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Lake Emerald Chronicles: The First Summer: A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 44

by Melissa Adams

  He doesn’t let Brie finish.

  ‘You too, Brie. You both look like two real life Disney princesses. And you are beautiful too, Hayley, I am mad at you for not wanting to compete. Come on, let’s go to dinner before Xander and Joel eat everything!’

  The club house has been decorated with lights and flowers, candles are lit everywhere casting a magical glow on the beautiful furniture.

  Everybody is there and Angie steps in the middle of the room to get everybody’s attention.

  ‘Welcome, everybody. Another summer is about to come to an end and what a lovely group of young people we have had this year! The ones of you who have worked here will go back to their colleges soon, where I am sure you will have a very successful year before coming back next summer or graduating and go on your way to amazing careers. Our guests will go back to their high schools where they will work hard all year to get closer to admission into the college of their dreams before seeing us again next summer. But before we tuck into the beautiful food prepared by our amazing Mrs Taffar and then have fun selecting our very first Miss Emerald, I would like to introduce my new co-owner Mr Richard Nichols who will be joining our panel of judges for tonight. Let’s have dinner and thank you all again for being here tonight.’

  Rob’s father looks like a heavier, older version of Rob: olive skin, curly dark hair which in his case are starting to grey at the temples, hazel eyes that stare into you intensely.

  Joel and Xander find us by the buffet and I look at them in awe: everyone has made an extra effort tonight and my boys look absolutely dashing in dark jeans and button down shirts, they smell delicious and look like they should participate in a beauty contest because I have never seen anyone more handsome.

  Joel and Logan, tall, blonde and so different despite the similar colouring: Logan is so wholesome, what you’d expect to see him in an NFL poster, all big muscles and power. Joel isn’t less fit, having played football at school too but he’s got that particular striking look that you’d find in a Hollywood movie star, with his intense dark blue eyes, his rebel blonde hair that keeps falling on one of his eyes.

  Xander is just too hot to even look at without feeling my knees weakening and my heart beat faster: his turquoise eyes are illuminated by his perfect smile when he looks at me in my green dress.

  His body is all hard planes and valleys, slender without being too skinny but strong and athletic. I have to divert my gaze from him because I am starting to blush when his eyes meet mine: he always has that effect on me, the butterflies in my tummy take permanent residence when he’s near me but in a good way. He makes me excited and daring but he also makes me feel safe, loved and wanted.

  Austin is also a sight to behold in a white shirt and navy blue slacks. His shirt has three buttons opened and I can see the edge of his melting clocks tattoo peaking out.

  His eyes meet mine and he is about to step towards me when Joel appears by my side, putting a hand on the small of my back and offering me a cup of fruit punch.

  Austin’s lips flatten in a straight line at the sight of Joel near me and he turns his attention to Hayley who has not left his side since he entered the room.

  Joel guides me towards a table where I find that Logan has made me a plate of food.

  ‘Of course you’d get Logan to make my plate! He got me enough food for 3 days!’

  I laugh.

  ‘Hey, I’m still growing and I need to eat... And there’s nothing wrong with enjoying this amazing dinner. Plus, if you don’t want to finish everything, I’ll help you, how is that?’

  We all tease him about being a bottomless pit and enjoy the delicious food: Mrs Taffar has really outdone herself tonight.

  After dinner is over, we all get invited to move to the pool area where a table has been set up for the judges and all the normal table and chairs have been cleared away to leave room for the Misses to walk and show off in front of the judges and spectators.

  Behind the judges table, there’s a DJ set up for our chosen songs to be played and for the dancing later on.

  Austin has been put in charge of the music.

  The first contestant to walk in front of the judges is Jemma: she looks very refined in a black ensemble of wide flowing black pants and a silk crop top.

  I know Brie will be rolling her eyes because Jemma’s abs are yet again on display but I admit that she looks very elegant.

  The judges who are Angie, Mrs Taffar and Mr Nichols, will score each of us based on looks, the overall way we present ourselves and a statement we will give on what summers at Lake Emerald Camp mean for us. A song of our choice gets played while we walk to the centre of the stage.

