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The Zoran's Captive (Scifi Alien Romance) (Barbarian Brides)

Page 3

by Luna Hunter

  “Forget about her,” the other guard says. “She’s not worth the trouble. If she wants to get herself killed, that’s her problem.”

  They leave in a huff, throwing the door shut behind them. The lock turns. We are, finally, alone.

  The human female returns to her seat to gather her bearings. She fixes her hair, bur her cheeks remain flushed.

  “I’m terribly sorry,” she says. “I had no idea they’d do… this.”

  “It’s not your fault,” I answer. “Who are you?”

  “Of course,” she admonishes herself. “I haven’t even introduced myself! Sorry, I’m just, uhm, distracted.”

  I suppress a smirk. Yeah you are.

  “I’m Nora Baker, and I’m your attorney. You appealed your sentence, and it is my job to represent you. It’s nice to finally meet you, Torin, though I wish it would have been under better circumstances.”

  She extends her hand towards me.

  I gesture at my chains. “Can’t really return that handshake,” I say.

  She slaps her forehead with her extended hand. “Of course,” she says. “Of course. I’m sorry. I’m making such a fool of myself.”

  “You’re not,” I say. “You stood up to the guards. That was nice of you. No one’s done that for me.”

  “Those bozos?” she laughs. “They’re the worst. I can’t believe they did this to you. And me.”

  “They’ve only made a fool of themselves as far as I’m concerned,” I say. “I have nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “You sure don’t,” she whispers under her breath, but loud enough for me to hear. “Ahem. Do you want me to remove your chains?”

  “Do you trust me enough for that?” I counter.

  “I don’t know. Should I trust you?”

  “If you’re going to be my lawyer and try and get me out of here… then yes, you should.”

  “Then I trust you,” she says. “If only to spite every man who tells me not to.”

  “I didn’t think they’d actually send someone, you know. I figured I was done for.”

  “Why is that?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask. “It’s been a set-up from the start. Surely you can see that.”

  “So you’re innocent?” she asks.

  “I am.”

  “The case against you is watertight, you know.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  She looks at me — and I mean, really looks at me. Like I’m actually there. Like I’m a person. Not just a curiosity, a monster, a thing. But as a living being.

  “I know what I did and didn’t do,” I growl. “I’m innocent.”

  “I believe you,” Nora says. She gets up and walks to me, her heels clicking on the concrete floor. She fiddles with the lock on my wrist, and her perfume surrounds me. For a moment I feel dizzy. I haven’t smelled anything so good, so pure, so warm in ages. It reminds me of better times.

  I turn my head ever so slightly, but it’s enough to see right down her dress. Her full breasts are on full display, and instantly my cock grows hard. My fingers itch to touch them, but I resist — barely so.

  Her brown eyes keep darting towards my crotch, nervously eying my growing erection.

  “There,” she says, her voice shaking as my hands are freed for the first time in months. I move my wrists around gratefully. My skin is red and agitated where the cuffs has cut into it.

  “Should I… should I do your ankles too?” She asks, her voice barely a whisper.

  I look up at her. “Yes.”

  She squats down on her heels in front of me ever so slowly, her eyes pointed down towards the floor, while I spread my legs wide to make the lock as accessible as possible for her. She’s only a foot away now from my throbbing erection. All I have to do is reach out, cradle her neck in my hands and guide the head of my cock between those hot lips of hers.

  It would be a heavenly release. To say I’m pent-up is the understatement of the century. I’ve been in solitude for months without any form of release. Just feeling the tips of her fingers brush against my ankles is enough to make heavy drops of pre-cum drip down the length of my cock.

  The chains fall to the ground with a clatter, breaking the spell. “There,” she says. Nora stands up and the moment is over.

  Or is it?

  My legs are still spread, my erection standing upright. Glistening. Quivering.

  If this human female is here to help me… well, I know how she could really help me. The appeal is senseless. The Federation have made their decision. I’m their fall guy for reasons I don’t fully comprehend.

