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Lake Emerald Chronicles: The First Summer: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 1

by Melissa Adams


  Back to Camp

  My phone pinged with a text message. I zipped my suitcase up before checking who would text me at 6 am.

  I held my breath seeing the header on the text name: Brie.

  Brie: Hey babe, see you later, can’t wait!

  I think about a reply or if I should even reply...

  I groan throwing myself face down on my bed and wiggling my legs in the air like a fish out of the water .

  I talked about this with Hazel last night and we really couldn’t come up with a plan to avoid awkwardness between me and Brie.

  After all, how do you avoid awkwardness with one of your best friends when last year you kinda, sorta, kissed her boyfriend?

  I groan again: ok, ok... Let’s put things in perspective here.

  Like every story, even this one has two sides and of course Brie’s version makes me look really bad but to stick to the cold, hard facts, last year before leaving summer camp:

  I kissed Matt (my very first kiss, well kinda, not a proper kiss but more on this later)

  Matt was Brie’s boyfriend (they had broken up)

  It was just a peck (no tongue involved, hence the above, it doesn’t really count as a proper first kiss if it lasted under 5 second: ever heard of the 5 second rule?)

  It was a dare and didn’t mean anything.

  Now, to clarify things further: yes, I always thought that Matt was cute (in a bad boy my mom would have a fit and lock me in a convent until I am 85 if she even caught me texting him kind of way).

  Yes, I did know that Brie had liked him for the last two summers and she had finally got him to notice her and they had kissed for the first time...

  So, was Brie right to get mad and invoke girl code and say that I should have turned the dare down?


  Did I push all concerns about my friendship with Brie to the side because I felt terrible that out of us 3 I was the only one who hadn’t ever been kissed? (We are talking not even close, not even corner of the lips by accident).


  Did I feel really bad straight away after the kiss, even if my lips felt really warm and tingly and my heart was beating a thousand miles an hour?

  Yes, I did.

  But I hadn’t kissed her boyfriend, they had broken up after she caught him kissing Ella behind the girls bathrooms the week before.

  I cover my face with both my hands and sigh in frustration: I am sounding a bit like Ross in friends when he keeps shouting to Rachel WE WERE ON A BREAK! (Nerd alert here: I am a vintage tv shows addict: friends, the OC, Gilmore Girls...)

  I left camp not on speaking terms with Brie and Hazel was caught in the middle and mad at both of us for ruining a 3 year friendship.

  I had no contact with Brie for 3 very long months: I agonised endlessly on texting her, or calling her... Until around Christmas, when she liked my post with my new outfit on Facebook and then left a comment on my new year status and then we started texting and talking occasionally on the phone. It was tight and uncomfortable, like a new pair of shoes you haven’t broken into yet but we never talked about the huge elephant in the room.

  So now here I was: ready to go to summer camp, the 6 weeks of the year I literally lived for the whole year round and while I was giddy and excited about seeing my friends again, the situation with Brie did put a huge dampener on everything.

  I knew very well that I had broken girl code and I was wrong in doing that. I should have waited for my first kiss to be with someone that didn’t hurt a close friend. But they were not together and in all honesty he wasn’t worth Brie’s tears, he was a real asshole and not worth our friendship.

  I stood up and grabbed my bag and my phone with a sigh and a resolution: I would be the bigger person and apologise. Matt wasn’t worth our friendship and even with all the excuses I could come up with, I had been wrong to kiss him.

  I texted Brie back:

  Me: you betcha, babe, see you in a few hours. Xxx

  I barrel down the stairs with my suitcase, barely containing my excitement until I see my mom’s facial expression: she looks like someone who just had to swallow a whole pitcher of unsweetened lemonade.

  So, summer camp is awesome for a million different reasons and in my top 5 there’s definitely freedom.

  Yes, we do have supervision in the shape of camp counsellors and supervisors but it’s nothing compared to the holy inquisition aka my parents.

  Now, don’t take me wrong, my mom and dad love me and my little brother, however the house is run like a tight ship and our duties are to excel at school and to stay on the straight and narrow which in my case means especially no clubbing, no boyfriends, not going anywhere unless I am dropped off and picked up by my parents or by another parent they trust and approve of, they have to know who I am hanging out with at all times.

  Basically every 16 year old girl’s worst nightmare incarnated in a school headmaster (yes, you guessed, I am the principal’s daughter, which renders me pretty much updatable in my school) and an attorney.

  The 6 weeks of summer camp are due to the fact that my mom is busy with work and dad attends seminars and sport events (he’s also the school’s football coach) and so my parents feel that my brother and I lack appropriate supervision.

  Up until last year, my brother came to camp but during this school year, he got into football, so dad is keeping him around.

  Well, going back to my mom, she is giving me one of her admonishing looks and I take a deep breath and steel myself while checking my outfit to make sure it won’t look slutty to her unforgiving scrutiny.

  I am wearing a dark green maxi dress and flat, bejewelled sandals. I paired the dress with a beige mini wrap jacket, so there’s no skin showing.

  She gives me a once over and then hands me an elastic band.