  Brie is the second girl to walk in front of the judges and she’s gone for quirky and funny because her chosen song is Barbie Girl (I guess my 90s pop obsession is rubbing off on her) and she has written a little funny poem about summer camp.

  Everybody is amused and she looks very beautiful.

  Ella is next in a leopard print dress, walking to Girls like you by Maroon 5. Her statement is nothing special, about fun and sports.

  Hayley walks to Girl on fire by Alicia Keys. And says something about the gift of teaching yoga and teach the love for peace and meditation to the camp’s guests.

  She’s wearing a gold sequinned dress that sparkles with every move of her fit body and her hair is a cascade of golden waves.

  Lucy looks positively sexy in a tight black dress and sky hight heels that make her legs looks endless.

  Her chosen song is Poker Face by Lady Gaga and she talks about the challenges of being away from home and learning to fend for yourself, which apparently is what Camp taught her in all this years.

  I am last and when it’s my turn, everyone laughs when Logan whips out a home made banner that spells in really big, glittery letters : “CLARY YOU ARE THE FINEST”.

  I start walking a few seconds before my song starts but when I am already in view of the judges, I get stunned by the music which is not Dreams like I expected but David Guetta and Akon’s Sexy Bitch.

  Particularly the part that goes:

  “She’s nothing like a girl you’ve ever seen before, nothing you can compare to your neighbourhood hoe, I’m tryna find the words to describe this girl without being disrespectful...”

  I keep walking and stop in front of the judges, embarrassment making me blush and making my heart pound in my chest so loud that I think everyone can hear it.

  I spot Xander rushing to the DJ booth and unplugging whatever makes the music play and Joel approaches the judges table to explain that there’s been a mix up with my song.

  Angie tells me to commence my statement and I would lie if I didn’t admit that I feel nervous: my eyes go to Austin who’s looking at me with a dark, brooding gaze.

  Is he that mad at me to embarrass me with that song?

  ‘What Camp is for me is easy to explain and very hard at the same time: but I could define it as a home away from home and a family away from my family. I remember my first summer here 3 years ago: it was the first time I’d ever been away from my family for more than one whole day and when I got here I didn’t know anyone. Some of the other kids had been here before and they were reuniting with their friends. I felt like the new girl at school but that feeling lasted for a very short time because Brie and Hazel took me under their wing and we never really looked back. I met so many other people who are dear to me and taught me many things about being independent and about myself. It’s my favourite time of the year and every summer I leave with memories that will stay with me forever. Every summer I look forward to the reunion with my old friends and to the new ones I will make and I never go home disappointed.’

  Ok, maybe not the most original thing I could say but it comes from my heart and I see Hazel, Logan, Joel and Xander look at me and I swear they all have tears in their eyes.

  What I couldn’t say out loud is that here I also fell in love for the first time, I had my first kiss, my first orgasm and I met three
or maybe I should say four wonderful guys who have given me love, pleasure, confidence and challenged me every day.

  I know that no matter what, I need to go and talk to Austin. I am disappointed that he changed my song and embarrassed me and a little mad, I admit it. But I want to try an talk without arguing, try and see if we can at least stay on speaking terms or if he really wants to forget we ever met.

  My statement gets a loud applause and Angie rises from her chair asking for a few minutes to tally up the scores before the first Miss Emerald will be crowned.

  I go towards my friends and I get hugged by Logan, Xander and Joel in a collective group hug. I grab Hazel too, and try to include her when I see Rob trying to approach us.

  I feel Austin’s eyes on me the whole time, Hayley is obviously by his side, talking in his ear.

  The judges return to the table and Angie takes the microphone and stands up to make the announcement:

  ‘First of all, I would like to thank all the lovely girls who participated in our first ever beauty contest. You are all winners and all beautiful in your own right. But every competition has to have a winner and I want to explain that the judges were confronted with a tied score.

