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Lake Emerald Chronicles: The First Summer: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 38

by Melissa Adams

  Joel lets my hand go and leaves the office while his aunt invites me to sit down on one of the plush chairs facing her desk and offers me a glass of pink lemonade that I accept.

  ‘How have you been, Clary? Are you enjoying your summer?’

  I nod and I’m about to say something when she speaks again.

  ‘I noticed that you and Joel have become quite close this summer... Are you two dating?’

  I am taken aback by her question and I am about to say something when she continues:

  ‘Clary, I won’t lie to you, I think you are a fantastic influence on him. God knows that since my sister died, I can hardly recognise the sweet boy who always used to love baking cupcakes and cookies in my kitchen. I try to stay out of his immediate business, especially now that he’s eighteen but I know he’s been up to no good since his mom died. He’s been partying and drinking and racing his car and I think he’s not been treating the girls he’s been hanging out with very nicely. Is it what you young people say? Hang out? Or should I say hookup?’

  I open my mouth to talk but no sound comes out and she goes on.

  ‘I haven’t been saying anything, Clary but I know he’s been sleeping around and breaking hearts. I know my Joel is a dashing young man. But while I am thrilled if he spends time with you and I hope whatever it is you guys are doing does last, I know full well that I only feel this way because I am the “mother” of the boy.

  If I were your mom, I would see things in an entirely different way and I wouldn’t want you anywhere near Joel...’

  I finally manage to get my voice out:


  She interrupts me.

  ‘I am not telling you to stop seeing him. I am just asking you to be careful: you are a delightful young lady, from a wonderful family and I would be devastated if he treated you like he has been doing with all the townies here, the girls at his school, and Jemma, Lucy, Hayley...’

  I open my mouth, this time in surprise.

  ‘Yes, I know about a lot of the girls he’s been messing with...He thinks I don’t watch him but I love him more than if he was my own son and I have been observing from afar, my heart breaking for him and for his behaviour. Just please, be careful and don’t let him get you into any trouble. While I hope that you can help him, I am not delusional that he will change his ways. Just make sure that you use these...’

  And to my horror, she opens her desk drawer and produces a box of condoms which she hands me.

  I take it with shaky hands and put it down on the edge of her desk.

  ‘Miss Angie...’

  ‘You can call me Angie, dear...’

  I swallow.

  ‘Ok... Angie. I... It isn’t what you think between Joel and I... We are just...’

  She looks at me with her piercing blue eyes, so familiar and yet different than Joel’s.

  ‘You aren’t?’

  ‘No... We...’

  She nods.

  ‘You aren’t yet. That’s good, normally he makes quick work of...’

  She gestures towards the condoms.

  ‘I just want to make sure that you use protection but good on you for making him wait. If he’s waiting it means that he cares...’

  I have never been so embarrassed in my entire life and I am not about to discuss my level of experience or lack of thereof with Joel’s aunt.

  Joel comes back with the folder his aunt sent him out for and picks up straight away on my embarrassment.

  He follows my gaze towards his aunt’s desk and when he sees the box of condoms he throws me a puzzled look.

  Angie’s phone rings and we take that as our cue to leave.

  Once outside, he asks what that was all about and when he hears it he has a strange smile on his face.

  ‘You know, part of me should be really embarrassed that Angie has noticed just about everything I have been doing but mainly I’m happy that she approves of us spending time together.’

  I tell him that she gave me a bit of a speech about safe sex and that she seems to consider certain things ok for a boy to do but not for a girl.

  ‘There was a bit of judgment there...’

  He takes my hand and just holds it while we go back deeper inside the resort. It seems that with every day that passes, we get physically closer and I have to admit that I like it and I like him.

  Maybe my crush for him wasn’t totally gone but I still need to be careful and make sure that we don’t jump into something. I know I love him as a friend, even if I am well aware that how he is with me is more than that. We can make our own rules but none of my male friends have ever had their hand on my stomach or shared my bed for a nap.

