“Todd is my new friend, Mama.”
“I am glad you are friends. It makes Mama really happy,” Grace said as she stared out at the scene before her. The grass was bright green from the recent spring rain. Puffy clouds raced across the sky as if they were in a game of tag. Ducks and geese floated peacefully in the lagoon rippling the reflection of the monumental buildings positioned behind.
The tall pillars of the colonnade stood like guards on both sides of the expansive rotunda. They were like majestic giants from some far off era sent to remind people of the history of the past. The rotunda in the middle of the palace stood at least 8 stories tall. The eight archways held up the incredible rotunda. In the top edges of the arches were a total of eight angel statues. This setting brought a feeling of peace to Grace along with the overall imperial energy of the Palace. The copper hue of the structures added age to the European architecture. The carvings in and around the rotunda were intricate and added to the mystery of the scene. Tall trees, bushes and flowers added to the ambiance. It was majestic.
What was it about Todd and rotundas, Grace wondered? She remembered back to the evening she was at City Hall looking up at the rotunda when Todd appeared. Now, here he was six months later playing with her children as she gazed up at another rotunda. She had to be the luckiest woman alive. She couldn’t wait to return with Todd for a concert. It was such a romantic setting. Grace’s found herself smiling all day long. Why did it all feel too good to be true?
Grace turned her attention back to Todd. He was showing Mattias how to throw the Frisbee in a straight line. Parker was also encouraging Mattias. The smile on Mattias’ face said it all. He looked up at Todd with such admiration and trust. She let the moment seep deep down into her heart. Grace and the children were surely under Todd’s spell. She just hoped that it would not wear off, ever.
After returning the children and Grace to their house later that evening, Todd gave Grace a sweet kiss and headed out to take Parker back to his foster family. Grace cleaned up from the picnic and put away the children’s clothes. Once the children were asleep in their beds, Grace spent some time thinking back on the day. She jotted down little notes in her journal in order to savor things that Todd said and his tender gestures. She also looked through the pictures she took during the day.
Before going to sleep, Grace checked on the children. Mattias was fast asleep in his bed. As usual, his blankets were bunched up from tossing and turning. Grace pulled the blankets back over his small body and tucked him in. She gently closed his door and walked into Bella’s room. She became immobilized when she saw Derek. He was kneeling beside Bella’s bed staring intently at his little girl. His back was turned away from the door so he did not see Grace. He reached over and caressed Bella’s hand. Grace heard Derek say something, but she had difficulty making out the words. She let out an audible gasp when she heard him say, “My princess, Bella.” Derek turned swiftly around and stared intently at Grace. His face was void of emotion. His image faded and the room was once again empty. Bella sat up in bed and cried out, “Daddy!” She looked around the room and then drifted back to sleep.
Grace walked back to her dark room, sat on her bed and cried. Her heart was a jumbled mess. Was she being unfaithful to her love for Derek by pursuing a relationship with Todd? It felt like each time she tried to take a step forward into the future, her past kept pulling her back. Was she ever going to heal?
Chapter 8
Bella didn’t talk about Derek being in her room, so Grace didn’t bring it up. Bella was completely preoccupied with her upcoming birthday party. She pranced around the house like a pony and asked Grace hourly how many days were left until her party. By the time the big day arrived, Grace and Bella were more than ready for the important event. Mattias, Bella and Grace decorated the house in a pink, purple and white My Little Pony theme. Seven girls from Bella’s preschool were attending along with Leslie, Robert, Brent, Cora, Todd and Parker.
The morning of the birthday party, Grace’s anxiety level was at an all-time high. After Brent’s behavior toward Todd on the Wine Train, she was not looking forward to a repeat of that disaster. At least this time, Grace would have Leslie, Robert and Cora on her side. They could all double-team Brent and maybe talk some sense into him. Grace was not about to tolerate any further disrespect toward Todd, especially in her own home.
