47 Destinies: Finding Grace
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“Does it have to be so soon?” Grace asked, hoping to postpone the inevitable.
“Yes. It will only be for a few hours. We will be at the house at 5:30pm on Saturday. No more excuses. Please hand the phone over to Mattias,” Brent said with authority. Grace was stuck in a corner. She couldn’t fight both Brent and Cora. Together, they were quite a formidable team. Grace was very happy that they found each other. It was also nice for Grace to have Cora in her life. As an only child, Grace never had the love of a sister. Once Brent and Cora were married in the spring, Cora would officially be her sister-in-law. Grace couldn’t wait! She was happy for them.
Grace laughed to herself when she thought about the misunderstanding which also kept Cora and Brent apart. Cora had mistakenly assumed that Grace and Brent were married. Cora’s story was that Brent’s mother, Leslie, did not like her and led her to that lie, but Grace chalked it up as a mere misunderstanding. Grace and Cora had very different relationships and, of course, divergent perceptions of Leslie. No matter, Grace was happy and convinced that after the wedding, Cora and Leslie’s relationship would shift and they would all become one big happy family. Well, at least they would be a family, Grace mused to herself.
As promised, Brent and Cora arrived at precisely 5:30pm on Saturday. Mattias and Bella were thrilled to see them. After giving Grace a kiss goodbye, they promptly went into the living room.
Grace didn’t have a chance to try another excuse. She looked elegant in her beige linen pants, long-sleeved linen top, and small brown pumps. She insisted Cora sit up front next to Brent. They made an incredible couple. Cora’s long black hair was an identical match to Brent’s. They sweetly held hands. It was impossible to hide their love for one another.
“Grace, you look beautiful,” Cora said while reapplying her lipstick.
“Thank you. I love your shoes. Where did you get them?” Grace knew shoes and clothes. She enjoyed buying, wearing and admiring all apparel. Hopefully she could find some nice women
at the party who shared her love of fashion. Besides being a mother, she wasn’t sure what else to talk to people about.
Grace did her best to enjoy the ride over the Golden Gate Bridge. The sun started to descend in its nightly routine. The clouds played hide-and-seek while bursting out all the various colors. The large orange-red towers of the bridge surged forth a magnificent presence that entered Grace. She was eagerly hopeful the fog would hold off so they could behold the last glimpse of the sun finally disappearing over the horizon of the Pacific Ocean. In that moment, Grace wished Derek were with her to hold her hand and enjoy the grandeur.
The trio arrived in Marin in no time. The party was already in full force. Grace was a little nervous when she saw all the people.
“I thought you said this was going to be a little house party!” Grace said as her anxiety returned. There were people outside and the house was also full.
“I guess more people decided to come. I am sorry; I didn’t know,” Cora said, slightly embarrassed. “We can leave at any time.”
Grace was counting on it. She would give it one hour and then she was leaving with or without them.
Seeing a slight bit of terror in Grace’s body language, Brent chimed in smiling, “I’m sure they all heard that the beautiful and talented Grace Locke was coming and didn’t want to miss out on being in her presence.”
“He’s right as always Grace, let’s just go inside,” Cora said as she locked arms with Grace. They found Cora’s sister, Samantha, in the kitchen.
“Cora! Grace! Brent! Yay! I am so glad you could make it!” Samantha exclaimed, opening her arms wide to hug each of them. “There’s plenty to eat. Make yourselves at home.”
Grace stayed close to Cora, unwilling to venture out on her own as Brent went off to mingle with the men who were outside enjoying cigars and brandy. Most of the conversations were light and easy. Grace was almost enjoying herself. The ritual surface conversations were beginning to come back to Grace. There were a lot of things Grace could discuss without revealing any personal information.
Cora was in her element as well. She showed off her engagement ring and got caught up with old friends while maintaining loving eye contact at a distance with Brent. Samantha joined them after a while. Trailing behind her was a tall striking man with dirty blond hair.
