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Lilly: A Kensington Family Novel

Page 30

by Allie Everhart

  "I'm here to take you home. Something came up and your parents couldn't make it."

  "I mean...what are you doing here, in California?"

  "I live here now. I just moved back."

  "Back to Berkeley?"

  "Yeah. I'm working for your dad this summer. He didn't tell you?"

  "No." She's staring at him, her eyes darting down to his body then back up to his face. She's trying not to check him out but she can't help herself.

  He's standing beside me now in the doorway. I glance at him and see him checking Willow out. Unlike her, he's not even trying to hide it. His eyes are all over her in that red dress. Wait till he sees the back of it. It's a sexy dress and she looks really good in it.

  "Hi, I'm Lilly," I say to him.

  He turns to me. "Hey. I'm Silas."

  "I'm Willow's friend," I say, since she seems to be having trouble talking. "I live next door."

  "Nice to meet you." He smiles. It's a wide, friendly smile. He seems nice. Or as Willow would say, he seems to have a good aura.

  "I was just leaving, so—"

  "Wait." Willow runs up to me and hugs me. "Call me later, okay?"

  "I will." I'll definitely be calling her later. Silas is back? Working for her dad? This is going to be a drama-filled summer. I think we'll be spending a lot of hours on the phone. "Bye, Willow. Bye, Silas."

  I smile as I watch him go into her room. I get back to my own room and find my dad kissing my mom. It's just one kiss, but still. Those two are as bad as Jade and Garret. Always kissing. Holding hands.

  "Can't you guys go an hour without kissing?"

  My dad looks at Rachel like he's thinking about it. "No. I don't think we can."

  She laughs and hugs his side. "Definitely not."

  I go around them to my desk. "Is Garret here yet?"

  "Yes. He just called me from the parking lot."

  I hear little voices and the sound of little feet running down the hall. Then I hear Jade saying, "Slow down."

  My nieces and nephews run into my room, racing up to me and hugging me.

  "Aunt Lilly!" they all yell at once. I haven't seen them for over a month, which to them is like a year. They look cute as always. The girls are in denim shorts and matching pink tops. They're in this stage where they want to dress alike, maybe because their brothers do. But today the twins aren't dressed the same. They're both in tan shorts but Ethan's wearing a red polo shirt and Miles has on a navy one.

  "Hi, guys." I pick up Miles and he kisses my cheek.

  "Sorry we're late," Jade says as she comes in my room. "Getting everyone ready and out of the house on time is nearly impossible."

  "It's okay." I set Miles down and pick up Ethan. "We're not in any rush."

  "I don't think this is all going to fit in my car," Garret says, appearing behind Jade.

  "It'll fit," my dad says. "You have plenty of room. And if needed, your mother and I can fit a few boxes in our car."

  "Do you have room in yours?" Garret asks me.

  "No, mine is full of clothes."

  "Then I guess we better start loading up and see how much we can fit in mine. We can always put some stuff in Jade's car and leave one or two of the kids behind."

  Jade punches him, laughing. "Stop it."

  Miles runs over to him and Garret picks him up. "You want to help Dad load up the car?"

  He shakes his head.

  "Then you need to stay with Grandma." He hands him to her.

  "Hi, sweetie." She kisses him and he hugs her.

  "Come on, Dad," Garret says. "Grab some boxes and let's go."

  "You need some help?" I hear Reed's voice and smile. He's standing at the door, also smiling.

  We both smile a lot now that we're no longer letting our moms control our lives. About a month after I had that talk with my mom, she called and asked me to go with her to a charity event in LA. She acted like we'd never even had that talk, and was once again trying to use me for her own benefit, hoping she'd get photographed at the event if I was with her. I turned down her invitation, then quickly but politely ended the conversation.