  ‘Your hair is absolutely all over the place, it makes you look untidy’

  I take the elastic and use all my will power not to sigh while I secure my waist long auburn hair in a low ponytail.

  ‘That’s better. Come on, you don’t want to miss your flight.’

  Me: in the car and on my way to the airport.

  I group text Brie and Hazel.

  I fiddle with the media player in the car to find some nice music but mom turns it off.

  ‘Clarissa, I won’t see you nor talk to you much for the next 6 weeks, the least you can do is spend some time with me now’

  She glares while looking at the busy freeway lane: thankfully it’s only a 20 minutes ride.

  ‘You know, it’s a shame you are only 16, my colleague’s son who just graduated high school will spend the summer interning at our office... I can’t wait until you’ll be old enough, so we’ll spend our summers together.’

  I nod trying to keep myself from rolling my eyes while I mentally thank all the stars that she works in the district attorney offices and they don’t accept underage interns or my dream of summer camp would have been over faster than you can say internship.

  I try to sound interested in the conversation and ask:

  ‘Really? Do I know him?’

  She takes her eyes away from the road for a few seconds to look at me with a smile.

  ‘Yes, it’s Miles. Such a lovely young man. He did ask about you only yesterday, too bad he’ll be going to Princeton in the fall or his mom and I would have definitely set you two up. You’d make such a lovely couple!’

  I almost make a gagging noise but check myself just in time and opt for a more demure

  ‘Yeah, well he’s going to Princeton (we are in California) and I
am not old enough to date (as per my parents’ medieval rules)...’

  ‘Oh, nonsense! For a dashing young man like Miles, who comes from a great family and we approve of, we would definitely make an exception.’

  ‘But he’s going to Princeton!’

  I say with possibly a tad too much relief which earns me a sideways glare by my mom.

  See, the thing with her is that she possesses the worst taste in men. And I mean the worst.

  Not only Miles is boring and can only talk about engineering or football (hence my dad likes him) but he’s got bad skin, bad breath and the thickest pair of glasses known to men. Not to mention the fact that at 18 he’s balding and his interest in football is purely in the realm of watching it on tv, because I guarantee you that his body has never seen the inside of a gym.

  My mom likes him because he’s the son of a friend and he’s obviously the opposite of sexy, so if I went out with him, she wouldn’t have to worry about anything untoward happening because the only idea of holding hands with him or let alone kiss him on the cheek makes my breakfast come back up.

  Mercifully the conversation was interrupted by our arrival at the airport: I love my mom but I would sooner put a dating app in charge of finding me a boyfriend rather than her matchmaking skills. After parking the SUV and checking in my bag, we stop in front of security.

  ‘So, Clarissa, I booked you a taxi to the camp ground, the driver should be waiting for you at arrivals and you are sharing your ride with Hazel. Her flight arrives just 15 minutes before yours. Now, I know there’s no cell reception at camp and we’ll speak every Sunday but use your internet time for something more than Instagram and write me an email every now and then to tell me how things are.’

  I nod, barely staying put.

  ‘Yes, mom.’

  ‘Now, have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do...’

  She tries to joke. Lame! I mean, sure, I should not look at boys and be in my cabin by curfew and refrain from doing anything fun... But I absolutely keep my facial expression in check, give her a hug and think to myself that what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.

  I hug her goodbye and proceed towards security not turning back once: freedom at last!

  I buy a bottle of water after security and head to the gate. I find a free seating area next to a charging station (I want to make sure that I don’t run out of battery during my 3 hour flight) and set down my cabin bag and I lower myself into my chosen seat but never quite make it on it, falling face first onto a stranger’s lap; and I mean literally face first into his crotch.

  He obviously plugged his phone in after I did and extended his cord tripping me up.

  ‘What the Ef...?’

  I shriek trying to regain my balance and lifting my face from a jeans shorts clad crotch.

  ‘Whoa! If you wanted to sit on my lap, you could have just asked, even though I can’t say that I mind the enthusiasm...’

  A low voice says with a tone of someone who is clearly trying to keep from bursting into laughter while two strong, slightly calloused hands lift me by my biceps bringing me to eye level with a pair of vibrant green/turquoise eyes.

  My face is really close to the green eyes in question and I back off, trying to put some distance between us, so I can see the stranger’s whole face.

  It belongs to a tall boy with light brown hair, green eyes and an amused grin on his face.

  ‘I wasn’t trying to sit on your lap!’

  I point out irritated by his tone and by his lack of apology.

  ‘If you wanted me to sit on your lap, you could have asked without trying to kill me with your charger to achieve your nefarious plan.’

  I retort and try to wiggle out of his hold but he doesn’t yield.

  ‘Nefarious? Where did you read that word?’

  He teases.

  ‘Can you please let me go, asshat?’

  ‘I can’t say I like your choice of words that much... Way to thank your saviour!’

  He says with his eyes darkening and the laughter leaving his voice all together.

  ‘Saviour? You almost broke my neck with your stupid cord!’

  I squeal.

  ‘Don’t tempt me.’

