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Page 6

by Elizabeth Knox

  “You don’t want me,” she mutters, turning her head back towards the star filled sky.

  “Da. I do. I want you more than I’ve wanted anyone in my entire life. Why won’t you accept it, this pull that we have towards each other? You’re not dumb. I know you feel it too.”

  “You don’t understand, Dmitri.” She hops off the picnic table and faces me, rubbing her hands over her arms. “I’m fucked up. You. Don’t. Want. Me.”

  I laugh at her. I don’t mean to do it, but I do. If I didn’t want her, I wouldn’t be doing this. I follow her lead, hopping off the table, I grab the back of her hair with my hand, holding it firm in a fist. A move that I so desperately love with her.

  “You’re right, my little one. I don’t want you. I fucking need you. You want to know why?” I search her eyes for something, any sort of recognition. I don’t think she’ll give me anything, but she nods her head slowly. I can finally say my peace, something that we’ve both known for a long time.

  “I’m just as fucked up as you are.”

  I don’t give her a moment to think, or to argue with me. I pull her body harshly towards me until our chests are crashing into one another, slipping my lips over hers, I slide my arm around her torso and grab that perfectly taut ass of hers. She moans into my mouth, encouraging me all the more. I turn and back her into the picnic table from which we just came until my cock is grinding against her stomach. She may play this push and pull game with me, but in the end, we both know exactly what she wants, who she wants – me.

  I slowly skim my hand around the front of her stomach, feeling the way her shirt rides up while she’s flustered. Her skin is exposed, and I slide my hand over her stomach, causing her to take a sharp inhale.

  “Dmitri,” she mutters against my lips. I suck her bottom lip between my teeth and bite down sharply, loving hearing the soft “Mmmmm” that comes from her.

  Her hands travel up my chest, holding my cut between her fingertips. She gives a sharp tug, and when I meet my eyes with her own, I see that devilish smirk that shows me that my kotenok went into full on lioness mode.

  I hook my fingers under the waistband of her skin-tight leggings and suddenly pull them down, taking her thong with them. “I want you, and I get whatever the fuck I want.” Jenna takes her hands from my cut and goes down to my belt, unhooking it slowly, and she unzips the zipper on my jeans, palming my cock as she does it.

  “Why do you think that I don’t want you too?” she purrs, with each stroke on my cock she tightens her grip, making my eyes roll back in my head.

  “I know you want me kotenok. I could see that since the day I walked through the doors of this club.” I hiss it out before I grab the back of her neck and bring her back until she’s on the picnic table, her chest is rising and falling quickly at the sudden movement and she kicks off her leggings, giving me the best look at that scrumptious pussy. Mine.

  I pull my cock out, lining it over her needing lips. She tries to make it seem like she isn’t dying for me to be inside her, but I know her better than that. I tease her, rubbing my cock over her lips, gently grazing her clit until I know she’s going mad. The stars light up her face just enough that I can see the daggers she’s shooting at me. “Tell me what I want to hear,” I demand from her, knowing very well that if she argues I won’t be able to refrain from fucking the daylights out of her.

  She looks at me, biting the bottom of her lip like the sexy little vixen she is. Her Monroe piercing glistens under the stars and she smiles. “I’m yours, Dmitri Petrov. I’m fucking yours.” I ram my cock inside her, fast and hard, and without warning, she jolts back as her pussy adjusts to the sudden intrusion.

  I can never hold myself back when it comes to this woman. She’s fucking made for me, and her lips are soaking wet, always so fucking wet. “God dammit,” she moans, her nails digging into the wood under her. With every stroke I can feel myself coming closer and closer.

  “What do you want?” I hiss, quickening my pace, feeling her walls closing in around me. At this rate, I’ll be a goner within seconds.

  Jenna grips the picnic table underneath her, knuckles turning white, biting her lip hard. She looks as if she’s struggling with something. “You, Dmitri, I want you.”

  Chapter 9

  Hell sent us the most evil disease and we humans call it “love”.

  -Conny Cernik


  Dmitri plagues every fragment of my mind, every fucking day. From the moment I roll out of his bed in the morning to when I’m at Bubba’s, helping teach the girls how to make drinks. It’s as if he’s contaminated my system. A poison so strong and so lethal, yet I want him flowing through my veins.

