Star Hookers Space Pirates
Page 24
They take very small bites,” he continued, “it's going to take them a few minutes to kill her, but she will die painfully and slowly.” Which was evident; they could still hear Jane’s muffled screaming coming faintly from the shifting and moving pile of grey bodies. The pile flipped over occasionally as if she was attempting to roll and crush them. She even got off a few shots as well. Every once in a while, a puff of flames and fur would erupt when she fired John's captured weapon, “I thought it suitable. A slow cruel death. Any objections?” Yuen said, but quickly added, “I mean, you can object all you want, but it won't do a bit of’s too late.”
“I only object that's it’s not slower and crueler,” Oscar said vehemently.
“Yeah, and it saves us a dilemma...I wished her a thousand painful deaths, but I'm not sure I could have actually skinned her alive or pounded her face to a pulp without getting sick, even though I wanted to,” Peter said with some relief.
“I’m sure if you had asked for volunteers, you could have had a dozen-- to do the honors, I mean,” Monica added, her voice tight with anger.
“Oh, here, stand back, evil rotten bitch as she was, I can't allow this to go on indefinitely, or for the little fuckers to escape—hard enough to trap the little buggers.” Yuen said.
He grabbed a backpack from his cart with two cylinders-- a hose spray nozzle attached, and strapped it on to his back. Facing the rolling, twitching pile of grey, he pulled the trigger on the nozzle. A long stream of flame whooshed from the nozzle engulfing the Molats and Jane’s still-twitching body in an inferno. They all watched solemnly as the flames did their work.
In the distance, they could see Floyd and Yuen’s men rounding up the scientists that had previously sided with Jane, putting them in a van. Yen saw the direction of their gaze and explained their fate.
“All the beings that sided with Jane will be expelled from here, of course, with a nasty letter from us to their respective home worlds. None of them will ever work in academia, or be employed as scientists again that sided with Jane.”'
“What about the ones that helped Jane rape and torture us? What about those Flox-eating fuckers? Marcus croaked.
Yen looked contemplative and upset. “Um, I'm sorry we did not know what your ordeal entailed, but from Jane’s reputation, we knew it would not be pleasant, knowing her unpleasant tastes. We’re immensely happy that you survived. I assure you, their fates are sealed. They will be executed. I'm terribly sorry and embarrassed that we did not anticipate exactly what Jane would do. Your abduction took us completely by surprise. Now, if you will just point them out for us.”
“Don’t blame yourselves. If I had left Floyd on guard, this could possibly have been avoided,” Peter said solemnly.
“Can we stop all this boohooing and get to us to a Medi-bot ASAP? My nuts are aching, and I'm raw, fer Tarcacks sake!” Heshe said crossly from under Oscar’s skirt.
“For once, I couldn't agree with you more, Heshe!” said Oscar.
They got moving and Yuen’s men bandaged up the ravaged group and administered painkillers where necessary, making them as comfortable as possible for the trip back to the outpost. It was still a grueling, long trip back for all of Peter’s group. He felt guilty. He didn't have a scratch on him, other than a few sore spots on his head from Jane's men smacking him about a few times to keep him watching. He was grateful that he could offer some solace to Monica by letting her head rest in his lap, and stroking her neck and shoulders.
Eventually, they reached the frontier outpost, and one by one the Medi-bot did its work, except for Peter who declined any attention for his small injuries.
Yen offered them a meal, but they were all too mentally and physically exhausted to eat. They just went to their separate rooms where they each fell into a dead sleep
Chapter 19: Business Concluded and Out of the Frying Pan
The next morning, they awoke well rested and not much the worse for wear, except for their mental state.
As they walked to breakfast Monica sidled up to Oscar and whispered softly, “How you doing you, old whore?”
