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Passion from the Past

Page 16

by Carole Mortimer

  ‘Out of guilt and duty.’

  Gideon gave a bitter half-smile. ‘I wish I could say that, but it wouldn’t be completely true. I enjoyed making love to Felicity. She was beautiful, a lovely asset for a young man just starting out in his career. People always liked Felicity, she was totally able to fit into any surroundings, could converse with any type of person. She was also an incredible actress,’ he added bitterly. ‘In public she would act such a loving wife that even I could almost believe it at times. In private—well, our marriage was a mockery of the word. I went into it intending to be faithful even if I didn’t love her. Felicity—well, God knows why she married me. There were other men almost from the first.’

  ‘Then Martin—’

  ‘Just another in a long line of them. You remember I tried to tell him that the other week, but he wouldn’t listen. He truly believed Felicity intended marrying him, whereas I know it never even entered her head. They were just an amusement to her, all of them. She took great enjoyment in telling me all about them. Needless to say, our own physical relationship was at an end, and had been for years.’

  Laura was shocked by what he was telling her, she would be lying if she said she wasn’t, but she needed to know. ‘Why did you stay with her if you were so unhappy?’

  He shrugged. ‘I think it would have killed James to know what she was really like. He idolised her.’

  ‘And were you—did you—’

  His gaze sharpened. ‘Did I what?’

  ‘Did you have other women?’ She steadily met his gaze.

  ‘You mean Lisa, don’t you?’ he rasped.

  ‘I mean any woman.’


  ‘You mean—’

  ‘I mean no,’ Gideon repeated harshly. ‘My marriage vows happened to mean something to me. Felicity could have all the lovers she wanted, I worked to fill my time.’

  It would explain the grimness he was reputed to have had over the years. ‘When she died…?’

  ‘There were other women then, a lot of them. I had a man’s normal appetites, and they’d been repressed for too long. Then I met a young girl called Laura Jamieson,’ he added softly, ‘and none of those other women mattered any more.’

  ‘Really?’ she said shyly.

  ‘Yes, really,’ he smiled.

  ‘I—Did James ever know about Felicity?’

  ‘I hope not,’ Gideon grimaced. ‘No, I’m sure he didn’t.’

  ‘So Martin really meant nothing to Felicity,’ she said sadly, knowing how hurt her brother would be if he knew the truth.

  ‘No more than any of the other men.’

  Laura couldn’t understand any woman wanting other men when she had Gideon, and she said so.

  His mouth twisted wryly. ‘I think you could be biased.’

  ‘Not at all—well, maybe a little. If loving you to distraction can be called bias.’

  His eyes darkened in colour. ‘It’s called heaven. I’ll show it to you, darling, as soon as you’re my wife.’ He saw Laura’s frown. ‘What is it?’ he asked sharply.

  ‘I don’t understand why you offered Martin money when you knew he really meant nothing to Felicity—unless it was to save James pain. Was that it?’ she asked eagerly.

  ‘I repeat, I did not offer Martin money,’ Gideon told her harshly.


  ‘I did not offer him fifty thousand pounds,’ he repeated coldly.

  ‘Then who—’

  ‘I have no idea.’ He was suddenly withdrawn from her.

  ‘Oh, Gideon, I’m sorry!’ Laura stood up to go to him, kneeling in front of him on the carpeted floor. ‘Martin must have been mistaken.’

  ‘Yes,’ he said tautly.

  ‘Forgive me?’ she looked at him pleadingly.

  Gideon bent down and pulled her up on to his lap. ‘Of course you’re forgiven,’ he smiled, although it didn’t reach the bleakness of his eyes.

  But his kiss held nothing back, and Laura knew the incident was forgotten, by Gideon at least. Lisa Harlow’s name came into her mind in connection with the money Martin had mentioned, although why she suspected the other woman, and what her motive could have been, she had no idea. But she remembered Lisa saying she had money, and she knew the other woman wouldn’t hesitate to use it, to use anything, to get Gideon. Who knew how Lisa Harlow’s devious mind worked, or could even begin to guess her reasons for wanting Martin out of Felicity’s life.

  But she knew Gideon to be innocent in the matter, and returned his kiss with fervour. The smile they shared when their lips parted was in complete accord.

