. "This has gone on long enough. We haven't seen our baby girl in two weeks; it's time we talked."

  “Where’s Oakley?” John asks accusingly.

  "She's at home. I told her I had to meet a client." I chose the word home for a reason; it's time they understood that it was now Oakley's home as well.

  “Lying to her already?” John’s voice is laced with acid.

  “John, please,” Sarah pleads. “If you don’t want to hear what he has to say, you can step outside. I want to listen to him.”

  I instantly gain more respect for Sarah for standing up against John.

  “Fine.” John huffs and takes a seat.

  I pull out a chair and swing it around before I straddle it. “We went to the doctor today and had an ultrasound. You should’ve seen the look on Oakley’s face. She’s so happy and excited about the baby, but she spent the whole ride home crying because she couldn’t share it with you.”

  “My poor girl…” Sarah says, clutching her throat.

  "I know this isn't what you want for her John. I know you'd like her to finish college, maybe get a degree or two and then meet a nice man to settle down with. But life doesn't always go as we plan. I fell in love with her, and I know you probably feel the same way Rebecca does, that this is just a mid-life crisis. It's not." I take a deep breath and search the ceiling for the words I hope can bring reconciliation for the Turners. "Today when we heard our baby's heartbeat, do you know what the first thing was that came to mind? Oakley is going to be a wonderful mother. She's kind and caring and compassionate, and she'll love that baby more than any other person could. Shouldn't we be celebrating that instead of being at odds because I'm older than she is?"

  “He’s right, John,” Sarah’s voice is barely audible.

  "As soon as she's ready I'm going to support her if she wants to go back to college. Or if she wants to do something else, I'll support her in that as well. I'm in this for the long haul, and that's why I'm here. Call me old-fashioned, but I don't want my baby born out of wedlock. I want my baby to have my name, and I want Oakley to know just how much I love her. I haven't asked her officially because I want your blessing first."

  “Oh my…” Sarah gasped.

  “John, I’d like to marry your daughter.”

  John looked at me with a gaze that could split a hundred-year-old tree. "You're not going to hold her back?"

  “No, I’ll always support her in becoming the woman she wants to be. Whatever she decides, I’m here.”

  “You’re not going to fuck around when the baby thing becomes too much in a couple of months?”

  "Rebecca had numerous affairs, John. You know that. I knew what it felt like being the receiving end of that and I can promise you I won't do that to Oakley."

  Sarah and John share a look. I smile faintly. It's the same type of look Oakley and I were beginning to share. A look that conveyed our feelings, if we agreed or if we didn't. When you loved someone an entire conversation can be relayed in that single look. I missed having someone to share that look with since my divorce.

  John sighs and narrows his eyes. “We’ve been to the shooting range a few times Levi and you know I can aim…”

  The words hung in the air like the warning I expected. “You hardly ever miss.”
  He scoffs. “I’ve never missed.” His face finally softens. “You have my blessing, but know this—you hurt my little girl, I can promise you I won’t think twice about coming for you.”

  I stand up and hold out my hand. He glances at it hesitantly before finally taking it. “And if you call me dad I’m going to fucking aim for your balls.”

  Laughter, even though it was slightly terse, flowed through the kitchen. The ring I’d been carrying around in my pocket for days burns against my skin. It’s time I gave it to its rightful owner.

  "We'd love to have you over for dinner tomorrow night if you're free?" I offer.

  “You’re pushing it,” John warned.

  “That would be lovely, Levi,” Sarah answers. “Thank you for inviting us.”

  I smile gratefully at her before I let myself out.



  Levi passes me orange juice in a wine glass with a sexy grin. “I know the occasion calls for wine, but we need to take care of the little babe.”

  I smile at him and clink my glass against his. It's a balmy evening, and we're sitting outside on the terrace. Levi bought some steaks he wanted to grill, and I had a potato bake in the oven. "This is nice… so domesticated," I tease him.

