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47 Destinies: Finding Grace

Page 9

by Perez, Marlies Schmudlach

  Todd was pretty sure that wasn’t going to happen, and felt it was time to move away from discussing Leslie. “I would like you to meet Parker sometime. Maybe we can set up a day where we take all of the kids to the Exploratorium. How does that sound?”

  “Mattias and Bella would love it. How old is Parker?”

  “He just turned eight and is in the second grade,” Todd said proudly. “I have been his Big Brother since he was four. Parker means a lot to me.”

  “I can see that by the way you talk about him,” Grace said as touched his hand. “What other organizations would you recommend for volunteering? I want to help kids.”

  “There are so many. There is CASA which helps kids who are going through the court system. Have you heard of them?”

  “No, please tell me more,” Grace said, leaning in to hear more about the opportunity.

  “CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates. CASA volunteers are appointed by judges to help abused or neglected kids, ensuring they aren’t lost in the system. The CASA volunteer remains with each case until the child is placed in a permanent situation. You would receive specialized training and guidance on how to help the child,” Todd encouraged.

  “I work with some CASA volunteers in connection with the Boys and Girls Club. It is very difficult yet highly rewarding work. I know one of the staff members of the San Francisco chapter. If you are interested, I can give her your phone number,” Todd said, eager to see the light in Grace’s eyes.

  “I am nervous about my skill level, but if she thinks I would be a good fit, I would love to hear more about it. Please let her know I’m interested,” Grace said, her heart racing with excitement. She wanted to find more purpose in her life. Perhaps this would bring her closer to finding it.

  “I’ve already sent the waiter away twice. We should order before they kick us out of here,” Todd noted, pointing over at the waiter.

  “I am going to have the grilled salmon. What about you?”

  “I’d like to have your red sugary lips and a side of your tantalizing long legs, but I will settle for the seared marinated flank steak,” Todd joked.

  “You sure have a way with words. My innocence is waning in your presence, Mr. Harcourt.”

  “I like it when you call me that, Grace Ann,” Todd replied, staring seductively at Grace.

  “If you keep looking at me that way, we will definitely not order or eat lunch,” Grace declared with an alluring voice.

  “Don’t tempt me. I am already on the edge,” Todd admitted.

  “Right on the edge? My, are you afraid to jump off?” Grace teased.

  “You are a spry one. I am going to have to watch myself extra carefully around you. I have often heard that you have to watch the quiet ones. I wasn’t sure what that meant until I met you,” Todd fired back.

  “It is good advice. You would be wise to heed it,” Grace replied with a smirk on her face. She wasn’t sure how he did it, but a fun, sexy, playful side of her emerged around Todd. She felt confident and sure of herself in his presence. It was a new side of herself that she thoroughly relished getting to know.

  The rest of lunch went along smoothly. Todd and Grace couldn’t get enough of each other’s company. The time slipped away without either of them realizing it. Todd missed part of a meeting and Grace had to race to pick up the kids. Before they parted, they shared a long, tender embrace out in front of the restaurant. Todd brushed the wild hairs away from Grace’s face, bent down and gave her a long, passionate kiss. After taking in the moment, they quickly said their goodbyes and confirmed plans for their outing with Brent and Cora.

  While driving away, Grace remembered that she did not ask Todd if he was alright with spending the day with Brent and Cora. Grace had to assume that he was fine with it since he accepted Cora’s offer. However, Grace also knew that Brent was protective of her and the kids. Brent was not a man to upset.

  As promised, Todd called his contact at CASA and provided Grace’s contact information. Grace received a phone call on Friday from the volunteer coordinator. She made an appointment to learn more about the organization for the following week. Grace also did some research on the internet. She couldn’t wait to share her idea with Cora on Saturday. Her life was on the upswing.

  Chapter 6

  Grace felt slightly guilty as she prepared for her date with Todd. It was another day she left the kids with the babysitter. Living as a single mom was challenging. She wanted to spend time with her kids, but she also wanted to socialize with adults. Either way, she had to make a sacrifice. The more time she spent with Todd, the more she felt a future together was possible. This realization helped Grace decide it was time to have Todd meet Mattias and Bella.