  Nor they look at me the way he is now.

  ‘Joel, I need to go find Austin, he...’

  He doesn’t let go of my hand and pulls me towards him, one of his hands on my waist and the other stroking my cheek ever so lightly.

  ‘Cupcake, I don’t want to tell you what to do but if you care to listen to my advice, give Austin a few hours. I know him quite well and if you talk to him now, you’ll have another huge fight. He has to really stop barging into rooms and start knocking. And we weren’t doing anything wrong, so he assumed. You have nothing to apologise for, Clary...’

  ‘I know. But put yourself in his shoes and think about how it looked like...’

  ‘We were fully clothed and we weren’t even kissing, god knows we weren’t doing anything...’

  He moans with a hint of frustration.

  ‘Yes, I know. I just want to explain. And by the way, you are one to talk about barging in... You kept walking in on me and Logan...’

  He plays with a lock of my hair, twirling it around his finger.

  ‘I was just trying to keep you from getting into trouble, cupcake...’

  I roll my eyes and continue:

  ‘Well, it wasn’t really up to you to keep me out of trouble and can I ask you why you keep calling me cupcake?’

  He smiles and I shit you not, his face nuzzles my neck and he inhales deeply before saying:

  ‘Because you smell like one. Particularly like the cupcakes I used to bake with Angie for my mom’s birthday: jasmines were her favourite flowers so Angie would always decorate the cupcake with some jasmines from her garden and you smell like honey and jasmine...’

  I don’t know what to say: this is the kind of thing that Logan would say, from Joel something like this is totally unexpected.

  I know I am blushing and that puts a satisfied smile on his face. He takes my hand again and continues walking towards his cabin.

  ‘Let’s see if we can find Xander and Logan, all this talking about cupcakes made me hungry and it’s almost dinner time. And you and I have slept through lunch and a lot of the afternoon, so I am starved.’

  We find Logan sitting on the porch and Xander comes out probably just out of the shower, his hair still a bit damp.

  They both smile when they see me but I notice their gazes pausing on my hand in Joel’s and I fight the urge to take it straight out.

  I wait until the boys greet each other and then walk towards my boyfriends and kiss them both lightly on the lips: I have really missed them.

  ‘So, who won the tennis double?’

  Logan laughs.

  ‘Do you even have to ask? I don’t think there’s anyone who could ever beat Xander. I really don’t get why you don’t want to play professionally, dude.’

  Xander shrugs and dismisses the whole topic with a non committal ‘It’s not what I want to do...’

  The boys launch themselves into a discussion about athletic abilities and Logan concludes:

  ‘I only know that I never want to play on opposites teams, Xander. You seem to really ace everything you do, you even swim faster than me and I’m taller...’

  Joel intervenes.

  ‘The thing is that Xan isn’t too competitive. He just played football at school because I was. He’s more into academics, a bit of a nerd in disguise...’

We all make fun of Xander because he really doesn’t flaunt any of his achievements which is so weird thinking about how cocky he comes across when you first meet him.

  ‘Guys, Clary and I were thinking about dinner, but since we have a lot to tell you, what do you think about taking Clary out for dinner into town, so we can talk alone during the car ride?’

  We all agree and pack ourselves into Xander’s jeep.

  Joel rides shotgun and I take the back seat with Logan.

  ‘Hey, dude, on the way back I would appreciate it if someone else could drive and I could sit with Clary...’

  Joel promises to drive and we leave the resort in silence.

  Logan’s lips land on mine as soon as we drive off the main gate: it’s a gentle kiss at first, almost timid but as soon as I respond, his tongue enters my mouth igniting a fire all over me with his thorough exploration and the gentle sucking of my bottom lip.

  I stroke his jaw while we continue to kiss and I’m about to climb into his lap when Xander clears his throat.

  ‘Guys, not to be a party pooper but I would appreciate it if you wore seatbelts back there.’

