
Home > Romance > Greed > Page 11
Greed Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  She ordered herself some steak and potatoes which had a lot of fancy butters on, and she wasn’t sure if she’d like it, but she’d give it a try.

  Waiting for Pie to finish his order, she sat back and sipped at her water.


  With Pie everything had always felt natural to her.

  “Nothing has changed,” he said.

  “You, me, this.” She stared down at her glass, the red cocktail dress catching her eye before she looked back up at him. “But a lot has changed.”


  “We’ve been with each other for some time, Pie. This is all a little new. I don’t know what you were expecting or anything, but right now, I’m not really sure what to do. This isn’t us.”

  He reached over the table, taking her hand. “I knew we could go to any bar, and anywhere, and it would be just us, Lindsey. This isn’t about it being us. I’m showing you right now, that it’s only you. It will only ever be you for me.”

  She licked her lips, loving his words even though they terrified her. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “That you’ve never been here before? That you’re considering it? I’ll take anything right now.”

  The waiter brought them their food, and she smiled.

  Pie just showed her exactly how nervous he was.

  She found it really cute.

  “I kind of like this special treatment.”

  “I’ve never taken a woman to a restaurant before, nor dressed up like a penguin.”

  “You look very cute though. Dashing. Especially as I know that beneath all that is a very hard and tatted man.”

  He quirked an eyebrow, and she chuckled.

  “You thought about it?” he asked.

  She sighed. “How can I put it a way you’ll understand?” She cut into her steak, seeing the pinkish inside that looked so good. “Yes, I’ve thought about it a lot. A whole hell of a lot. I didn’t want to because you’re one of my best friends, but yes.”

  “And that time in the shower.”

  “The shower?”

  “Yeah, when I was watching Liam and you had vomit and shit all over you. I told you to take a shower.”

  “You heard?”

  “So you were making yourself come?”

  Against her will, her cheeks heated up.

  She answered him with a nod of the head as she really couldn’t voice her thoughts right at that second.

  “I knew it.”

  “You didn’t have to go screaming about it.”

  “Ha, I love it. I love the fact that you were doing that. I wanted to open that door and watch you. I’ve thought about it a lot.”

  “You have.” She tilted her head to the side. “You touched yourself while you’ve done that?”

  “In the shower, in my bed, the toilet. Pretty much every time I’ve needed to get off has been because of you.”

  “And you were jealous of that woman.” She laughed. “I can’t even remember her damn name.”

  “It doesn’t matter to me. The only person I wanted was you, baby.”


  “Yeah, baby. How is your steak?”


  They finished their meal, but it stopped being an awkward moment. The tensions at the table were mounting.

  She stared at Pie and had this sudden image of him between her thighs, making her forget everything. She’d not been with anyone since meeting him. When they first started looking for their respective Mr. and Miss Rights, she’d simply not wanted to be with anyone else, and had taken the search seriously.

  The dates he’d organized hadn’t thrilled her or made her wait to go that next step. Now though, watching Pie, knowing all that he’d done for her, she wanted him.

  Since Richard’s attack she’d been terrified that he’d taken something from her. Whenever she was around Pie though, regardless of the memories, she was aroused by him. At first, she believed she shouldn’t be. Who would after being attacked like that? Richard hadn’t taken anything from her, and she wouldn’t give him this power either.

  Pie wasn’t like him.

  He’d never be like him.

  She wanted Pie. Craved him.

  Thought about him.

  Even now as they sat at the table, women were glancing toward him, and she felt this jealousy building up inside her. She didn’t want them looking at her man.

  That’s what made Pie different.

  With him, she wanted to claim him.

  To push all other women aside and only have him, no one else.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “How do you feel when other men look at me?”

  “I want to smash their faces in because I don’t like anyone else’s eyes on you. At the same time, I love that they want you, that they want to be me by your side, knowing they’ll never be with you because you have me.”

  She’d never been attracted to possessive men in her life, and yet coming from Pie it seemed so natural to her. She loved his possessive nature, especially as she knew deep inside he was a passionate, loving man.

  As they finished their meal, the tension between them mounted.

  When he took her home, did he expect her to send him packing?

  The moment she accepted him into her home, everything changed. They were no longer the best of friends. They’d be that and more.

  Biting her lip, she stared at him, unsure what to do.

  “I know you’re nervous,” Pie said.

  “If we do this and it fails, I’ve lost you.”

  “You’ll never lose me, Lindsey.”

  “But you don’t know that?”

  “No one knows the future. I never claimed to be an expert, baby, far from it.”

  She nibbled her lip, unsure. “I love you as my best friend. You’ve been my rock for so long. I can’t even imagine not having you with me.”

  He took her hand, locking their fingers together. “You know why I know we’re going to be okay?”

  She shook her head.

  “Because it’s us. We don’t allow anything to come between us. It’s you and me, and everything else can go and fucking suck it for all I care. I love you, Lindsey. Not just as a friend. As something more. I love you, and I want to be with you. I’ve been hiding it for a good part of a year. I can’t hide it anymore. I won’t.”