  I don’t know how I’ve become this woman. Smitten for the darkest member of the MC. I’ve given myself to him – or maybe just parts of myself. Dmitri doesn’t know everything about me, and I’ll never let him be privy to that knowledge. There are parts of me that want to be honest and show him my demons, but then I somehow talk myself out of showing my darkness to him. I’ve gone back and forth, wondering why I would do this to myself. The answer is simple. I couldn’t bear it if he tried to stop me.

  It’s simple… I won’t tell Dmitri anything.

  Is that simple? No. No, it’s not.

  I’m sitting with the girls at Reed’s lake house a couple hours away. Reed thought it would be a good idea for us to have a family day, something we hadn’t had in a long time. The last time I remember being at the lake house was a few short weeks ago when Reed and Elena tied the knot – but it’s not like the summer days we’d spend here barbequing, drinking and having some good ol’ fun.

  “Are you daydreaming again?” Michelle jabs at me with her elbow while she asks me the question. I chuckle and roll my eyes, feigning annoyance.

  “Me? Never. Just thinking.”

  “You’re always thinking. Do you ever stop?”

  “Sure, she does, when she’s got a bottle of whiskey and a really cute Russian,” Maria counters, winking at me. I take my bottle of water and splash her with it, causing her to scream.

  “Dios Mio! Why did you do that?! I am nothing but nice to you, you know!” Maria spits the words out of her mouth faster than a machine gun firing a load of bullets.

  “Don’t talk about my Russian.” At this point I’ve accepted it. Dmitri pulls me to him like a magnet. I’ll be damned if no one knows that we’re doing something together. It’s really best that everyone sees it for what it is – something.

  “Ah! I knew it! You like him!” Elena claps her hands like an excited child getting an ice cream cone. I roll my eyes and meet mine with hers.

  “Have you seen the man? He’s hard not to like.”

  “Uh yeah, and you’re basically talking about my brother, so let’s not be all gross and googly eyed about him. Okay?”

  “Wait, wait, wait! Didn’t you tell us that Dmitri had to fake being in a relationship with you when you were younger?” Daisy pipes up, glaring at Elena.

  “What?” I spit out, harsher than how it was intended.

  “There’s more to that than what Dais is saying,” Elena snaps at her while looking at me. “My daddy dearest told Dmitri he could rape me and keep me as his whore when I was underage. Dmitri obviously didn’t do what he was told. Instead, he came up into my room and told me exactly what my Dad had told him to do. He was smart back then, snuck out in the middle of the night into our neighbor’s butcher shop and stole some pigs blood to mark my sheets. To make it, well, you know, look like the act was done. Dmitri has always done things to protect other people. He’s the reason I got out of that shithole. I owe him a lot.” I stare at Elena and take in what she’s telling me. “He’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but he’s pretty damn special.”

  I nodded in agreement. He’s damn special.


  “God! Noooo! Stop it, Dolor!!!” Maria is shouting as Pain pulls her up over his shoulders, onto his back and dives head first into the water. When they both come
back up they’re all smiles and laughing away with Maria throwing around the occasional curse.

  I tear off my skintight white tee shirt and put it in my bag next to me. Glancing around to the brothers, I see that everyone is having a great time, even soaked Maria. I untie the back of my halter to my black bikini and lay flat on my beach towel, letting the suns glorious rays bronze my skin.

  I glance up to see Dmitri off to the right with the boys, they’re chatting, all smiles. Ksenia is even over there with them. She sticks around a little bit now. She’s a shy woman, but I can tell she’s finally coming out of that shell since she’s getting more comfortable with Dmitri. I don’t know much about their relationship because I don’t ask, and to be honest, it’s none of my business. I know that they had spoken very briefly, and I’m beginning to think that this is the first day they’ve really had a chance to talk. I don’t want to intrude, not when they have so many years to make up for. I like her, though, she’s a sweetheart. I don’t know what the future holds for them, or their sibling bond. I just somehow know that it’s going to be okay. The important thing is that their family is somehow reunited, and that’s an amazing thing.

