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Heating up the Holidays

Page 13

by Jill Shalvis

  A bit of sanity somehow managed to pierce the stranglehold of lust gripping him, warning him he needed to stop this madness-right now-while he still could. He wanted her naked. Hot. Wet. Under him. Over him. And this sure as hell wasn’t the place.

  With an effort that nearly killed him, he broke off their kiss and raised his head. Her lips remained parted and she was breathing as heavily as he.

  Damn. He’d known sparks would fly between them, but this…this was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. His legs felt like rubber and his hands were unsteady. She looked up at him through glittering, half-closed eyes.

  After licking her lips, a gesture that had him gritting his teeth, she whispered, “Whoa. That was…”

  “Yeah. I know.” He dropped a hard, quick kiss against her mouth. “We need to get out of here. Now.”

  She ran her tongue along his bottom lip and he groaned. “Agreed. And I think maybe you’d better not kiss me again until-”

  “We’re somewhere we can’t get arrested?”

  “Exactly. How far away do you live?”

  He forced himself to set her away from him then pushed off the wall. Grabbing her hand, he scooped up the bag of food and started out at a rapid pace toward the parking lot. “Fifteen minutes.” Fifteen interminable minutes.

  “I’m only five. So I vote for my place.”

  “Done.” He glanced at her and his jaw tightened at the sight of her beautifully messed curls and swollen lips. “But even five’s going to be hard.”

  Her gaze flicked to his tented pants. “Very hard.”

  So damn hard, walking was uncomfortable. “If you keep looking at me like that, we won’t make it out of the parking lot, possible arrest or not. Where are you parked?”

  She pointed just ahead and he caught sight of the ’64 Mustang. “You?”

  “Next row.” He waited while she unlocked her door. “It’s an homage to your legs that I can’t take my eyes off them long enough to admire your very excellent ride,” he said, watching her slide into the front seat.

  She shot him a sexy smile. “Thanks. Follow me.”

  Hell, yeah. Anywhere she wanted to go. He jogged to his pickup and tailed her through the dark, quiet streets of Santa Rey. He opened the windows in an attempt to allow the cool, ocean-scented air to relieve the feverish sensation coating his skin, but it did little to abate the heat consuming him.

  Five minutes and eighteen seconds later-not that he was counting-Toni pulled into the driveway of a small stucco ranch on a peaceful side street. After parking behind her, he grabbed the food, exited his truck, and cut across the neat postage stamp of a lawn. Just as he joined her, she opened the front door.

  He followed her in, and with his gaze on hers, pushed the door closed behind him. She dropped her purse and walked toward him with a sinful sway of her hips that momentarily stupefied him. Before he could fully recover, she reached behind him and locked the door. Then she set her hands on his chest and pushed him back against the wood panel. Reaching up, she twined her arms around his neck.

  “Now finish what you started,” she whispered against his lips. The bag of food hit the floor, and with a groan he yanked her against him.

  Toni moaned as Brad’s mouth came down on hers, hot, hard and demanding. Never in her life could she recall wanting a man this much-feeling such sharp, raw hunger, such desperation.

  “Normally I prefer slow,” she said between panting breaths and frantic kisses, her fingers impatiently jerking his shirt from his waistband. “But not now. I want your hands and mouth on me. Mine on yours.” His body buried in hers. Hers wrapped around him. And all these damn clothes simply had to go. Her hands plunged beneath his shirt and settled on the warm skin of his ridged abdomen. “Now.”

  “Now sounds good to me,” he muttered against her neck. Clearly he felt the same urgency as she, and clearly he knew his way around women’s clothing because no sooner had he spoken than the zipper on her dress was down, the material was bunched around her waist, her strapless bra was on the floor, and his hands were cupping her breasts.

  A gasp of pleasure escaped her as he teased her nipples. His tongue blazed a trail down her neck, over her chest, then drew one tight, aching peak into the wet heat of his mouth. Toni arched her back, offering more of herself, an invitation he instantly took her up on. Each tug of his lips, each circle of his tongue shot fire straight to her womb. Moisture pooled between her thighs and she shamelessly gyrated against his hardness, desperately seeking relief.