  That's how all our conversations have been the past few months. Short, polite calls about superficial things, like what event she's been to recently or what she wore to it. She's been going to a lot of high-society events lately, trying to work her way back into that world after being shunned from it when my parents divorced. At the last event she was at, she said she ran into Preston's parents. She used to be friends with them, but now they never talk because Preston's dad decided not to run for the Senate, which means he's no longer important enough to be friends with, according to my mom.

  Preston no longer goes to Camsburg. After he was caught selling pills, he was kicked out of school. He didn't serve any jail time, which I knew he wouldn't. His dad's lawyers worked out a deal with the judge and Preston ended up just having to do a few hours of community service. He now goes to a small private college in New York.

  As for Reed's mom, it's like she just disappeared. Nobody's heard from her since she took off with that guy. Reed's uncle assumes she's living in Texas with her boyfriend, but none of us know for sure because she hasn't contacted anyone.

  Reed doesn't like not knowing where his mom is, but he's accepted the fact that he can't continue to take responsibility for her. She's an adult and has to be responsible for herself and her actions. In fact, he used those exact words just the other day, and when he said them, I knew he heard them from Jade. He's been talking to Jade about his mom ever since she disappeared. He was thinking about trying to track her down, but Jade talked him out of it.

  Reed's going to live with his dad this summer. The two of them are getting along really well. His dad is going on tour in August, but Reed will spend June and July with him.

  When I met his dad, he wasn't at all what I was expecting. As a tour manager for rock bands, I pictured him as an older man with tattoos and long hair, wearing leather pants. But instead, he has short, dark gray hair and whenever I see him, he's usually wearing a suit. It sounds like he makes a lot of money at his job. It makes me wonder why he didn't help Reed's mom out when Reed was a kid. Or maybe he did and she spent all the money on alcohol. Reed hasn't asked his dad about that and I don't think he ever will. He doesn't like to dwell on the past. He's moved on and is just happy to have his dad back in his life.

  With his dad helping him financially, Reed was able to quit his campus job last semester. But he still designs album covers, which he loves doing. He finished three this spring and has three more lined up for the summer. He's building up an impressive portfolio and was even featured in an LA magazine. The issue came out this month and he's already getting calls for more work. I'm so proud of him.

  "We could use some help," Garret says to Reed. "You're the youngest. You take the heavy ones."

  Garret's just kidding, but Reed takes him seriously and picks up one of the big, heavy boxes and follows Garret and my dad to the car. Garret likes Reed, but he still gives him a hard time and keeps a watchful eye on him, which is why Reed won't do anything other than hold my hand whenever my family is around. He won't even kiss me on the cheek. It's probably for the best. Garret can't handle the thought of me doing anything more than holding hands or kissing a guy.

  But Reed and I have done a lot more than that. We finally had sex, but not until I was sure I was ready. It happened last March during spring break. I went to see Reed in LA for the weekend. We spent two days going to art exhibits. Then my last night there, his dad wasn't home and we were lying on Reed's bed, listening to music, and it happened. It was like Willow said when she talked about being with Silas. The moment felt right and so I did it.

  The first time was good but not great, but I've heard that's true for everyone. But the second time? Way better. And the third? Amazing. Willow's right. Artists are great in bed. Not that I have anything to compare it to, but I remember my friends in high school talking about sex and it never sounded very appealing. Their
boyfriends were all about themselves, skipping any warm-up for the girl and finishing up within a few minutes. Reed isn't like that at all. He takes things slow and makes sure I'm always taken care of.

  "I don't think I can do this," Reed says as we stand outside my dorm. Everything's loaded into the cars and my family's waiting to leave, but first I have to say goodbye to Reed.

  "I'll be down to see you next week."

  He cups my cheek. "That's not soon enough."

  "I know," I say quietly. "I'm going to miss seeing you every day." I smile. "And I'm a little worried, having you surrounded by all those beautiful models and actresses in LA."

  "Don't even joke about that," he says. "You know I'd never cheat on you."

  "I know you wouldn't." I loop my arms around his neck.