  Elena comes out of the lake, walking up through the sand and lays down next to me, she’s white as shit and never tans, but I won’t stop the woman from dreaming. “I can feel your eyes staring at me,” I tell her, and sure enough, when I turn, she’s staring at my back.

  “I’ve never seen such a detailed tattoo. What made you choose the lion?” She’s talking about the full backpiece that covers me entirely from the nape of my neck down to my ass.

  “Lions are fearless. I’d say I’m pretty damn fearless too.” My answer is a half-truth. The true meaning behind my tattoo stems from my father. My entire childhood he always had lion quotes, in the silliest of circumstances he had something to say about a lion, which ended up turning into some serious life advice. Plus, he nicknamed me Lionheart. This tattoo is way more than just ink on my back. It’s a dedication to him. Maybe even a promise to his character. Sometimes, I’m not quite sure.

  “You totally are. It suits you.”

  “What suits her?” I startle at the sound of his voice. He’s always sneaking up on me – never once have I heard his footsteps. He came from my side view; I should’ve been able to see him, but nope.

  “The lion tattoo.”

  “Ah, yes, kotenok, it does.” He slumps beside me and lays down on part of my towel. I scoop my breasts up into my hand and move over, getting a very clear image of Dmitri’s back when I do. I gasp, loudly.

  There are deep marks covering every inch of his back, red cuts that have since healed over. It looks like a whip, or something that would’ve been used hundreds of years ago. “Oh my god. Dmitri, what happened?”

  “My father happened”, Elena chimed in, giving a sorrowful look to Dmitri and then meeting my gaze. “Jimmy whipped him after I left. It was his punishment to Dmitri for ‘allowing’ me to get away.”

  “Enough of the past. I am fine. I’ll be even better when you put those luscious tits away. Come.” Dmitri sits up, and I follow his lead, moving my hair out of the way and allowing him to tie the halter to my bikini top back up.

  I sit with Dmitri for the next few hours, laying in his arms. They feel exhilarating, but not in the way most would think. I feel safe here, like everything else is just noise. He makes everything around us go silent until it’s nothing but he and I. I like that a lot.

  “What does it mean?” I ask him, running my fingertip in a small circular motion against his chest.


  “Kot-e-nok,” I say slowly, trying to pronounce it right.

  “It means kitten.” He chuckles softly, kissing the top of my forehead. “You’re as harmless as a kitten.”

  “I’m what?” I laugh at him, he very well doesn’t know how full of harm I actually am. One day, he’ll see this, but today, I can laugh beside him. “I’m more dangerous than you think, Russian.”

  Dmitri laughs loudly at my comment. One day, he won’t be laughing, he’ll understand it.

  “Jen, are you bunking with Dmitri tonight?” Reed shouts over from the picnic table a couple hundred feet away. I look past Dmitri before I tell him my answer.

  “No, I have to go run some errands, so I’ll be heading back to the clubhouse after.”

  “I’ll be going with her,” Dmitri states firmly, his eyes not wavering away from mine.

  “No, you won’t,” I grumble, needing my personal space. I can’t have him with me. I am meeting up with Darius because he has news about Will Michaels. He texted me after we’d already left to come out here and agreed to meet me not too far away. A place that neither of us would be recognized in. I plan on finding out this bit of news alone– without Dmitri looking over my damn shoulder.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “What are you, my fucking watchdog? I’m going by myself. This isn’t the 1950’s. You don’t get to just escort me like the chivalrous ass you are,” I snap, glaring into his stone-cold eyes.

  “I was about to let you go off on your own, but now I’m not.” Dmitri’s voice is soft, his tone so determined with a flare of anger.

  “Asshole,” I mutter under my breath, scooping up my bag as I trek my way back up to where I parked my car.


  “Asshole, hmm?” Dmitri says to me as we’re almost near the diner where I’m supposed to meet Darius. In the back of my mind, I’m trying to figure out something I can do – a diversion, a way to contact Dar’ without Dmitri figuring out what’s going on.

  I’ve never come this close to exposure before. I’ve always been so fucking careful.

  “Yep. We should just add overbearing jerk to the list to just make sure we’ve got everything covered,” I grumble back to him. He chuckles softly and shakes his head, eyes locking with mine and a giant grin on his face.