  When Todd arrived to pick her up, she invited him in the house with excitement.

  “Mattias. Bella. I would like you to come meet a friend of mine,” Grace called out to her children.

  Todd was taken aback. He knew what it meant for Grace to introduce him to her children. He was deeply touched by her gesture.

  Mattias was the first to arrive at the front door. “Hi. I’m Mattias,” he said quietly. “Are you Todd?”

  Grace and Todd giggled. “Yes, I am. How do you know my name?” Todd inquired of Mattias.

  “Aunt Cora keeps asking me questions about you,” Mattias offered. “She said you were tall and looked like a surfer. Do you have a surfboard?”

  Grace and Todd laughed again. Grace replied, “Auntie Cora enjoys asking questions. She and Todd are friends too. I don’t think Todd has a surfboard,” Grace answered, looking inquisitively at Todd. Before Todd could respond, Mattias threw in another question.

  “Do you know Uncle Brent?” Mattias asked, now more interested in the conversation.

  “Yes. I have met Uncle Brent,” Todd said as he felt a tug on his pants.

  “Do you have a lol-a-pop?” Bella said with her arms extended out to Todd. Todd happily picked her up.

  “I’m sorry. I ate the last one on my drive over to your house. What is your favorite flavor, Bella?” Todd said, enjoying the warmth of the squirmy toddler in his arms.

  “Sherry!” Bella exclaimed.

  “I will be sure to remember that,” Todd said as Bella pointed to be put back on the ground. She ran off toward the living room. Mattias quickly followed.

  “They are precious, Grace. Thank you for introducing me.”

  “I wanted to share them with you. They are the best gift I have ever received.”

  “I can’t wait to spend time getting to know them. Let’s be sure to make that trip to the Exploratorium soon,” Todd said, looking down at his watch. “What time are we meeting up with Brent and Cora?”

  “We are gathering at 10:45am in Napa at the Wine Train. I figured you would be more comfortable driving up separately. Plus, I wanted time alone with you,” Grace admitted.

  “I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Cora had to twist my arm to agree to a foursome. She is incredibly persistent,” Todd said, remembering back on his conversation with Cora. “She convinced me when she told me how much it meant to you.”

  “What? I didn’t say that. She told me that you wanted to get caught up with her,” Grace said, not very surprised by the turn of events.

  “I told her weeks ago that we should have some coffee and get caught up, not go on a double date. She is clever. I think she wants to see what may be going on with us. I say we give her a good show,” Todd suggested, pulling Grace into a knee-weakening kiss.

  “If it involves kisses like that, I am happy to oblige,” Grace said, returning his kiss with one of her own.

  “At this rate, let’s just stay here and play with the kids,” Todd recommended, eager to avoid the day with Brent. He had a very uneasy feeling around the man. Todd didn’t want to say anything to Grace, as she adored Brent like a brother. Todd wasn’t sure he was ready to spend quality time with members of Grace’s extended family. He was the first man to seriously date Grace since the passing of Derek. He
could tell already that Brent was not going to go easy on him.

  “It is tempting,” Grace pondered, unsure that the double date was a good idea. “However, Cora would be very disappointed. I think we are stuck with going.”

  Todd quickly changed his tactic when he saw the look of concern wash over Grace’s face. “We are going to have an unbelievable time. The Napa Valley will be in full springtime bloom. After our train ride, we can take a drive through the various wineries. It will be fun. How about we get going? We can talk more in the car,” Todd said, whisking Grace into his car.

  “Ok,” Grace managed to sputter out. A deep unsettling feeling was beginning to set in her stomach.

  The ride to Napa was engaging. The song, ‘Save Me San Francisco’ by the group Train was playing on the radio. It definitely fit the occasion. Grace’s nerves calmed down and she completely forgot about her earlier apprehension. Hanging out with Todd was pleasurable. She felt good about herself, confident and fully at ease. It was like drinking a tall glass of freshly brewed sweet iced tea after being in the desert for years. She could not contain her happiness.

