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Obsession (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 1)

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by S. E Foster

  Arriving later at the warehouse, I can still hear the muffled cries from the back of the van we are in. I look at Malcolm; he knows what we are here to do. It’s become all too familiar over the past six years it’s part of the job and I won’t let muscle do a job that I can do myself.

  I do have some morals, I am not a total monster. I only hurt people when they have done wrong or won’t pay up then I may use little incentives to help them make the right decision; like with Darren we had given warning after warning and he had said that he would come up with the money. Taking Faith was a last resort she was just supposed to be there a day or two making her dad want to pay up to get her back. But then the fucker turned the tables and told us to take her as payment. It was with that phone call and the decision was made, his life would come to an end.

  I let my thoughts come back to the here and now and I get on with pulling this arsehole from the back of the van. Someone else that thinks he can borrow money and not pay it back. It should be pretty easy to deal with this prick.

  Inside the bland room, it’s empty of any furniture but a chair and the yellow tarp that the chair sits on.

  Malcolm ties him to the chair so that he can’t get up and run away. How am I supposed to teach him a lesson if he runs away? Pulling the tape from his mouth he lets out a deep breath. He knows why he is here, after repeated warnings he’s still not paid what he owes. That’s not something that I can just let slide. It can’t go unpunished.

  “Look don’t do this, I have the money I will pay please don’t do this” as he finishes speaking I give Malcolm a bored look as I bring the butt of my gun had across his face. “You know you’re not leaving here without learning a little lesson,” I speak directly to him looking him in the eyes so I can see when his eyes widen in fear and realisation.

  His pleas fall on deaf ears, to be honest I am sick of hearing it. I have better things to be doing than teaching some scumbag not to piss me off by avoiding payment. When will people learn? You borrow, you pay back, simple really he needs to be taught a lesson, and that’s exactly what I intend to do.

  I hear the echo of a gunshot and see his body go limp on the chair. Malcolm always enjoys ending it. After we had taken our time beating him, listening to him beg a moment longer was going to drive me insane. That’s when I gave Malcolm the nod.

  “Get rid of him, and make sure he is not easy to find.”

  There would be nothing in the way of evidence to tie this to me, but all those who know me, would know it was a message.

  Heading out of the warehouse I go to my car that we left here earlier, oh I love this car, it's not just a car. It’s a Bentley Continental Gt in gunmetal grey, with full leather seats inside. My pride and joy love driving her to the house in Surrey, I hate the penthouse in London and only stay for work, being closer to the city for business is always better in case anything goes wrong.

  I was just getting into the car when I heard Malcolm begin speaking behind me.

  “Boss, we have a problem with Faith, she has had the old bill at hers tonight, Jake just called me to let me know.” At his words I spin around. What the fuck have I missed?

  “What, the fuck is going on Malc? Start talking. Now.”

  “Boss, Jake said no one but old bill been there so no present danger to her. What do you want us to do?”

  “Nothing yet, you clear this up first. Then we discuss Faith when you are back at the penthouse, do I make myself clear.”

  He nods and steps away as I turn and get into the car. I knew leaving the new man watching her had been a mistake, I won’t forgive myself if anything has happened to her. I start the car and set off towards the house.

  Arriving back at the penthouse I pace in the living room. The urge to go and get her is driving me insane because I can’t help the feeling that something is wrong. There is this feeling in the pit of my stomach and it just won’t go away, it’s clawing at me from the inside.

  When Malc gets back he wanders over to the living room where I am sat in the chair, three shots of whiskey seemed to help calm me down a little bit.

  “What do you want to do D? We have her being watched, we have Darren being watched what else can we do?” he sounds pissed off and I’m not really surprised. I’ve been obsessed with her safety for the last six months since I dropped her off. I know that she thinks I left her but I never did, I couldn’t. Malcolm knows what happened with my sister and my dad, he has been with me since we were young, we even went to primary school together so he understands why I am so desperate to keep her safe.

  “I will tell you what I want shall I? I want her with me.” I told him his face was a mixture of shock and outrage.

  “Oh you’re really funny! You can’t be serious? We’ve discussed this, that’s why we keep her safe from a distance. Do you honestly think she will be ok with everything that’s going on?” his question through me for a second but I’ve made up my mind.

  “I don’t care Malc I want her here with me where she belongs.”

  “Do you think she will ever be ok with knowing that it was you who kidnapped her? You can’t keep it from her if she’s here!”

  “I don’t care Malc I need to keep her safe at least until the threat has gone”

  “She could hate you Damien” his last comment did stun me for a minute but I quickly shook it off. I don’t care what he thinks. He’s paid to do as I tell him, not to question me.

  My last thought before I leave the living room bidding him a goodnight is that I am going to get my girl!



  I’m sitting at the kitchen island eating my grapefruit and having my coffee when Cami strolls in she grabbed herself a cup of coffee from the pot and sits down beside me.

  “How are you feeling this morning?” she sounds nervous like she’s scared of my answer.

