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47 Destinies: Finding Grace

Page 16

by Perez, Marlies Schmudlach

  Grace began to cry tears of pure joy as she soaked in all the beauty and love. Todd gazed over at Grace and squeezed her hand. He whispered in her ear, “I love you, Grace Ann Locke.” More tears streamed down her face as she dotted at them with her tissue. It had seemed like forever since she had been happy. And now, her life was filled with so such much joy that it was almost unbearable. Grace’s eyes were moist again when Brent and Cora exchanged their vows and sentiments.

  “Brent, you have taught me what it means to love. You challenge me to see the world differently. Words cannot begin to explain how you have touched my life. I have found beauty, strength and confidence in myself because you have shown them to me. I know myself better since I have known you. I can now stand alone, but there is no need because you are there to guide, lead and love me for as long as we both shall live.”

  “Cora, you are my day and my night. I claim you as my own. The joy you have brought into my life is deep and everlasting. Your internal and external radiance brings light into my life. Being with you has made me a better man. You will forever be a part of me as I will forever be a part of you.”

  Grace looked over at Todd and whispered, “Isn’t it romantic?”

  “Yeah, just imagining what I would say to you on our wedding day,” Todd replied in a hushed tone to Grace.

  Grace’s heart jumped. She admittedly had dreamed of what it might be like to marry Todd. She couldn’t believe that he thought of it, too.

  “I am sure you would come up with something,” Grace whispered back.

  Rose smiled over at the young couple that was obviously so very much in love. Rose hadn’t seen her daughter happy in a long time. It warmed her heart to know that Grace had found love once again. Not only was Todd a gentleman, he also adored Rose’s grandchildren. She saw the way Todd looked at Mattias and Bella as they walked down the aisle. The man couldn’t have been prouder if they were his own children. Grace had found someone very special in Todd. Rose wanted the relationship to go smoothly. Nobody was going to get in the way of her daughter’s happiness.

  After the ceremony, the festivities moved over to The Mark Hopkins on Nob Hill. Grace loved that hotel. It had a regal air about as it perched above the city with 19 floors and almost 400 rooms. It was like a castle on the top of the hill looking across the land. While they stood outside admiring the structure, Grace shared the hotel’s origins with Todd.

  “In 1878, Mark Hopkins, one of the founders of the Central Pacific Railroad, built a mansion here on Nob Hill for his wife, Mary Francis Sherwood. Mark died before it was completed in 1878. Mary then married Edward Frances Searles, an interior and architectural designer, who was 22 years younger than her. Mary commissioned Edward to construct the interior of her Nob Hill home,” Grace said, enjoying the scandal behind the story.

  “It sounds like Edward got himself an older sugar mama,” Todd offhandedly remarked. “I am actually quite familiar with this history of the Searles family. Did you know that Edward also designed a house for Mary known as the Searles Estate back in his hometown of Massachusetts?” Todd asked.

  “Mary sure had a lot of houses built for her,” Grace remarked. She then finished her story. “When she died, Mary left Edward the mansion and her $70 million dollar estate. Edward donated the mansion to the San Francisco Art Institute, which they used as a school and museum. The mansion survived the big 1906 earthquake; however, days later, it was destroyed in the 3-day fire. Then, a hotel investor by the name of George Smith bought the land and removed the remnants of the mansion. When the current hotel was constructed in 1924, it was a luxury hotel for the rich and famous. It was designed as a mixture of a French chateau and Spanish architecture. Today it continues as a historical landmark and beautiful hotel.”

  “Cora told me she chose the location because of the incredible views,” Todd said as he brushed his hand up Grace’s side. “Didn’t you tell me that they are staying in the wedding suite tonight? Do you think they will really be concentrating on the views?” Todd said with a grin.

  “It is the perfect location to celebrate love,” Grace cooed as she snuggled closely to Todd. Grace was also wildly in love and she wanted the world to know it.

  “Mmmm, I have a few ideas about how we can celebrate. How about a night this week you come to my place, without the children?”