  No, if she wants to help me out, she should lose that black dress. She should wrap those thick thighs of her around my waist, and she should let me bury every inch of my hard cock deep inside of her.

  Now that would be helping.

  No. Is this how you treat the first human who has shown you the most basic form of kindness? You expose your towering erection to her? You expect her to drop to her knees and worship every inch of you with her tongue? Egon would be ashamed.

  I can’t stop myself. The way she makes me feel is incredible, and irresistible. Besides, it’s not like I’ve done anything wrong.

  Not yet, anyway.

  I barely moved a muscle. If this is anyone’s fault it’s the guards.

  “I’m sorry,” I growl “I’ve been in isolation for… I have no idea how long it’s been.”

  “It’s okay,” she says, her voice barely a whisper. She’s now staring unabashedly at my quivering cock.

  “The guards did this,” she says. “Not you or me.”

  “Right,” I answer.

  The guards didn’t make me this hard though.

  “I’m going to stand up and stretch now, if you don’t mind.”

  “Go right ahead,” she says as she backs away.

  I stand up slowly, not wanting to frighten her with any sudden moves. I close my eyes, spread my arms above my head and stretch like I’ve never stretched before. It feels fantastic.

  When I open my eyes again she is back in her seat, her eyes on the page as she scribbles something on a piece of paper.

  “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable,” I tell her as I stretch. “It’s not my intention.”

  “Not at all,” she says, though she doesn’t dare to glance up. “Do you mind if I ask you some questions?”

  “Go ahead,” I say.

  I make full use of temporary freedom and stretch as much as I can. I make sure to turn my back towards the curvy human female, so that she is free to look at me if she so wishes.

  This sure beats sitting in isolation, that’s for damn sure. This talk can last all day for all I care.

  “So they keep you in isolation?”

  “Yes,” I answer.

  “For how long?”

  I can’t help but laugh. “I don’t have a calendar in there so I’m not sure.”

  “What do you mean?”

  I turn around and raise an eyebrow. “Exactly what I just said.”

  “You’re in there… all day?”

  “Twenty-four seven… or how long days are here on this planet. I have no idea.”

  She rests her chin on her hand, her brow furrowed. It looks damn adorable.

  “Do you mind, uhm, sitting down?” Nora asks. “It’s hard to focus with… you know…”

  My cock in your sight?

  “Ah. Sure.”

  I’d rather feel her tongue than the cold, metal chair on my balls, but I’ll endure it. For her.

  “Tell me about your day. How do they treat you in here?”

  I explain to her what an average day for me looks like. I tell her about the way the human guards treat me, how they wake me up at night, how they douse me with cold water, how they play loud music just to drive me insane.

  She listens to me with growing horror. “You can’t be serious,” she breathes.

  “Ask them yourself,” I say, nodding at the door. “I think they’re proud of it, too.”
br />   The human female scribbles notes furiously. “That’s completely unconstitutional and inhumane,” she frets.

  “I’m not exactly human,” I smirk.

  “No, you’re not,” she says with red cheeks. “But that doesn’t mean you don’t have the same rights as humans do. The Federation’s laws still apply here, and despite what you’re accused or convicted of, they have no right to treat you like this. I will take this straight to the warden, you have my word, Torin.”

  I shrug. It’s fun to see the human so worked up. Not that it matters much. I have no illusions that she will free me or change my situation. The only one who can save me is Egon.

  “It won’t do you much good. I met that guy. He’s not… he’s not all there.”

  She laughs. “Anik Onyx is, yes he’s, uhm, well, special. I’ll do my best. And if he won’t listen, I’ll take it even higher. I won’t stand for this.”

  “What about my case?” I ask.

  She won’t free me, but if she can buy me some time… time is all I need.

  That, and a Zoran strike force.

  “Be honest with me. I don’t want any false hope,” I add.

