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Greed Page 12

by Sam Crescent

Staring into his dark gaze, she was suddenly overcome with love.

  Leaning down, she claimed his lips. “I love you,” she said, whispering the words against his lips.

  “Good, because now I want to come before Chinese arrives,” he said, giving her ass a slap.

  She released a giggle, and began riding his cock, taking him as deep inside her as he could go.

  Pie held her hips, pulling her down as she thrust up to meet him. The sounds of their moaning echoed around the room, and she loved it. Pie was all hers. There’s no way she’d ever let another woman take him.

  She loved him more than anything else in the world, and even though she’d offered to help him find his woman, in the end, she’d found her Mr. Right.

  Pie’s grip on her tightened, and he spun her around so he was once again on top.

  He slammed in deep, fucking her harder than before. Reaching between them, she teased her clit and came with just a few strokes, her orgasm sparking his.

  His grunt echoed around the room, turning her on even more as his cock pulsed deep inside her.

  Just as they came down from their blissful peak, the knock on her door interrupted them.

  “I’m starving. Try and not look so fuckable while I get my strength back,” he said, dropping a kiss to her lips.

  She smiled, watching him go. Her body still shook from the aftershocks of their sex. She’d never get enough of this man, and she loved him.

  Pie entered the room. “You bought enough to feed an army. Come on, baby.” He moved toward the bed, picking her up. Letting out a little squeal, she giggled as he carried her out of the bedroom toward the sitting room. His cum leaked out onto her leg, and she quickly made her escape to the bathroom to clean up from the tryst.

  Staring at her reflection, she was shocked by the happiness she saw.

  Even to her, her eyes seemed to shine a little happier, and the smile on her lips was wider than she ever recalled it being. There was so much love she felt building up inside her, and it was all directed at Pie.

  “This is how I see you every single day,” Pie said.

  She glanced over her shoulder to see him staring at her.

  He moved up behind her, his hands on her hips. “So beautiful, so charming, so … mine.”

  “You see me as being yours?” she asked.

  “Always. Every single day. Watching you on those dates was the fucking worst.”

  “Is that why you always picked bad ones?”

  “I don’t know what I’d have done if you’d ever gone on more than one date with those men. I wanted to fucking kill them, Lindsey. For a long time, you’ve been mine, and I’m not giving you up, not ever, not for anything.”

  “I know what’s involved with becoming an old lady, Pie. I’m not afraid of that. You don’t think the club will mock you for taking someone like me?”

  “Someone like you? You mean a woman that is so sweet, so charming, so beautiful that at times I can’t believe how fucking lucky I am that you’ve picked me.”

  Tears stung her eyes from his sweet words. “I had no idea you were so romantic.”

  “I’m not even trying to be right now, Lindsey. I’m being honest with you. I’ve never been more honest with anyone else in my life. I don’t give a flying fuck what the club thinks. This is me, Lindsey and what I say is this, you’re mine. You’ve always been mine, and no one is going to fuck with that.” He tilted her head back. “I love you.”

  “I love you too. This will certainly be a proposal to tell the kids,” she said.

  He chuckled. “I want loads of them, Lindsey. An army of them. Boy and girls, maybe a few sets of twins in the mix.”

  Tears filled her eyes, but they were happy tears. “You promise?”

  “Hell, yes, now I want you to come and eat before everything gets cold.” He kissed her shoulder, and she watched him walk away.

  Licking her dry lips, she glanced back at her reflection in the mirror, feeling on fire and so happy. She couldn’t believe how quickly her life had turned around, but she was more than thankful that it had.

  Pie was hers.

  She belonged to him.

  Leaving the bathroom, she found him sitting cross-legged on her sitting room floor, completely naked with his flaccid cock touching her floor. Leaning against the doorframe, she smiled at him.

  “Something tells me I’m being adorable right now?”

  “Just a smidge, very adorable.”

  He winked at her. “Come and eat, babe. I want you to keep your strength up for what I have planned next.”

