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The Adept Archives: Volumes 1-3

Page 29

by Darren Hultberg Jr

  After Varyon’s most recent bout with death, the temporal adept had managed to make a breakthrough of sorts. Not unlike Roy Skyworth, the man had managed to tap further into his divine power, drawing on the raw spirit energy that fueled the undying wraith... the energy of the exalted.

  Exalted aura was a rarity in Eon, an energy type with power to influence life itself. It was the power that fueled Varyon’s undying wraith, the very thing that brought him back from the dead over and over again. And although he didn’t possess complete control of it, he found that he could muster just enough of the elusive energy for a single, mighty blow.

  Certain that his victory had been secured, Wrath allowed his concentration to slip for the very briefest of seconds. In that precious second, Varyon drew on every bit of divine energy that he could gather, causing his fist to adopt an iridescent glow... a speck of light to his darkness.

  In an instant, Varyon leapt at the shadow adept, slamming his fist into the man’s chest with an attack strong enough to propel him out of the cabin. Wrath’s body skidded across the dirt, cutting a trench in the ground before slamming into the icy lake and disappearing in the columns of ice. Such was the power of exalted aura... the ability to cut through shadow.

  Varyon didn’t waste a breath as he leapt through a hole in the roof, landing in a crouch atop his hovering windblade. A breath later he was soaring through the air, fleeing the shadow adept who would surely give chase.

  Varyon’s hand throbbed with pain and his lifeblood poured from his chest, yet he flew on, his windblade slicing through the clouds. He hadn’t really hurt Wraith... by the gods, he’d probably only made him angrier. However, what he did manage to do was buy himself some time... enough to find a hole to die in. And when the wraith brought him back, when he was certain he’d escaped Wrath’s pursuit... Well, then his own search would resume. His search to find the man in red...

  To find answers.

  Chapter 7

  The Fateful Three

  The Wild North, Eon

  A chill wind passed through the plains of northern Eon, causing dark blades of spiny grass to bend at the stalk and blood-red flowers to curl up within themselves. Spirit beasts once playful and lively had retreated into their holes, and birds once soaring through the air had left for safer skies... though it wasn’t because of the weather.

  The area had reacted to the presence of Ayzeth Kaito.

  The devil adept stood at the center of the empty field, his blood-red skin and curved horns laid bare, his spirit aura unveiled for the world to see. Destructive energy swirled around his form like a tempest, turning the ground at his feet to cinders and the air around his body to ash. Environmental destruction was a mere side-effect of channeling devil aura, though it was suitable, given the raw and unbridled power of the spirit.

  Ayzeth raised a pair of clawed fists into the air as he pushed his channeling further, extending his aura of destruction until a hundred paces of nature had been completely destroyed. It felt good to let loose and unleash a bit of his power, to wipe clean everything that stood in his wake. He couldn’t lie though... it would feel so much better to have a target under his boot. What was power if you didn’t have any enemy to feel it’s squeeze?

  Feeling a strain in his meridians, Ayzeth withdrew his spirit and began to prepare his body for a second push, allowing the destructive energy to resonate in his soul. However, he paused as his spirkai senses picked up something in the distance...

  Company had arrived.

  To his left, he felt the ground shake as if it were trembling under the oppressive weight of a giant’s footsteps. The shaking grew in intensity, stronger and stronger until finally, a figure appeared on the horizon.

  Standing nearly eight feet tall, the man’s body brimmed with muscle so defined that it looked as though he been cut from stone. Grayish skin covered his body and inky black hair sat in a disheveled mess atop his head. The man wore little, save for a pair of loose-fitting pants with a dozen different pockets and a thick leather strap that held a golden axe in place across his back. The giant killer himself, Dakkon Kaito had arrived.

  “Brother, it’s a pleasure to see you,” Ayzeth said, meeting the man’s passive stair with an intense look of his own.

