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Lucky Pet

Page 4

by Jamie Knight

  “Are you ready to become my pet?” I asked her, as my final question, before I popped her sweet little cherry.

  “Yes, sir,” she told me, straining to smile at me and let me know she was sincere and planned to carry out her duties well.

  Only then could I allow myself the pleasure of sinking into her.

  Chapter 8


  I had imagined this scenario playing out in a lot of different ways. But in my wildest dreams, it had never felt this good. I loved how dominant Ashton was being, how in charge he was.

  My ass was up in the air for him, and soon he had pulled back my thong so that it was on full display. I couldn’t see what he was doing, and I couldn’t move, thanks to his tie that was fastening me down.

  I could feel, however, the length and width of his cock as he slid it inside my pussy. It was gentle and slow, and it hurt a bit. I felt a bump and a tear, and I let out a soft “mmm” as he finished pushing it all the way inside me.

  My eyes burned with pain, but it quickly turned to pleasure, and even comfort, of being completely filled up by his huge cock. I gripped it with the walls of my pussy, so that all I could feel was its stiffness and hardness.

  “That’s a good little pet,” Ashton said, as he squeezed my ass cheeks and thrust his cock in and out of me. “Do you like when I fuck you like this?”

  “Yes, sir,” I told him, and I was rewarded with a slap across my ass.

  “That’s right,” he said. “You’re letting me take this hot little pussy of yours any time and any place I want it.”

  I thought about his cock in me while my body was splayed open for him and I loved how good it felt to give in to my wildest fantasies. I moaned and called out his name as I writhed around on my own desk. He pulled his cock out of me some, and then stuck it back in, over and over, increasing his rhythm from slow to fast.

  I gave in to my most primal instincts, letting myself go, showing him how glad I was that he was fucking me. My pussy was dripping wetness onto his cock as his cock pounded it- not too hard; I could tell he was holding back due to the fact that I was a virgin, and I was already excited about how good things would get the more we had sex- and it was quivering and shaking as I felt myself building up into the orgasm of a lifetime.

  “That’s it,” he said, his fingernails in the skin of my ass cheeks as I came for him. “My good little pet is coming for me.”

  All the nerve endings in my body were on fire. I felt bolts of electricity running through me; my thighs shook and my pussy shivered.

  “Ashton, Ashton!” I called out, clenching my fists and wishing I could wrap my arms around his neck.

  At the same time, I liked that I was tied up, for him to do with me whatever he wanted. I enjoyed how he restricted my movements so that he could have his way with me and I would be left helpless and panting for more.

  “Keep going,” I told him, building up for another orgasm nearly as soon as the first one was done running through me.

  He suddenly got very stiff and stopped, making me want to throw myself on him, except that I couldn’t.

  “I give the commands here,” he said, striking his hand across my sore, red buttocks. “Do you understand? Or do I need to get my belt?”

  “I understand, sir,” I said.

  “You’ll get the belt anyway, in due time,” he said, plunging his cock back into my soaking wet pussy. “But I wanted to go easy on you for our first time together. For your first time ever.”

  “Thank you, sir,” I said, as he thrust harder, faster, causing another orgasm to build up within me.

  The thought of him using a belt or other equipment on me made my heart race faster. As he quickened his pace even more, I began to moan and call his name out louder.

  He reached his hand around the desk and placed it over my mouth.

  “Now, now, Pet,” he said. “I wouldn’t want anyone lingering in the hallway to hear what I’m doing to you in here.”

  He plunged his finger into my mouth in much the same way that his cock was plunged into my pussy. I sucked on it, coming hard and fast as I did so.

  “Fuck yeah,” he said, grabbing a hold of my hair and holding my head back while he rode me. “I’m going to come along with you, Pet.”

  “Mmmm,” I hummed against his fingers, as I felt his cock pulsing and throbbing inside me.

  He let out a low, guttural groan and I was proud of myself for making him feel so good. At the same time, I was the height of my own ecstasy, feeling weak and light headed, but at the same time wishing this could go on forever and never have to stop.

  When he was finished, he collapsed on top of me for a second, allowing himself to put his chin on the small of my back. Then, after a light kiss, he stood back up, regaining his normal composure and strong presence.

  He zipped up his pants and then walked around to where my hands were bound. He untied them and looked me in the eyes.

  “That was your first lesson, my Pet. Please be prepared to learn more.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I told him, looking up as he put his shirt back on over his six pack abs and chiseled, tatted chest.

  I wished I could trace his muscles with my fingers. I wanted to lay my head on his chest.

  He put the condom in a tissue and threw it in the trash, where the night time janitor would throw it away along with my papers and other discarded items from earlier in the day. I wanted him to stay and do it all over again, or at least give me some more words of reassurance and comfort.

  But he was out of my office as quickly as he had come in, leaving me naked and sprawled on top of my own desk, my pussy still a quivering mess for him, my heart still aching for his look as much as my pussy was aching for his cock to fill it again.

  Still, I thought, as I began to get up and get dressed. It was St. Patrick’s Day, and my luck had changed for the better in the short time that had passed since I had applied at McKenzie Technologies.

