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Hearts and Crowns

Page 18

by Anna Markland

  “I need you,” he said hoarsely, turning to face her. He lifted the hem of her chemise and pulled it over her head. She raised her arms to help him, hesitating after a hasty glance at her scars.

  “I meant what I said, Peri.”

  She shivered as he bent his head to trail kisses along the withered skin of her arm. If it were possible, he would lick away the pain she had suffered. His lips travelled to a taut nipple. She moaned and pressed his head to her breast as he suckled. He gathered her up and carried her to the bed, turning his attention to the other nipple. She writhed with pleasure as he slid a finger between her nether lips. It took only one brush of his thumb against the diamond of her desire and she fell over the edge, screaming his name, begging him to enter her.

  Kneeling between her legs, he guided his swollen shaft into her opening. The sensation of warm heat had him gasping for breath. She wrapped her legs around his hips and he pounded into her, feeling his couilles draw up. By sheer force of will, he withdrew until he was almost out of her body. She looked up at him and frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  He smiled, though his heart was pumping erratically. “Nothing. I want to tell you how much I love you.”

  Her mouth fell open, her eyes filled with doubt.

  He entered her again, slowly. “I love you, Peri. I beg your forgiveness for the hurts I’ve inflicted on you.”

  She reached up to comb her fingers through his hair, closing her eyes when he withdrew and thrust in again. “I love you, Gallien.”

  He gritted his teeth. He could not hold on much longer. “Say you forgive me.”

  “There is nothing to forgive.”

  Elated and humbled at the depth of her love, he thrust again, crying out a guttural release as euphoria overtook him, and his seed erupted into her body.


  Montbryce Castle, Normandie.

  Six years later.

  Sitting beside his Oncle Robert in the gallery of Montbryce Castle, Gallien stared blindly into the flames of the roaring fire. Robert had inherited Ram de Montbryce’s rheumatic knees and rarely left his chair by the fire.

  Death had brought Gallien to Normandie. Baudoin de Montbryce, Second Earl of Ellesmere, had been interred in the family crypt a fortnight earlier.

  “I still cannot believe my father is dead,” Gallien rasped.

  Robert rubbed his knees. “Bien, he was three score and two years old, a year younger than I. My time is at hand. I’ll be content to join my darling Dorianne and leave the never ending intrigues of Norman politics to Alexandre.”

  Gallien gazed up into the rafters of the castle that had been the seat of the Comtes de Montbryce for generations. His father had been born in England and lived his life there, but it had always been understood he would be interred with his ancestors in Normandie. Gallien and Étienne had brought their father’s body home to its final resting place.

  The two men sat in silence for a long while. Robert had shared with Gallien and Étienne many memories of growing up in England with Baudoin, some of them good, some bad. He told of the kidnapping they had endured, of happy visits to Normandie, and of being married in a double ceremony in their father’s church, Baudoin to Carys, Robert to Dorianne.

  Robert’s raspy voice interrupted his reverie. “Now the awesome responsibility of the Earldom of Ellesmere falls on your shoulders. You as an English Earl and my son as the Norman Comte face stormy weather ahead. There will be conflict over the succession when Henry finally dies.”

  Gallien shrugged. “We’ve been saying that for nigh on ten years. However, with my wife’s help, and the example of you and my parents to guide me, I’m hopeful the Montbryces can weather the storm. Alexandre and I will work together for the good of the family.”

  He prayed he was right. Though they had become closer since Flandres, there was still a lot about Alexandre he wasn’t sure of.

  Robert remained silent for a while, seemingly lost in thought. “King Henry afforded us a great honor by being present for my brother’s burial. He travelled from Lyons-la-Forêt, near Rouen. He was supposedly visiting his daughter, who is expecting their third child, but apparently Geoffrey has whisked her off to Anjou.”

  Gallien did not remind his uncle that he already knew all this.

  Robert coughed, a hacking cough that seemed to have worsened since their arrival. “Many remarked privately how frail and weak Henry seems. Maud plans to declare herself Queen once Henry dies.”

  Gallien shrugged. “She’s at a disadvantage if she’s in Anjou. Stephen is ready to travel to England at a moment’s notice to secure the throne.”

  Robert steepled his hands. “Many will censure him for breaking his oath to support Maud.”