  So the first runner up, received the same score as Miss Emerald. We let our only male judge be the tie breaker and we’ll give him the honour to crown our beauty queen. That said, the second runner up is: Brie Belli.’

  Brie squeals excited and walks to the middle of the stage to receive a sash.

  ‘The first runner up is: Clarissa Stuart. Come on Clary and congratulations, you received the same score as the winner, so you should be proud.’

  She gives me a hug and presents me with another sash.

  ‘And finally, the winner of the very first Miss Emerald beauty contest is: Hayley Porter.’

  Hayley is still near Austin and she hugs him squealing in excitement before going to receive a sash, a glittery crown and a sceptre.

  ‘And now, our new queen will open the dances with her date...’

  Hayley runs up to Austin who seems to shake his head for just a moment when she extends her hand to him but then follows her to the centre of the stage, now dance floor and the music starts and of course it is what was supposed to be my song: Dreams by the Cranberries.

  Logan comes to ask me to dance and I find refuge in his strong arms.

  ‘Clary, congratulations. You have been totally robbed of the title. If they hadn’t let Rob’s dad decide, you’d have won...’

  I rest my head on his shoulder and whisper:

  ‘It doesn’t matter, Logan. I only participated because you and Joel enrolled me but can I have that banner you made? I think it will have the place of honour in my bedroom, I will look at it every time I miss you...’

  He places a soft kiss on the top of my head when Joel approaches:

  ‘Hey man, could I finish the dance with Clary?’

  Logan steps aside with a smile and I find myself in a different embrace, looking into a different set of blue eyes: dark like sapphires.

  ‘Angie was really mad at Rob’s dad. Apparently he put his foot down, he didn’t believe that you didn’t pick that song. Do you think Austin did this to you?’

  He asks while holding one of my hands in his and placing the other one at the small of my back, keeping me extremely close to him.

  ‘It doesn’t matter, Joel. Let’s just enjoy this dance, I want to remember it all year round when I’ll be missing you...’

  He smiles, his lips so close to my ear that he’s talking and kissing me at the same time:

  ‘Do you think that I won’t make every effort to see you during the year, cupcake? I don’t want to lose what we have, our friendship in first place but also this other feeling that I feel blossoming between us. Or at least I feel it, do you, Clary?’


  I whisper against his jaw.

  ‘Then, I’d be a fool to wait until next summer before I see you again... You’ll see me as often as you can find time for me, Clary. We aren’t that far away...’

  I don’t point out that there are still several hours by car between us, I don’t want to get sad tonight, I just want to dance with my boys and enjoy their closeness.

  When the song ends, I find Xander at the edge of the dance floor, waiting to have his dance with me.

  He holds me tight and doesn’t say anything but:

  ‘I love you, baby.’

  ‘And I love you...’

  I answer letting him lead me around the dance floor and enjoying his scent and his arms around me, with my head on his chest where I listen to his heart beating in my ear.

  I dance a little more, my boys taking it in turns to twirl me around the dance floor and I soon start wishing we were away from prying eyes and I tell Xander that I want to talk to Austin and then I will be ready to retire for the night.

  ‘Are we still all sleeping in your room?’

  He smiles.

  ‘Yes, I tried everything to get rid of those two nuisances but they are adamant they want to spend the night. So I will have to catch you alone sometime tomorrow... Maybe we could hang out in the lifeguard tower after my shift?’

  ‘I love that lifeguard tower...’

  He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear:

  ‘If you talk to Austin, do you want me to hang around to walk you to the cabin?’

  ‘Don’t worry, I will get him to walk me back. I don’t plan on having a fight. I just want to tell him how I feel and offer my friendship if he ever feels up for it...’

  I go to the DJ booth where Austin is by himself for the first time tonight.

  ‘Hey... Can I talk to you?’

  He looks at me with a steely light in his jade green eyes:

  ‘What do you want, Clary?’

  ‘I don’t want to fight, Austin. I just want to talk and make sure that we leave here on the best possible terms. This situation with you has kept me up at night, I can’t leave having you hate me, please...?’