  “Name the night and I will be there, Mr. Harcourt.”

  “Tuesday. I will make us a nice dinner and then we can…talk,” Todd suggestively emphasized the word talk.

  “Well, my body has a few things it would like to say to your body, so you’d better be prepared.”

  “I will be prepared, Sexy Legs. I have been waiting for this night for over ten months! I met you in September and now it is the first week in June; not that I have been counting or anything,” Todd stated with lust in his voice. He was ready to make Grace completely his: heart, body and soul.

  “You have been more than patient and I am more than ready,” Grace responded as they walked inside to the reception area.

  As the guests arrived, they were greeted with cocktails and appetizers. In the center of the room was a large, intricately decorated grapevine. An old vine sat six feet high upon a table and was the talk of the party. It was a gift from the Robert Mondavi family in Napa to celebrate the joyous occasion. Everything about the room conveyed energy and love. The attention to detail was over and above any event Grace had been to in quite some time. Even her wedding to Derek paled in comparison.

  The guests were dressed to impress. The bling factor was out of control. Diamonds sparkled on ears, fingers, wrists and necks. The air held a sweet mixture of the various perfumes on the ladies and the scents of the hundreds of flowers placed all over the room. Candles covered the spaces where the flowers had not. It was luxurious and classy. It was everything that Brent and Cora represented: beauty, life, fun and love.

  “Are you enjoying yourself, my love?” Todd asked as he brought Grace a glass of wine.

  “I am taking it all in. The love that I feel for you is adding a brilliant shine to everything,” Grace confessed.

  Todd wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in for a tender kiss. “Have I told you that you have a way with words? I love you!”

  “Good, because you make me feel whole again.” Grace returned his kiss and placed her arms around his waist.

  “People are watching us,” Todd whispered in her ear.

  “Good. I want everyone to know that I am in love with you.”

  Cora’s parents approached Todd and Grace.

  “We were thrilled when Cora told us that you were dating each other! And to think we were there when you were getting to know one another at Cora and Brent’s couples’ shower. How exciting!” Cora’s mother hugged Todd and Grace. “You have a wonderful man, Grace. He is one of the kindest men I know.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Jacobs. Cora looks radiant today. She has an amazing husband. I love Brent like a brother,” Grace admitted when the bride and groom entered the room. They looked like royalty. Brent and Cora walked over to the group.

  Brent squeezed Grace tightly. “Grace, you are beautiful. My mother tried one last time to get me to marry you today. I reminded her that I love you like my little sister,” Brent said softly to Grace and then turned to bring Todd into the conversation. “I am glad you could be here, Todd,” Brent said, acknowledging Todd. “Save me a dance, Grace.”

  “I will. Congratulations!” Grace called out as Brent was swept away by people in the crowd.

  “Shall we find our seats?” Todd asked, slipping his arm into Grace’s.

  “I think we are placed at one of the family tables,” Grace informed Todd.

  “Please tell me we aren’t sitting with Leslie. Please?” Todd teased.

  “Cora wouldn’t do that to you. Actually, the kids are sitting with Robert and Leslie. We are seated with my parents and Cora’s parents.”

  “Perfect! Remind me to thank Cora later. I owe her!”

p; Grace laughed. Todd had every right to be uncomfortable with Leslie. Grace was also still a little irritated with her.

  Each table held a large arrangement of flowers which sat upon clear pillars in the center of the table so guests could see across the table while still admiring the centerpieces. The lighting in the main room was dim and romantic. Grace occasionally looked over at the children with Leslie and Robert. Leslie seemed unusually involved with the children. She had yet to even come over and say hello to Grace or Cora’s parents. Leslie had a tight smile pressed firmly upon her face. Grace assumed it was her displeasure with Brent’s choice of a bride and Grace’s choice of a boyfriend. Grace was unfazed. Leslie had no choice in the matter.