  ‘Now we get to the part where Laura Jamieson entered my life.’ Gideon’s eyes twinkled down at her mischievously; he was totally relaxed now, his arm about her waist as he held her on his knees.

  ‘Do you even remember our first meeting?’ She knew she did, knew she had fallen in love with him then. But she doubted she had had the same effect on him.

  Gideon soon disabused her of that fact! ‘Of course I remember it,’ he said indignantly. ‘How could I forget the fiery-haired nineteen-year-old who was trying to look as old as Dorothy?’

  ‘Oh, I wasn’t trying to look that old—I mean—Oh, poor Dorothy!’ she scowled at Gideon. ‘I didn’t mean to sound derogatory about her age.’

  ‘Neither did I,’ he chuckled. ‘But a girl’s age, or lack of it, doesn’t detract from her secretarial skills.’

  She pulled a face at him. ‘I know that, but you didn’t have the trouble getting a job that I did. By dressing like I did I looked more the part.’

  His mouth quirked. ‘I think you overdid it, my love.’

  ‘And that’s the reason you remember me,’ she said moodily.

  ‘No,’ Gideon chuckled, ‘I remember you because of your fantastic figure. When you walked in with that tray of coffee I was admiring you from behind, wondering what the face was like to go with that beautiful body. When you turned round…!’

  ‘You were disappointed,’ she sighed.

  ‘Disappointed is the last thing I was.’ He shook her gently. ‘I was bowled over. I took one look at you and fell in love with you.’

  ‘You didn’t!’ she gasped. ‘You couldn’t have.’

  ‘But I did.’

  ‘But so did I—fall in love with you, I mean,’ she explained excitedly. ‘But I—You didn’t seem all that interested,’ she frowned.

  ‘When you told me your name was Jamieson it was too much of a coincidence for you not to have been related to Martin. Checking up in your file confirmed it. Getting involved with my wife’s ex-lover’s sister was not something I wanted to do. But I couldn’t seem to stay away from you, I even followed you home from work one evening. When you came out of the building a few minutes later looking like the teenager you are I cursed myself for a fool. Then James arranged for you to be my temporary secretary.’

  ‘I dreaded it,’ Laura recalled ruefully. ‘I felt sure you would guess how I felt about you.’

  ‘Well, I didn’t. If I had have done perhaps I wouldn’t have been such a bully to you. That first day, when Nigel came up to the office, seeing the way he talked to you, your response to him, I knew I didn’t have any time to waste in getting you to agree to go out with me.’

  ‘So you bulldozed me into it!’

  Gideon nodded. ‘You were so stubborn, so determined that you couldn’t go out with your boss, that bullying you seemed the only way.’

  ‘James absolutely loved that,’ she said dryly.

  ‘Yes,’ Gideon grinned. ‘It was the way he would have behaved himself. And he liked you, liked your spirit.’

  ‘I doubt he would have approved of the way you suggested I become your mistress,’ she reminded him reprovingly.

  ‘I don’t approve of it now either,’ he scowled. ‘But you frightened the life out of me.’

  ‘I did?’ Her eyes were wide.

  ‘Mm,’ he nodded. ‘I told you I’ve never loved anyone else—well, loving you wasn’t something I enjoyed. It wea
kened me, made me vulnerable to you. So I suggested the affair to get you out of my system. You rejected the idea without a second thought, even offered me back your resignation. And by making the suggestion at all I’d ruined your trust in me. Somehow I had to regain that trust.’

  ‘Is that why you didn’t kiss me all week?’


  ‘I hated that. I thought you didn’t find me attractive.’

  He raised his eyes heavenwards. ‘There’s no pleasing some women!’

  ‘What changed your mind? I seem to remember a very passionate kiss in your office,’ she blushed.

  ‘Mm, that was Nigel Jennings’ fault again. He was always hanging around you. I was terrified you were going to agree to go to the Company dinner with him.’

  ‘So you arrogantly said I was going with you.’

  ‘When I thought I’d ruined things again. You were so angry. Then you were jealous of Petra when you heard me talking to her on the telephone,’ he smiled smugly. ‘God, I felt good at that moment! Seeing you with Nigel had made me burn with jealousy, knowing you felt the same way about Petra gave my ego a boost.’