“Cora, I found someone who wants to see you,” Samantha said mysteriously with an enormous smile on her face.
“TODD!” Cora screamed with delight.
“Cora, how are you?” Todd asked as he wrapped his muscular arms around her tiny frame. Cora became engulfed in Todd’s arms. He was so much taller than her.
“It’s so good to see you! I can’t believe it. I haven’t seen you in years!!!!! The last time I saw you was at your wedding. Is Melissa outside? I can’t wait to see her,” Cora said, practically jumping up and down.
Todd’s eyes turned down and the smile on his face disappeared. “Melissa and I are no longer together.”
Grace could see, hear and feel his pain, and she knew it well. Her heart went out to Todd. Even though he was a stranger to her, Grace was instantly connected to him, as they both were experiencing the misfortune of lost love.
“I didn’t know. I am so sorry,” Cora said as she gently touched Todd’s arm. She wasn’t sure how to comfort him. After an awkward moment, Cora regained her composure. “Todd, this is my soon to be sister-in-law, Grace Locke.”
Todd turned to face Grace. His chocolate brown eyes focused inquisitively on her. Grace was a little unnerved by his momentary stillness. Could he sense her pain as well?
“It is very nice to meet you, Grace. You are guaranteed to enjoy a wild ride with Cora in your family,” Todd said as he winked at Cora. “Cora, tell me all about the lucky man. Does he know what he is getting into?”
Cora’s face shone when she spoke about Brent. She retold the story about how she met Brent while interning at the family’s company, Locke Incorporated. Cora prattled on about their romance and future plans. Listening to the story caused Grace’s heart to sink. She had a once in a lifetime love with Derek and now it was all in the past.
After exchanging various stories about Brent and Cora’s relationship, Samantha came into the conversation.
“Would you mind if I steal Cora away for a few minutes? As the maid of honor, I need to discuss a few wedding details with her. I will bring her back in a jiffy,” Samantha said as she took Cora out of the room.
Grace and Todd were now uncomfortably alone as Samantha and Cora walked away in excited conversation.
“Grace, would you like to sit down?” Todd asked.
“Thank you,” Grace said, pushing down the nervous feelings and the pre-contemplation stage of terror in her stomach.
“Cora mentioned that you will soon become her sister-in-law. Are you married to Brent’s brother?” Todd casually asked.
Grace knew the question would eventually surface, which is why she didn’t want to attend in the first place. She grew very uncomfortable and twisted her wedding band.
Todd sensed her discomfort and before she could reply, quickly added, “Or, we can talk about something else.”
Grace stared at Todd. He appeared genuine and he seemingly sensed her discomfort with his question. It comforted her and helped her relax.
“My husband, the love of my life, Derek, passed away two years ago. Brent was Derek’s younger brother and they were extremely close,” Grace said softly.
“It sounds like you have been going through a difficult time.”
“It has been challenging. I am not very good at the social scene anymore. Cora forced me to come to this party,” Grace said, smiling slightly.
“Yes, Cora wants everyone she loves to be happy,” Todd, said knowingly. “If it makes you feel any better, Samantha made me come as well. She thinks I need to make ‘new friends’. I know that is code for I need to start dating again.”
“Cora told me the same thing,” Grace added, but not shar
ing she was barely ready to meet new people, let alone date.
“Sorry if I ruined the surprise of Cora’s intentions,” Todd said as he sat back further on the couch.
Grace couldn’t take her eyes off of his broad shoulders and muscular physique. He was handsome. He would have no trouble securing his own dates.
“I’m not ready to date. I need some time for self-reflection before I bring someone else into my life. Going through a divorce isn’t a fun experience,” Todd said with a little humor.
Grace let out a sigh. “I completely understand. I have two young children. All I want to do is spend time with them. I cannot imagine trying to introduce a man into their lives. I’m not sure I will ever want to do that. Why can’t people understand?”