Through the haste in the party preparations and some purposeful avoidance on her end, Grace did not tell her family that Todd was attending. She knew it would have been proper to give them notice, but she was still avoiding Brent. Grace realized she was acting like a child, but she felt Brent’s poor behavior needed some form of retribution. She figured once they arrived, she would let them know. Her opportunity came quicker than expected. Brent and Cora were the first family members to arrive. They were twenty minutes early, which surprised Grace. Brent entered the house without knocking.
“Grace, why haven’t you returned my calls?” Brent inquired upon entering the house.
“Brent, so glad you could make it. Is Cora outside?” Grace asked, giving him a formal kiss on the cheek while avoiding his question.
“I know when I am being brushed off, Grace.”
“Whatever do you mean, Brent?” Grace asked in her sweetest southern accent.
“Is this about Todd?”
Grace remained quiet with her arms at her side. Her lack of response said it all.
“As you know, I am not convinced Todd is the man for you,” Brent said, his feelings out in the open.
“That is not for you to decide,” Grace kindly yet firmly stated. “I would appreciate it if you treat Todd with dignity and respect.”
Before Brent could answer, Cora walked in the front door. “Look who I found outside,” Cora said with a big smile on her face. It faded when she looked over at Brent.
Todd entered the house with his arms full of pink packages. “Brent, Cora was just updating me on the final wedding details.” Grace took the birthday packages and placed them on the table. Todd gave Grace a lengthy hug. “Grace, how can I help with the party? Show me what needs to be done,” Todd asked, whisking Grace off into the kitchen.
Brent was visibly unhappy. Before he could talk to Cora, Robert and Leslie walked in the door.
“Where is my birthday girl, Bella?” Leslie inquired. Robert hugged Brent and Cora and placed the numerous presents on the table next to Todd’s.
“Mattias said that she is out back with some of her friends,” Cora responded since Brent was silent.
“I saw Mattias playing with a young boy out front named Parker. I don’t recognize him,” Robert added to the conversation.
“It is nice that Mattias brought a friend over to play with during the party,” Leslie stated, still set on finding Bella.
“Grandma! Grandpa! Did you bring me any ponies?” Bella asked as she ran into the room. She was wearing a bright pink frilly dress. Her little blond curls were tied back with a pink satin ribbon. She was a real beauty. “Uncle Brent! Cora! Did you bring me any ponies? Todd gave me this lollipop. It’s sherry!” Bella bounced around the room like a ping-pong ball.
“Who is Todd?” Leslie asked, trying to make sense of all the chaos.
“He is my friend. He reads me stories and brings me lollipops!” Bella replied before she ran back out of the room.
“Does anyone understand what she is talking about?” Leslie asked, baffled by the nonsensical conversation. Brent and Cora knew exactly who Bella was referring to, but neither responded. Before Robert could add his two cents, Grace walked back into the foyer. Her straight blond hair swayed as she walked. She wore a knee length yellow cotton dress. Her silky yellow ribbon accented her gorgeous hair. Her necklace and earrings were casual yet stylish.
“Leslie, thank you for coming,” Grace said affectionately. “It looks like everyone is here. Bella’s friends arrived an hour ago so the party is in full swing. Can I get you something to drink? I have freshly-squeezed lemonade or maybe a
glass of iced tea?”
“I would love a glass of iced tea,” Leslie responded. “Grace, Bella said her friend Todd is here. Who is Todd?”
Grace laughed a little nervously. “Todd is someone special I have been dating. Bella invited him to her birthday party last week. Let me go find him and you can be properly introduced,” Grace said as she went to find Todd. Why was she so nervous, she wondered?
Leslie spoke to Robert, Brent and Cora. “Do any of you know what is going on? Grace is seeing someone?”
“I met Todd at the couples’ shower, but I had no idea anything came of it. You would have met him if you hadn’t left early, Darling. He seems like a wonderful man,” Robert stated, all full of smiles. “I was fairly busy catching up with Cora’s parents that I didn’t pay Grace much attention. However, Cora’s mother only had high praise for Todd.”
“How does Cora’s mother know this man?” Leslie demanded, narrowing her eyes on Cora.