“Mean as Flox pee, and twice as strong, slut! I'm worried about Marcus, though. He woke up three times last night, screaming and punching the air. I'm afraid he's going to be traumatized for a while… Me? This wasn't much more sadistic or cruel than basic training for Marines. Of course, this little escapade had much more sex-- Ha! Ha!” Oscar said jocularly, seeming no worse for wear from their ordeal. “Heshe! The little pervert. If we hadn't been smacked in the mutual nuts so much and injured, I'd think he was enjoying himself last night! He seems to have some fixation on rape, except he probably never expected to be the one being raped. Where he gets that, I don’t know! I’ve never forced sex an anyone in my life. How are you feeling?”
Monica patted her face gently. “Still got my looks, but you should see the other bitch.... talk about chewed up and spat out! Nope! Never raped anyone, although my first lover might disagree!” Monica giggled.”
They laughed quietly.
“Miracle of modern science; the physical healing done, but mentally, it still hurts, I've never really been physically abused; I had a happy childhood, never any mean, abusive boyfriends.... I wouldn't put up with that for a second. I've never felt so helpless as this, though. That was the hardest part; being totally in someone else's control was so—so-- frustrating and demeaning. Much worse than Chang’s. I think I'm going to install a wolverine claw in one finger; I never want to be helpless again,” Monica continued with vehemence.
Looking intently at Oscar’s face she said, “You certainly seem to be taking it well.”
“Well-- I'm a tough old bird. I’ve never told you or anyone else this... but I'm on my second rejuve-- I'm over a hundred years old. I like to keep my outward exterior a well preserved vigorous fifty-- less the crow’s feet and retain a certain firmness in my boobs. I've been inches away from death a few times before this. I’ve had to do and endure a lot of --uh—unpleasant things. It builds a certain amount of resilience. If you tell Marcus, I'll beat you bloody. He thinks I'm thirty-nine,” Oscar added with a smile.
“Wow! You really are an old whore,” Monica said, grinning.
“Yeah, but remember, being a hooker was only a recent thing. I was a Marine longer, and a housewife before that. I have two kids… somewhere.” Oscar said casually. Monica gawped finding it hard to imagine Oscar as a house frau.
Monica, Oscar and Peter had slept late. To their surprise, all of the scientists broke into applause, as they entered the saloon. Yen hurried over smiling broadly followed by Floyd, Jikilenga with his permanent grin, John was grinning like mad, and Bob-Six had his usual blank face on. “What’s this for?” Peter said sweeping his hand around indicating the celebrating scientists.
“Like it or not, you and your group are considered heroes,” said Yen.
“Heroes? But we didn't do anything!” Peter protested.
“Well, maybe not directly, but you were the catalyst after you were kidnapped. With your resources and the drive of your companions, you captured Jane and ended the reign of ‘Bloody Doc,” Morrissey as well as discovering the secrets of the Artifact. The scientists are simply slavering to have a translation of the language and unlock the secrets of this place!” Yuen said happily.
Peter gave a hesitant wave and a weak smile to the crowd and said in a low voice to Yuen and Yen, “Uh, yeah-- we need to talk about that aboard my ship before we leave—privately. My ship is secure. Too many chances for big ears to overhear here…OK? Can we eat now?” Peter said a little desperately. The Medi-bot had had to pull nutrients and material from other parts of their bodies to repair their wounds (except for Peter) and they were more than starving-- they were all ravenous.
“Sure, we can talk later,” Yen’s smile faltered. “Come, let’s eat. We have rabbit sausages, real hen eggs, and well-- we call them potatoes, they are close enough.”
It very much tasted like the Earth food that most of the
m liked and had enjoyed before. They tucked in with a vengeance, their meal interspersed with small talk and the details of their ordeal that they felt that they could talk about.
“Oh, by the way, I've delivered your payment to your ship,” Yuen said, bringing up the topic of money to tidy up their dealings. “One-point-eight-million credits worth of glow-metal bars, neutronium crystals, and bearer bonds. We had your payment shipped up from Ferntucky-- as you preferred cash, err... negotiable goods accepted everywhere; split three ways, the way you asked. You have sped up industrialization on this planet by twenty years with those robots, not to mention ending our first major conflict. The ‘Artifact’s Translation Battle ' it’s already being called,” Yuen said with gratitude.
