“Mother, you are taking it too far. I can’t say that I like the man or that he is even close to being good enough for her. But Grace says she is happy. What if we just watch their relationship closely? I am not sure that our interference will help. I tried that approach already and it didn’t go over well with Grace or Cora,” Brent responded to his mother.
“Darling, you men are all alike. You think something like this will just resolve itself? Did you see that look in her eye? She is obviously falling in love with the man. Poor Grace, she has no idea what she is doing right now, especially if she had to go to counseling. Well, I am not going to just stand by. I love those children too much. I refuse to let some low-life come into their lives and ruin them,” Leslie said with an air about her before she marched out of the room. She was going to have a word with the man herself.
Brent went upstairs to talk with Grace. He heard her crying as he opened the door to her bedroom. “Grace, it’s Brent. We need to talk.”
“I meant what I said earlier, Brent. Don’t press me on this. I may be a polite southern girl, but I also have a temper,” Grace said as she dabbed at the mascara that ran under her eyes.
“I am very familiar with that temper of yours. Derek told me numerous stories about when he was in the dog house. Of course, he deserved it each time and he was the first to admit he was wrong,” Brent recalled the memories as he picked up the wedding picture of Grace and Derek from her vanity. “I miss those days.”
“I miss him too. You have no idea how lonely I have been, Brent. I can’t keep his memory alive by locking myself up in this house any longer. At least you have Cora to fill in some of the void Derek left behind. What do I have? These old pictures? Memories? Well, it isn’t enough for me anymore. And most of all, it isn’t fair to the children. You should have seen them the other day when we all went on a picnic. Todd was showing Mattias how to throw a Frisbee and Bella took a nap on his lap. They have been talking about Todd non-stop since they met him. They miss having a man in their lives. I know you love them and I appreciate all you have done, but someday you will have children of your own who will need your attention. Mattias and Bella could use a father to teach them things and love them. I know Derek loved them, but he is gone,” Grace said, pacing back and forth. Even when she was upset, she was a vision as she stopped pacing and sat on the bed.
“Grace, did you just say ‘father’? I am just concerned that it is all moving too fast for you. How much do you really know about Todd? Have you met his family? Where do they live? What was his childhood like?” Brent asked gently as he sat next to Grace on the bed. “There are some big issues you will need to face like your wealth compared to his questionable financial situation.”
“You mean like the same issue you have between your wealth and Cora’s questionable financial situation? You’re one to talk, Brent.”
“Ok, you have a point. I just want to protect you, Grace. I love you and the children very much. I promised Derek that I would watch over you. I gave him my word. He trusted me with your well-being. I consider you my sister,” Brent said tenderly. He took Grace’s head and leaned it on his shoulder.
“I love you too, but you have to trust my judgment. I would never bring someone into the kids’ life that was dishonest or unsafe. Plus, Cora has known Todd for many years. Do you doubt her judge of character?”
“About that, has Cora talked to you about her past with Todd?” Brent inquired.
“If by past you mean that they went on a few dates, I already know that. Todd told me right up front,” Grace revealed.
“I have to give him credit for being honest,” Brent admitted.
“He’s a really good man. You haven’t even bothered to get to know him. You just formed your own opinion and went into guard dog mode! Could you please just give him a chance? For me?” Grace pleaded.
Brent was stuck. Grace was one of the only people in his life who saw Brent clearly. His difficult façade was merely a cover for his compassionate heart.
“Alright Grace, for you. Now fix your makeup and come back downstairs. We have a birthday princess who we need to celebrate.” Brent hugged Grace closely before he left the room. He would do anything for her, even give Todd a second chance.
After he shut the door, Grace fixed her smudged makeup. She peered in the mirror to reapply her eyeliner. Derek suddenly appeared. He smiled and then his image faded. Grace paused before she resumed putting on her makeup. She wasn’t sure how much more drama she could take in one day.