  “Believe it or not Cami, I’m ok.” she looks at me like I’ve grown a third eye or something, is it really that hard to believe?

  I’ve been seeing that therapist and had only spoken to Cam about everything that happened to me so yes I can understand why she looks so shocked.

  “Ok, so we’re going out for lunch today then?” she asks.

  She’s sneaky I will give her that, she was testing me and I knew it.

  “Great! Where are we going?” I said with a false sense of confidence. I plastered a fake smile on my face. She knew what I was doing when the amused smile lit up her face.

  “Think we will just go to the little café up the road what do you say”

  “Fantastic” I said sarcastically I get up and male my way back to my bedroom what the bloody hell am I doing thinking of going out after last night.

  I was determined this morning to not let it get to me. I have spent the last six months hiding from the world I can’t keep doing it. Nothing else has happened since, the fear is all in my head.

  I switch on the shower wanting to get ready for the day ahead. I am not going to let fear rule me any longer. I am done, it is time to take my life back.

  Stepping inside the shower I wash quickly before I can let my mind wander back to last night, if it did, I’d start to panic and get anxious again.

  I wrap the towel around my body and wander back to my bedroom. The mirrored wardrobe is open on the one side so that I can see some of my dresses and jeans that are hung there.

  I notice my skinny jeans, walking over I pulled them from the hanger and start sifting through for a top to wear. I decide on a light pink sheath top with butterflies on it.

  I blow out my blonde hair and leave it loose, applying only a little bit of make-up. I hate the girls who pile it on thick, it just looks horrible. When you see the orange lines around their chins and up to their hairlines. For God sake can they not see when they apply it that it's three shades too dark? Bit of mascara eyeliner and lip balm and I am good to go.

  Back in the living room I find Cami ready and waiting to go. She really is pretty. Her sleek black bob with the light
blue tips that match her eyes, she was a good few inches smaller than my 5ft 7in frame.

  Her black leggings and grey off the shoulder jumper she wore made her slight curves seem fuller. It really was a good look on her she had topped it off with her trademark heels. She loved her heels; Cami had them in all colours and designs. Luckily for her we weren’t the same size feet anymore or I would still be stealing them like I used to back in university.

  Whenever there was a party and we would need to get dressed up, she never failed to lend me some of her amazing shoes. I had worn every possible designer, it just showed how selfless she was, even back then she would always share or offer anyone help.

  “Wow look at you Faith! You look like your old self” she says to me with nothing but honesty in her voice.

  “Thanks, Cami you look amazing”

  “Don’t thank me just yet we are making a little detour before lunch.” she looked me straight in the eyes daring me to say something back or wimp out but instead I just nod and walk to the closet to grab my jacket, leaving a speechless Cami behind me.

  Inside I was shaking, the fear trying to creep back in, I blew out a breath while waiting at the front door for Cami.

  Walking towards the café, I couldn’t help but look at everyone. I was sure everybody was staring at me, Cami looped my arm and pulled me a little closer to her while we continued walking down the street.

  Stopping abruptly she said, “we’re here” I looked up and noticed that we were at a nice little hairdressers. Pulling me inside she walked right up to the reception desk. Before I had time to act, Cami had booked me in; I was taken to a chair where a gown was put around my shoulders. The next thing the stylist comes over “what can we do for you today sweetie.”

  I just stare at her in the mirror in front of me “um can I just have a trim and my layers cut back in please” I ask quietly

  “Of course sweetie” her reply puts me at ease a little and I relax into the chair while she makes quick work of my hair.

  Forty minutes later. Cami and I leave the salon. I must say it’s been a while since my hair has looked this good, it feels heavenly I keep running my fingers through it, I can't help it as it’s so soft and silky.

  Walking through the door, we find a little table along the sidewall of the cafe it’s a little place. White chairs and tables are dotted around the space with red and white table covers on them. Little vases filled with artificial flowers inside of them. The whole little café gives off that cosy feel. Taking a seat I start to look at the menu. It’s been that long since I have been in here that I have forgotten what is on it.

  I notice the waitress as she comes over, so I wait for Cami to make her order so I can just order the same.

  “What can I get you girls?” she asks

  “I will have a lasagne with salad please and a lemonade” Cami tells the waitress. She then looks over to me waiting for my order so I just say that I will have the same. After writing the order down, she heads back over to her station to sort our drinks.

  The wait for our food was not that long and we make small talk while waiting. When our lasagne was put down in front of us, I cannot believe how hungry I was and could not wait to tuck in, it smelled amazing.

  The cheese was grilled perfectly on top, the side salad looked very crisp and fresh.

  Picking up my fork I tuck in to my dinner, I know what’s coming, so I brace myself ready to answer her questions.

  “So what’s the real reason for the change in you today Faith?” Cami questioned me.

  “What do you mean, I’m just trying to get on with my life Cami, to take control again”

  “Ha. Don’t make me bloody laugh. You have only left the apartment to go and see your therapist. Every time I bring up the question of going outside you close up like a clam, so don’t you dare say to me that you just got up this morning and thought fuck it! I’m fine!”