  His eyes meet up with mine. "God, I'm going to miss you so bad. What am I going to without my best friend? And my beautiful girlfriend? I'll have no one to talk to." He presses his lips to mine. "No one to kiss."

  "It's not that far of a drive. It's less than two hours. We'll still see each other all the time."

  "I should've just got a place in Santa Barbara for the summer."

  "I think it's good you're living with your dad. You need to spend time with him. And I need to spend time with my family. Oh! I forgot to tell you. My parents made me an art studio in the back yard."

  "That's awesome."

  "Yeah, you should come see it. Are you sure you can't come to the cookout tonight?"

  "I don't want to cancel on my uncle. My aunt's already got dinner planned and Rob said the kids made me a welcome home sign."

  "That was sweet of them." I pause, taking one last look at his deep brown eyes. "Then I guess this is goodbye."

  "Not yet." A grin crosses his face. "I have something for you."

  He lets me go and takes a folder out of his messenger bag, which he had leaning against the building.

  "What is it?"

  "I made you a picture." He holds the folder in front of me. I go to take it but he holds onto it. "First, you have to promise you won't tell anyone I made this."


  "Because it could destroy my career as an artist."

  I give him a funny look. "Um, okay. I won't tell."

  He hands me the folder. I open it up and inside is a painting of Reed and me, kissing, with hearts above our heads. The sky is different shades of pink, like a pink sunset, and all around us are rainbows and unicorns floating in the air.

  I cover my mouth, laughing. "Oh my God, I love it!"

  "It's completely ridiculous but I promised I'd make it for you."

  "I seriously love this. I'm going to keep this forever."

  He laughs. "If you ever doubt how much I love you, just look at that picture. I wouldn't paint that for anyone else."

  "You must love me a lot if you're willing to paint me rainbows and unicorns."

  He sets the picture on the ground, then puts his arms around me. "I love you so much more than that."

  "I love you too."

  Who knew I would meet the boy I would fall in love with on my very first day of college? Well, technically, I didn't meet him that day. I slammed a door into him, but that was kind of like meeting.

  When I first saw Reed, I kept telling myself he wasn't my type. But he turned out to be exactly my type. The perfect guy for me. My best friend. The guy who understands me more than anyone else. The guy who loves art as much as I do. The guy who embraces my obsession with the color pink. The guy who paints me rainbows and unicorns. The guy who keeps my fridge stocked with fruit punch. The guy who always holds my hand when we cross the street. And the guy who loves me no matter what.

  I always said I hoped to someday have the kind of love my dad and Rachel have, and the kind that Jade and Garret have. I never thought I'd be lucky enough to find it.

  But I did. I found it with Reed.



  The folder of research sits on my desk as I prepare to call him. I flip through the paperwork one last time, reviewing the information.

  Dean Ashford. Age 52. Tour manager at a record label in LA. Never been married. Has one child, Reed Ashford, age 19. Has numerous connections within the entertainment industry, including some in television and film. Aspires to have great wealth, but thus far hasn't achieved it. Recently applied for an executive position at the record label but doesn't expect to get it. Psychological profile rates him as high on the greed scale. High on the need for power. High on the need for approval by others, as evidenced by the high level of debt he carries in order to pay for the expensive things that show the world he's made it. But it's not enough. He wants more. He would do most anything to achieve greater success, greater wealth, and more power.

  I smile. He's perfect. Absolutely perfect. It's no wonder he made it past the initial approval stage. But I had to practically beg them to let me be the one to make the initial contact. Forest Chase, an elder member and former friend of my father's, insisted on doing it, but my brother-in-law, Phillip, convinced him that I was a better choice. As Lilly's mother, I already have a connection to Mr. Ashford, and therefore, it only makes sense that I should be the one to approach him.

  I close the folder and call his number.

  "Hello?" he answers.

  "Hello. Is this Dean Ashford?"

  "Yes. Who is this?"

