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After Forever

Page 10

by Krystal McLaughlin

  The woman’s face lit up into a bright grin. It was identical to her son’s smile. “Oh, hi, I’m Faith. Please, come in.” she moved to the side allowing us to enter the house.

  “I’m Anna and this is my daughter, Cali,” mum said, taking in an antique table and leadlight lamps in the foyer. A painting of a person screaming was hanging on the wall. “You have beautiful furniture. Is this a Munch painting?”

  “Yes, it is. I would love to show you around. My husband, Benedict, is around here somewhere.” Faith started to head down a short hall so we followed.

  At the end of the hall was a sprawling state-of-the-art kitchen, the benches were rosewood, the floor was polished wood, and the appliances were stainless steel. A six-seater dining table stood pride of place under a large crystal chandelier and floor-to-ceiling windows showed the immaculate back gardens.

  “Would you like coffee or tea?” Faith asked, removing bright pink oven mitts from a hook. She bent down, pulling out two trays of choc chip cookies.

  “Tea, please,” mum replied as Faith spread out the mouth-watering cookies on a cooling tray before removing her mitts.

  “I have Earl Grey, Italian Almond or Jasmine Green Tea.”

  “Whatever you’re having is fine.” Faith nodded once then moved her gaze to me. “Would you like a soft drink, Cali? I have Coke, Fanta or Creaming Soda.” As she spoke, Faith was removing two floral china teacups from a cupboard and placing them on matching saucers.

  “Oh, I’m fine. Thank you,” I replied.

  I watched as several tea bags were stuffed into a china teapot then boiling water was added. Mum was talking to Faith about the humungous flowers in the front yard when I felt someone enter the kitchen.

  “I didn’t know we had guests,” a deep voice said from behind me.

  When I turned around I felt my stomach clench from the sight of the man standing, formally, a few feet from me. He was dressed in black pants, black button-up shirt, and polished loafers. His arms were behind his back and his teardrop eyes watched me intently. His hair was neatly slicked back and was the color of silver. I knew I had seen him before, but I couldn’t put my finger on where or when.

  “Anna, Cali…this is my husband, Benedict,” Faith said. “Darling, these are our neighbors.”

  “It is a pleasure to meet you both,” Benedict said his voice buttery-smooth. “Cali? Is that short for anything?” his eyes, as black as night, held mine.

  “It’s short for Calista,” I replied, wary.

  “Benedict, I thought I’d show Anna around.” Faith handed mum a teacup and saucer then gestured to the table. I heard the women move behind me as I kept staring at the tall, elegant man in front of me. The feeling in my stomach grew stronger with each passing minute.

  “Good idea, sweetheart,” Benedict said. He gave a small smile which made me tense up. He stepped around me and moved towards his wife and my mother. I was about to turn around when I saw a movement from the corner of my eye. Moving my gaze sideways I saw Orlie take the last step of a hidden staircase.

  “Orlie, these are our neighbors,” Faith said when she spotted her son. “This is Anna and her daughter, Cali.”

  I saw mum sipping her tea and eyeing the tall, skinny boy who was now standing beside me. Her eyes were bright and when she lowered the cup I saw a slight smile on her lips. I groaned inwardly, knowing she wanted me to find someone, and one day, give her grandbabies.

  “It’s nice to meet you both,” Orlie said in his smooth voice. “Mum, I thought I’d show Cali around.” I saw Benedict slightly frown at his son’s idea. He stayed silent, but his eyes bored into me like two hot pokers. I felt myself edge closer to Orlie. The feeling had spread throughout my body and was screaming: ‘danger, danger, danger’.

  “What a good idea,” Faith said, smiling. I couldn’t help but smile back as the woman’s grin mirrored her son’s.

  “Come on, I’ll show you my room,” Orlie whispered in my ear. I knew no one had heard him as they didn’t bat an eyelid at his request. I followed him up the stairs and came out onto a second level. Orlie took my hand, grinned, and led me to a closed door with a poster of Marilyn Manson taped crookedly to it.

  Orlie gave me a sexy, heart-melting grin as his free hand pushed open the door. He stepped over the threshold, our hands still linked.