“It was actually Shirley’s translation and her plan that really saved the day. Could you change that to, ‘Shirley’s Translation Battle,’ war?” Peter said, grinning. “Actually, that's a pretty crappy title too. Work on that before you go making it final, would ya?”
“Sure! History, after all, is always written by the victors!” Yen agreed, “Oh, yes, one other thing, your shuttle craft has been repaired. It took quite a bit of rewiring, and a total replacement of its crystal matrix, but it’s done. I couldn’t, of course, charge you after all you've done for us, and for your-- troubles.”
“Thank you. This incident was unfortunate, but it’s over. We have made money and a great mystery has been uncovered. Let’s leave it at that,” said Peter being modest.
“Well, aren’t you the little diplomat! That almost sounded all formal and shit!” Oscar grinned.
“Yeah, could you, like, smooch his chocolate starfish anymore? This is all his fault, after all. He should a killed that crazy ho-bag long ago, protected us better, or sumpin.” Heshe rudely added.
“Heshe!” Oscar barked, outraged.
“OK, OK, OK! Don't hit me! I'm just saying, it’s his fault after all... our nuts can't take anymore abuse!” Heshe added quickly.
“Speaking of which, um... about the translation and everything, we can't apologize enough for your abduction, but when are you going to release the translation?” Yen asked, not even bothering to hide her eagerness.
“Err, as I asked your brother, can we talk of this, and more personal matters, once we are aboard my ship? This is delicate, most sensitive, and well—top secret! I know that sounds overly dramatic, but we know how much everyone wants this information. As you know, a bug can be hidden just about anywhere, these days. Anyone could be listening.” Peter said quietly.
“Ye, you are right,” Yen sighed, “as soon as we release this, everyone is going to go nuts. Jane did not cause every 'accident' out there. They are going to be crawling over each other to be the first to translate and study key parts of the Artifact, and fighting over who gets to control it--publish an article-- write a book --or make money off it. It will no longer be called The Mystery,” Yen said making air quotes.
“You’re right!” Yuen grabbed his head. “What a nightmare! I will need to call the planetary ruling body and ask them to advise me. I will have to ship most those that sided with Jane down-planet, or back to where they came from-- let their governments deal with them. What did I do to deserve this? I'm just an outpost governor!” he said as he rocked back and forth.
Yen grabbed him to comfort him, and held him tight, stroking his back.
“There—there—Yuen. Remember, you do not have to make the final decision. This is not all on your shoulders."
He took a deep breath, and pulled himself together before he said, “Alright then, go gather your things, and meet me outside the cafe in half an hour. There's one last thing to attend to, and I need your help.”
Everyone went back to their rooms and gathered their meager belongings. They joined what appeared to be a good-sized crowd gathered outside of Crazy Yuen’s Cafe. A separate group, hands bound behind their backs, was guarded by men armed with rifles.
Peter and the crew spotted Yuen, and he beckoned them over.
“I need your group to identify the ones that raped and tortured you,” said Yuen now stone faced, and looking stern.
They walked up and down the line. They wouldn’t likely forget the faces, and the guilty men who had raped and abused them, were pulled from the line of under a hundred men. They identified two other men who had held them captive and worked directly for Jane, but had not directly abused them. This included Juan who glared at them defiantly.
“Hang them! Yeah, string ‘em up!” some of the scientists called from the midst of the murmuring crowd, and they all laughed. The joke was that there wasn't anything close to a tree or a lamppost in the whole Artifact.
“Here, these two are yours to do with what you will,” Yuen said to his men and pointed to the two that had not raped Peter’s crew. Yuen’s men threw them into the crowd of scientists who proceeded to punch, kick, and generally diminish the mucus, and other bodily fluids from them. The scientists had a lot of pent up anger. Some of Jane's victims had been their friends and colleagues. Their screams only lasted a short while. The other two that had raped them in Jane’s little sex party stood apart, stony faced.
“Anything you’d like to say to these two before I decide their punishment?” Yuen asked Peter’s crew.