  He relents.

  ‘Ok, I have a few songs queued up and then I am due for a break anyway. Do you want to take a walk on the beach?’

  I nod and we leave the pool area and head to the beach through the woods.

  The wind is picking up and dark clouds are gathering hiding the sliver of moon that tries to illuminate an otherwise dark night.

  I can smell that earthy scent that precedes the rain and I wish I had a jacket with me since my strapless dress doesn’t do much in the way of warming me up.

  Up until a weeks ago, he would have stopped walking to kiss me, he would have held my hand, now we just walk in silence in a single file until our feet touch the sand.


  I begin but he interrupts me.

  ‘Can I just say something, before we get into whatever you want to talk about?’

  I nod and he continues.

  ‘The song earlier on tonight... It wasn’t me changing it. I had everything programmed with the right songs and that song that played was something I was listening to earlier on, while I was in the shower. Someone has connected my phone to the laptop and changed that song for yours. It could have happened anytime after the DJ booth was set up and we left it to go eat dinner... I am sorry, I think that song really hurt your chances to win tonight. But you were by far the most beautiful girl not only in the contest, Clary. For as much I have been mad at you these last few days, that doesn’t change my feelings or my attraction for you.’

  The beach is lit quite dimly tonight, just a sliver of moon helping the eco lights by each lifeguard tower. We walk slowly towards the south pier and I consider what he just said.

  ‘I believe you. Even though I am sure you can see how easy it would have been to think that you had swapped the songs on purpose after our latest fights...’

  He takes one of my hands in his and looks at me with concern in his eyes:

  ‘Someone is watching you and I have no idea who it could be. After that last note, I checked the co
mputers in the art centre but couldn’t find anything. So whoever printed that stuff, must have driven to town every single time...’

  I tell him about the message on my bathroom mirror, earlier in the afternoon and he rubs an hand through his face, which is something I know he does when he’s deep in thought and when he’s stressed about something.

  ‘Clary, about Hayley...’

  I interrupt him.

  ‘Are you two dating?’

  ‘No. I know it’s hard to believe since she is everywhere I go but I swear there’s nothing between me and her. That night, after I left you in the woods and you got attacked and then I walked in on you and Joel... I got really drunk. And yes, I admit that my initial intention was to hookup with her to lash out at you. Because I was hurt by your request of slowing down and jealous that I had been replaced. So I kissed her, in the dark, by the pool but that actually gave me a huge reality check: I was disgusted with myself. I knew if I went any further with her, I would have lost you forever, so I told her I made a mistake but she dropped down on her knees and tried to open my jeans and I was telling her to stop when you and Xander walked by...

  After that, she’s been following me everywhere, she won’t take no for an answer...’

  I squeeze his hand tighter, we are now on the pier, looking at the lake’s water, dark in the advancing night.

  ‘I believe you, Austin. And I’m sorry about my reaction and about the whole slowing down request. I swear you haven’t done anything wrong, you just have this crazy effect on me and you are so hot and you don’t hold back like Logan and Xander, you make me feel so excited that I just follow you without stopping to think if I am comfortable with what’s happening or not. I lose myself in you and while in the moment it’s amazing, then it makes me so scared that I’m not going to be able to stop us from doing something I didn’t want. The way you made me feel that night... It was amazing but also scary, so out of my comfort zone... That’s why I asked you to slow down. It wasn’t because I felt any less for you than I did for the others...’

  He kisses my knuckles.

  ‘Ok, that I can accept, sorry if I didn’t listen and for the way I talked to you. I promise you that normally I would never say that kind of stuff, I understand what you are saying because you have the same effect on me: I lose all control. And by the way, that night in bed with you... I was restraining myself. I was trying to go slower for you. Maybe you are right that we should have gone at a much slower pace... I should have accepted it instead of becoming jealous. And I am sorry for getting mad when I saw you asleep between Xander and Logan. I know you three weren’t doing anything and even if you had, I shouldn’t have judged you...’


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