  “This is perfect.” Levi leans over and kisses me. Now that we don’t have to sneak around anymore he’s taken to kissing me every chance he can, reaffirming his feelings for me.

  "I just wish my parents could see how happy we are..." I trail off, gazing at the fence between our properties. Since I came home from my doctor appointment, Levi has been acting strange. Like he's hiding something. I don't want to push him on it. I know he'll tell me when he's ready.

  I spent the morning dozing on the terrace reading What to Expect When You're Expecting. Levi gave it to me last night saying it had most of the answers to my questions and he was right. I’ve learned so much about my body and the baby, and I couldn’t wait to learn even more.

  “Do you think people will ever stop judging us?” I ask, hating the insecurity in my voice.

  Levi takes my hands in his and looks at me tenderly. “The people who matter will, those that don’t matter I don’t give a fuck about. I don’t need to explain my love for you to anybody.”

  “I love that you’re so confident. It’s sexy. Does that come with age or is it just your personality?”

  Levi laughs, the sound sending tingles over my skin. “Babe, not giving a fuck probably comes with age, however making it sound sexy – that’s just part of my charm.”

  He gives me a panty-melting look, and I wonder if we have time for a hot make-out session before dinner.

  “Don’t even think about it, Oakley…” Levi laughs. “I’m trying t …”

  The doorbell rings, stopping him mid-sentence. Levi flashes me a mysterious look before he goes to answer it. I hear my parents' voices and brace myself for a confrontation. I wasn't up to a fight today.

  “I brought some wine. I know you like a good red with your steaks,” my dad says, sounding cheerful, even though it was slightly forced.

  “I’ll just put the salad in the kitchen,” my mother jabbered nervously.

  What the hell is going on? I sit up a little straighter in my chair not sure what to do.

  Levi and my parents join me on the terrace. “Oakley, your parents came for dinner.”

  My eyes widen, and I can feel my jaw drop even as my mother's arms enfold me. "How are you, honey? I've missed you."

  Tears burn behind my eyes, but this time I swallow them down. Having my parents over for dinner is a major step, a good one, and I wasn’t going to ruin it with tears. “I’m happy, Mom. Really happy.”

  My mother pulls back and frames my face with her hands. “I can see that, honey. You’re glowing.”

  My dad waits his turn, and I stand up and walk into his waiting arms. “I’m sorry, Daddy,” I say, swallowing back the lump of emotion in my throat.

  My dad rubs my back, and when he speaks, I can hear the emotion quaking his voice as well. "Nothing to be sorry about. I hope you can forgive me for the way I acted. It was a shock, to say the least."

  I smile and give him another hug. “Thank you for coming. I had no idea.”

  Levi laughs nervously as he opens the grill. “I wasn’t sure they’d come.”

  My dad stiffens momentarily before he heads toward Levi and slaps him on the back in a playful manner. “If I say I’ll show up, you know I show up.”

  "I know. Thanks for that." Levi and my dad give each other a brief look. Instead of the anger, I could see between them two weeks ago, there was now an understanding. I wasn't about to ask what it was, but I was grateful they had reached one. They were far from the friendly banter they once shared, but this was better than nothing.

  “Here you all are,” Vayda says, stepping on to the porch and joining our little party with a wide smile. She hands me a tiny yellow gift bag. “It’s neutral since we don’t know if that’s going to be a boy or girl yet.”

  My heart swells as I open my first baby gift, my eyes darting to Vayda to convey how much this means to me. Inside is a tiny jumper with the words I’ve got the best sister written in glitter on the front. A laugh bubbles out of my throat, and Vayda shrugs as if it's self-explanatory.

  My mother joins in the laughter and gives Vayda a hug. “We don’t expect anything less from you.”

  At that moment there is so much love out here on the patio, I can almost feel the foundation shaking beneath the weight. I remember Levi's words when he told me everything was going to be all right and yet I couldn't fathom how.