  When they arrived in Napa, they made their way to the Wine Train station. Grace and Todd went inside to look for Brent and Cora. Cora spotted them immediately and came over. The look on Brent’s face was serious.

  “I am glad you could make it! I wasn’t sure that you would really come,” Cora said, throwing her arms around Grace. “Brent will be surprised!”

  “What? You didn’t tell him that we were coming?” Grace said, aghast that she was impeding on their time together.

  “I didn’t want to disappoint him in case you ended up not coming,” Cora rationalized. After turning around and seeing the expression on Brent’s face, Cora was regretting her decision not to tell Brent. He hadn’t moved one inch upon seeing Grace and Todd. Brent’s laser focus was directly on Todd. He couldn’t place the man, but he was vaguely familiar. Brent was equally unpleased that the man’s arm was possessively around Grace’s waist. Who did he think he was? Grace was not some pretty object to possess.

  Since Brent wouldn’t move, the party moved to Brent. Cora attempted to smooth out the tension.

  “Honey, I hope you don’t mind that I invited Grace and Todd to join us today. I thought it would provide you with the opportunity to get to know Todd better,” Cora offered, leery of the look on Brent’s face.

  Brent was in his serious mode and Cora knew to tread lightly when he was displeased. By the look on Brent’s face, he was definitely on the defensive.

  Since Brent was still quiet, Todd made the next move. He reached out his hand offering a handshake to Brent.

  “Todd Harcourt. We met at Samantha’s party,” Todd said as warmly as possible. Todd felt like he was talking to a stone statue. Brent did not take his hand. Todd pulled it back and put it in his pocket. He felt like he was on an interview that had gone very badly. The man was something else. Todd had no idea what Cora saw in him.

  Brent remained silent. The tension continued to build. Grace didn’t know what to do. She was shocked that Brent was acting unfriendly and rude toward Todd. It made her extremely nervous. A battle of testosterone was unfolding.

  Cora intervened again. “I got you tickets at our table. We board in Group A. Would anyone like a glass of wine?”

  “No thank you, Cora. I am going to use the restroom before we board,” Todd stated. He needed an excuse to get away from Brent. The day ahead was beginning to look like a train wreck.

  “Wait for me. It was a long drive up here,” Grace said, running after Todd.

  Once they were alone together, Brent turned and faced Cora. He did not speak a word, nor did he need to in order to show his obvious displeasure.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t think it would bother you this much. Grace and Todd have been recently dating. I wanted to see if it is serious. Are you angry with me?” Cora asked, already knowing the answer.

  “But you knew it would bother me and you still didn’t tell me?” Brent finally stated.

  “I know you are overly protective of Grace. Once you get to know him, you will see that Todd is a great guy.”

  “Overly protective?” Brent responded.

  “I think my best bet would be to just stop talking. My hole is only getting deeper,” Cora replied folding her arms in a defensive position. Neither spoke so Cora went over to grab a glass of wine.

  Grace and Todd took their time in the restroom. Both were questioning their decision to come to Napa. Their relationship was smooth when they were alone. Brent’s adversarial attitude was causing internal alarms to go off inside their heads. Todd waited for Grace out near the restroom door.

  “Is it too late to sneak off?” Todd pleaded with Grace.

  “I am really sorry about Brent. I have never seen him like this. He is usually very friendly,” Grace apologized.

  “Really? I find that hard to believe,” Todd replied. Very friendly seemed to be quite an embellishment.

  “Okay, very friendly maybe a bit of an exaggeration. How about he is friendly most of the time?”

  “I will have to take your word for it. I have had two interactions with the man and they both went about the same,” Todd answered. He was doing everything possible to be fair, but it was difficult.

  “We can leave if you want to,” Grace said, sad that the day was quickly turning into a disaster.