  ‘And then you went away for a week.’ Laura could still remember the loneliness of that time.

  ‘What a hell of a week that was,’ he groaned. ‘I was in one meeting after another, longing to pick up the telephone and talk to you, but knowing it would only make my longing to see you worse.’

  Laura glowed with the explanation of his silence for that long week. ‘I missed you too.’

  She received a long lingering kiss for her admission. Then Gideon scowled down at her again. ‘When I did get back you were with Nigel Jennings again.’

  ‘I was with James,’ she corrected. ‘Nigel had just asked me to dance, that was all.’

  ‘Whatever your reason for being with him I didn’t like it,’ he muttered. ‘I was pretty desperate by the time we reached your home that night. I would have made love to you if Martin hadn’t been here.’

  ‘And I would have let you,’ she admitted huskily. ‘I wanted you too.’

  ‘You didn’t after Martin had dropped his little bombshell.’ Gideon looked bleak.

  ‘Poor Martin,’ she said softly. ‘Someone should tell him the truth.’

  ‘Not you, darling.’ His arms tightened about her. ‘Besides, from what you told me, he isn’t exactly pining away.’

  ‘You mean the other women he sees? But—’

  ‘That’s enough, darling,’ he silenced her gently. ‘Let’s think of us now. We’ve done all the talking that’s necessary.’

  ‘Yes,’ and she snuggled against him.

  ‘Do you realise it’s almost two o’clock in the morning?’ he murmured into her hair.

  ‘Who’s worried?’ She kissed his throat.

  ‘Not me,’ he growled. ‘But I’ve heard your new boss is a bit of a tyrant,’ he added teasingly.

  ‘Where did you hear that?’

  ‘Someone mentioned it,’ he smiled down at her.

  ‘I’m surprised anyone dare mention it,’ Laura murmured softly.

  ‘This someone dares. It was your boss’s boss.’

  ‘Oh, James,’ she nodded. ‘Oh well, I needn’t worry about my new boss being a tyrant to me,’ she told him smugly.

  Gideon quirked an eyebrow. ‘Why’s that?’

  She sat up to rest provocatively on his chest. ‘I know exactly how to—get round him.’

  ‘You do?’ he laughed softly.

  ‘Oh yes.’

  ‘Perhaps you could give me a—demonstration?’

  ‘Gladly,’ she grinned.

  It was almost two-thirty before Gideon insisted he would have to leave. ‘But I’ll take you to work in the morning?’ He stood up to button his shirt.

  ‘I think I may just float there.’ Laura gazed up at him adoringly.

  ‘You too?’ he grinned, very dark and attractive as he bent to kiss her parted lips. He only drew back far enough to look at her, his hands cupping either side of her face. ‘You won’t let anything change your mind about marrying me? Not Martin? Not anything?’


  ‘Promise?’ he persisted.

  ‘Yes,’ she agreed easily, in such a state of euphoria that she was sure nothing could break them up now.


  ONLY Laura’s mother and James were told of their forthcoming marriage, the two of them having decided that Saturday’s wedding was enough of a sensation at the moment. Time enough to tell of their own marriage when they got back from their honeymoon.

  Laura’s mother and James had made arrangements to come back from their honeymoon to attend the wedding, making no complaint about the haste of the wedding, rather they both encouraged it.

  Laura was still working for James. She was to leave Courtneys the day before she was married, and a girl from the typing-pool was being trained as Gideon’s new secretary. Laura teased him about the girl’s obvious adoration.

  ‘Maybe you should have become my secretary after all,’ he said ruefully a few days later as they spent a quiet evening together at his home.

  She smiled. ‘I think you’re quite safe with Marie.’

  ‘So do I.’ He grimaced. ‘I’m not sure I’ll be able to take her lisping much longer!’

  Laura punched him playfully, curled up on the sofa beside him as they listened to the stereo after putting Natalie to bed. ‘Don’t be cruel!’

  ‘I’m not,’ he sighed. ‘It’s just that her girlish adoration can be very wearing.’

  ‘She’s older than I am!’

  ‘You’d never know it. Every time I talk to her she looks at me with those devoted blue eyes. It’s very unnerving.’