“Todd is a friend of the family,” Cora responded quietly.
“I’ll say,” Brent mumbled.
“So, you know him too, Brent?” Leslie spat out at Brent.
“Yes, and I am not happy about the situation. I met him a few weeks ago,” Brent offered to his fuming mother.
“Why has everyone kept me in the dark on such an important topic? This man is playing with my grandchildren, is at a family event and this is the first I am hearing of this?” Leslie prattled on and on about her displeasure.
“I am surprised Grace didn’t tell you. I thought you two were pretty close,” Cora said, truthfully surprised by the scene unfolding before her.
“We are extremely close. Why is she hiding this man from me? Is he that terrible?” Leslie asked mainly to herself. “And how did you meet this man, Cora? How well do you know him?” Leslie focused her anger on Cora.
Brent kept quiet and looked inquisitively at Cora. “We have been friends for a long time. We just recently reconnected last fall. I hadn’t seen him since his wedding.” After Cora said wedding, she winced.
Leslie and Brent stated in unison, “He’s married?”
“No, he’s divorced,” Cora corrected.
“Well, that isn’t much better,” Leslie miffed.
“How many children does this friend of yours have, Cora?” Leslie inquired like a cat that just trapped a mouse in the corner.
“He doesn’t have any children, Leslie. Todd is an incredible person. You just need to get to know him,” Cora pleaded with her soon-to-be mother-in-law.
“What does this man do? He better have some money and a reputable place in society,” Leslie said back to Cora.
“He is well respected in the community,” Cora stated.
“What does he do, Cora?” Leslie asked, moving slightly closer to Cora.
“He plays with children all day, Mother,” Brent said. “I’m sorry, Cora. I am not convinced that this man doesn’t have an ulterior motive.”
“You both are way out of line,” Robert growled at Brent and Leslie. “I have heard nothing but positive things about his work with the Boys and Girls Club. Your belittling of his career is unacceptable. Cora’s mother only said flattering compliments regarding Todd and she has known him for years.”
“Her opinion does not hold any weight with me,” Leslie fired back.
“Now Mother, that is uncalled for,” Brent replied protectively for Cora. “You are speaking disrespectfully of Cora’s mother and my future mother-in-law.”
“Brent, you are no better speaking so poorly of Todd,” Robert flung back. “Their relationship is none of our business. Grace is free to date whomever she pleases. She isn’t some helpless teenager. She is a grown woman and a superb judge of character.”
“I disagree. She is a fragile widow who needs our love and guidance,” Leslie responded.
“I have had enough of this conversation. Cora, would you like to take a walk with me outside? I need some fresh air,” Robert said, as he offered Cora his arm.
“Thank you, Robert,” Cora stated, visibly upset. She was irritated with Brent’s poor attitude against Todd, but also proud of him that he stood up for her and her mother. One thing she understood about Brent was that he had no problem sharing his opinion.
After Robert and Cora left the room, Brent addressed his mother again. “I do not understand or approve of your disdain for Cora or her family. This rude behavior of yours will stop today. Cora is about to become my wife. I love her more than you will ever understand. My entire world revolves around her. I know you do not approve of my decision, but it is not up to you. Have I made myself clear?” Brent laid into his mother. He was sick of her snide comments and unkind attitude. He had given her enough slack.
Leslie sucked in her breath. Brent had never been so harsh or direct with her before. He was her only living son. His reaction appalled her. Before Leslie could respond, Grace walked back into the room with Todd.
“Leslie, it is my pleasure to introduce Todd Harcourt. Todd, Mrs. Leslie Locke,” Grace said proudly.
“Mrs. Locke. I have heard so much about you,” Todd said as he extended his hand. Leslie was shocked by Todd’s extremely good looks. When she heard about Todd, she imagined some sort of tiny shrew. Todd’s blond hair and broad build was completely unexpected. He was dressed appropriately for an afternoon party, but not too casually. His clothes were clean and pressed. Standing next to one another, they made a remarkable couple. No wonder Grace fell for the man’s deceitful charm; he was drop dead gorgeous.