  When I stepped into the room my mouth fell open. I heard the door close behind me then felt Orlie’s hands slide onto my hips. “What do you think?” he asked softly.

  “It’s…beautiful in person,” I said, turning in his arms. His hands rested on my lower back while I slid my arms onto his shoulders; my fingers tangling in his hair. “It looks different, up-close-and-personal.”

  “There’s nothing you haven’t seen from across the gap.” He kissed my forehead, trailing delicate kisses to my eyelids, nose, stopping at the edge of my mouth. I groaned when he pulled away.

  “I want to kiss you,” I whispered, gripping his shirt in my hands. “Hey, you’re not wearing your trench coat.” Orlie chuckled.

  “I don’t wear it twenty-four-seven.” He moved a hand to my shoulder and started to twirl a lock of my hair. “I want to kiss you too,” he whispered.

  I moved away from him and went over to the queen-size bed covered in a chocolate brown comforter and pillows. I trailed my fingers over the intricately carved bed-end then noticed that the cupboard was carved with the same rose pattern. As I took in several family photographs, sitting on glass shelves, I felt Orlie watching me. When I glanced over my shoulder I saw him sprawled out on the bed, his arms under his head.

  “I thought you’d have more stuff.” I saw a model car sitting amongst the frames. I turned and headed over to the bed. I climbed over Orlie who rolled on to his side, facing me.

  “I don’t like to accumulate material objects.”

  “I’d hate to know what you think of my room,” I said as his hand crawled onto my stomach. “It’s full of material objects…I just call it junk.” Orlie grinned.

  “I enjoy your room very much.” His hand crept up to below my bra. “I especially like the toy tiger you keep in your bookshelf.”

  “My dad gave that to me when I was little.” I took his hand off my stomach and kissed his fingertips. The room grew silent as I listened to our soft breathing. When Orlie sat up I looked at his strong back and broad shoulders.

  “I want you to meet someone,” he said, twisting around to look at me.

  I sat up, shuffling to the side so I could sit beside him. “Who?” I asked, sweeping primrose-blond hair out of my face.

  “My sister.” Orlie stood then helped me to my feet.

  “You have a sister?” I wiped a hand down my singlet. “I thought our kind could only be together every hundred years?” I was confused and curious.

  Orlie opened his door and followed me out of the room. He didn’t answer my question as he guided me to a closed door down the hall. In bold, black letters was a sign reading, ‘Enter at own Risk’. Orlie knocked then faced me, a huge grin spreading across his beautiful lips. I opened my mouth to ask him about the sibling thing again when the door opened. Instead of asking my question, I said, “Twins!”

  Standing in the doorway was a girl with long wavy dark brown hair; teardrop eyes the color of caramel, and skinny like her twin brother. Her lips were the color of roses and when she grinned it was crooked.

  “Cali, this is my twin sister, Aurelia,” Orlie said, his hand resting on my back.

  “It’s Aurie,” the girl said, throwing a dark scowl at her handsome brother. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you,” Aurie said, hugging me. Her body was cool against mine as I returned the embrace.

  “Hi, it’s nice to meet you, too.”

  “Can we come in Aurie?” Orlie asked as we pulled apart. Aurie nodded then opened the door wider. I felt the siblings watching me as I entered the dark bedroom. The plum curtains were pulled closed, blocking out the sun, and a faint light was coming from a Care Bear nightlight. As I looked around I n
oticed that Aurie’s room was the total opposite to Orlie’s. Where Orlie’s walls were bare, Aurie’s walls were covered in posters and unframed photographs.

  “Do you think it’s too much?” Aurie asked sitting on the side of her bed. The queen-size bed was covered in a black comforter decorated with pastel pink and blue stars; the pillows were pure black.

  “Ah, no, it’s a great collection.” I moved closer to the far wall and saw posters of different bands: The Cranberries, The Dead Weather, Florence and The Machine, a young Madonna, Paramore, and Passenger; to name a few. “I love these bands.”

  “I’ve been collecting them for years.”

  Moving to the next wall I take in her collection of family photographs. Several match photos from in Orlie’s room and some are different. “You’ve been to France, America, and New Zealand.” I looked at Aurie who was standing beside me. Orlie was leaning against the door jam, watching me.