  The seven-course dinner was served precisely at 6:00pm. The first few courses consisted of seafood ravioli with a saffron sauce, filet of beef, sea bass, black truffle jus, creamed polenta, asparagus, green beans, and baby carrots. They cleansed their palates with a lemon basil sorbet. Next came the baby lettuce with goat cheese, poached pears, candied walnuts, cranberries and balsamic vinaigrette. They ended the meal with a blackberry sorbet with berries in a Zinfandel wine sauce with an almond tuille. It was divine.

  “Brent and Cora sure know how to do food! Have Cora’s cooking skills improved any?” Todd asked.

  “From what Brent tells me, I think they will be eating out a lot,” Grace responded with a smile.

  After the dinner was finished, Brent and Cora shared their first dance as a married couple. The live band played their special song while Brent twirled Cora around on the dance floor. Whatever he said to Cora caused her to burst into fits of laughter. Even though they were surrounded by hundreds of people, they were completely lost in one another. As their dance finished, other wedding guests joined them on the dance floor to a slow song.

  “Grace Ann, may I have this dance?” Todd asked as he rose from his chair.

  “Yes. I would be honored.” Grace rose and the couple moved out to the dance floor. Todd placed one arm around Grace’s waist and his other hand on the small of her back. He pulled her in as tight as possible. Grace could feel the hardness in his tuxedo as he pressed against her.

  “If only these darn clothes weren’t in the way,” Todd spoke suggestively to Grace.

  “And there weren’t hundreds of people in the room,” she replied.

  “I don’t mind an audience,” Todd shot back.

  “Well, if you aren’t shy, then how about another kiss?”

  People couldn’t help but talk about Grace and Todd. They looked perfect together. Even with Grace’s high heels, Todd still stood four inches above her. His chiseled body attracted every woman’s eye in the room. It didn’t bother the men since they were fixated on Grace.

  Grace’s mother went over to speak to Leslie. “They make a striking couple,” Rose remarked.

  Leslie could not deny their attractiveness. “Yes, but are they right for each other?”

  “Why do you ask?” Rose wondered. She was sold on Todd already.

  “For one thing, they are not socially or financially matched,” Leslie offered. She had always gotten along well with Rose. They understood one another and everyone’s place in society.

  “I admit I was concerned at first. But now that I have met Todd, I think they are incredible together. Look at how happy he makes Grace. A mother couldn’t ask for anything else. If his financial situation doesn’t bother Grace, then it doesn’t concern me.” What concerned Rose was the look on Leslie’s face. She looked unhappy and determined.

  “Something just isn’t right. I refuse to stand by while everyone just readily accepts the man,” Leslie said as she walked off. Before she made it too far, she literally bumped right into Cora’s mother, Tesa.

  “Leslie! I’ve wanted to speak to you all day. What a beautiful wedding!” Tesa said as she hugged Leslie. It took everything within Leslie not to cringe. “Steven wants to see you as well.”

  “Yes, it was very lovely. I will catch up with you both later. I promised Brent that I would find Bella so they could dance together,” Leslie lied as she walked off. Cora’s mother was left with confusion. Brent was already dancing with Bella and Mattias. She brushed it off. The mother of the groom was always tense.

  Leslie walked outside for a breath of fresh air. She had spent some time on the Internet learning as much as possible about Todd. From her research, she didn’t uncover anything unusual. It was disappointing. She knew he was hiding something and it seemed to be connected to his family. Leslie had watched Todd and Grace together all day. It was obvious that Grace’s feelings for Todd had grown even deeper. She was hoping to have an ally in Rose, but that was not going to be the case. Even Brent had warmed up to Todd. Leslie was the only one that hadn’t been conned by the man. It would have been beneficial to have someone else’s help. Leslie smiled when she came up with the perfect solution. She was going about the situation all wrong. She didn’t need someone in her family to help her; she would go right to the source. It would be just a matter of time before Leslie would learn what Mr. Todd Harcourt was hiding from them.