  “And what could that be?” she asked.

  “There’s one hole I’ve not made mine yet.”

  Her hunger built, but it wasn’t for the food. It was for something else.

  Chapter Eleven

  “You want her to be your old lady?” Duke asked.

  “Yeah. The next party we have, she’s mine. Anyone can sit in, I don’t give a fuck. Just know that she belongs to me,” Pie said.

  They sat in church going over another of Diaz’s propositions for a gun run. They also had Ned Walker reaching out to them, but with the memory of Abelli, another mafia man, getting in deep with Walker, or even anyone he was associated with, held no appeal.

  The club knew that with The Skulls and Chaos Bleeds MCs going clean, Ned Walker needed a new club to do his runs for him, and to keep Vegas running. There were always going to be takers for that position. The Trojans MC were not it.

  They had their own deals to make, and their own lives to live. There was no way Duke would ever accept being second best to Ned Walker’s first choice.

  Duke held his hands up. “Look, man, an old lady is for life.”

  “Speaking from the man who shot his,” Dime said, smirking.

  “She interfered in the wrong shit.” Duke’s first wife had nearly gotten Holly killed. Pie recalled the day, and how close to the edge their Prez had been.

  Duke had never loved anyone the way he did Holly.

  Dime laughed. “So, we don’t really have an old lady for life.”

  “Wait until you find one,” Daisy said. “There’s nothing better.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. Let’s move on. This dick is not being trapped by any pussy. I like all of your old ladies, and yes, I’ll die for all of them, but there’s no way I’m sticking my dick into just one.”

  Pie chuckled. “I think that was my line over a year ago.”

  “Yep, it was,” Chip said. “Oh, yeah, at the same time you were trying to take Kasey from me.”

  “Some chicks need variety,” Pie said, laughing. He liked Kasey, cared for her, but he didn’t love her. She didn’t get the fire building or even smoldering inside him. Whereas Lindsey, just thinking about her filled him with an excitement that couldn’t go away.

  “So, next party Pie and Lindsey become a couple in the eyes of the club. Is this going to head to a marriage?” Duke asked.

  “Yep. I already have the rings picked out. Look.” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out the engagement ring. Even though he’d told her they were going to get married, he had every intention of asking her. Maybe after the old lady ceremony. Until then though, he was keeping a hold of this.

  Opening the lid, he showed it off to his club brothers.

  “Anyone right now feeling like a fucking pussy?” Pike asked.

  “You think she’ll like it?” Pie asked.

  She’ll love it,” Landon said. “Lindsey likes pretty things, even though she does try to hide it.”

  He turned the box around to look at it, more than happy with his purchase. Now all he needed was to be able to ask her.

  “So, moving on from Pie’s very sexy love life. Let’s talk about Matthew. How are we feeling he is getting on?” Duke asked.

  There was silence around the table.

  “Look, the little shit may be my son, but I told you, he gets the same treatment as everyone else. He can’t go through life believing I’ll pick up the pieces. I t
hink this is real for him. He’s not playing bikers and shit like that.”

  “This is real, all right,” Pike said, leaning forward. “Whatever I ask him to do, he does it. No questions asked. Not even any mouth either. He’s progressing well.”

  “He did ask me how long I was prospecting for. I told him straight a couple of years between college,” Landon said.

  “We’re going to need to see how he fights,” Knuckles said. “We’ve all held off that because he’s your son, Duke.”

  “I can only protect him so much. Don’t kill him, that’s all I ask. So the next party we’re fighting and fucking. That’s good to know.”

  Pie saw that Duke looked proud.

  “How is Holly handling that shit?” Pike asked.

  “She wanted him to be ready to make his own choices. Being a kid of an MC Prez, she had an idea what it was like,” Duke said.

  They all took a moment to be silent as they respected Russ and his passing once again.

  “It’s not the same without him,” Pie said. “I know he did a lot of shit and made mistakes, but he was still part of the club.”