  Gallien copied his uncle’s pose. “It cannot be helped. I will break Ellesmere’s oath. Stephen must be king.”

  Robert seemed to doze for a while, then stirred. “You’re fortunate to have Peri as your wife, my boy. Dorianne brought me back from hell, as you know. I wish Alexandre could find a good woman.”

  Gallien supposed that if he, an angry, embittered man, had found love, there was a chance for the painfully shy Alexandre. He chuckled inwardly as it dawned on him he was indeed afflicted with the curse of the Montbryces. He loved his wife to distraction.

  He thanked God for Peri. What a Countess she would be. The people of Ellesmere Castle and its environs loved her. She had not accompanied him to Normandie, being again with child—their fifth. Seven year old Grace had remained behind as well, but her twin brother had come to Normandie to be present at his grandfather’s burial.

  Rodrick was the living image of Baudoin de Montbryce, and Gallien knew his mother took solace in that. The boy had supported his grandmother throughout the ordeal of the journey and the interment, solicitous of her needs.

  Gallien inhaled deeply, chewing his bottom lip. “My mother has aged. I fear she will not outlast my father by much.”

  Robert smiled. “She is like me. I lost interest in life after Dorianne’s death. A marriage bed is a cold and lonely place when you have shared a great love and your partner dies. Carys loved my brother with an enduring passion—but I don’t need to tell you that. It’s that love that will see her buried here with Baudoin when the time comes, though her Welsh roots call to her.”

  Gallien hesitated, but what he wanted to say, had to be said. “You probably don’t want to hear this, oncle, but I would prefer to be buried at Ellesmere. Étienne feels the same way.”

  Robert was pensive for a while. “It makes sense, I suppose. In some ways Ellesmere is my home too, though I have lived in Normandie for most of my life. Somehow, one’s birthplace always beckons. It’s ironic. My father lived in England and longed for Normandie. I live in Normandie and often think fondly of England.

  “Speaking of your brother, what’s this about six children?”

  Gallien laughed. “Étienne is enamored with Tandine de Villiers. Her six stepchildren are wards of the earldom, thanks to my father. He petitioned King Henry to grant de Villiers Hall to Tandine. If Étienne marries her, he will get the hall as her dowry.”

  Robert chuckled. “This is why he is anxious to get back to England. But why has he waited this long to wed her. It’s what, six years since they met?”

  Gallien grimaced. “He hesitates because he knows neither Peri nor I will ever set foot in that Hall again.”

  Robert chuckled. “Bad memories. Caen has the same effect on me. I can’t travel through the town without bile rising in my throat.”

  A noise in the corridor caught their attention. Alexandre, hurried into the gallery, his face flushed, his breathing laboured.

  “What’s wrong, Alexandre?” Robert asked, coming slowly to his feet with the aid of his cane.

  Alexandre swallowed hard. “King Henry is dead. He died at Lyons-la-Forêt yesterday, the first day of December. Messengers have been sent to summon Maud back from Anjou.”

  The hiss and crackle of the fire’s flames filled the gallery as the thre
e men looked from one to the other.

  Robert swayed, his knuckles white on the head of his cane.

  Alexandre’s breathing steadied.

  Gallien’s gut clenched. The day he had long dreaded was upon them, but his duty was clear. He clenched his fist in the air. “King Henry is dead. Long live King Stephen.”

  Alexandre thrust out his chin, one hand fisted at his side, the other pressed to his heart. “Le roi est mort. Vive la Reine Maude!”

  He turned on his heel and stormed out of the gallery.



  Recipe for Dwale

  In the Middle Ages, dwale was home remedy widely used to render people insensitive to pain. Here is a recipe. As indicated in the story, too much henbane or hemlock, both highly toxic, could be fatal.

  Three spoonfuls of the gall of a sow (bile)

  3 sp. hemlock juice

  3 sp wild neep (bryony)

  3 sp dried juice of wild lettuce

  3 sp pape (opium)

  3 sp henbane

  3 sp eysyl (vinegar)

  Mix and boil ingredients. Put in potel (2.2 L)

  Put 3 sp into wine and administer.