  “We’ve travelled the world for the past few years,” Aurie told me. “This is in London, standing in front of the London Bridge.” I took a closer look at an 8 X 10 photograph; a beaming Faith was standing next to a silver-haired Benedict. A cheeky grin brightened Orlie’s young face as he perched on his father’s shoulders and Aurie was snuggled on her mother’s hip, smiling her crooked smile.

  “Aww…you two were so cute.” I gently touched Orlie’s childish face then smiled when I felt his hands on my waist.

  “If you two are going to be lovey-dovey then get out,” Aurie said, flopping onto her bed.

  “Let’s go,” Orlie whispered in my ear. I heard Aurie groan.

  Lying on Orlie’s bed, I tucked my hands under my head and closed my eyes. Several seconds later I felt Orlie climb on top of me. When I open my eyes his handsome face is hovering above mine while he held his weight off me. Lowering his head, Orlie plants small kisses all over my face, down my neck, and across my collarbone.

  My hands make their way onto his back and my fingers swiftly pull the fabric of his shirt up so I can touch his cool, hard skin. When I run my fingernails up and down his sides I feel Orlie shiver in my embrace.

  My legs automatically circle his waist and my back arches as his breath dances over my skin. When his lips move closer to my mouth I go to turn my head, but he pulls away.

  “Sorry,” I quickly whisper. “I got lost in the moment.”

  As smile tugs at his crimson lips. “We need to be careful.” His thumb softly caresses my temple.

  “Why?” I asked moving my hands to his shoulders. “You’ve never told me why we can’t kiss…or do anything else.” I pouted making Orlie chuckle. I felt his stomach move against mine.

  “We, our kind, can’t be together until its right.”

  “The hundred year thing?” he nodded. “But why can’t we do things while waiting for the right time?” I moved a hand to his cheek, brushing my thumb across his dark red lips. “We could try?”

  Orlie’s eyes closed and he sighed; it sounded heavy-hearted. His right arm moved to my leg and he effortlessly disentangled me from him. I let my arms drop to my stomach as Orlie crawled off me and shuffled to the far side of the bed.

  I stayed on the bed while staring at his back. I knew he had something on his mind and I had to wait for him to share his thoughts.

  “Cali, if I tell you everything about us then it would clog your mind. It’s best for you if I tell you in segments.” Orlie looked at me over his shoulder. “Do you understand?”

  “Yeah, I do, but you haven’t told me much.” I sat up, moving around the bed, and sitting beside Orlie who looked uncertain. “What would happen if you told me everything? Would I disappear? Would I go crazy?” I smiled, but Orlie shook his head, staring at his hands.

  “I’m not sure,” he muttered.

  I moved my hand to his knee. “Tell me why we can’t kiss and I’ll drop the subject for today.”

  His black-blue teardrop eyes levitated to my face. It took a moment for him to speak and when he did his words were matter-of-fact and full of hesitation. “A Daybreaker, as you know, is born during a red sun and can only mate once every hundred years.” I wanted to smirk, but the look in Orlie’s eyes made me stifle it. “Nightfallers are born during a blue moon and can mate once every hundred years. If they mate beforehand,” he grimaced, “disaster happens.” The smirk spread across my face and I began to giggle. I saw Orlie scowl, but I couldn’t stop myself from laughing.

  “It’s not funny, Calista,” Orlie said in a firm, dark voice. This made the giggles vanish and I sobered up quickly.

  “I’m sorry.” I went to touch his hand, but Orlie stood, moving closer to the window overlooking my empty bedroom window. “Tell me. I promise not to laugh. Orlie, please tell me!”

  Orlie folded his arms over his chest and bowed his head. I was about to go over to him, but he started talking. “If we kiss then it’s a matter of life and death.” His voice was a near whisper and I had to concentrate to catch his words. “Daybreakers can give life and Nightfallers can take life.” his troubled eyes finally find mine. He stays silent as I let his words sink in.

  “If we kiss…” I said slowly, “you could kill me.” Orlie winced, turning his back to me. I felt tears threatening to spill. “But I can give life,” I croaked pathetically. I wiped my eyes, hoping Orlie wouldn’t see me crying, but he had turned to see my cascading waterfall.

  He came over to me, wrapping me in his cool embrace. “I’m sorry,” he whispered in my hair.