  I blush and do as told and get rewarded with a dazzling smile and a little wink from Xander through the rear view mirror.

  While we drive, Joel fills them in about everything: from what happened with Justin and Rob to the news that Rob’s father has bought a substantial amount of camp.

  He concludes with the incident with Austin.

  The boys stay silent for a moment and then Logan speaks up:

  ‘Clary, don’t take this the wrong way but why were you in bed with Joel? I trust that you weren’t doing anything but...’

  I am a bit embarrassed to explain about my period but I guess I shouldn’t be: Joel already knows and Logan and Xander have seen me naked so, I guess if they can do the things they have been doing with me, they should be able to handle a woman’s basic biology.

  ‘So, did he break up with you?’

  Logan asks.

  We discuss that at length and Xander agrees with Joel that I should let Austin cool down before I attempt to talk to him.

  ‘And you owe him no apology. I really didn’t care for the way he spoke to you, cupcake. He has to stop with this jealousy and treating you constantly like you are cheating on him...’

  He’s right, I mean, sure I am dating two more guys but he had agreed to it and totally freaked out in the morning too when he saw me asleep with Xander and Logan.

  It seems that he agreed to the situation only in theory but can’t handle any of it when he’s presented with the reality of the fact that Logan and Xander are my boyfriends.

  ‘I don’t blame him completely because I was in bed with Joel and Austin doesn’t know that despite us being just friends, we have been getting closer... But he should trust me that I wouldn’t do anything behind his back. Do you guys know that too, right?’

  Logan nods.

  ‘Yes, we do. And Clary, we already talked about this and I guess it’s good to get it out in the open while we are all here: I know you had that crush on Joel, god knows I hated him for being indifferent to you when I was exactly in your predicament with you not taking any notice of me. But that aside, as long as you don’t play stupid games with her, man. If you do anything to hurt Clary, I will kill you, plain and simple. And that includes any random hookups. If you want her, she deserves your loyalty...’

  Xander agrees with him and adds:

  ‘Like she’s loyal to us. She did talk to us about you before she started hanging out with you, so to speak. We don’t do things behind each other’s backs. And baby, I know you and Joel are just friends but I want to reassure you that if that was to change, you guys have my blessing and yours too, Logan?’


  Joel smiles.

  ‘Thanks guys, this means a lot to me. And I understand what I would be getting into if Clary wanted me in this. I won’t lie to you all that it wasn’t exactly how I had pictured being with her but if dating her means that you two are in too, I am ok with it. Xander you’re a brother to me and Logan, man, I am so sorry for how I treated you, I was just jealous because I had been waiting for Clary and when I thought I could maybe get close, there she is holding hands with you... I’m sorry...’

  Every time the boys talk about our relationship and try to establish ground rules, I am still a bit shocked that they accept each other as equals in my affection while they agree that they will date me exclusively. I am the luckiest girl in the world not to have to choose amongst these amazing guys: letting one go would break my heart, like the situation with Austin is right now.

  ‘Guys, I’m glad you all get along but this doesn’t change the fact that Joel and I aren’t there yet. Sorry, Joel. What is happening with Austin just shows me that I have to be careful with this all. We need to make sure that being together is really what we both want and getting too close physically would only confuse me, like it has with Austin. I have been going too fast with him, I should have got to know him better before becoming more than friends or like he said once, we were never friends in first place and this was possibly the problem...’

  Joel looks a bit disappointed but nods.

  ‘I don’t blame you and I know you need to be able to trust me and that my behaviour until very recently has been the opposite of trustworthy. I am just glad that if things were to change between us, Logan and Xander are fine with it. I know I have a lot to prove to all of you and that it will take time...’