  I had money to help pay some medical bills. I had impressed Ashton and would be presenting my work directly to the clients. And I was officially his pet- ready and willing to satisfy his every need, and in return, have my own satisfied beyond my wildest desires or dreams.

  When I arrived home after work, however, all of my luck seemed to change. My mother was sitting at the kitchen table, with her head in her hands, looking over paperwork and mail. Her eyes were red and splotchy; it was clear that she had been crying.

  “Mama, are you okay?” I asked, dropping my briefcase and rushing over to give her a hug. “I’m so sorry that I was at the office so late.”

  “It’s fine, mija,” she said. “I’m so proud of you for working so hard at your new job. Please don’t worry your pretty head over me.”

  My face flushed and I felt a bit dizzy with guilt. I had been on cloud nine after Ashton left my office but now I felt as if it had been wrong to stay with him, enjoying the dirty things he did to me, while my poor mother was suffering at home. By the time I’d traveled to the subway station and then arrived here, it was after 7:30 in the evening- far too long to justify with regular work, and I hadn’t even been working overtime, at least not in the more traditional sense of the word.

  I blushed deeper, but reminded myself to focus on my mother’s issue.

  “But what’s wrong?” I asked her, and that’s when I leaned over and saw what she was looking at.

  “Nothing,” she said, but I’d caught sight of the words “Clinical Trial” in the reference line, and snatched the letter out of her hands before she could protest any further.

  The letter said that my mother had qualified for a trial therapy program I’d applied for on her behalf a few months ago. This was excellent news.

  “Mama! Why are you sad? This is great!” I bent down to hug her, but she shook her head and started sniffling.

  “I don’t think you read the whole thing, darling.”

  She was right. In my haste and excitement, I’d stopped reading at the good part. As my eyes ski
mmed down over the rest of the letter, I saw what the treatment would cost. It was an astronomical amount, at least for people like us, who lived in a small studio in a Bronx apartment complex, and had for all our lives.

  “There’s no way we can afford this,” she lamented. “I don’t know how they could expect anyone to.”

  “Those bastards!” I called out, and she responded immediately by saying, “Maria! I raised you better than to use such language, for goodness sake.”

  “I’m sorry, Mama, but that’s ridiculous.”

  “I agree,” she said, and the corners of her face turned up into a slight smile as she added, “I guess they are bastards, after all.”

  I wanted to laugh but all I could feel was anger and frustration. I wished I had started working earlier, so that I could save up enough money to help her. My job paid me pretty well, and I was certain I could get a raise soon, since I had already worked so hard and had proven myself.

  But it would probably amount to too little, too late.

  I bent over again and wrapped my arms around my mother’s neck. She was crying softly, and I wished I could join her, but I knew I had to stay strong for her.

  “I’m so sorry,” I told her.

  “It’s not your fault,” she said, but I felt that it was.

  “We’ll find a way to do this,” I promised her, but the deadline to accept the invitation to participate in the trial loomed only a couple weeks away, and I had no idea how I could fulfill such an empty promise.

  It was pretty clear that my mother was right- we would not be able to afford the trial treatment. Still, I was too stubborn to admit defeat.

  I hadn’t been to church in a long time- my mother was always harping on me about it, but I was always too busy researching and applying to treatment options or job opportunities to join her. I wasn’t even sure I believed in any of that. I decided to pray to all the saints I knew of to help us, and I even added St. Patrick in there.

  Is that sacrilegious? I wondered. Is it like praying to Saint Nicolas?

  I finally decided it didn’t matter. I might not know one saint from another anymore. But I would include anyone who might possibly be able to send a miracle, or at least some luck, our way.

  And I knew a prayer – Ave Maria, full of grace… and I would say it over and over tonight, to atone for not having enough money to help my mom, and for the bad things I had done at work with Ashton, even though part of me already wanted to do them all over again.

  Chapter 9


  The next day, I was hunched over my keyboard at work when there was a knock on my door. I usually kept it closed and often locked these days, lest Douchey Boss decided to try to make another appearance- although, luckily, he hadn’t, ever since that first awful day.

  Half of me hoped that it would be Ashton on the other side. The other half told myself to stay focused on work and on trying to figure out a way to help my mom.

  When I opened the door, I saw three women standing there, who I didn’t know.

  “Hello?” I asked them, then remembered that my mother had taught me to be assertive and not say things as questions.

  “Hello,” I corrected myself, at the same time that all three of them said, “Hello” in return.

  “I’m Reese,” one of them said, reaching out a hand in my direction.

  Oh, yes. I’d heard of her. She recently married the big time boss- Kane McKenzie himself.

  “Maria,” I told her. “Nice to meet you.”

  I rather liked how she didn’t throw the name “McKenzie” around. She seemed humble, for someone so beautiful.

  “I’m Eileen,” said another of the girls.

  “And I’m Mandy,” said the third.

  Those two looked like polar opposites of each other- one was short and petite; the other was tall and towering.

  “We’re about to go to lunch and we were wondering if you’d like to join us?” Reese asked.