  Dakkon sighed, unhooking his axe and slamming it into the ground before using its haft as a place to sit. “Who needs to die?” the mountain of a man asked, his voice deep yet dismissive. “I’ve got a tankard of witchblood ale warming and number of young women waiting to accompany me to my bed... I’d rather make this quick.”

  Ayzeth rolled his eyes as his brother continued to ramble about what an inconvenience this meeting had brought him. Dakkon had always been one to delve into the finer things in life, often ignoring his responsibilities to his guild or anyone else. Still, Ayzeth could look past that. Because when it came to killing someone with their bare hands, there was no equal.

  “One of the Bonaduce boys has been spotted alive and en route to Shadowreach,” Ayzeth finally responded, drawing a look of surprise from Dakkon. “I presume you know what must be done.”

  A wicked grin spread over the giant man’s face as he considered what was to come. “I did quite enjoy choking the life out of those pitiful fools in the steel brotherhood... Perhaps this won’t be so bad. Though I must ask… where’s our third?”

  As Dakkon spoke, a third figure emerged from behind the man’s hulking frame. This man was much smaller than the other two, his body covered in thick, runic wrappings and concealed by a tattered, brown cloak. He crouched with an almost animalistic posture as he made his way in between them, black eyes ominously wavering between the pair. And though he appeared to possess little physical strength, a vile energy swirled in the man’s dark core.

  “Brother, so good to see you,” Ayzeth said, a distinct bit of feigned excitement in his tone. The third to join them was none other Kazuka Kaito, the endless nightmare.

  “So, what do I owe the pleasure, my brethren?” Kazuka asked, his voice raspy and crude. “I heard that we are to hunt... a Bonaduce?” Though he wasn’t much of a physical combatant, his unique dream aura was enough to make any man run in terror.

  Dakkon merely shot him a look of disgust, forcing Ayzeth to respond. “You are correct, brother.”

  “And do we have any... restrictions?”

  Ayzeth smiled, quickly understanding where his brother’s questioning was going. A restricted assignment was one that required care... where the lives of bystanders had to be considered whether it be for political reasons or otherwise. However, this particular kill was not one of those cases.

  “None,” Ayzeth, drawing a nod out of Kazuka and a grin from Dakkon. Despite their differences, the trio of adepts couldn’t deny their collective penchant for bloodshed, an unhealthy desire that was rarely sated.

  “Then we should get moving,” Kazuka urged as he rose to a standing position. “Any Bonaduce left alive is a tarnish on our legacy... and it has been far too long since I’ve spilled some blood.”

  Chapter 8

  A long-awaited Arrival

  The outskirts of Shadowreach, Northern Eon

  Roy marveled at the sights before him as the airship approached Shadowreach, the city of outlaws and shadows. He couldn’t help but feel small as they closed in on the sprawling cityscape as if he were an insect being tossed into a jungle of steel and stone.

  As the ship drew closer to the city, Roy noticed some stark differences between Shadowreach and their former home, Atherune. Unlike the city of Jade, Shadowreach wasn’t protected by any massive golems or sealed by any intricate runes. Rather, the city was merely surrounded by a simple stone wall, barely tall enough to contain its thousands of alleys that oozed with danger and opportunity.

  “I bet you’re wondering where the city’s defenses are,” Remley said as if he somehow read the expression on Roy’s face. “Well, the city is actually under the protection of the Spirit Magus, Argo Zael. His gravitational aura is so powerful that the man can
single-handedly create a barrier that protects the city from the Vale.”

  Roy’s eyes widened for a moment. Spirit Magus… that meant the man was at least rank eleven. With that kind of power, Argo could likely obliterate him and the entirety of his guild in a single breath!

  Roy quickly steeled his nerves. “So... he just protects the place out of the kindness of his own heart?”

  Remley chuckled. “More like protecting his own. Legend has it that Argo Zael rose to power as one of the second age’s most powerful adepts, a potential asset to even the greatest guilds. However, due to his erratic behavior, he was treated as an outcast by the realm’s main factions.”

  “So he fled to Shadowreach?” Roy asked.

