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Protecting His Fox's Sass (Sass And Growl Book 2)

Page 5

by Dawn Sullivan

  Grasping the pole in front of her, facing away from the crowd, she stood tall in her high heels, her thick red hair with its subtle blonde highlights resting almost to her waist as she tilted her head back, and took a deep breath.


  Nolan tried to shove down the pure rage in him at the thought of other men in the room seeing his woman in a thin see-through bra and a tiny scrap of silky material that was supposed to be her panties that barely covered her crotch. A shudder ran through his body as he stared at the thin string that ran up the crack of her ass, and he swore as he reached down to adjust himself. When he would have risen and gone to her, a hand reached out and grasped his arm, urging him to stay put. He turned to his sister-in-law and bared his teeth, uncaring who saw the large fangs.

  “Nolan, please, you have to stop. You are going to embarrass Teine, and then she’s either going to get pissed or she’s going to run,” Emery whispered.

  Clenching his hands tightly, he barely resisted the urge to slam a fist into the table as he snarled, “There is nowhere she could go that I wouldn’t find her, Emery.”

  Looking at him, her eyes soft with sympathy, Emery leaned closer and whispered, “Yes, you could find her. I have no doubt about that. But what are you going to do when she rejects you, Nolan? Because if you keep acting like the overbearing ass you are right now, that’s exactly what she is going to do.”

  “You didn’t reject Knox, and we all know what an overbearing ass he is,” Brayden piped up, a cocky grin covering his lips.

  Emery just shook her head at him, ignoring her husband’s warning growl to his brother. “Nolan, you need to trust me on this.”

  Nolan stiffened, glaring at her. “You think I should just sit here and let my mate take off all of her clothes in front of every fucking man in Blue Creek? Screw that. She’s mine, Emery. Mine.”

  “Uh, Nolan?”

  Nolan’s gaze snapped to Brayden, then followed the path where his little brother’s shocked gaze was trained. He lost all coherent thought, forgetting to breathe, as he watched Teine slowly moving her hips back and forth in a sensuous movement that made him want to grasp her hips, letting her perfect ass cup his dick as he moved with her. Her head was flung back far enough that he could see her beautiful face, eyes closed, one hand grasping the pole in front of her. She dipped down low, that heart-shaped ass almost touching the floor, and then slowly rose back up. Slipping around the pole once in a slow, sexy as hell move, she came back to her original position, and then leaned back until her long hair swung so low it brushed the floor. Her eyes drifted open and immediately connected to his, as if drawn to him. And then, she really began to move.

  It was as if she were dancing for him, her gaze never leaving his as she swung around and began to move across the stage in his direction. Stopping just before the edge, she slid her hands over the sides of her breasts, then down her small waist and over the tantalizing curve of her hips. Her sensual movements were almost too much for him, and he grasped his dick tightly, afraid he was going to come in his jeans.

  When the loud cheers from others in the room broke through the thick haze of lust in his mind, Nolan let out a snarl and stood, kicking his chair back away from him.

  “Nolan!” Miracle called, but he was done taking advice from his family. She was his, dammit, and he had two choices. Get her the hell off that stage, or kill every man in the room.

  The song was just coming to an end when he reached her, and Teine gasped in shock when he vaulted onto the stage, grasped her by the waist, and threw her over his shoulder.

  “Wait,” she cried out, struggling against him. “My money!”

  Nolan stalked across the stage and behind the curtain, and then followed the lingering trail of her scent all of the way back to a small dressing room.

  “Dammit, Nolan. I need that money!”

  “What you need,” he snarled, slamming the door to the room shut behind him, “is your ass spanked for pulling a prank like that.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!”

  “No?” His palm came down hard on the silky curve of her bottom. Not hard enough to actually hurt her, but it was going to sting for a while.

  “Put me down, you brute!”

  Nolan ran his hand gently over her ass, before smacking it again. “I kind of like where you are right now,” he drawled, turning his head and inhaling the sharp scent of her arousal.

  He felt a tremble run through Teine’s body, heard her low moan, then she snapped, “You would, you big ape.”