  He made a sound that resembled a growl, then turned them. With her shoulders pressed against the door, she watched him drop to his knees, dragging her dress and panties down with him. When the velvet and bit of lace hit her ankles, she stepped out of the pool of material and kicked it aside, leaving her wearing only her heels.

  “Spread your legs,” he said, the hoarse words blowing hot against her stomach as he pressed kisses to her quivering skin. Feeling as if she were about combust, she set her legs wide apart. And was rewarded with a long, slow swipe of his tongue over her swollen folds.

  A moan escaped her, one that turned into a gasp of pleasure when he thrust two fingers deep inside her. “Beautiful,” he murmured, then lazily circled his tongue around her clitoris. “Wet. Hot. Delicious.”

  The back of her head hit the door and her eyes slid shut. He lifted her right leg and settled it over his shoulder, opening her more fully for his fingers, mouth and tongue. Need knifed through her and she fisted her fingers in his hair, unable to hold off the orgasm screaming toward her like a bullet. He performed some sort of magic with his mouth and fingers and her climax roared through her, hot pulses of intense pleasure that dragged a cry from her throat.

  The spasms had barely tapered off when she felt him scoop her up in his arms. And a damn good thing he did, too. Otherwise she would have slithered to the floor in a mass of trembling, sated flesh. Still, even as she reveled in his strength, the independent feminist in her felt compelled to say, “I can walk.” A weak protest at best. An outright lie at worst.

  He dropped a quick kiss on her lips. “This is completely selfish on my part. I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  “Well, in that case, carry on.” She wound her arms more firmly around his neck and leaned forward to lightly scrape her teeth over his earlobe. “Literally.”


  She toed off her shoes, pointed down the hallway with her foot and he started walking. “Sorry I came so fast,” she said, nibbling on his neck. God, he smelled good. Tasted good. Like warm, clean, freshly showered man.

  “No apology necessary. I can’t wait to see how fast you can come again.”

  She huffed out a laugh. “Given how long it’s been since I’ve had sex and given your extreme sexiness, I think it’s going to be an embarrassingly short period of time. I’m afraid I’m feeling somewhat…” she gave his neck a little bite “…insatiable.”

  “That’s a shame. Really. God knows I have plenty of reasons to complain because of that, but I’ll try to keep a stiff upper lip and take it like a man.”

  “Stiff will serve you well.”

  “Stiff is not a problem, believe me.”

  He strode into her bedroom and set her on her queen-size bed. She landed on the pale yellow comforter with a gentle bounce. When he started to unbutton his shirt, she immediately scooted to the edge of the mattress and stood.

  “Oh, no,” she said, shooing his fingers aside and applying herself to his shirt buttons. “You undressed me. You don’t get to undress you, too.”

  “Okay.” He raised his hands and filled his palms with her breasts.

  Toni laughed and firmly set his hands back at his sides. “Nor do you get to distract the undresser. I didn’t distract you when you were stripping me bare.”

  “Wanna bet?”

  She cocked a brow and resumed flicking open buttons. “What did I do?”

  “You stood there.” He brushed the backs of his fingers up and down her abdomen
. “That’s all it took.”

  “Clearly you’re easily distracted.”

  “Actually, I’m not. It’s more that you’re incredibly distracting.”

  She finished with the buttons and slowly pushed the shirt down his arms where it fell on the carpet with a quiet whoosh. Her avid gaze took in the fascinating display of toned muscle then zeroed in on his tattoo. “Very nice,” she murmured, splaying her hands on his ridged abdomen then gliding her palms slowly upward. “Your calendar shot was lovely, but it doesn’t do you justice, Mr. December.”