  The wedding reception continued throughout the night. All of the traditional wedding events occurred without a hitch: the cutting of the cake, garter toss and bouquet toss. Bella and Mattias began to slow down around 9:00pm. Leslie offered to take them home since she had a terrible headache and the music wasn’t helping the situation. Grace thought it was an excuse to leave the festive atmosphere, but didn’t say anything. Robert did not seem upset that she was leaving and it gave Grace more time to spend with Todd.

  While Grace was preparing the children to leave with Leslie, Todd took the opportunity to have some private time with her parents.

  “While Grace is busy with the children for a few moments, I would love to speak privately with you. Could we go on a brief walk outside?” Todd asked politely.

  “Yes, of course,” Rose answered for both of them. She was intrigued and hopeful by the opportunity to hear what Todd had to say to them.

  “I want keep this conversation between us for now. I have some things I want to tell you that I am not ready for others to know,” Todd said in a low voice.

  “You have our word, Todd,” Rose replied thoughtfully. “We firmly believe in the value of someone’s word.”

  Grace’s parents and Todd left the room. Leslie eyed them suspiciously as they left. She was going to make sure she called Rose the next day to find out what was going on. The last thing Leslie needed was another disastrous engagement in the family.

  When Todd, Rose and Grace’s father re-entered the reception after their discussion, Rose had an enormous smile on her face. There was no doubt in her mind that Todd was the perfect match for Grace. He shared his heart with them, which meant a lot to Rose.

  Rose watched as Todd and Grace resumed dancing. Their energy was electric. After Todd spoke privately with her and her husband earlier that evening, Rose was even more determined than ever to protect Todd and Grace’s relationship. She was a very feisty southern woman, and nobody messed with a southern woman on a mission.

  Chapter 11

  Grace was replaying her favorite memories from the wedding when Tuesday rolled around. She was still literally caught up in the sparkle, energy and feelings of Cora and Brent’s love. Brent and Cora left for Europe Monday morning. Weeks before the wedding, Cora kept talking about her excitement to experience Europe with her new husband. It was sweet to think of Brent as a husband. Cora’s love softened him; it was a special sight to see.

  Bella was also daydreaming about the wedding. She wore her little tiara as often as possible. Grace heard her telling her friends at preschool all about the wedding. It was precious to hear how Bella viewed the event. She was a very expressive child.

  Grace was full of anticipation for the evening ahead. It was the first time she was going to Todd’s place, which seemed peculiar since they had known each other for over nine months. Of course, because of the children, they usually spent time at her
house. She couldn’t wait to see where Todd lived. Grace felt that a person’s surroundings told a lot about him. Even though she wanted to see his place, Grace also felt a small measure of anxiety looming over her. While they didn’t often discuss finances, Grace didn’t want Todd to feel any embarrassment about his place. How much money he made was not important to Grace. She was going to make time to discuss it that night, unless of course there wasn’t any time to talk. Grace hoped for the latter.

  Grace smiled and bit her lip. She had some romantic plans for Mr. Harcourt. Nothing and no one was going to interfere. Her parents were still visiting and her mom emphatically encouraged Grace to stay the night at Todd’s and come home in the afternoon. Since the wedding, her mom was even more supportive of her relationship with Todd. Her mother’s approval meant the world to Grace. Nobody knew her better than her mama.

  Grace went shopping for the perfect lingerie for her overnight date with Todd. It had been a long time since she went shopping for intimate apparel. The selection was so varied that Grace splurged and bought lots of lacy silky outfits, knowing deep in her heart that there would be unlimited nights with Todd. Grace slipped one of the little pieces in her purse and smiled. Todd would surely be very pleased.

  Grace followed Todd’s directions which led her over to the Marina District. She was tremendously surprised when she got into Todd’s neighborhood. Grace parked her car and walked up to his building on Vallejo Street. It was located in the middle of a rolling hill. The building was fairly modern with four floors. Each floor boasted large windows to capture the stunning views. Grace was impressed as she rang the buzzer.


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