  ‘Poor Gideon,’ she taunted.

  ‘Poor you, you little wretch.’ He pulled her roughly against him to kiss her hard on the mouth.

  ‘Gid—Oh,’ Lisa Harlow stood in the doorway, ‘I didn’t mean to—interrupt,’ she said sweetly, her expression scathing as she watched Laura’s selfconscious straightening of her clothes. ‘There’s a telephone call for you, Gideon. In your study.’

  ‘Sorry, darling,’ he smiled at Laura, standing up. ‘I shouldn’t be long.’

  Lisa Harlow made no move to leave the room once Gideon had gone to his study, slowly closing the door to turn and face Laura. ‘You think you’ve been very clever, don’t you?’ she hissed vehemently.

  Laura steeled herself not to be affected by this woman’s hate. It was only to be expected that she should be feeling resentful. ‘If you think so,’ she agreed calmly.

  ‘Don’t use that patronising tone to me!’ Lisa sneered. ‘You may think you’ve got rid of me, but you’ll find you’re the one to go!’

  It was obvious that Gideon had told the other woman that her services at Natalie’s nanny wouldn’t be needed in a few weeks’ time. ‘Lisa—’ Laura began.

  ‘You won’t marry him,’ the other woman said confidently. ‘I can guarantee that.’

  Lisa’s certainty made her shiver. She stood up. ‘I understand you’re upset about being parted from Natalie—’

  ‘I’m not upset, Laura,’ she scorned. ‘Because I’m not going to be parted from her. And when I’m her stepmother I’ll get someone in to care for the brat. I never did like children.’

  Any guilt Laura might have felt about having the other woman’s employment terminated was instantly dispelled. If she could talk about Natalie in this way then she didn’t deserve to have the care of her.

  ‘You may as well accept that Gideon and I will be marrying a week tomorrow.’ They had the licence already, and all the arrangements had been made. She had been amazed at the ease with which Gideon smoothed all their plans through. But then maybe that wasn’t so amazing, he was that type of man.

  ‘Will you?’ Lisa smiled, an unpleasant smile that mocked. ‘I don’t think so.’

  ‘You’ve said enough, Mrs Harlow,’ Laura told her coldly. ‘I’d like you to leave now.’

  Lisa smiled again. ‘I
won’t be the one leaving—you will. And I guarantee you won’t be back. You see, Gideon hasn’t been totally honest with you—’

  ‘He told me the two of you were lovers—years ago.’

  The other woman’s mouth twisted. ‘That wasn’t what I meant about him not being honest with you.’

  Laura looked startled. ‘Then what—’

  ‘Wait and see,’ Lisa purred confidently.

  ‘Wait and see? But—’

  ‘Before your wedding next Saturday I’ll utterly destroy your trust in Gideon. I’m looking forward to it,’ and she softly left the room.

  Laura was shaking with reaction, her face pale. She had known her first meeting with the other woman after Gideon had informed her of their impending marriage wouldn’t be very pleasant, but she hadn’t expected threats. And those threats had sounded genuine.

  But they couldn’t be. She and Gideon talked openly about everything now, and the night he had asked her to marry him they had cleared up all misunderstandings between them. No, it must just be that Lisa Harlow couldn’t resist this last bitchiness, that she hoped to arouse uncertainty.

  Well, she wouldn’t be uncertain! She loved Gideon, and she knew without question that he loved her. He showed her with every glance, every touch, and she was surprised the whole of Courtneys couldn’t see the electric current passing between them every time they were in the same room together.

  But so far their secret had remained just that, although most people were aware of the fact that Laura would be leaving the company in a week’s time. She hugged the thought of being Gideon’s wife to herself, finding the next week stretching out in front of her.

  Gideon came back into the room. ‘James,’ he derided. ‘I think he’s been struck with a case of pre-wedding nerves.’

  ‘Really?’ she laughed, unable to picture her future stepfather in the least nervous.

  ‘He’s panicking about whether or not he gave me the ring to take tomorrow,’ Gideon grinned, stretching his long legs out in front of him as he rejoined her on the sofa. ‘That’s the third time today.’

  ‘My mother is as bad,’ Laura smiled, shaking off the feeling of foreboding Lisa Harlow had evoked with her threats.


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