While Brent was talking with Grace, Leslie made a beeline outside to interrogate Todd. She found Todd actively playing with the kids. He was one smooth operator.
“Todd, come have a seat here with me. I brought you some lemonade. I thought you could use a drink after playing with the children,” Leslie stated in a false sugary voice. She was not fooling Todd.
“How thoughtful. Thank you.” Todd took the glass and drank it down.
“I’ve heard you work here in the city. How long have you lived in San Francisco?” Leslie inquired. She needed ammunition against the man.
“I’ve lived out here for about ten years. How about yourself? Have you always lived in the Bay Area?”
Leslie was taken aback. She was used to being the one to ask the questions. “No. I’ve lived in many places.”
“Where were you born?” Todd asked with curiosity.
“Back east,” Leslie vaguely responded. “Tell me about your family, Todd. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Where do you parents live?”
Todd instantly was uncomfortable. He did not like discussing his family with anyone, especially someone like Leslie. But he also did not want to give Leslie anything damaging that would influence Grace. “I have a wonderful older sister. We are very close. She lives in Santa Barbara. My parents are both retired. They live out of state.” Todd was proud of his nonchalant answer. It was all true, even though he held back most of what she would have loved to know.
“Cora tells me that you are divorced. What a shame. When did your marriage end?” Leslie asked with a half-smile.
“Melissa filed for the divorce over three years ago,” Todd answered without any emotion. He was furious inside with Leslie’s lack of sensitivity, but he was not going to show it.
“Divorces can be expensive. It must have been rough on you financially,” Leslie said, turning the knife deeper into Todd’s heart.
“Do you have personal experience with divorces, Leslie?” Todd fired back.
“No, but I have several friends that have been through a divorce which cost them a large sum of money.”
“I didn’t fight her requests, so it didn’t take very long.” Todd peered off at the ocean view. He knew the day was going to be challenging, but he had no idea the lengths Grace’s family would go to tear them apart.
“Todd, it is so nice to see you,” Robert said as he walked over to interrupt the interrogation by pulling Todd into a gigantic bear hug. “I was thrilled when I heard you were here. There is a baseball game on in the living room. Come keep me company.”
“Robert, that sounds good to me! Leslie, thank you for the conversation,” Todd said politely as he rose to follow Robert. Brent was in the living room watching the game. He looked up when Todd and Robert walked into the room, but didn’t say anything.
“Have you been keeping up with the San Francisco Giants? They are looking pretty good this year. As you know, I am more of a football guy, but I do like to see those Giants play. Can I get you a drink?”
“Thanks, Robert. I could use a beer.”
“You’ve been cornered by my wife. You may need more than a beer,” Robert laughed.
“She is a bit direct.”
“She has a tendency of inserting herself into other people’s business where she doesn’t belong. Don’t let her get to you.”
Todd laughed. “Thank you. And, thank you for getting me out of that corner earlier.”
Bella came running into the room and squeeze
d herself between Robert and Todd on the couch. “Grandpa, are the Giants winning?”
“It’s your special day; I am sure they will pull out a win,” Robert replied as he drew Bella close to his side.
Parker and Mattias came in the house and sat on the couch. “Cool, baseball,” Parker said.
“Have you been to a Giants game, Parker?” Robert asked.
“No, my foster parents don’t get money for stuff like that,” Parker said as he bent his head down.
“I didn’t know that you haven’t been to a baseball game, Parker. How about you and I go together sometime? Maybe Mattias would like to join us too?” Todd offered.
“I want in on this deal,” Robert chimed in.
“Me too, Grandpa,” Bella screamed out.
“Great. I will give you a call and we can arrange a date, Todd,” Robert said, patting Todd on the back.
Mattias and Parker went into the kitchen for something to eat.
“How do you know Parker?” Robert asked.
“In my free time, I volunteer for the Big Brother and Sisters organization. I’ve been Parker’s Big Brother for over four years now. He is a really good kid. He’s been bounced around quite a bit in the foster care system, but his latest placement has been pretty stable.”