  He retorts straightening me up and getting up from his seat at the same time.

  The boy is tall and lean and I hate myself for noticing his muscular build and sun kissed complexion.

  ‘Well, Tessa, I am going to the men’s room before boarding starts, could you please keep an eye on my things?’

  He says starting to walk towards the toilets.

  ‘No, I can’t watch your things and my name isn’t Tessa.’

  I retort to his back as he walks away. What a stupid douche bag! If he thinks I will watch his stuff after he nearly killed me, he has something else coming! While he is away, boarding starts and I collect my things and join the line, ignoring the annoying stranger’s stuff: he can look after his own things if he wants to be an arrogant jerk.

  Once on board, I find my seat and stow my things and head to the bathroom before take off.

  I lock the lavatory door and take the hair tie out of my hair, shaking my long, wavy auburn hair.

  I take a pink tinted lip gloss tube out of my purse and apply it to my heart shaped lips and also put on some eye liner and mascara to make my greygreen eyes stand out.

  The last touch to my arrival look is to take my wrap jacket off and wear a long, silver pendant in the shape of a butterfly that rests right between my cleavage.

  I look at my reflection with a satisfied sigh: this year I definitely have boobs! And hopefully this will help me get a real kiss, maybe even a boyfriend... I could fall in love. If then the summer camp gods wanted to really be good to me, all of the above would happen with Joel, the guy I have been secretly in love with for the last 3 summers and who as of last summer, doesn’t even know my name. But I plan on changing that this year.

  I double check my reflection and head back to my seat just as the aircraft doors get closed and the overhead seat belt sign illuminates.

  When I get to my row, I find that my window seat has been taken and I don’t believe my bad luck when I spot a familiar green t-shirt and white jean shorts where my ass should be sitting.

  I clear my throat and use my most intimidating tone.

  ‘Excuse me, I think you are sitting in my seat...’

  He diverts his attention from whatever he was looking at outside the window and his eyes glow and his upper lips curves in a smirk as annoying as his tone of voice.

  ‘Oh, hey Tessa! Thanks for looking after my things before boarding.’

  He completely ignores my complaint and I repeat:

  ‘You’re in my seat, doofus! And my name’s not Tessa. I’m Clarissa. Clary for my friends but you may call me Clarissa.’

  I retort in my bitchiest tone.

  All I get in return is another knowing smirk.

  ‘I got the flight attendant to switch our seats while you were tarting yourself up in the toilet, I prefer window seats, Tessa.’

  ‘So do I! This is why I booked one when I booked my ticket, you candy ass clown!’

  I almost yell in utmost frustration, balling my hands into fists.

  ‘Is there any problem here?’

  The flight attendant approaches: she’s young, too thin and bleach blonde and her uniform is definitely two sizes too small with her skirt two inches too short. God, I am starting to sound like my mom.

  ‘Yes, there’s a problem. This guy is in my seat.’

  She gives me a condescending smile before saying:

  ‘The seats have been swapped by the ground staff, ma’am, if you have a complaint, just go to our website after we land and fill in a form. But we are about to start taxing to the runway, so I need you to take your seat.’

  ‘But I had selected a window seat!’

  I say with my whiniest tone: it’s either whine or yell right now, I am so aggravated.

  She flattens her lip in a strai
ght line, the smile now gone.

  ‘Could you please take your seat, ma’am?’

  ‘Do you have another seat? I really don’t want to sit here next to this rude guy for 3 hours!’

  I gripe.

  This earns me an eye roll from the cabin crew and a warning:

  ‘Unfortunately the flight is fully booked, ma’am and I really need you to take your seat if you want to fly today.’

  You know, this is so fucking unfair! But the important thing is to get to camp and forget this jerk even exists, so I sit down and make a show of leaning all the way into the aisle to avoid our elbows brushing and turn my head to studiously pay attention to the safety demonstration as to avoid eye contact with my row mate.

  Once we take off, I dig into my purse and retrieve my iPad where I downloaded a few magazines in preparation for the flight: this will also give me something to do to calm down and ignore the irritating human being sitting by my side.

  He obviously has different plans because I smell him before the tip of his nose enters my vision: he smells of something spicy and woodsy at the same time.

  I divert my attention from my reading material and come face to face with him again, his green eyes boring into mine, the tips of our noses almost touching: dude! This guy completely lacks any sense of personal space.


  I arch my eyebrows, very careful not to move and accidentally touch his nose with mine.

  ‘Watcha reading,Tessa?’

  He sings songs with a full on smile.

  I deposit my iPad on my lap and grab the armrests to avoid wrapping my hands around his neck and end the most annoying hour of my life by ending his life. I need to ask my mum if being stalked and annoyed to the point of murder is an attenuating circumstance in front of a judge.

  ‘For the tenth time, I am Clary, not Tessa! Why do you keep calling me that?’

  His smile widens if possible.

  ‘I think Tessa suits you. It’s from Thesaurus, you know, the dictionary? You must be quite familiar with it, since you use words like nefarious.’

  He laughs.

  I grip the armrests so hard that my knuckles become white.


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