  Now, surrounded by my family, my best friend and the man I love, I finally realize that no one outside this circle matters.

  Levi clears his throat and kneels in front of me awkwardly. I gasp in shock. This is a very bad idea. A proposal is going to ruin the few minutes of truce we just enjoyed.

  "Oakley," Levi begins, even though I'm shaking my head furiously. "I wasn't meant to fall in love with you, but I did. A love like ours is forbidden, but we're blessed to have people that care enough to respect our feelings for each other. Before you think your dad's going to punch me and Vayda's going to kill you, they know about this. That's why I invited them over. They've missed out on so much of the happiness we've brought each other; I wanted them to share this moment with us."

  My eyes widen, and my heart races as Levi pulls out a velvet box from his pocket. He opens the dark box and reveals a stunning ring. It's a large ruby with a rhinestone circle around it. The fact that he didn't choose something as common as a diamond, but rather something I would've picked myself just reaffirms how well he knows me.

  “Would you do me the honor of marrying me and being my wife? I promise to cherish you, to care for and to love you until the end of my days. I want to ask you in front of our family so if they ever feel I’m not holding up my promise, they’ll be there to kick my ass.”

  “Or shoot you,” my dad adds with a stiff smile.

  My eyes dart to my parents before they shoot to Vayda's, everyone is smiling at me encouragingly. My hands cover my mouth in complete shock. I nod my head rapidly. "Yes, yes, yes!" I finally cry out. Levi envelops me in a large hug, and I cling to him. "I love you."

  "I love you so damn much, baby. Nothing will ever change that. I promise," he whispers in my ear.

  Once we pull apart, I look at everyone surrounding us with beaming smiles.

  “Thank you all for being here,” I tell them with tears in my eyes. “I know this isn’t how we envisioned our family, but haven’t we in a way been family all along?”

  My mom and Vayda shed a few tears as my dad shrugs and slaps Levi on the back. "Like I said, you call me dad, and I'll kill you."

  Laughter erupts from my throat as Levi slips the ring onto my finger. It’s a perfect fit.

  Just like us.



  My hands are clammy, my heart is beating a mile a minute matching the tune t
o which my foot is drumming on the waiting room floor. I shouldn’t be this nervous, I’ve been through this before, and my mind tries to rationalize.

  "Dad, where is she? Is she all right?" Vayda asks, rushing up to me. She looks as fresh as a daisy in a red dress in high heels. She finally met someone she really likes, and they've been dating for a while now. I feel horrible for calling her away from her date, but I needed her here.

  "She's in with the doctor now. It all just happened so fast. One moment we were lying in bed, and the next moment she was in agonizing pain. God, if something happened to her or the baby..."

  “Hey, calm down. She’s in good hands. She’ll be just fine. She’s too stubborn to miss out on all the attention.”

  Her words make me smile, even though I don't feel like smiling. The first few months were touch and go, but she started spending more time with Oakley and me. She even threw Oakley's baby's shower, and she's going to be the godmother.

  “Levi! What happened?” Sarah asks wearing a tracksuit, John close on her heels.

  “I’m not sure. I think she’s in labor. She was fine and then she just started crying from the pain. Jesus, Sarah. Rebecca was in labor for days, I didn’t expect it to happen this fast.”

  Sarah laughs, with the ease of a woman that has been through childbirth. “Levi, relax. Take a few deep breaths. All babies have their own clock, if this little monster is on his way, then he must be eager to meet us.”

  I do what Sarah tells me to and exhale just as a doctor wearing scrubs steps into the waiting room. "Do you know where your son is?" he asks, looking at John and me.

  Vayda bursts out laughing, breaking the tension. “Hey doc, if you’re looking for the dad, that’s him.”

  The doctor clears his throat clearly embarrassed by his misinterpretation of the situation. “Mr. Brandon? Would you like to meet your son?”


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