“He’s lucky to have you in his life.”
“No, I am the lucky one,” Todd answered sincerely.
Brent listened closely as Todd shared with Robert the impact Parker had on his life. It was becoming increasingly difficult for Brent to dislike the man. He had been watching how Todd interacted sweetly with Bella and her friends. He saw how Todd handled his mother’s barrage of inappropriate questions. Hearing about Parker just added to the list of Todd’s positive qualities. Brent was still leery, but he could see some of what Grace had been telling him earlier about Todd. As if on cue, Grace came over to join the conversation. Her makeup was refreshed and she had a bright smile on her face. The woman never ceased to amaze Brent. She was an expert at covering her feelings.
“Grace, Todd and I were just making a date for a Giants game. Are you interested?” Robert inquired.
“I would love to go with you all,” Grace said, hugging Robert.
“Don’t leave me out. You know I love a good baseball game. I am sure Cora will want to come since Grace will be going,” Brent joined in. Todd almost fell out of his seat. It was the first thing Brent said all day. “Hey, Todd, do you golf? My dad and I like to hit the ball around sometimes. Neither of us are professionals, but maybe you could come out with us sometime. It gives the ladies an excuse to go shopping. Right, Cora?” Brent asked as he winked at Cora from across the room. Cora smiled back. She appreciated that Brent was making an effort to get to know Todd.
“I play a little now and then. I would enjoy a day on the green,” Todd replied to Brent.
“Ok, then. I’ll set something up soon.”
Todd was unsure what to say next. Grace sat down on the couch next to him and smiled brightly. It warmed Todd’s heart to see her joyful. He knew that Brent’s opinion meant everything to her. She must have said something to Brent to warrant this noticeable change of heart. Whatever she said was working and he was very grateful. He took Grace’s hand in his and squeezed it tightly.
“Did you tell everyone about your work as a Court Appointed Special Advocate, Sweetheart?” Todd prodded Grace.
“I’ve heard about that organization. When did you become an advocate, Grace? How exciting! Have you been assigned a case?” Cora asked.
“Todd told me about CASA and helped connect me with the volunteer coordinator. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy being an advocate for children. The training has taught me a lot about how to help children who could potentially get lost in our court and social systems. I have been assigned a case of a teenage girl. Her father is in prison and her mother is in recovery from drug abuse. Her mother is working on cleaning up her life so she can regain her parental rights. I’ve only been to three court appearances, but I also work with the young girl outside of court. I feel like I can make a difference in her life. And in doing so, she is already making a difference in mine,” Grace said with pride in her voice.
“Grace is a real asset to the organization. I am so glad she is helping out,” Todd said and kissed Grace lightly on the cheek. Grace looked adoringly up at Todd and nuzzled her head under his chin.
Brent witnessed the entire interaction between Todd and Grace. He had to admit, he was beginning to like the man. He especially enjoyed seeing the light Todd put in Grace’s eyes.
Leslie stood outside the sliding glass door and watched the scene unfold. Todd had worked his way very nicely into her family. Even Brent was coming around. But Leslie was unrelenting. She was no fool. She had dealt with men far more difficult than Todd Harcourt. Everyone had an Achilles heel. Leslie would find and expose his before he even knew what happened to him.
Chapter 9
With the party complete and everyone leaving, Todd stayed to help clean up. Brent and Cora volunteered to drop off Parker in the Mission District which enabled Todd to spend more time with Grace. He appreciated their kindness and thanked them both. If Todd didn’t know better, Brent almost appeared to tolerate him. It was something to celebrate.
“I think I made a little progress with Brent today, Sweetheart. Don’t you agree?” Todd asked Grace while they washed the dishes together.