  “No,” Remley said. “He created Shadowreach... a haven for outcasts and outlaws, for rogues and rebels... and for those too strange to belong anywhere else.” As Remley spoke, an almost maniacal grin spread across his face, and Roy was certain that Rem would fit in here just fine.


  Moments later, the Blazing Falcon passed over the city walls and began circling to the city’s western side where a structure awaiting them that was larger than life. Reaching the heights of a small tower, the rectangular building sported hundreds of docking platforms. Some were occupied by airships or other flying devices that Roy didn’t recognize, while others remained empty, awaiting the city’s next arrival.

  Roy’s gaze shifted to Leila as she stood confidently at the ship’s bow, manipulating the control sphere in her grasp, bringing the vessel in with a slow descent until it rested firmly on one of the empty platforms. Seconds later, a man strode out of the tower and onto the platform, greeting the crew with a sigh. He was shorter than Roy with a large belly that pressed tightly against his white shirt and a body that was covered in thick, orange and white fur. With pointed ears and long whiskers, Roy couldn’t help but wonder if one of the man’s parents happened to be a cat.

  “Feilynx,” Remley whispered into his ear, once again noticing the confusion in Roy’s eyes. “an off-breed of human created through some crazed alchemist’s experimentations... Quite popular in Shadowreach, not so popular anywhere else.”

  Roy nodded, then returned his attention to Leila, still curious about just how all this worked.

  As the cat-man approached, he pulled out a small runic clipboard and rested it on his stomach. With another sigh, he gazed up at Leila with an uninterested look and said, “Name?”

  “Leila Aurora Rose,” she replied, her voice firm.

  The cat man let out a slight snarl as if the name was too long for him to bother writing. “Vessel?” he continued.

  “Class A Skycutter... unregistered.”

  “Length of stay?”

  “Indefinite,” Leila responded, crossing her arms over her chest.

  The cat-man grumbled as he used his claw to jot down a few notes. “Last question,” he growled. “Do you or anyone in your crew carry any bounties, possess any mortal enemies, or hold any eternal grudges that may put me or any of the other operators of this shipyard in immediate danger?”

  Leila smirked and Quinn nearly spit out his reed before shouting, “who doesn’t?”

  The cat-man let out another grumble then offered the clipboard up to Leila. “Sign here.” She responded by channeling a tiny bit of spirit energy into her index finger and pressing it into the document, a signature far more effective than simple ink.

  With a sigh, the cat-man took a final look over the clipboard before tucking it away into a sack slung across his chest. “Your vessel is now under the protection of the Feilynx of Shadowreach, and to that extent the Spirit Magus, Argo Zael. Enjoy your stay in the city of rogue adepts...”

  Leila gave the feilynx a slight bow, then began to lead the others off the platform. However, another growl from the cat-man brought her pause.

  “Just one more thing,” he said, extending a clawed hand towards the fearless captain. “Payment.”

  Leila nervously bit her bottom lip and Roy had to wonder just what she was thinking? Had she assumed this was going to be free?

  An awkward silence fell over the platform as the feilynx began to tap his hairy foot impatiently. That didn’t last long though, for seconds later each member of the Sky Wolves turned their gaze to the lone member of their group with a full coin purse attached to their hip... Yoshiro.

  The water adept promptly returned their looks with a glare before muttering “I hate you all.”


  As Roy and the others began their trek through the streets of Shadowreach, that feeling of being incredibly small had returned. Stone buildings towered over him, peaking towards the heavens while infinitely dark alleys invited trouble with their shadowy allure. Numerous other establishments lined the cobblestone streets, including taverns that flourished with life and strange buildings sealed tight like fortresses. By the gods... If Atherune had been a city, then Shadowreach was a sprawling metropolis!

  Even more stunning than the sights before Roy were the energies assaulting his senses. Adepts from all walks of life populated the streets, many possessing strange and unusual auras that prodded at his spirit. Beyond that, he could feel deeper powers hidden within the bowels of the city of the likes he’d never encountered before. He would never admit it openly, but the feeling made his spirit shudder.