  "This is Katherine Tate, formerly Katherine Kensington. I'm Lilly's mother."

  "Oh. Yes. Hello, Katherine. Nice to meet you."

  "And you as well. I thought I should introduce myself, given how close our children have become this past year. The way Lilly goes on and on about Reed, it wouldn't surprise me if those two got engaged."

  He chuckles. "I don't think Reed's quite ready for that, but yes, I could certainly see that happening in the future."

  "Speaking of the future, I'm sure you want only the best for your son, just as I want only the best for Lilly."

  "Yes, of course."

  "And yet, artists often struggle to make a living. I'd hate to see our children struggle, wouldn't you?"

  "I'm not sure what you're getting at."

  "If I told you there was a way for you to ensure Reed would have nothing but success, would you be interested?"

  "Well, yes, but how would that—"

  "What about yourself, Mr. Ashford? What do you aspire to have? Would you like to move up in your career? Perhaps secure a high level executive position at your company? Would you like to be invited to exclusive parties where you would be introduced to some of the most powerful people in Hollywood? Would you like to never have to worry about money again?"

  "Katherine, I don't mean to be disrespectful but this conversation has taken a rather odd turn. I have no idea what you're talking about."

  "I'm talking about an opportunity. An opportunity to be part of a very exclusive group. A group of very powerful men. High ranking politicians. Leaders of industry. As a member of this group, you would receive benefits too numerous to list, but let me name a few that might interest you. Wealth. Power. Influence. Status. A bright future for your son. Are those things that would interest you, Mr. Ashford?"

  "Yes," he blurts out. He clears his throat. "Of course those things interest me. They interest everyone. But I don't understand how belonging to some group would allow me to have those things. What exactly is this group?"

  "This isn't something that can be discussed over the phone. I'll be flying to LA next week. Perhaps we could get together and I could tell you more."

  "Yes," he says, a fervor to his voice. "I'd like to know more. What days will you be here?"

  We decide on a time and a place to meet.

  "This must remain confidential," I tell him. "If you utter even a word of this to anyone, the deal is off. Tell no one, including Reed. Do you understand?"


  "Very well. It was a pleasure speaking with you, Mr. Ashford. I look forward to our meeting."

  "And I
as well. You've certainly piqued my interest."

  "Goodbye, Mr. Ashford."

  "Goodbye, Katherine."

  I set my phone on the desk and smile. That was even easier than I thought it would be. But if you know a man's weaknesses, his desires, his insecurities, luring him to the dark side takes no effort at all.

  Soon Mr. Ashford will be a member. And as stated in the offer deal, Reed will automatically become a member as well. Then my dear sweet Lilly will have to make a choice. As her mother, I know she'll choose love. She'll choose Reed.

  And then finally, my daughter's life will be back where it should be. Where it should have been all along. She'll marry a member. Be part of the organization. And her destiny will be fulfilled.

  From the Author

  A second Lilly book is coming soon! If you liked Lilly's story, please spread the word by telling a friend and leaving a review. Thank you!


  For those of you who haven't read the Jade or Kensington series.

  The book you just read is an extension of the Jade and Kensington series. If you didn't read those series, here's some background on the "organization" which plays a prominent role in Lilly's story.

  The organization is a secret society made up of powerful billionaires, including Pearce Kensington, father of Garret and Lilly. Sons of a member are required to join but Garret was able to get out of it. Daughters are supposed to marry into the organization by marrying one of the members, but Pearce has been working to keep Lilly from having to do that. Recently, the organization has been recruiting members from the outside, but only if the person is a good fit and will provide benefits for the group.

  The organization uses their money and power to rig political elections, including the presidential election, so that they can control key decisions being made which might jeopardize their power and wealth. If anyone stands in their way or finds out about them, the person may be killed or silenced in some other way. Although the organization isn't as violent as it once was, they still do things Pearce doesn't approve of so he's determined to make sure Lilly is never part of it. But Katherine doesn't feel the same way.


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