“They mean well, but unless you have been through and survived the trauma of a loss, you cannot fully comprehend the impact,” Todd said as he looked out the window.
Grace actually enjoyed their conversation. It was refreshing and calming to talk with Todd; someone who seemingly understood some of what she experienced and who actually listened without judgment. Cora had the best intentions, but she was caught up in her own happiness.
As if on cue, Cora returned. “Sorry, that took longer than I thought. Samantha has all kinds of ideas about the couples’ bridal shower. Still, I am worried Leslie will not approve of any of them,” Cora said as she squished up her face in concern.
“Who is Leslie? And why are you worried about her? It’s unlike you to let anyone’s opinion impact you, Cora,” Todd said, confused by her behavior.
“Leslie is Brent’s mother. She does not like me and hides it from no one,” Cora said, folding her arms.
“Is that true, Grace?” Todd asked protectively.
“Unfortunately, it is pretty much true. Leslie believes that everyone has his or her place in society. She is overly protective of Brent and the family name.”
“The family name? What in the world does that mean?” Todd fumed.
“I don’t have the correct breeding papers,” Cora said as she sat down next to Todd. “It’s really that simple.”
“It sounds pretty shallow to me,” Todd said, unafraid to share his opinion.
“Leslie means well. She just comes from a different generation,” Grace said in defense of her mother-in-law.
“She sounds terrible to me. Cora, you let me know if she gives you any trouble. I can handle her,” Todd said as he put his arm around Cora’s shoulder.
“I can hold my own, plus Brent is a great support to me,” Cora said proudly.
“I heard my name,” Brent said as he slid up behind Cora.
“Sweetheart, I would like you to meet an old friend of mine, Todd Harcourt,” Cora said proudly. Brent and Todd shook hands.
“It is nice to meet you. Cora can’t stop talking about you,” Todd said sincerely.
Brent looked Todd over without replying and then turned to Cora. “Sweetheart, I promised Grace we would be home in time for her to tuck in the children. Are you ready to go?”
“Todd, don’t be a stranger. I would love to see you soon. Okay?” Cora pleaded, hugging him tightly.
“I’ll be in touch,” Todd stated, returning Cora’s hug. “Grace, I really enjoyed meeting and talking with you.”
Grace took Todd’s extended hand and shook it. While she also enjoyed their talk, she was not pleased with his reaction regarding Leslie. Grace admitted that Leslie could be a little rough at times, but she had a good heart.
Cora, Brent and Grace said their goodbyes. Todd couldn’t help but watch Grace cross the room. She practically glided when she walked, yet she appeared non-assuming. Todd felt numerous red flags go up inside his head. The woman was beautiful, polished and, in Todd’s estimation, extremely dangerous.
As they began their drive back into the city, Brent was engrossed resolving a work issue on his cell phone. It didn’t take long for Cora to initiate the inquisition.
“Well?” Cora asked as she twisted her hair around her finger and turned to Grace sitting in the back seat.
“Well, what?” Grace responded, confused by Cora’s strange expression.
“What did you think of Todd? You seemed to be engaged in quite a conversation when I came back. I almost hated to interrupt you.”
“He is very nice,” Grace said, unwilling to expand on her answer.
“Nice? Do you have any questions about him? I’ve known him for years.”
“No, not really,” Grace answered vaguely. Todd was right. The evening was a set up for Grace to begin dating again. She couldn’t believe it.
“Did you exchange numbers?” Cora asked, full of unwelcomed curiosity.
“Cora, I appreciate your concern, but I am not ready to date again,” Grace responded firmly. Grace knew that Cora needed the direct truth.
“Oh, I am sorry. I was just trying to help. I was hoping you would like Todd. He is a really good guy. He works as the Director for the Boys and Girls Clubs in San Francisco. He loves kids!”
“You’re doing it again,” Grace reminded Cora.