  About the author

  I was born in England, but I’ve lived most of my life in Canada. I have a keen interest in genealogy and this has had a tremendous influence on my stories. I write medieval romance about family honor, ancestry, and roots. My novels are intimate love stories filled with passion and adventure. Following a fruitful career in teaching, I transformed my love of writing and history into works of fiction. One of the things I enjoy most about writing historical romance is the in-depth research necessary to provide readers with an authentic medieval experience. And I love happy endings! I hope you get as much pleasure from reading my books as I do writing them.

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  Many thanks to my critique partners, Pat Amsden, Sylvia Blenkin and Reggi Allder for assistance in polishing this manuscript.


  If you like stories with medieval breeds of dogs, you’ll enjoy If Love Dares Enough, Carried Away, and Wild Viking Princess. If you have a soft spot for cats, read Passion in the Blood and Haunted Knights.

  Looking for historical fiction centred on a certain region?

  English History—all books

  Norman French History—all books

  Crusades—A Man of Value

  Welsh History—Conquering Passion, Defiant Passion, Dark and Bright, The Winds of the Heavens

  Scottish History—Conquering Passion, A Man of Value, Sweet Taste of Love

  European History (Holy Roman Empire)—Carried Away

  Danish History—Wild Viking Princess

  Spanish History—Dance of Love

  Ireland—Dark Irish Knight

  If you like to read about historical characters:

  William the Conqueror—Conquering Passion, If Love Dares Enough, Defiant Passion

  William Rufus—A Man of Value

  Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy—Passion in the Blood

  Henry I of England—Passion in the Blood, Sweet Taste of Love, Haunted Knights, Hearts and Crowns

  Heinrich V, Holy Roman Emperor—Carried Away

  Vikings—Wild Viking Princess

  Kings of Aragon (Spain)—Dance of Love

  The Anarchy (England) (Stephen vs. Maud)—Hearts and Crowns


  CP=Conquering Passion

  AMOV=A Man of Value

  ILDE=If Love Dares Enough

  PIB=Passion in the Blood

  DP=Defiant Passion

  DB=Dark and Bright

  WTH=The Winds of the Heavens

  CA=Carried Away

  STL=Sweet Taste of Love

  WVP=Wild Viking Princess

  DOL=Dance of Love

  DIK=Dark Irish Knight

  HK=Haunted Knights

  HC=Hearts and Crowns

  Abbaye aux Dames—An abbey for women built in Caen by William the Conqueror ILDE, PIB

  Abbaye aux Hommes—An abbey for men built in Caen by William the Conqueror ILDE, PIB

  Abbey—Agneta’s mare in AMOV

  Abbot—Caedmon’s roan stallion in AMOV

  Abertawe—Welsh name of Swansea in south Wales DB

  Adam de Montbryce—Son of Antoine and Sybilla PIB; hero of Haunted Knight

  Adelaide (Matilda/Maud)—Daughter of King Henry I; married Holy Roman Emperor, Henry V CA; later betrothed to Geoffrey of Anjou HC

  Aediva Melton—Sister of the Saxon heroine in ILDE

  Aegir—Norse god of the sea DOL

  Agnes—Norman scullery maid at Domfort Castle ILDE

  Agnès—maidservant of Maudine in HK

  Agneta Kirkthwaite—English Heroine of Danish and Saxon descent in AMOV

  Aidan Branton FitzRam—Son of Caedmon and Agneta, twin of Blythe; named for Agneta’s brothers slain at Bolton. AMOV, CA; hero of STL

  Aiweeda—elderly nun in DIK

  Alain Cormant—steward at East Preston HK

  Alban—first English martyr; the city of St. Albans grew around his shrine HK

  Alexandre de Montbryce—Eldest son of Robert and Dorianne. Heir to the title Comte de Montbryce. Born in Caen during his father’s incarceration PIB

  Alfonso Sánchez—King of Aragón DOL

  al-Kindi—historical figure born in Basra; medieval Islamic physician; DOL

  Alnwick—in Northumbria. Site of a battle in 1093 between Roger de Mowbray, Earl of Northumbria, and Malcolm, King of Scotland. Malcolm and his son were killed. Agneta rescues Caedmon from the battlefield and tends his injuries. AMOV

  Alphonse Revandel— father of Letyce HK

  Álvar Fáñez—historical figure; Spanish hero of the Reconquista, cousin of El Cid

  Alys—maidservant of Peridotte HC

  Amadour de Vignoles—Norman comrade of Caedmon during Crusade; hero of Civitote AMOV; DOL

  Andras ap Rhys—Welshman—Friend and comrade of Rhodri ap Owain in CP and DP

  Aneurin ap Norweg—Welshman—Friend and comrade of Rhodri ap Owain in CP and DP

  Angeline Hugo—Norman peasant, rape victim of Arnulf de Valtesse CP

  Anjou—Geographic area of France south of Normandy. Its people are called Angevins. Normans and Angevins were traditional enemies. ILDE; HC

  Anna—Dieter’s housekeeper, CA

  Annalise de Vymont—Heroine of DB. Niece of the Earl of Chester.