  “The club?”

  “They know how I feel. They’ve even had bets to see how long it would be before I caved. I don’t want to pretend anymore. I don’t want to go and stand in another bar and watch as you point out endless women that you think will do me good. No one else will. They never appealed to me. The dates I went on, I thought about you. I compared them to you.”

  “Pie, you shouldn’t have done that.”

  “But I did, and now there’s no getting away from it. You’re the woman I want more than anything else in this world. I would do anything for you, Lindsey. All I ask is that you have me, all of me. The good and the bad. I’m all me, and I’m right here for you to take.”

  She stared at him, completely blown away by his raw honesty. It hadn’t been what she was expecting, but at the same time, she’d been wishing he’d say something.

  Glancing down at her half-eaten food, she didn’t want to be here. She wanted to be at home with Pie, together and away from an audience.

  “I think it’s time we got that check, don’t you?” she asked.

  Chapter Ten

  Pie hadn’t intended to spill his guts like that, but the moment he started there was no holding back. Lindsey opened the door, and he waited as she turned to face him. She sucked her bottom lip in, and he saw she was nervous. Hell, even he was, and he got it.

  This was a fucking huge step for the both of them.

  She tilted her head to the side. “I’ve not been with anyone for a long time, Pie.”

  “Me neither.”

  She reached out, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him into her apartment. She slammed the
door closed, pressing him up against it. “And I want you, Pie. I’ve been wanting you for a long time.”

  He grabbed her shoulders and spun her around, pressing her against the hard wood. “And I want you.” Sinking his fingers into her hair, tilting her head back, he glanced at her lips before staring into her eyes, unsure. What if she remembered Richard?

  “Don’t,” she said. “I can see it in your eyes, and I don’t want you to think of him right now, or ever. Don’t let him come between us.”

  Fisting her hair a little tighter, he brought his lips down, slamming them against hers. Her hands moved up his chest, pushing off the jacket. He released her hair long enough to let the jacket fall but wouldn’t let go of her lips.

  When he slid his tongue across her bottom lip, she opened up with a gasp, and he took full advantage, plundering inside her mouth.

  “Fuck, I want you,” he said, muttering the words against her lips. “I want you so badly I can fucking taste it.”

  “Please, Pie, I need you,” she said, moaning as he kissed down her neck, sucking on the flesh.

  His cock pressed against the front of his pants to the point of pain. He was desperate to get inside her, aching for it even.

  Moving away from the door, he broke the kiss to spin her around. Taking the zipper down, he was careful not to tear the dress.

  “You like it enough to be careful?” she asked.

  “One day I’m going to slide this dress up and fuck you with your legs wrapped around my waist.”

  “You like it dirty?”

  “I love it dirty, hot, and everything in between.”

  She whimpered as the fabric slid down, and he ran his hands up her back, moving to her stomach to cup her lace-covered tits. Pulling the straps of her bra loose, he peeled back the cups that protected her perfect tits and stroked her nipples.

  “You want me?”


  He pinched the hard buds before cupping her breasts in his hands, feeling the weight of them as he pressed his cock against her curved ass. “I want inside you, Lindsey. I want to feel that sweet little cunt on my dick, fucking me.”

  Once again, he turned her to face him, and he picked her up, leading her toward the bedroom.

  “First though, I’m going to taste that pussy I’ve been dreaming about for a long fucking time.”

  When he put her on top of the bed, she suddenly stood up and attacked his clothes. Together, they fought to get the other naked, and he was the one victorious first, the lingerie she’d worn now on the floor in pieces from his grip.

  Lindsey went to the floor, opening his belt, gazing up at him while licking her bottom lip.

  “You want my dick in your mouth?”


  He kicked off his pants, pushing them to one side as Lindsey was already pulling on his boxer briefs. He released a little chuckle at how fast she was trying to get him naked.

  Pie loved the fact she wasn’t afraid to go after what she wanted.

  With his briefs off, her hand wrapped around his length, and he let out a hiss. “Fuck!”

  Her tongue licked across the front where his pre-cum spilled out of the tip.

  Wrapping her hair around his fist, he drove his cock into her mouth and moaned as he hit the back of her throat.

  Lindsey didn’t let go though. She swallowed him down with a groan, the sound vibrating up his length, going straight to his balls.

  Staring down, he watched as she continued to bob her head on his dick. He saw the saliva that coated his shaft before her mouth covered it.

  He wasn’t a small man, and Lindsey fought past her gag reflex, sucking him.

  With the feel of her mouth, knowing Lindsey was finally in his arms, he came close to exploding, but this wasn’t how he wanted to go. Far from it.

  Pulling her mouth off his length, he used his grip in her hair to get her to her feet. Claiming her lips once again, he pushed her to the bed. Before she had time to move further on the bed, he spread open her legs and stared down at her perfect pussy. There was a small dusting of hair that hadn’t been there a few weeks ago.

  He didn’t mind the hair or having her bare.