  Chuckling, Nolan gently rubbed the pink skin next to his face that now held his mark, before leaning over to gently kiss it. Suddenly, razor sharp claws raked down the back of his shirt, taking a small layer of skin with it. His hold on her loosened and she reared up, sinking her fangs into his shoulder.

  “Oh, fuck,” he groaned, unable to hold back the sudden orgasm that pounded through him at the feel of his mate’s teeth embedded deeply into his skin. His own fangs dropped in his mouth, his beast pushing him to find that soft spot between her neck and shoulder and claim her.

  His body on fire, his thoughts on sinking his aching cock into her hot sheath, he grunted when those sharp claws dug into his side and she sank her fangs into his shoulder in a different spot. Before he knew it, Teine was somehow not only free of his arms, but out the door clutching a black bag in her hand. He called her name hoarsely, but was unable to move as his cock erupted again, and wave after wave of pleasure soared through him, soaking the inside of his jeans. When there was finally nothing left, he raked a hand roughly though his hair, shaking his head. She was definitely a sly little fox, but she’d made one critical mistake when she’d fought for her freedom. Those sharp fangs of hers had not only made him come harder than he’d ever come before, but they’d also started the mating process. The bond wasn’t fully in place, yet, but it was only a matter of time. There was no way she would be able to stay away from him now.


  Teine’s sharp gaze rested on the small cub as it rolled around in the thick, rich, green grass, her mind in utter chaos. Her bags were packed and loaded in the car. The shack was clean and ready to hand back over to the owner. But for some reason, she couldn’t make herself leave. Tears filled her eyes at the thought of driving away and never seeing Nolan Channing again. She knew she had to be strong for Athena. She’d made a promise to her sister, one she fully intended to keep, but how could she walk away from her own future to do it?

  Stiffening, she rose slowly when she saw a car coming down the long driveway toward her. Her hand went to the Glock strapped to her thigh and she motioned for Athena to hide. Even at just one year of age, the child moved instantly up the porch stairs and into the house, still in bear form. Teine had started teaching her at six months old the importance of hiding when she was told. At first, Athena thought of it as a game. But the older she got, she seemed to understand that it was more than that, and quickly followed Teine’s order when she was told.

  The silver four-door vehicle stopped in front of her and Teine’s eyes narrowed when a small, blonde woman emerged, sending her a tentative smile.

  “Hello, I’m Miracle. Miracle Channing.”

  Teine froze, her gaze raking over the car, making sure no one else was with the other woman.

  “It’s just me,” Miracle said quietly. “I wanted to bring you this from last night. You left so quickly, that you didn’t get a chance to collect it.”

  Teine swallowed hard, staring at the wad of bills in Miracle’s hands. Money she desperately needed, but couldn’t bring herself to reach out and take. “Thank you,” she said softly, not moving from her place on the porch, but she did allow her hand to drift away from the gun at her thigh. “How did you know where to find me?”

  Shrugging, Miracle’s gaze went to the small cabin, and then skated around the area before coming back to her. “Your home is close to our ranch, and when I was out running a few days ago, I caught an unusual scent this way. When I came to check it o
ut, I saw you hanging some clothes on the line in the backyard.”

  “I remember,” Teine said, nodding her head. “I knew you were there, but when I tried to track you, you disappeared.”

  “I didn’t want to scare you,” Miracle admitted shyly.

  Teine chuckled, wondering if she and Miracle would have been close friends if things were different. “You are definitely the predator in this situation.”

  Miracle smiled, a small smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, as she asked, “You’re leaving, aren’t you?”

  Taking a deep breath, Teine shrugged, letting her gaze wander around the area, scanning for danger. “I planned to,” she admitted.

  “Please, don’t.”

  “I don’t have a choice,” Teine told her, her gaze once again scanning the woods around them as a prickle of unease began to fill her.

  “You aren’t alone anymore, Teine,” Miracle said, taking another step toward her. “Whatever is going on, we can help you. You are Nolan’s mate, part of our family, and we will do anything for you.”