  “Glad you liked it…” His voice trailed off into a low growl of approval when she leaned forward and lightly traced his tattoo with her tongue. Her hands skimmed down to his belt which she quickly opened, along with the button on his pants. Then she gently pushed him until he sat on the edge of the bed. He leaned back and with his weight propped on his elbows, he watched her through glittering eyes as she slipped off his black dress shoes and tugged off his socks. Then her gaze slowly tracked up his long legs and muscular torso. With his pants unfastened at the waist and that huge bulge pressing behind his zipper, he looked positively sinful.

  Stepping between his legs, she slowly lowered his zipper then curled her fingers around the waistband of both his pants and underwear. He lifted his hips and she slid the garments down his legs, dropping them on the floor where they landed next to his shirt. Her avid gaze fastened on his erection which rose thick and hard, curving upward nearly to his navel.

  “Spread your legs.” It was the same thing he’d said to her, and, like her, he obeyed the command. She ran a single fingertip up the length of his shaft, enjoying the sharp breath he sucked in. Enjoying even more the long breath he exhaled when she wrapped her fingers around him and squeezed.

  “I’m not going to last if you keep doing that,” he warned in a strained voice.

  For an answer, she leaned down and in the name of payback gave his erection a long, slow lick. His drawn-out groan encouraged her to repeat the lick, ending with a lazy swirl of her tongue around the head before drawing him deep into her mouth.

  His breath came in a sharp hiss. “Toni…” His fingers sifted through her hair. When she swirled her tongue around him again, he made an agonized sound and urged her head up.

  “Can’t take anymore,” he said, between urgent kisses against her lips.

  Female satisfaction filled her. Perfect. Right where she wanted him. She reached for one of the condoms she’d bought earlier that day and had stashed in the drawer of her bedside table-minus the one she’d tucked in her purse-and tore open the package. After sheathing him, she straddled his hips and slowly took him into her body until he was buried to the hilt.

  Toni rocked her hips and her long sigh of pleasure mingled with his groan. She rode him, slowly at first, running her hands over his chest, exploring every muscle, loving how they tensed and jumped beneath her fingertips. He rolled his hips in perfect unison to her quickening movements while his hands molded her breasts and his long fingers teased her aching nipples. When her climax overtook her, he grasped her hips and thrust upward as she ground down, embedding him deeper. Their moans and ragged breaths filled the room. Deep spasms shook her, and when they faded into delicious aftershocks, she melted against his broad chest like warm honey.

  Where he found the strength to move she couldn’t imagine, but seconds later she found herself on her back looking up into his eyes. She stretched beneath him, reveling in the delicious sensation of his body on top of hers. Still inside hers.

  He pushed back a tangled curl that clung to her damp cheek then brushed his lips over hers. “Sorry I came so fast that time.”

  “Your timing was perfect.”

  “Good. Next time will be better. I’ll last longer-now that the edge is off.”

  A huff of laughter escaped her. “I don’t know how much better it could possibly get. But, hey, I’m willing to find out.”

  “Glad to hear it.” He touched his forehead to hers. “Toni…do you have any idea how much I’ve wanted you?”

  Her heart performed a swooping dive at both the tender gesture and the quiet words that sounded way too serious. And serious was to be avoided at all costs. Her mind knew it, but for reasons she neither liked nor understood, her heart didn’t seem to be falling in line. Which meant it was time to stop thinking.

  Framing his face between her hands, she shot him a wicked half smile. “I think you demonstrated how much. But…what would you say if I told you I need some more data. Just to be sure.”

  He nuzzled the sensitive spot where her neck and shoulder joined. “I’d say let’s take this to the shower and I’d be happy to provide further information.” He lifted his head and looked into her eyes. “What would you say about that?”

  “I’d say that’s the perfect answer.”


  T ONI WAS putting together a birthday bouquet of red and white roses, freesia and white hydrangea when Jayne arrived at Blooming Pails the next morning. Her pregnant friend studied her for several seconds, then said, “Three.”


  Jayne nodded. “I’m guessing that neon glow emanating from you is the result of three orgasms.”

  Toni shook her head. “Wrong.”

  Jayne’s face fell. “You didn’t have sex with him? Good God, you are made of titanium.”