  Spreading the lips of her cunt open, he saw her perfect hole and swollen clit.

  Sliding his tongue across her clit, he teased down to plunder inside her. She screamed out his name, begging him not to stop. He didn’t want to stop, not for a single second. She tasted so fucking good.

  What he loved as well was that she didn’t just lie there. She took her pleasure. Gripping the back of his head, she lifted her pussy up and rode his face. His cock stood out, and he wrapped his free hand around the length, while with the other he teased her pussy, first pressing a single finger inside her tight heat.

  She squeezed him tightly, and he added a second finger before plunging in a third.

  “Oh, shit, I’m going to come,” she said.

  Lindsey screamed out his name as she thrust up against his face.

  Licking her clit over and over, he felt her pussy clench his fingers as they grew slick with her cream. He didn’t let up that easily though, pushing her toward a second orgasm within a matter of seconds.

  Only this time, he didn’t let her fall over the edge.

  Releasing her pussy, he nudged her up against the bed, licking his fingers as he did so.

  “That’s so fucking hot,” she said.

  “And it’s about to get hotter.”

  Spreading her legs wide, he gripped his cock and pressed it against her opening. Staring into her eyes, he sank inside her, inch by inch. When a couple of inches were already there, he slammed the rest to the hilt so she didn’t have any choice but to take him, and she did. She wrapped her legs around his waist, crying out his name.

  Taking hold of her hands, he pressed them above her head, in one of his. With his other, he caressed down her body, cupping each tit before dropping a single kiss on each rounded nipple.

  “Tell me to fuck you,” he said.

  “Fuck me. Please, fuck me. I want it. I want you.”

  He pulled all of the way out of her, only to slam back inside. She cried out, and he did it again, driving his cock inside her, over and over again.

  Reaching between them, he started to stroke her clit, feeling the first flutters of her orgasm start to build.

  His name became an echo as she called out to him. She wriggled on his dick, and as she came, he closed his eyes, relishing every single pulse.

  With the aftershocks still rippling around his dick, he cupped both of her hands, settled between her thighs, and fucked her hard. The bed slammed against the wall, in perfect synch to his thrusts. Staring into her blue eyes, he couldn’t look away.

  Lindsey had gotten into his heart, into his fucking soul, and now he felt consumed by her, taken over.

  He’d not been expecting to fall in love, but he had. Lindsey called to every single one of his needs, and he was more than happy to answer hers.

  “I love you, Lindsey,” he said. “So fucking much.”

  Leaning down, he took possession of her mouth, and she moaned, wrapping her arms around him as he drove inside her.

  His orgasm built, and as it struck him, he slammed every single inch of his dick within her and pumped his cum in deep.

  In that moment, he knew they were meant to be together. She was his soul mate, the woman that was destined to be his, if he believed in all of that shit.

  She was his drug of choice, and he intended to take her and keep her for the rest of his life.

  As his orgasm started to fade, he smiled down into her eyes, knowing this was his life, and he’d gladly give everything up for her.


  “You do realize we’ve got to eat?” Pie asked.

  “And I’ve already ordered Chinese food. They’ll deliver shortly.” Since she’d taken him to her bed, Lindsey had kept him there. It was now into their first day, Saturday evening, in fact. After fucking each other into oblivion on Friday after
their date, they’d woken up together. He’d wanted to leave, but other than a few bathroom and shower breaks, she had no intention of letting him go.

  “And who will go and get said Chinese food?”

  “You, of course,” she said.

  She’d lost count of the number of times they’d fucked each other. Even now as she pulled the sheets away from his body, she saw his cock was once again hard, pressing up into the air.

  Wrapping her fingers around the length, she pressed a kiss to the head before licking off the pre-cum.

  He groaned.

  “I don’t know how much more I can take. I’m starving.”

  “Don’t worry, baby, I can do all the work.”

  Straddling his waist, she stared down at him, pressing the head of his cock to her entrance as she sank down onto his length.

  “Oh, fuck, that feels good.” He gripped her ass, pulling her down onto his length.

  “I thought you didn’t want to fuck me. You needed food?”

  “Fuck food, I need you now.”

  With her hands on his chest, she lifted herself up so only the tip remained, and he got a good look at them together before thrusting down, moaning as she took the whole of his length inside her.

  “That’s so fucking pretty, seeing you take me like that. I could get used to that.”

  “You are going to get used to that. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You have a way of turning me on, woman. You’re all mine, and that means you’re going to ride my dick, take my name, and wear my fucking patch.”

  Lindsey paused, staring down at him. “Wear your patch?”


  She’d not thought of that. “You mean that?”

  “When it comes to you, I only ever say the things I mean. I want you to be my old lady, Lindsey. There’s not going to be any other woman.”

  “What do you mean about taking your name?” she asked.

  “You know what it means.”


  He nodded. “Yeah, Lindsey. I want to marry you. To take you as my wife, to put my ring on your finger and to let every fucking asshole around here know that you belong to me. That you will always belong to me.”


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