  “You have no idea what I’m up against.”

  “No, but my family is fierce, Teine. We can protect you. I promise.”

  Teine held up a hand, her eyes narrowing on the timber behind Miracle. Inhaling deeply, she let a low growl of warning slip free when she smelled the familiar scent of her enemy.

  “Get in the house,” Teine ordered, her Glock instantly in her hand as she detected a sound not too far from them.


  “Get in the house, now, Miracle!”

  Miracle’s eyes widened in horror when a cold voice spoke from only a few yards away, “Teine, so nice to see you.”

  Teine jumped from the porch, landing lightly on her feet in front of Miracle, her gun held steady on the dangerous shifter who had just walked from the forest of trees surrounding them. “Get in the house and call your brothers,” she snapped, aware that the bastard from her old life wasn’t alone. It didn’t matter. No one was going to hurt Miracle, and they weren’t taking Athena. They would have to kill her first.

  “Is that anyway to treat an old friend?” Terry was definitely not an old friend. She had never liked him, and he knew it. He was an ass; all brawn and no brains.

  “I can’t leave you,” Miracle whispered. Teine was surprised at the small tremor she heard in Miracle’s voice, and it immediately made her want to protect the sweet woman.

  “You can and you will.” Teine’s voice was hard and unyielding. “My little girl is in there, Miracle. I need you to call Nolan, and then guard her with your life.”

  She felt Miracle hesitate behind her for just a moment, before slipping quickly up the stairs and into the cabin, shutting the door behind her. Teine prayed Nolan and his brothers would get there quickly. She refused to be responsible for the young woman’s death.

  “We were never friends, Terry. You are a pile of shit now, and always have been.” She’d always hated the bastard, and steered clear of him as much as possible, going so far as refusing to pair up with him for guard duty even when Alpha Bond tried to put them together. That was the only time she’d ever defied her alpha, until she left with Nadine’s daughter. “Where’s Garrick?” she asked, knowing his older brother wouldn’t be far from him. Where Terry was a slimy worm not worth worrying about, his brother was entirely different. He was strong and cagey — good in a fight. He would be the one to contend with.

  “Garrick?” Terry grinned, moving closer to her, reaching down in full view to adjust his crotch as his gaze raked over her.

  Inhaling deeply, Teine shifted slightly to the left, picking up Garrick’s scent in the trees on the other side of the shack.

  “Garrick. Your older brother. The one you idolize, who spends all of his time cleaning up behind you because you’re an idiot,” she replied, goading him into a response. She needed to keep him talking, just until she was within range and able to do some damage. Shifting another step to the left, just a little closer to him, she continued, “I bet your parents were highly disappointed after you were born, Terry, after having Garrick for a first child. You could never hope to be the man he is.” She almost choked on her own words. Garrick wasn’t a man. He was a nasty son of a bitch who loved to hurt people. Torture was his favorite game, and he played it as often as their alpha allowed him to. Which was very often. He loved using his knives on people, but he loved his fists even more.

  “I’m glad that you think so highly of me, Teine,” Garrick growled, coming into view a few yards from her. “Maybe instead of killing you and the child both like our alpha insists, I will just kill the brat and keep you for myself. I bet we could have a lot of fun. You would love a session with me. First under my knives, and then riding my cock.”

  Acting as if she were turning to face him, Teine took two more quick steps closer to Terry, gripping her Glock tightly. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Garrick? Me, under your control?”

  “If you get to keep Teine, then I get to keep the blonde, Garrick. Alpha Bond wouldn’t have to know.”

  The stark smell of fear wafted to her through the crack in the door. Miracle’s fear. It was deep, dark, and filled with utter terror. Teine’s grip on her gun tightened even more. No one was hurting that girl.

  Garrick ignored his brother, his gleaming, black eyes on her. “Just give us the child, Teine, and this will all be over. Then we can have some real fun.”

  “Never,” Teine growled, her Glock firing at Terry, a bullet slamming into his chest, as she leaped sideways toward him, yanking a knife from the inside of her boot.