  I ignore him, turning into the diners parking lot. “Why are we stopping?”

  “I’m hungry. Are you going to let me eat?” I snap, “Or am I supposed to wait until you’re hungry first?”

  Dmitri and I keep our eyes locked for a solid minute. He gets out of the car first, and I follow him slowly, glancing around and looking for Dar’. I don’t spot him until we’re in the diner that looks something similar to a 90’s truck stop. It smells like one too. He’s sitting at the bar talking to the waitress as I follow Dmitri. I cough loudly, Dar’s eyes flicker over in my direction, and I watch as he recognizes that I’ve got company.

  Good. New Plan. Tell me you’ve got a new plan, I’m thinking.

  I didn’t think that the overbearing Russian to be coming with me. If I was here alone, I’d just be sitting with Darius at the bar, talking about whatever the fuck it is that he’s got for me.

  Dmitri makes his way over to a booth and slides in. I pop in on the opposite side, grabbing the menu as soon as I take a seat. It’s sticky and filled with grime – I’m beginning to regret telling Dar’ to meet me here and telling Dmitri I was hungry. I’m not hungry in the slightest.

  Dmitri chuckles at me. I look up and see him smiling, eyes on my hands where it’s questionable if I’m touching bodily fluids or not. “You sure you want to eat here?”

  “Yes.” I stand firm in my decision, regretting it as soon as it comes out of my mouth.

  “Shit. Shit! Jen is that you?!” Dar’s voice is booming. I look over to where he was seated on the bar, and see he’s on the tile floor and on his way over. “Well I’ll be, babycakes, you’ve changed a hell of a lot. The fuck did you get all these tats? Almost didn’t recognize your slimy ass.”

  “Marcus?” I state coolly. “What are you doing back here? I thought you were off to join the Army.”

  “I did, buttercup, served a good eight years,” Darius lies to me, knowing very well his history. This is all a show for Dmitri.

  Dmitri coughs loudly, eying me and Darius. “This is Marcus Baxter,” I lie to Dmitri. “He’s known me for a while.”

nbsp; “And who’s this?” Dar’ asks me, looking directly at Dmitri.

  Dmitri stands from the booth, extending his hand out to Dar’. “I’m Dmitri, her boyfriend.”

  “Boyfriend. Didn’t know you had a boyfriend, buttercup.”

  “It’s new,” I tell him, wanting to kick myself so bad right now. Darius knew I’d never get “involved” with one of the members in the MC, yet here we are. He’s gonna give me hell for this. Especially when I’ve avoided any sort of romantic relationship with the guys in Purgatory because of it possibly effecting my plan.

  “Well, life is changing. Say, did you hear about Lisa and Mike?”

  I look back to Darius, slowly catching on to what he’s doing “No. What about them?” He’s using Mike as code for Will Michaels. Thank God for Dar’ and his slick ways.

  “They’re moving back. Well, I don’t know if moving is the right term, but they’re on their way home now. The chickens are coming back to the coop. It’s been a long time, I’m sure a lot of people will be really excited to see their friendly faces.”

  “Oh, I’m sure they will.” Will Michaels is coming home. It’s fucking game time.

  “I’ve gotta get going, though. The missus is gonna ream my ass if I’m not back in time before the in laws get in. Nice to see you Lawrence, nice to meet you Dmitri.” Darius extends his hand back out to Dmitri and shakes it before he leaves. Then, I’m left with a broody Russian, ordering food that I really don’t want to be eating.

  Chapter 10

  I loved her, but the dark side of her, any girl can play innocent, but her demons are what drove me wild, her secrets, her pain, her darkness that’s what made me love her. - Michael Marquez


  A lot has changed over the past two weeks, it’s hard to keep track of it all. Between club issues, Jenna finally accepting what we’ve both known for far too long, and discovering that Ksenia is my little sister, well, I’m fucked.

  Ksenia and I have talked once at Bubba’s and another time when I invited her to come to the family day Reed had thrown us a few days back. I haven’t wanted to overwhelm her, the last time that we saw each other we were little tikes, she was so small that I’m shocked she even remembers having an older brother or sister.


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