  Xander interrupts him and states:

  ‘Yeah, guys that’s all very good but once you do confront Austin and find out what is going on in his pseudo intelligent head, I will go and kick his ass for storming out on you and leaving you alone. If Joel hadn’t heard you screaming... We asked him one thing, to make sure that he communicated with us and he walked out on you and put you in danger. And now with the purchase of those shares by Rob’s father, we need to really have proof if we ever accuse those two of anything. We don’t know if they have been writing those notes and obviously there’s no proof of them trying to assault you and of Rob assaulting Hazel. For now, I really want you never by yourself, baby. But guys, we need to really try and catch those two doing something really wrong if we accuse them of anything...’

  Xander is completely right and we all agree to be vigilant and seize any opportunity to collect evidence against those assholes, wether or not they have anything to do with the notes.

  We make it to the town centre and the boys ask me about what I am in the mood for.

  ‘Guys, I’m so hungry that I can barely think...’

  ‘Well then, what about pizza? But not the bowling alley one, a friend of mine has just opened an artisanal pizza place, he’s got a wood fire oven and everything. It’s not on the high street but just 5 minutes walk. What do you say?’

  He winks at me and I roll my eyes.

  ‘Well, I think that you should all know that Joel is trying to fatten me up. First chilli cheese fries and now pizza? Plus how do you know all my weaknesses?’

  Joel laughs and shrugs my question off, flicking his hair away from his forehead.

  ‘As I said to you, I have been noticing your tastes in food. Another thing you never passed on was pizza whenever Mrs. Taffar served it...’

  I slap his shoulder.

  ‘That’s not creepy at all, right? Now I will feel self conscious every time I eat a bite in front of you...’

  ‘Oh, no, don’t. A girl who eats is sexy... Right, guys? Help me out here.’

  Xander and Logan, the two traitors, agree with Joel.

  ‘Yes, Clary. It is sexy and don’t worry, we can find lots of interesting ways to help you work off the calories. Plus, I wouldn’t say no to a bit more of that sexy ass you have...’

  And Xander’s hand follows his eyes and grabs a handful of my buttock, squeezing it softly.


  I reprimand him and he laughs distracting me from Logan who is standing in front of
me with mischief in his light blue eyes.

  ‘And what’s not to like about more boobs? Yours are already the best, more could only be better!’

  And his hands extend towards my chest but I’m faster and I slap them away.

  ‘You guys stop trying to make me fat! Then you will dump me...’

  Logan reacts instantly by flattening me against the wall and touching my boob but not in the playful way Xander did with my ass, he touches me with reverence, gentle and soft.

  ‘I would never dump you, Clary. Never. Even if you got fat. But as Xander says, we would find very fun ways to burn off the extra calories...’

  His eyes have a playful glint when he lowers his head to place his lips on mine.

  Xander and Joel have stopped walking and are looking at us.

  ‘Ok, ok, you two...’

  Joel looks at the other two boys and groans.

  ‘Stop groping Clary in front of me, please. Have some mercy for me, I am stuck in the friend zone and can’t get a handful of that sexiness like you two...’

  His dark blue eyes are fixed in mine and I take his hand with a smile and give him a peck on the cheek.

  ‘Well, but you are the only gentleman among this lot. Logan and Xander are being two cavemen right now...’

  We are all still laughing when we get to the pizza place and we get seated at a table in the middle of the restaurant.

  We are all browsing the menu when Joel smiles.

  ‘Guys, get what you want but I want to also order a pizza from the secret menu... It’s something for cupcake here...’

  I glow looking at his smile: I like Joel’s playful side. I have been crushing on him for ages but he’s always been serious and almost angry looking, the rare occasions when his smile had made an appearance, it was more of a sarcastic smirk, with a bitterness in his ocean blue eyes.

  Now he’s smiling from ear to ear and the smile reaches his eyes making them shine bright and illuminating his classically handsome features: he really does look like a fairy tale prince.

  ‘If you are ordering from the secret menu, then I will try what you are getting. Just get a bigger pizza and I am not ordering any for myself. As long as there’s no anchovies on it because I hate them...’


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