  Todd took a second to weigh his options. While it was very tempting to leave, Cora was a dear friend and Brent was extremely important to Grace. If he wanted any future with her, he had to play nice with Brent. “And miss out on a train ride? Brent will come around. I am a great guy,” Todd said bolstering himself with a wink. He hooked his arms in Grace’s and walked back to Cora and Brent. He tried a new tactic.

  “Cora, tell me about the wedding plans. How are they coming along?”

  Cora was more than happy to discuss the wedding. The light returned to her eyes as she described the remaining tasks. The conversation also appeared to put Grace at ease. Everyone was happy to hear the announcement that it was time for Group A to board the train. They walked up the bridge to board the train. Hundreds of padlocks covered the bridge.

  “What are these locks for?” Grace asked.

  “The locks are part of an old tradition, placed there by lovers long ago,” Cora read to the group.

  Grace whispered in Todd’s ear, “Do you happen to have a lock in your pocket?” Grace asked, looking down at Todd’s pants.

  Todd patted his pockets and softly responded, “I could go to the store and get one.”

  “Good try at escaping, but we are in this together!” Grace replied, pulling him in closer.

  Cora looked over her shoulder at Grace and Todd. They were whispering and laughing together. Grace beamed. Cora had never seen her so happy. She hoped that Brent would relax and give Todd a fair chance. Without Brent’s approval, Grace and Todd’s relationship would never get off the ground.

  The foursome boarded the train at the Dome car. They walked up to the second level of the car. The expansive windows provided guests with unparalleled views. The plush red velvet seats were throwbacks to the Victorian style of elegance. White tablecloths added to the sophistication. Cora and Grace were fascinated by the history of the train and listened closely to the guide as they waited to be seated.

  “The car in front of us is a fully restored Pullman Dining Car constructed from 1915-1917. It was purchased in Colorado from a member of the Italian mafia. The car you will be riding in is known as the Vista Dome car, constructed in 1952. There were only ten cars originally made. This is one of the only four remaining cars,” the guide continued on to the interested guests.

  Cora nudged Brent. “Isn’t the history of this train fascinating?”

  Brent did not respond. He was busy staring at Grace and Todd with a frown plastered on his face.

  Cora tried again. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  Brent turned his focus onto Cora. “You know I don�
��t like unwelcome surprises. What were you hoping to accomplish today, Cora?”

  “Accomplish?” Cora repeated back.

  The waitress came up to Cora. “Last name, please.”

  “The reservation is under Locke. Brent Locke,” Cora eagerly responded. It was a slight reprieve from Brent’s inquisition.

  “Your table for four is right this way. Please follow me,” the waitress responded.

  “Four?” Brent questioned as he turned his head to the side. “Corina?”

  Cora recognized Brent’s tone. It was not good. “I thought you wouldn’t mind,” Cora stated casually over her shoulder.

  “It looks like you still have a few things to learn about me,” Brent replied.

  When Todd saw that they would be seated with Cora and Brent, he was also not pleased.

  “This just gets better and better,” Todd muttered under his breath.

  “I heard that,” Grace commented softly.

  “Your hearing is incredible. Are you part bat?” Todd asked, tickling Grace. He stopped when he received a disapproving look from Brent. Todd felt like Grace’s father had chastised him. After meeting Brent, he figured that Grace’s father would be easier to win over than Brent Locke. It was going to be like climbing up Mt. Everest in a blizzard with no guide. Then again, as he peered over at Cora, perhaps he did have a guide.

  Todd pulled out the seat by the window and motioned for Grace to sit down. Brent’s stare did not let up. He still had not spoken to Todd. Todd made another ‘attempt up the mountain’.

  “Cora, will you have time for a honeymoon?” Todd asked kindly.

  “Yes, we are going to Spain, Greece and Switzerland. Brent’s father, Robert, is going to fill in for Brent in his old job of CEO of Locke Incorporated while we are away for five weeks,” Cora stated, happy to have someone to talk to besides her cranky fiancé.

  “Robert is such a great man. We had the best time at the couples’ shower. He is quite the football fan. I’m trying to remember what position he played in college,” Todd said, knowing full well that Robert had been the quarterback.


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