  “Well, we’re here... now what?” Kimoura asked, speaking directly to Leila as she folded her arms over her chest. Roy could see a certain resolve in the light adept’s eyes as her gaze lingered on the path ahead. It was as if being here had reminded her what it took to survive on the streets… in an unforgiving place like this.

  Leila’s nose twitched as she examined their surroundings, gathering every bit of information that she could. “Our first objective is shelter. After that, we need to find a stable source of income. With no guilds around, there’s gotta be plenty of open contracts.”

  “Contracts?” Roy asked.

  “Yeah,” she replied. “Dangerous jobs that typically require a bit of muscle. Bounty hunting, guard duty, armed escorting... Those in need of service use contracts so they don’t have to pay out until the job is finished.”

  “And if you happen to die on the job, then they keep their money and find someone who can complete it,” Quinn added, shaking his head. “Though I’d be a bit more concerned about finding a safe place to sleep.”

  “Perhaps we should split up to cover more ground,” Remley offered, interjecting himself into the discussion. “Leila... you, Quinn and Yoshiro can go and try secure us some temporary housing, while Roy, Kimoura and I grift about and find some contracts for us to get started on. I mean, if you find someone that will house us on the cheap, then I’m certain Yoshiro wouldn’t mind chipping in just one more time.”

  The old adept turned his gaze to Remley, the aura in his eyes burning like the rage of a thousand suns. “I may have helped temper your body, boy... but don’t think I won’t break you down and use you for crafting parts!”

  Remley’s eyes widened but his grin remained. “Now, now. There’s no need for violence. Once we’re back on our feet, you’ll be the richest one in the guild!”

  Yoshiro let out a long, drawn-out sigh before drawing his aura back in. “Get on with it then...”

  “It’s settled, then,” Leila said, taking back control of the situation. “Quinn and the old man’ll come with me to find lodging. Rem, go find us some contracts we can knock out quickly. I don’t want to be begging for food on the streets in a few days. We meet there at sundown.”

  Leila turned and pointed to a tavern in the distance. The building had a rustic feel to it, with walls of red and a faded gold trim decorating its exterior. Above its door hung the symbol of a fiery bird, its wings wrapped tightly around a foaming mug.


  Location discovered: The Weeping Phoenix Tavern


  Roy noted the location of the tavern with his spirit scan, just Incase Remley decided to take the
m on one of his detours.

  “Everyone clear?” Leila asked.

  Remley leaned forward and gave the woman a playful slap on the back. “Clear as crystal, Captain.”

  It was then Roy realized that Remley must’ve had a death wish.


  It only took a moment for Leila and the others to disappear into the bustle of the city’s streets, leaving Roy, Kimoura, and Remley to their own devices... Well, mostly Remley’s devices seeing that he was the only one with any sort of experience in a situation like this.

  Still a bit awestruck, Roy’s gaze shifted from the looming darksteel towers to the crowded boulevards before finally, his sights settled on Kimoura. One might assume that the woman was out of place in a city like this, with her body covered in little more than a simple tunic, hand wrappings and a pair of thigh-high leather boots that she’d adopted for travel. However, the look of resolve in her eyes told Roy that she was more than ready for anything.

  Kimoura immediately noticed Roy’s gaze lingering on her and stepped forward. Without saying a word, she reached for his hand, entwining her fingers in his and allowing their spirit auras to swirl in a beautiful display of darkness and light.

  Remley turned to address the two with his plans, though he paused as he noticed how close the two had gotten. A soft smile stretched across his face, one far more genuine than those that had come before. “Why don’t I go find us a contract and let you two enjoy the city for a bit.”

  Roy raised a brow and Kimoura went wide-eyed. “Wait… are you sure, Rem?” she asked. “I mean-“

  “Of course, I’m sure,” he interjected, placing a hand on either of their shoulders. “We’ve been on the run for weeks and you two have been through quite the ordeal. You deserve a few hours to yourselves. And besides, you don’t have anything to worry about with those tempered bodies of yours.”


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