Brent’s call ended. He wasn’t sure who the girls were talking about. All Brent knew was that there weren’t any men at the party good enough for Grace. He would talk to Cora about it later.
“Fine, but you have to admit, he is really hot,” Cora whispered to Grace.
“He is extremely attractive,” Grace said as she smiled to herself. Todd definitely had that going for him. His chiseled jaw line and bright smile brought shock waves into Grace’s system.
He had much more depth to his personality than Grace would normally attribute to a man with such good looks. There was a passion in his eyes that warmed Grace in a way beyond mere friendship. The feeling she experienced when he looked at her made Grace very nervous. She would definitely not be seeing that man again.
Grace didn’t think about Todd after she paid the sitter and prepared for bed. There was a small part of her that enjoyed spending time with the adults at the party; however, she would have preferred being at home in her house with the kids. After she double-checked all the doors to ensure they were locked and set the alarm, she made one more sweep of the house before going upstairs.
As she walked past the living room, something outside the window caught her eye. The moon was half-full so there was partial light. As she tiptoed closer to the window, Grace could make out a shadow of someone looking inside her window. She froze in place, partly from fear and partly from familiarity. She immediately recognized the man looking back at her. It was Derek, but he was different. He stared at her with a blank expression. Grace could not move or speak. After several moments, he faded away, like an illusion. Grace still did not move. She stood there for what seemed like an eternity, willing for him to come back, but he didn’t. Several times since his death, Grace had sensed his presence, but this was the first time she actually saw him. She knew he would come for her.
Chapter 2
The weeks moved forward as the leaves of the trees made their soft descent to the ground. Each day held a stale routine for Grace, but over time it all blurred haplessly together. The simple things that once brought her joy were now more of a chore. Even her special time to herself in the morning felt bland. She had hit a wall. Her world felt small and it began to close in on her. Was she sinking into depression?
After Derek died, several well-meaning friends recommended that Grace seek some therapy. At the time, she thought she was strong enough to handle it on her own. But as the months and years passed by, her perspective on life was getting darker instead of lighter. She was also beginning to doubt if she really saw Derek the other night at the window. It could have been her overactive imagination running away with her. Was she losing her grasp on reality?
In an effort to stop her feelings of despair from getting worse, she made an appointment and went to see a grief counselor. Grace felt the slightest ray of hope after her first session. She decided to schedule more appointments. After several more sessions
over the coming weeks, Grace began to see that she needed to make changes in her life.
As much as she hated to admit it, Cora and Brent were right. Grace needed to meet new people. It was time for her to accept Derek’s death and move her life forward.
While she wasn’t ready to go on date, she was interested in getting to know some new people. Before jumping in with both feet, she wanted to explore for herself before she let others set her up. Her prior experience with dating was ancient history. She was more than a little outdated with the whole scene. Internet dating sites were a new addition to this mysterious and complex world. It appeared to be a safe way for her to begin. She wondered what type of people participated in online dating and told herself if it was too much, she could easily delete her dating account.
Grace was leery when she pulled up an exclusive dating website for affluent singles on her computer. She had heard about the site when she was at Samantha’s party. After much hesitation, she entered her personal information. While some of the questions were a bit perplexing, overall it was relatively easy for her to complete her profile. She found a recent picture of herself on her cell phone and uploaded it as her profile picture. Grace wrote about her two kids and some of her hobbies. Perhaps this would be fun after all, she thought to herself. After completing her portion, Grace began to look at some of the profiles of the men.
One profile in particular caught her eye. His name was Larry and his picture was alluring. He was 38, single, loved children and enjoyed flying. He looked a little like Derek. He was an entrepreneur who enjoyed long walks on the beach and talking. He sounded interesting to Grace. She clicked ‘like’ on his profile and went to look at other profiles. A few minutes later, Larry sent her a message.
‘I enjoyed reading your profile. My name is Larry. Tell me more about yourself. Do you also enjoy walking on the beach?’