  “Oh, we had sex. You’re just wrong about three.” Toni peeked at her over a white rose. “Try six.”

  Jayne’s eyes goggled. “Six? You had six orgasms last night?”

  “It actually might have been seven. I think I had an out-of-body experience at one point and may have missed one.”

  Jayne plopped onto the nearest stool. “I want details.”

  A wave of heat engulfed Toni. She couldn’t possibly tell Jayne the finer points of what she and Brad had shared. And not just sexual intimacies. No, they’d also shared laughter and conversation during their reheated meal where they’d discovered many common interests. They both enjoyed action flicks. Sports. Classic cars. Butter-pecan ice cream. Had similar political views. She’d never met a man with whom she felt so at ease and who was so easy to be with.

  And as for the sex, it had been…incredible. After those first two frantic encounters, time had seemed to stand still as they’d spent hours in leisurely sensual exploration. Touching, talking, laughing, learning. If she lived to be one hundred, she’d never forget the way Brad had plucked the petals from the rose she’d given him and strategically placed them on her naked body. Had then settled himself between her splayed thighs and with their hands entwined above her head and his gaze steady on hers, had made soft, slow love to her with the scent of roses rising between them.

  Blinking away the image, Toni forced a laugh. “You want more details than six, possibly seven orgasms and one out-of-body experience? Suffice it to say, it was a pleasurable night.”

  “Obviously.” Jayne chuckled. “Can you even walk?”

  “I’m a bit tender,” Toni admitted, looking down to hide the flush heating her face. “But in a good way.”

  “Did you get any sleep?”

  “Not much, yet I’m feeling surprisingly exhilarated.”

  “Hardly surprising. The postcoital glow you’re tossing off could light up a cave. So when are you seeing him again?”

  Toni’s fingers briefly faltered, then she shrugged. “What makes you think I am? The operative words in one-night stand are one and night.”

  Jayne’s mouth dropped open. “Are you crazy? How could you even consider not seeing again a man who gave you six orgasms and an out-of-body experience? You need to lock yourself in a room with him and toss away the key.”

  “You seem to be forgetting that I’m not looking for a time-consuming, work-disrupting boyfriend. Most especially not a firefighter one.”

  “So just make him your love slave.”

  “I don’t want a love slave.”

  Jayne reached out and touched her hand to Toni’s forehead. “How is it
you don’t have a raging fever that’s causing this delirium of yours? I think he’d make a great boyfriend. You could change his nickname from Elf to Mr. Orgasm.”

  Hmmm…Mr. Orgasm had a certain ring to it. Then reality returned with a thump. “So let him be your boyfriend.”

  “My husband would strongly object. And what I’ll need in a few months is a babysitter, not a boyfriend.”

  “What I need right now is help picking out two dozen white roses for an anniversary bouquet. Not a boyfriend.”

  Jayne pursed her lips. “How did you leave things with him?”

  “I thanked him for a lovely evening. Told him I’d enjoyed our ‘one little dinner.’” She made air quotes around the description of their evening. More like their one big sex romp.

  Jayne’s brows shot up. “He didn’t ask to see you again?”

  “He asked, I refused. He left, I came to work, and that’s all there is to it.”

  “He accepted your refusal? He didn’t argue?”

  “No.” And Toni refused to acknowledge the unreasonable prick of hurt that had caused. She was glad he hadn’t protested. His acceptance had simply surprised her. She’d been sorely tempted to say yes to his invitation, which was reason enough to refuse. She couldn’t afford a man cluttering up her life right now. Didn’t want another relationship. Didn’t want anyone or anything that would divert her attention from making her business a success and impinge on her independence.

  “Obviously he doesn’t want a relationship any more than I do,” Toni said lightly. “We had our night and now it’s back to work. Back to reality.” Back to long, lonely nights, her inner voice whispered. She ignored the pesky voice and wrapped her finished bouquet in green tissue paper. Fine. So the nights would be long and lonely, but she wouldn’t have to answer to or please anyone other than herself. Her time was her own-to devote to herself and her business.


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