  “You know I only let you get away with speaking to me like that because I love you, I know what you must think and there is a reason why which I will tell you if you let me get a word in.”

  “Well don’t let me stop you,” Cami said to me

  “I need to find Damien.” I just said it was no point beating around the bush.

  “Are you out of your fucking mind? Why on earth would you want to find him?” her voice had raised an octave as she was talking and people in the café were starting to look at us.

  “Keep your voice down please.” I plead with her, was it not enough that I was saying this outside of the apartment?

  “Look I know you don’t understand why, but he saved me Cami, you know the details I’m not rehashing it here” I dropped my voice to a whisper so that only Cami could hear “I love him.”

  I heard the clatter of her fork as it hits the table. The utter shock was written across her face.

  “Don’t be stupid Faith, you don’t know him so how can you love him! Why won’t you get that he kept you there, he helped whoever took you he is as bad as the rest of them.”

  I refuse to listen to what she was saying I know what happened. I live it every night but I also know that he was kind to me, that he seemed to care for me. I got to shower, eat and drink, I had a feeling that if it was not for him I would not have had those things.

  “Look just stop. Cami, I am going to find him with or without your help, I know you don’t understand and I doubt you ever will, but I need you as my best friend to help me, please.” I look at her hoping that she can see the truth in my eyes. She is my best friend and I love her so much I have a feeling I won’t be able to do this without her.

  “Urgh! Fine. I will help you try to find him, but only because I love you and if I don’t you will probably do something stupid.”

  I leave the conversation at that and we finish up eating dinner. Even though I have been out with Cami who is my safety net it is not as hard as I thought it was going to be. Maybe I can be me again one day.

  The walk back to the apartment is nice and peaceful, there is a nice breeze but it’s not chilly, it’s pleasant. The blue sky, fluffy white clouds and the sunshine give off the feel of a summer's day. While walking back we make plans to do this again on Thursday after my next therapy session.

  Walking up the stairs to the apartment, giggling I can't remember that last time we had a carefree afternoon, opening the door our fun comes crashing to an end when we walk into the living room.

  “Hello Princess,” I shudder at the nickname as I see the man I once called dad sat watching us come through the door.

  “What are you doing here?” I glare at him how dare he show up here after what he did to me.

  “We are going home Faith, and you are coming with me.” I recoil away from him.

  “I am not going anywhere with you! You told them to keep me for your debt. How could you do that me?” I start to raise my voice, how dare he even be here. I don’t want him anywhere near me.

  “You are and you will Faith! Your little escape still means I have a debt to settle, you think he will forget that I owe him money.”

  “Get out” I scream at him “I don’t want you anywhere near me do you understand! I don’t care who you owe money to I am not a part of that.”

  I notice Cami is stood frozen like a deer in headlights not knowing what to do for the best. He stands and starts to make his way towards me, totally ignoring Cami and I am grateful for that at least, I would never forgive myself if anything happened to Cami because of me.

  I start to back up towards the front door while he still strides towards me, he looks possessed, not the man that I knew as my father.

  “You owe me everything you spoiled little bitch, I paid for everything you ever had school, clothes, cars, and university, you will do and go where I say you will.”

  His grip on my arm halts my backwards steps, the resounding slap across my face causes me to bite down on my lip, the blood that now trickles down my chin when I bring myself to look at him again. His eyes widen with fear, he drops
my arm like it has burned him and takes a step back. The hairs on my neck stand on end, as I become aware of the presence behind me. I whip myself around to see who has put that fear into my father, I lock onto deep caramel eyes and gasp.

  “Hello Faith.” Oh God that voice.




  “Damien?” I breathe, my chest constricts at the sight of him finding that I have lost my voice. The flood of memories that assault my mind, all my dreams and that kiss collide.

  I don’t hear the commotion that’s going on around me until I feel his arms wrap around me pulling me closer and pushing me behind so he is in front protecting me, from what is happening around us.

  I hear the high pitch scream from Cami and when I look up I see that my dad is using her as a shield with a knife at her throat.

  “Dad what are you doing” I screech at him while trying to get around Damien but his hold on me is like an iron grip.

  “Let her go please” I plead with him, hoping to see some humanity in his eyes but I only see hate.

  “Oh no, I don’t think I will be letting her go she is my ticket out of here alive, I need to even up the odds” his words are filled with such venom.

  Looking around my apartment I notice that there are another two men with Damien they flank him on both sides.

  “Darren you don’t want to do anything stupid. Let the girl go.” Damien’s voice still sends a flash of arousal straight to my core, his tone is commanding but sensual at the same time, I can’t help but imagine him whispering sweet nothings to me.

  “Oh I think I know what I am doing” every word out of his mouth is making me itch to go and punch him, and I’m not a violent person but the action and words of my so called father are making me see red.

  I hate that he is using my best friend to help him get out of here. Cami’s heaving chest and tears are eating me up inside and all I want to do is go to her and take her place it should be me he uses not her she has not done anything wrong.


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