  She sighs deeply. “To be honest, Torin, I… I don’t know. It doesn’t look good.”

  There’s a loud knock on the door. “You two lovebirds done yet?!” one of the guards asks derisively.

  Nora bites her bottom lip. “I think that’s my cue.”

  I extend my hand towards Nora. I don’t expect to ever see the human female again, but it was a nice diversion. “Thank you for trying,” I say. “You’re the only human who has done their best for me.”

  She shakes my hand, and a shock passes right through my frame. For a second, I feel dizzy, and my cock becomes rock-hard in an instant — it’s a damn miracle it hasn’t flipped the table yet. Every inch of me is telling me to pull her close, to kiss her, to taste her, to make her mine, to enjoy this while I still can…

  But I resist my animalistic urges. And as I watch her hips sway as she walks towards the door, I wonder if that will be the biggest regret of my life.

  Chapter Three


  I cannot believe what just happened. I’m still shaking like a leaf in an autumn storm. The guards are giving me weird looks, but I don’t care. I rest my back against the metal door and take a few deep breaths.

  My first meeting with a client… and this happens. A totally and completely dripping wet naked Zoran warrior shows up.

  And I mean totally naked. There was nothing left to the imagination. I saw him in all his glory. And what glory there was!

  I’ve never seen anything even remotely like that before. All of the Earth men I know are flabby midgets compared to him. I mean, it’s not their fault I suppose, because who can compare to a Zoran? I knew the alien warriors were supposed to be well built, but I had no idea that they had muscles on their muscles!

  Every fiber of his being looked like it was sculpted out of pure marble. It’s a miracle he’s in the shape he’s in, seeing as they kept him in chains for months. It must be their genetics.

  And I haven’t mentioned his cock yet.

  Excuse my language, but holy fucking shit what a fucking cock that was. It was huge! And thick! And just… mesmerizing! I lost all my professional decorum the moment I saw him grow hard.

  Years of law school flew out the window the moment I saw that alien, purple cock achieve a size that just blew my damn mind. My cheeks are still glowing red with a mixture of shame and arousal. No man has ever had that effect on my before.

  If any human guy exposed himself to me like that, I’d be more likely to deliver him a kick in the nuts than grow flustered. Generally speaking, I don’t take no shit. You can’t if you want to make it as a woman in a man’s world. Law firms are like zoo’s sometimes — it’s all chest beating and poo-flinging from a bunch of monkeys in suits when you strip away the fancy jargon.

  And yet, Torin… Torin is different. I can’t put my finger on it.

  That’s cause its way too big for just your finger.

  No, I mean, it’s in the way he walks. The way he carries himself. I expected… well, I’m not sure what I expected, but it wasn’t this!

  I probably expected a gruff, hardened criminal. Instead, this man has supreme confidence, and to my surprise, I felt safer in his company than with the guards.

  Says something about the guards in this place…

  “You okay?” one of them asks. “What did that beast do to you, hm?”

  “I’m fine,” I say. “I’m fine. Just need a second.”

  This is not why I became a lawyer — to gawk at naked Zorans. No, I had a singular purpose. My father thought I was crazy when I applied for law school, but it was my calling. I knew that the weak need protecting in this world. And for some, the only protection they would get is from me. I learned from a young age that if you don’t stand up for yourself no one else will, unfortunately.

  You see, my dad was a bit of a tinkerer. He invented a levitating lamp, using magnets. He was so proud! He went to the Federation and tried to trademark it, but the clerk just laughed at him. Guess what next year’s big holiday gift was? That’s right. Levitating lamps.

  My father was crushed. He stopped inventing, stopped tinkering, stop building. It broke my heart. The only passion my father had and the Federation crushed him for the sake of profit.

  And it wasn’t even about the money! It was about the recognition. That’s all he wanted. That people knew who he was, that he did something. He just wanted to be taken seriously. The man poured all of his energy into his job and raising me, and this was his first break in a long, tough life… or so he thought.