  “No!” Garrick yelled loudly when she slid the sharp blade across his brother’s throat, cutting so deeply that she nearly beheaded him, before dropping his lifeless body to the ground.

  Garrick was on her before she could blink, slamming her into the ground and straddling her, his hands wrapped around her throat in rage. Banging her head into the ground over and over, he squeezed tightly, cutting off the flow of air. “I’ll kill you, you bitch! You are dead! Do you hear me? Dead!”

  Teine struggled against him, fighting to get air into her lungs as black spots began to swim before her eyes. Reaching out blindly, she tried to find the gun she’d dropped when he grabbed her. She had to do something fast, or this battle was going to be over before it’d even begun. She could not let that happen.

  “I’m going to kill you and that little abomination you’ve been protecting. Then, I am going to use my knives on the other woman. We will see how she likes it.”

  Athena. Miracle. No, she couldn’t let that happen. Teine stared into the eyes of a madman, baring her fangs at him as she let her claws on one hand break free. As she reached down to find another one of her hidden knives, she swiped her claws across his face, slicing deep gashes into his skin. Spittle fell from his mouth, and he snarled at her, opening his mouth wide and showing his own fangs. As he began to lower his head, Teine plunged a knife deep into his side, trying to slow him down.

  Garrick reared back, his eyes filled with fury as he slammed a huge fist into the side of her head. “You’re a fighter, Teine. You have no idea how much that turns me on.”

  Teine dug her claws deep into his side near his wound, and snarled, “You’re a sick fuck, just like your dead brother.”

  His eyes darkened and a look of hatred crossed his face. “Normally, I would drag your death out after what you did to Terry, but I’m going to save my energy for the blonde. I think she’ll appreciate it more.”

  Teine fought the dark cloud that wanted to envelop her. Her head ached, her ears were ringing loudly, her throat felt raw, and there wasn’t any part of her body that didn’t hurt. She would not let the bastard win, though. She had too much to live for.

  Suddenly, a loud roar filled the timber around them. The roar came again, and somehow, Teine knew it was her mate. He’d come for her. Or maybe he’d come for his sister. It didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was that he was here, which meant Athena and
Miracle would be safe.

  “You will die before they get here,” Garrick growled, reaching down to remove the knife from his side and tossing it away from them. Releasing his own claws, a dark grin crossed his face. “I’m going to enjoy this.”

  Teine struggled in his grip, raking at him with her claws and trying to break free, but it was no use. He was stronger than she was. Digging his knees into her thighs, he held her down, straddling her. His eyes were wild and full of hatred as he bared his teeth at her, raising his hand, his deadly claws plunging down. The pain was excruciating when those claws dug into her chest, going for her heart. Teine screamed long and loud, unable to hold it in.

  Garrick’s grin widened above her at the sound of her agony, and he threw his head back, laughing. She screamed again as his claws sank deeper into her chest, and she fought to stay conscious. She had to. Athena and Miracle needed her. She had to save them. Clutching at his arm, she tried to pull it back, but it was like moving a brick wall.

  Another loud roar split the air, much closer to them than before. He was almost there. Her mate. He had come when she needed him, and damn did she need him. She knew she wasn’t going to last much longer.

  “Don’t worry,” Garrick growled, satisfaction in his gaze as her eyes started to drift shut and her grip on him loosened. “It will all be over soon. Too bad your sister’s fate is much worse.”

  Teine renewed her struggle at the mention of her sister. She’d made a promise, dammit. She couldn’t just lay there and die. Her niece needed her. She was all Athena had.

  “No!” she cried, pushing against his chest with one hand, as she dug her claws into his arm with the other. “I’m not ready to die, you bastard!”

  “Too bad.”

  “Too bad for you!” she growled, taking advantage of the situation when one of his knees slipped off her leg, and slamming her knee up into his groin as hard as she could. When he reared back as if to hit her again, she struck with her claws, slicing into his jugular. Pain sliced through her chest when he yanked his claws free, blood flowing out of the deep holes.


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