  I nearly wanted to faint of shock, at the thought that there were nice, inclusive people here.

  Unless they wanted something?

  Had they heard rumors about me and Ashton and they wanted to dig the scoop from me?

  I didn’t know why I was also so cynical. But the reception here at the firm from anyone other than Ashton had not been stellar, and I was suspicious as to why these three were suddenly interested in talking to me.

  “Thank you so much for inviting me,” I told her. “But I’m working through lunch today. I’m almost done with a pretty big project that I’m presenting to the clients this afternoon, and I don’t want to be unprepared. Plus, I need to leave the office right after work, as I take care of my mother.”

  I don’t want to leave her home alone crying again while Ashton Smith fucks me, I thought, but obviously didn’t add. I did plan to see my mom as soon as possible today, and not let myself get distracted by other… diversions. Plus, I thought it might help to act like I always went straight home at five o’clock, in case these three had heard rumors to the contrary.

  “That’s so exciting about the client presentation,” Eileen said. “What is it that you’ve been working on?”

  I tilted my head at her for a moment, considering whether or not I could trust her. I had no idea, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to show her what I had been working on. It wasn’t as if it was top secret.

  I sat back down at my computer chair and brought up the client database on my screen. I walked them through the tutorial I was preparing, to show the clients how to use the simple software I’d coded, combined with the project management tools I’d put together for them.

  “This is really awesome,” Eileen said. “You did all of this already, and you just started here?”

  “It wasn’t very hard,” I insisted. “But I’m still working out a few bugs and I’m catching them now as we go through this, so thank you for the opportunity to practice. And please let me know if something doesn’t make sense. Sometimes I’m not great at getting my thoughts out in a format that other people can understand.”

  I mentally kicked myself for deriding myself to other people, a bad habit my mother always told me to fix. But it was true that I appreciated being able to run my work past others before presenting it for real.

  “I understand it all perfectly,” Reese said. “Although I’m glad I’m not the one who had to set it all up, because it looks very hard. This is really impressive.”

  “Thank you,” I said, trying not to blush. “I’m so grateful for this job opportunity. I was out of work for quite a while, caring for my mother, and I really missed working.”

  And the money. I need the money.

  “Is your mother okay?” Eileen asked me, seeming genuinely worried.

  I shrugged. There wasn’t really a surefire way to answer that question, since no one really knew for sure.

  “She is for now,” I told her, which was the simplest way to explain it. “But with cancer, there’s no telling what tomorrow will bring.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear that,” Mandy said. “It is so nice of you to take care of her. And you have to go home right after work to do that?”

  “Well, if I have to work late, I can,” I told them, wanting to make it clear that I was a team player and that I wasn’t opposed to hard work. “But she’s just been a bit emotional lately so I’m trying to make it a priority today. I want to tell her how my presentation goes, and have dinner with her. And it takes over an hour to get home, so I want to try to get there before dark, so we can grill out on the shared patio space, with some of our neighbors.”

  “That sounds delicious,” Reese said. “Where do you live that it takes so long to commute?”

  “The Bronx,” I told her.

  “My grandmother lives in the Bronx,” Mandy said.

  We then discussed the neighborhood and found that she lived just a couple streets down from me. Mandy knew my apartment complex and everything.

  “Well, if I ever want good barbeque grilled fres
h, I know where I’m popping into,” she joked.

  “We’re number 127,” I told her, chuckling. “My lucky number. And you’re always welcome any time. We have a small place but enjoy entertaining guests.”

  “Did you say, ‘your lucky number’?” Reese asked.

  “Yeah,” I said, with a shrug. I guessed I had. It was just a habit for me.

  “That’s so cool,” she said. “These girls and everyone else in the world seem to make fun of me for it, but I very much believe in luck.”

  “That’s awesome,” I told her, but my smile faded a little bit.

  I tried not to get too sad, thinking about how I needed luck that would likely fail me now. I decided to focus on the good things that had happened to me in my life and count my blessings, as my mother would say, so as to not get too down about things.

  “Not only is it the number of the apartment we’ve lived in my whole life, but also, it was my mom’s hospital room number when she went in for the treatment that so far has saved her,” I divulged.

  “Oh, my God!” Reese said, grasping at her dainty throat. “That’s amazing. I told you ladies”- she turned to face the other two as she said that- “that there is such a thing as luck.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Eileen said, teasing Reese. But she looked serious when she turned to me. “I’m always telling Reese she’s full of it with all her talk of luck. But in your case, it really does seem like you have a lucky number.”

  “Whatever,” Reese grumbled.

  “Well, if you’re sure you can’t come to lunch today, maybe we’ll try sometime next week?” Mandy suggested. “I’d love to hear more about your mom, and your work project.”

  “Sure,” I said, unable to stop a big smile from spreading across my face. “I’d love that. I really appreciate you all being so nice to me.”

  “I take it by that that not everyone has been?” Reese asked.

  I grimace, not wanting to rat anyone out or sound ungrateful.

  “We get it,” Eileen said. “This is a competitive place. Some people are rather cold and distant.”


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