“I have heard about you as well,” Leslie replied with a tilt of her head. She was going to need to change her game plan with this man who weaseled his way into her family. He was obviously far more dangerous than Leslie first imagined. He was already upsetting Brent and causing Robert to become irrational. No matter what Todd said, his charm would not work on her. As Leslie studied her enemy, Bella bounced into the room and jumped into Todd’s arms.
“Grandma, this is my friend Todd. He was just pushing me on the swing set. He pushed all of my friends, too,” Bella reported as she threw her arms around Todd’s neck. “Todd, come back and play with us. Please!”
“Anything for the birthday princess! Would you and your friends like to play a game of hide and seek outside? Maybe Mattias and Parker would like to join us?” Todd asked sweetly.
“YES!” Bella answered enthusiastically. The two left the room hand-in-hand. Todd was thankful that Bella rescued him from the Wicked Witch of the North. Leslie was far more frightening than he imagined. Brent looked like a pussycat compared to his mother. During his brief introduction to Leslie, Brent remained stoic. Todd was sure that Brent wouldn’t be coming to his rescue. He was going to have to rely on Cora and Robert for help. Unbeknownst to Grace, she was also going to need help of her own.
“Bella adores Todd,” Grace said as she watched the two leave the room. “She invited Todd to her party last week. He was a good sport about coming.”
“When did you start seeing Todd? Is it serious?” Leslie asked in an attempt to understand how far the situation had gotten out of control.
Grace smiled before she answered. “I don’t know your definition of serious, but we’ve been seeing each other for a few months now.”
“Months!” Leslie looked like she had been slapped across the face. “I thought you were done with dating?”
“I was,” Grace replied sheepishly. “But then I got to know Todd and things changed.”
“Why have you kept this from me?”
“I don’t know.” Grace had wondered the same thing herself. On several occasions she almost told Leslie, but she didn’t want the judgment to begin. Truthfully, Grace was afraid that Leslie wouldn’t approve of Todd’s job or pay grade.
“Is it because he’s divorced?”
“No, that doesn’t bother me. It wasn’t his fault,” Grace defensively stated.
“Everybody plays some role in a divorce, Grace.”
“You are being unfair. You don’t even kno
w him!” Grace raised her voice at Leslie.
“I know enough to be seriously concerned. What are his intentions? To prey on a young wealthy widow with two small children? How is he going to support your family? His job is so dead-end. I can see why you are attracted to him. He is insanely gorgeous. But, really Grace? There is no future with a man like him. It’s fine to go out a little, but to introduce him to the children. What were you thinking? I am sure you are embarrassed, but you should have told me,” Leslie said, already planning how Grace could get rid of the loser. Leslie was plain floored by the whole recklessness of the situation.
Grace was utterly speechless. It took everything within her to regain her composure. She was raised to always be proper, especially in emotional situations. “I am far from embarrassed. In fact, I haven’t been this happy in years. Todd is understanding, kind, wonderful with the children and …”
“Way below your level in society,” Leslie interrupted. “He is simply not good enough for you!”
“I cannot believe you just said that, Leslie. Did Brent put you up to this? Has he encouraged you to say these terrible things?” Grace questioned as her eyes spit fire at Brent across the room. It was the first time Leslie had ever disapproved of Grace’s actions. Grace was so upset that she was shaking.
“You don’t even know Todd. And you sure don’t know me. I have been hiding in this house for years since Derek died, just wasting away. I have been miserable and depressed. I even went to a counselor because I was in such despair. Todd is a wonderful man who has breathed some life into me again. He has helped me get my bearings and discover who I am and what I want from life. I am something I haven’t been in years…happy! What right do you have to come into my house and judge him? Who are you to tell me what is good for my life?” Grace shouted at Leslie and then ran upstairs crying.
Leslie turned to Brent and said, “She obviously is very vulnerable right now and prime prey for a predator like Todd. We are going to have to do something about this situation quickly. We owe it to Derek. You promised Derek that you would look after Grace when he passed.”
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