  “Amen, brother,” Crazy said.

  “He was a good man. All the other bullshit aside, he stood by this club through thick and thin,” Knuckles said.

  “He didn’t kill me for having sex with his daughter,” Raoul said. “I know he wanted to kill me. Sorry, Duke, I just … Russ was a good man.”

  “He is missed. Don’t reference anything that happened between you and Holly. I don’t want nor do I need to hear it.”


  Raoul and Duke had an agreement when it came to Holly, and it worked for the two brothers, especially as Raoul had his own old lady and Zoe wouldn’t take too kindly to being reminded of Raoul’s previous screw.

  “What do you think he’d have said about the Billionaires’ deal?” Pie asked.

  “Shove your money up your fucking ass,” Dime said. “He’d have been pissing himself laughing at all the clubs that were there.”

  “I can’t even believe we went to that bullshit,” Duke said. “Damn, it just goes to show I don’t always make the best decisions.”

  “Come on, we got a look in at the competition, and the kids enjoyed it. Not a bad day, to be honest,” Pike said.

  Pie had fun. He and Lindsey had been there, eyeing up the competition. He’d enjoyed the day, even though tensions had run high.

  “We don’t need them,” Duke said.

  “It’s not our way to jump to another fucker’s tune,” Knuckles said. “Never has been and never will be.”

  They all agreed.

  None of them faulted the Billionaire Bikers MC for their mission statement. They were tackling human trafficking and had made it their personal mission to bring the men responsible to justice. It was a good cause, the best. It just wasn’t their cause.

  After church finished up, Duke asked Pie to stay behind. Several of the brothers gave him a handshake on the way out, and he took the ribbing of others as well. He got it. He was finally handing in his bachelor keys for a life with a woman, and he fucking relished it.

  The last man left, and he and Duke were alone.

  “You can sit down if you’d like,” Duke said.

  “Am I in some kind of trouble?”

  “Not at all. Just wanted to make sure everything was going well between you and Lindsey. Taking her as your old lady, that’s a big fucking step. Huge.”

  “Was it a big step for you and Holly?”

  “It’s always a big step, man. It doesn’t ever stop getting hard, and I don’t mean my dick either.” Pie smirked. “Nah, relationships, love, the club, everything. This life is not for everyone. Lindsey’s a good woman. I saw that after she dealt with that asshole boss of hers. This life is tough, but she’s a tough cookie. You’ve picked well.”

  “You ever regret not taking that Billionaire Bikers deal?”

  “Not at all. There is a time and place for that shit. It’s not with us. Their fight is not ours. We don’t have those kinds of resources, and I’m not willing to change who we are to suit another club. We already took a vote on that when we got back. No one wants in on that kind of crazy. Any news from Diaz on Lindsey’s boss?”

  “Nothing new yet. We went through his place. Fucker had files on the women he’d stalk and then hurt. You know, I thought evil had a distinctive look.”

  “Leather jacket and a bike?” Duke asked.

  “Yeah. The world looks at us as if we’re the monsters, the problems, yet it seems half the problem is living with them.”

  “I’m happy for you and Lindsey. It’s about time the two of you settled down. You’ve been dancing around each other for the past couple of years. It was getting old real fast.”

  “Oh, come on, we weren’t that bad.”

  “You weren’t that good either.” Duke winked. “Half the time you looked like you were ready to kill every single guy who came near her.”

  “None of them were good enough.”

  “And you were?”

  “I’m an improvement.”

  “Keep telling yourself that. We’re all good. Congratulations,” Duke said. They shook hands, and Pie made his way out of the clubhouse.

  Several of the guys had settled in for a game of pool and drinking. He wasn’t interested in any of that and wanted to get to see his woman.

  Leaving the clubhouse, he made his way toward his bike. Straddling the bike, he stopped off at their apartment to change and shower, before driving toward her work. Everything was finally falling into place. It wouldn’t be long now for him to claim her as his wife.