Marcus stepped out of the crowd, walked up to one of them, and punched him as hard as he could in the face, knocking him to the ground. He kicked the other one in the nuts. Hard. To observing crowd seemingly hard enough to launch them into the despised figures mouth. The mostly male group all gasped, wincing as some clutching their genital region in sympathy. His former rapist fell to the ground screaming and clutching his wounded testicles. Marcus continued to kick them both in the ribs repeatedly, eliciting further grunts and screams, alternating between the two, until he fell to his knees on the ground, sobbing and spent.
“Uh, well, right then. I couldn't have said that any better myself, Marcus,” Peter said uncomfortably as he helped Marcus up onto his wobbly legs. The others looked on solemnly.
Grabbing a long rifle from a nearby soldier, Oscar walked over and pulled Juan from the line of men. Savagely Oscar clubbed Juan to the ground facedown and pulled the prone Juans pants down. She rammed the long barrel up Juan’s rectum, hard and far. Everyone winced and looked away guiltily. Juan screamed loudly.
“I told you I would ram your gun up your butt, fucker! It may not be your gun-- butt --close enough!” Oscar joked as she snarled and spat on Juan.
“Shoot these three,” indicating the three, including Juan still moaning on the ground, “and drive the bodies out into the desert and leave them for Wazzool food,” Yuen said coldly.
“That’s it?” Monica said. “No trial, no torture, just executed?”
“What would you have me do? You wouldn’t accuse these men of rape and torture, if you were not sure it was them, would you? This is what you call frontier justice. Frankly, I don't have the time nor the inclination to torture these men, do you? We have no jails or lawyers here. It seems like your friends have extracted their revenge.” Yuen pulled a knife from his belt and handed it to her hilt first. “Be my guest, if you feel the need for more punishment.”
Monica’s hand did not rise and her shoulders slumped, “No, I think we’ve abused them enough…kill them and let’s be done with this,” she said softly.
“Can you give them titty twisters while I bite them in the balls? Please, Oscar? Pretty please!” Heshe said hopefully.
“NO! I don't think the others in the group would want to see that. I'm tired of this. Besides, you don’t have any teeth! Let’s move on, shall we?” Oscar said, wearily talking to Heshe.
“Yeah, but I could use his balls as a speed bag!” Heshe retorted.
“Here! Someone take this,” and Oscar plucked the rifle from Juan’s butt--- eliciting another scream from Juan-- handing the rifle off to one of Yuen’s men. “Uh... might want to clean the barrel out before firing it again.” Oscar said, somewhat sheepishly as she was now feeling a bi
t shameful of herself.
The man grimaced in disgust and held the rifle at arm’s length.
“OK, then that's settled,” Yen said. “Let’s go to your ship. I'm eager to hear what you have planned for the distribution of that information.”
Soon they were on their way to the ship, whizzing back the way they had come. The trip seemed shorter this time. It wasn't as far to the space port as they remembered. This excursion had only lasted a few days, but it seemed like they had been away for ages. They were all grateful to board their familiar ship.
Shirley appeared in the air via her usual hologram in her normal severe jump suit, Peter was relieved to see.
“Welcome home. Good to see all of you alive with all your limbs intact. I hope you have learned your lesson, Peter! Take your botyguard with you at all times from now on you stupid donkey, or is it a mule? I can never remember which animal is supposed to be more stubborn.” She looked at him sternly with hands her on her hips.
“I love you too, Shirley!” Peter retorted sarcastically, not letting on to the others that Shirley was a super genius AI. “Say, could someone put on some kaff in the lounge and see to our guests? I need to go talk to my computer in private for a minute.”
Peter waited until they had all left the cargo bay. “So, all-knowing one, what do I tell them?”
Shirley’s hologram enlarged to human size and stood in front of him.
“The truth, pretty much,” she said. “Come into the control room for a minute, I’ve prepared a data stick.”
She waited for Peter to sit down before she continued. “This has the translation codex on it. Instruct Yen and Yuen to interview their scientists that are not being banished, and pick the smartest and least-crazy ones to work on the translations for unlocking the tech for this place. Ship the rest of them home.