  “Why does this have to happen to us?” I buried my face in his shirt. “It’s not fair.” Orlie’s hands swept up and down my back while mumbling words to comfort me. When the tears had subsided, I laid my cheek against his chest and listened to the rhythmic beating of his heart.

  “Cali…” his hands moved onto my shoulders, gently pushing me away so he could see my face. “I love you.” his breath blew over my face as his words take me by surprise. I step back, tensely avoiding his eyes.

  “I-I should go.” I turn to leave, but his hand grabs my wrist. I know Orlie’s wary about my response and when I pull my hand away he lets me leave.

  Stumbling down the stairs I smack into a wall. When I stagger back several steps I see it’s not a wall, but Benedict, Orlie’s dad.

  “Cali, are you alright?” he asked, putting his hands out to steady me. When I took another step back Benedict lets his arms drop to his sides.

  “I’m fine,” I say, looking up into his eyes. My body suddenly tenses as a memory penetrates my mind…

  A toddler was unsteady on chubby legs. The little girl was laughing and clapping while a tall man tumbled on the grass in front of her. He grinned before grabbing the girl and laying on his back, the child on his chest. As the man patted her back his whispers, “I love you, Cali-girl!” As the toddler gazes into her father’s adoring face a shadow was cast over them. The man shifted his gaze from his daughter to the male now standing over him.

  He placed the little girl on the grass then stood, leading the newcomer to the edge of the yard. As the girl was distracted by a butterfly the men spoke in hushed voices.

  “What do you want, Ben?” the father asked, curious.

  “She’s a beautiful child,” the newcomer said. “What’s her name?” he brushed his hand through silver hair.

  “It’s Calista.” He moved himself in front of the silver-haired man, blocking his view of the child. “What do you want?” his voice was firm while saffron-blond hair gleamed in the bright sun.

  The silver-haired man took a step closer. “She’s an abomination,” he snarled. “She’s not a full-blood. You should be ashamed of yourself, Dharkar.”

  “I’ve told Anna nothing of our kind. She isn’t a threat to you, Benedict, and neither is Calista.” The saffron-blond haired man, Dharkar, went to turn away, but the silver-haired Benedict grabbed him, pulling him into his body.

  “You’ve broken the law, Dharkar, and you have to be dealt with.” As Benedict spoke, he pulled something from his pocket. Befor
e Dharkar could fight back, Benedict plunged a shiny object into his chest. At first it looked like a knife, but as Dharkar staggered back, his hands were clutching a glowing gold star.

  Benedict shielded his eyes as Dharkar’s body exploded into millions of bright sun beams that evaporated in seconds. The silver-haired man knelt in front of the toddler who was sobbing for her father.

  “I will see you soon, Calista.” As he stood, a gold star appeared on the back of Benedict’s neck.

  I snapped out of the memory and saw the silver-haired man gazing at me curiously. “Cali, are you okay?” his voice was full of concern and suspicion. He went to touch my arm, but I batted his hand away.

  “You killed him!” I growled, balling my fists by my sides. “You killed my father!” I was shaking with rage.

  “Who?” Benedict asked. I saw his eyes narrow.

  “Dharkar Blithe,” I hissed. “You killed him because he was with a human woman. That’s how you have that gold star on the back of your neck.” I felt like poking his chest, but I restrained myself.

  Benedict raised his hand, rubbing it absently over the back of his neck. “It was only a matter of time for you to find out,” he said darkly. He dropped his hand while his eyes took in my furious expression.

  “Why?” I heard my voice shake.

  “Because he broke the law! Dharkar mated with your mother, a mortal, and that’s a felony. He had to be dealt with.” He shrugged like it was an inconvenience.

  “Why didn’t you kill me or my mum?” hot tears were burning my eyes.

  “Anna didn’t know about our world and you were a toddler. I would’ve been killed if I took an innocent’s life.”

  I opened my mouth, but closed it again when words escaped me. I pushed past Orlie’s dad and ran home and up to my room where I threw myself onto the bed and cried for a father who I didn’t even know.

  My eyes were red, sore, and puffy when I made my way downstairs. Mum saw my face and her expression changed from happy to concern in a matter of seconds.


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