  “Chip told me the good news,” Kasey said.

  Lindsey frowned, holding her cell phone between her shoulder and ear as she rummaged around in her locker for her lunch box. “News?”

  “You and Pie. How you’re together now.”

  “Oh, that was old news.”

  “Hello. Last I heard you two were going on a date and now you’re going to be his old lady. Come on, Lindsey. How is that old news?”

  “Sorry, we’ve had an entire weekend together. See, old news.”

  Kasey sounded annoyed, which only made her smile more. “It’s really good news. I admit, it was scary you know, having all the club watching me as Chip did his business.”

  Lindsey wrinkled her nose. “You make it sound like a dog taking a crap.”

  “No, you know what I mean. I’m not into the whole exhibitionism. It was hot though, being with Chip like that.”

  “I’m going to be honest, I’m really not looking forward to it.”

  “You’re not?”

  “Not really. Pie and I are together now, and even though I love being all kinky, this is going to be something new, you know. That alone makes me worried.”

  “You’ll be fine. It does feel different. When I first heard about it, I was not into that at all. Then Chip explained it to me, and suddenly it seemed to make sense.”

  Lindsey chuckled. “I couldn’t imagine you going the whole way with them watching.”

  “I did. Chip was really good though. He made sure I was covered and only he got to see me.”

  She’d always found Kasey to be a little prudish. Kasey was a little bigger than she was, and often tried to hide those curves where Lindsey was happy with herself. She had nothing she wanted to hide, and often was more than comfortable with her own skin.

  “Are you going to volunteer to see me get taken?” Lindsey asked, chuckling.

  “There you go with all that sexy talk. I don’t know how I put up with you.”

  “You love me oh, so much, so don’t even start with that.” She heard a little cry, and her heart clenched. “How is little Liam?”

  “He’s a fighter, all right. He’s trying to get everything in his mouth, teething like crazy.” She heard Kasey do some baby talk.

  Finding her lunchbox, Lindsey turned around and saw two men dressed in suits in the doorway.

  They asked her for her name and held up a badge showing they were from the police force.

  “Lindsey, what’s that?”

  “I’ve got to go. Talk soon.”

  Marie was there. “Lindsey, these are two detectives that want to talk to everyone about Richard.”


  She hoped they didn’t see how nervous she was.

  “Yes. They’ve gone through his office. You haven’t been in there, have you?” Marie asked.

  “When I came back after being sick. I went in there for an appointment book,” she said.

  “We just have a couple of questions for you, Miss, if that’s not too much trouble.”

  “Sure, Lindsey won’t mind. She’s eating her lunch. You can take Richard’s office. He’s not using it.”

  “I don’t understand what this is about,” Lindsey said, not wanting to go with them. It could only mean trouble for her, for Pie, for everyone.


  This couldn’t be happening.

  She was happy, in love, and ready to share her life with Pie. Not have to deal with this fucking asshole who was better off dead. She didn’t need to see all the files that Pie saw. She’d witnessed the anger in his eyes once he’d been with Diaz. She’d been working for a monster and hadn’t even known it.

  “We just want to ask you a couple of questions. It needs to be in private as well. You can eat your lunch.”

  The thought of eating anything turned her stomach.

  Ignoring that sickness though, she followed them through to Richard’s office. She noticed several of his things had been removed and there was also police tape.

  “You’ve been working for Richard Strong for some time now, correct?” the detective on the left said.

  “Yes. I’ve been wanting to work elsewhere and find another job, but nothing else pays as well.”

  “Why would you want to change jobs?” the detective on the right asked.

  “I’m working in a plastic surgery clinic. Clients that come here want perfection. I’m okay with my self-esteem most days, but there are some it gets to me.”


  She didn’t even know who spoke then. She picked out her sandwich and nibbled it.

  Question after question was fired at her, going from her interactions with Richard to how she found him as a person? Did she encounter any clients’ complaints about him? Any personal grievances?


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