  Instead, it was another disappointment.

  That’s what put me on my path. I wanted to help people who couldn’t help themselves. I wanted to fight the inhumane machine the Federation has become. Sure, our standard of living is good, but sometimes I feel we lost something in the transition to a global government. A human touch, maybe.

  Or a Zoran touch.

  The moment I touched Torin’s wrists I felt a jolt of electricity pass right through me. It lit a fire inside of me, one that is still raging. I can’t believe I dropped down to my knees in front of him and removed his shackles, his throbbing erection only a foot away.

  Was it a lapse of judgment? Temporary insanity? Am I just lewd?

  No, I was just being a good lawyer. Right? That’s what I tell myself, that I was just helping my client, but deep down, I know that’s not true. Deep down I know I was just intrigued and mesmerized by his hardness. I wanted to take a better look at his massive dick.

  I still see it every time I close my eyes. It’s not a sight you easily forget. The golden head glistening with pre-cum…

  Torin’s colors are so interesting. His skin is turquoise, like the color of the sea in the Mediterranean. His eyes, however, are a deep and warm purple. The very same color that covers his cock, like spots on a jaguar, while the head… the head of his member is bright and gold, like a shimmering jewel.

  Like the world’s most alluring forbidden fruit.

  I shake my head and pinch my own cheeks. Focus, Nora. Stop thinking about that surreal throbbing cock and just focus for a few seconds. That man is on death row, and if you don’t get your act together, you will regret this moment for the rest of your life. Focus!

  “You sure you’re okay?” the guard asks. He places his hand on my shoulder and I recoil from his touch. I haven’t forgotten that these are the guards that stripped Torin naked to humiliate him and me. I bet they thought I’d be flustered, angry and terrified.

  Instead, I just realized what a special type of assholes these two dudes are.

  “Take me to the warden,” I say, keeping my voice under control.

  “Not unless you chain that beast back up,” the guard answers.

  “Are you serious? Ugh,” I sigh.

  Frustrated, I head back in the room. Torin looks up at me, surprised, and the m
oment I make eye-contact my heart flutters. We’ve only had a short talk, but already I feel a connection.

  Already I feel we have chemistry.

  This is diametrically opposed to all of my training. I’m a professional. I have to keep my client’s interest at heart — not whatever he’s packing between those strong, muscled legs of his. I have to separate my emotions from my work and be objective.

  Easier said than done when you’re staring at a naked seven foot tall green-blue mountain of muscle and manliness.

  They don’t prepare you for this in school.

  “I’m sorry,” I say. “They want me to put the chains back on you.”

  Torin nods. “I’ll do it myself.”

  “No, that’s okay,” I say as I slip the cuffs back onto his wrists and his ankles. This time I refrain from ogling his manhood, as hard as that is.

  Okay, I take a quick peek.

  I can’t help it.

  His hardness has gone down somewhat — good. I can’t imagine how pent-up and frustrated he must be. They kept him isolation for months on end… I’m surprised he hasn’t thrown me against a wall and taken out all of his frustrations on me.

  Well, not surprised… disappointed? No, that’s wrong. Only a wild beast would do that, and that’s not Torin. We only just met, but I can tell he’s in full control.

  In fact, I have trouble believing that he is guilty of the heinous crimes he is accused of. Not that my judgment matters all that much in the end — I’m a professional. I should judge the facts, not my own emotions. Some of the most innocent looking people turn out to be some of the worst criminals.

  Even though I know that to be true, my gut is telling me that in this case, Torin is really not the bad guy. It might just be… the warden.

  We’ll see what he has to say when I talk to him.

  I exit the room and hand the keys to the guard. “There, all locked up. Can we go now?”

  The two men exchange looks. “I’ll take her to see the warden, you wait for backup?” the one named Frank says. The other guard nods, and just like that we are on our way back.


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