  Antoine de Montbryce—Norman hero of ILDE; brother of Rambaud and Hugh

  Apollo—Izzy de Montbryce’s horse DOL

  ap Owain—Welsh patronymic—son of Owain

  Aragón—Medieval kingdom in northeastern Spain DOL

  Ariel—Rhodri’s Welsh pony DP

  Arnulf de Valtesse—Norman half brother of Mabelle de Montbryce, heroine of CP. Bastard son of Guillaume de Valtesse. Murdered in CP by Simon Hugo

  Artus Aubin—Norman steward of Giroux Castle DOL

  Arundel Castle—famous Norman castle in Sussex HK

  Ascha (Bronson) Woolgar—Saxon mother of Caedmon; in CP and AMOV

  Aurore de Pontrouge-mother of Peridotte HC

  Badajoz—city in Spain DOL

  Barat Cormant—Norman steward brought to England by the Montbryces for Sussex properties; ILDE; son of Michel, brother of Théo.

  Baudoin de Montbryce—Norman born in England; second son of Ram and Mabelle de Montbryce; becomes 2nd Earl of Ellesmere; marries Carys verch Rhodri; appears in CP, AMOV, DP and PIB.

  Beal—coastal village in Northumbria close to Holy Island STL

  Belatucadros —Welsh god of war and vengeance on enemies HC

  Belisle Castle—Antoine’s castle in Normandie

  Bemia Melton—Saxon sister of heroine of ILDE

  Bernard Chauvelin—Norman soldier at Montbryce Castle PIB

; Bernard de Montbryce—Father of Ram, Antoine and Hugh. Dies in 1066 while his sons are fighting in England.

  Bernadine de Montbryce—daughter of Antoine and Sybilla

  Bernhardt—Dieter’s valet, CA

  Berthold de Quincy—Hospitaller Knight DOL

  Bertrand de Poitou—herald of King Henry HK

  Bileaud—Norman steward at Domfort Castle ILDE

  Blythe Lacey FitzRam—Daughter of Caedmon and Agneta, twin of Aidan. Born in AMOV. Heroine of CA

  Boadicea—warrior queen in ancient Briton; also Boudicca HK

  Boden—English mastiff in ILDE

  Bolton—Village in Northumbria; location of Kirkthwaite Hall AMOV;STL

  Bonhomme—Normans; family name of the stewards of Montbryce and Ellesmere.

  Brémonde—Norman; one of Ram’s commanders at Ellesmere CP

  Brevis—Denis’ horse HK

  Brigantia—English mastiff in ILDE

  Brindis—Ram de Montbryce’s horse in CP

  Brother Christian—religious name given to Aidan when he enters the monastery STL

  Brother Tristan—Cellarer in charge of mead making at Lindisfarne STL

  Caedmon Brice (Woolgar) FitzRam—Illegitimate son of Ram de Montbryce and Ascha Woolgar. Appears in CP, PIB & CA; hero of AMOV

  Cairdis—Ronan’s sword, a gift from Rhodri, means Friendship DIK

  Cantabrian Sea—today known as the Bay of Biscay DOL

  Carnac—village in Brittany; site of ancient monoliths HK

  Capilla del Relicario—Reliquary chapel, Santiago de Compostella cathedral DOL

  Caryl Penarth—Welsh healer; appears in CP and DP

  Carys verch Rhodri—Welsh; healer; daughter of Rhodri and wife of Baudoin de Montbryce. Becomes 2nd Countess of Ellesmere. Appears in PIB, DP and DB

  Catherine de Montbryce—Daughter of Robert and Dorianne PIB

  Chaca—Aragonese name for the ancient town of Jaca DOL

  Civitote—site of the heroic rescue of thousands of crusaders by Caedmon and Amadour AMOV


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