“I’ll say. From what I saw, you handled yourself expertly. I know it wasn’t easy. I also had to do some handling with him today behind the scenes. I decided to lay down the law with the man today. Let me tell you, he can be unyielding. But we had a very nice conversation just between the two of us. It really drew us closer together. I forget sometimes how much he still misses Derek. We just don’t talk about him anymore. I think they are afraid it will upset me. The problem is that not talking about him makes it even worse.”
“Grace, you can always talk to me about Derek. Do you know that?” Todd asked as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
Grace peered up at him. “You are straight out of a fairy tale. When are you going to start bringing out all of those skeletons from your closet?”
“I don’t want to scare you off. I am sure your mother-in-law filled you with all kinds of questions today. I think she might me be on my trail.”
“Please do not even mention her name. I am very upset with her right now. She was extremely inappropriate. I cannot even believe it,” Grace said. Just thinking about it made her blood boil.
“Sweetheart, it’s okay. She will calm down. Plus remember, I am irresistible.”
“She did admit that you are handsome,” Grace playfully admitted to Todd.
“That explains it all. She is just jealous. If she can get you out to the way, she can have me all to herself. Wouldn’t we be a cute couple?” Todd asked, posing like a goof.
“I have the most terrible visual in my head of you two kissing. Sorry, but I just don’t see a future for you all. You don’t make enough money for her to consider a second glance at you,” Grace said flippantly. Once the words escaped out of her mouth, she wished she could recover them. “I am really sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Can you forgive me?”
Todd was quiet for a moment. “You know we haven’t really discussed our finances. Does my line of work bother you, Grace?”
Grace thought a moment before responding. “I was born with means. I haven’t known anything else. I don’t care how much money you make. Money does not make someone happy. I know. I have more money than I will ever need and I have been miserable these last two years.”
“So, you don’t mind my career choice? It doesn’t bother you?”
“Maybe a little at first. I think that is why I didn’t tell Leslie that we were seeing each other. I didn’t want her negative attitude to impact my decision to see you. When Leslie downgraded you because of your work today, I got really defensive. She would have readily accepted you if you were a famous doctor or celebrity. But I
am not Leslie. I get to decide who I date.”
Todd was relieved. “Money was a huge factor in my marriage with Melissa. She was fixated on money. It felt like all she wanted to do was talk about money and spend money. While most people like to have nice things, I feel money can be very destructive if you aren’t careful.”
“Has money caused the rift in your family as well?” Grace asked softly.
“My family. I have buried the pain for a very long time. I didn’t even share it with Melissa. I didn’t feel like she would understand the decisions I made. Instead of talking about it, I have chosen to avoid it. Have you ever done that, Grace?”
“Me? Hush up! I am the queen of pretending that everything is just fine. It is the southern way. We don’t show weakness or defeat. It is probably why I have been withdrawn these last two years. See what hiding my feelings got me? If you ever want to talk, I am here for you,” Grace said caressing his hand.
“Thank you, but I have had enough talking for one day. Are the children in bed? I could really use some kissing and touching right now.”
“They are in bed. Would you like to come up to my bedroom? It is the one room in the house you haven’t seen,” Grace questioned with a smirk on her face. Her attempts at seduction were right on.
“I know you are seducing me, Sexy Legs. I may not be able to stop myself tonight.”
“Maybe I don’t want you to stop. What if I want more, Mr. Harcourt?”
“You can have whatever you want, Grace. I am all yours,” Todd put his hand in Grace’s and led her up the stairs. He knew exactly which bedroom was hers. He could smell her sweet perfume coming from under the door. He couldn’t wait to step inside. He let Grace open the door. Todd was not disappointed when she turned on the light. The room was very feminine. Small bottles covered her vanity. The king sized canopy bed was made of thick mahogany wood. Matching night stands were on the left and right side of the bed. Elegant Tiffany lamps sat on each of the tables. The room was gigantic and heavenly. It was everything Todd pictured and more. Grace shut the door and locked it. Todd smiled.
47 Destinies: Finding Grace Page 13