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More than Temptation

Page 6

by Taige Crenshaw

  “That is for Bella to tell.” Nathan sat.

  Morgan didn’t push, knowing from his tone that he wouldn’t say anything further. The audience talked among themselves. Bella, Driscoll and the rest of the band entered the room. They went around the area, stopping at the various tables. Morgan watched them work the room and even as the meal was served, they continued their trek. Soon they reached his table and Bella sat beside him while the rest of the band and Driscoll found spots in the booth.

  “Morgan.” Bella leaned against him, smiling. “Are you having fun?”

  “You were fabulous.” Morgan kissed her softly then looked at Driscoll across the table. “You too.”

  “Bella, before your man decides to find a way to burn down my house, maybe you should tell him what we just did was all an act.” Driscoll leant back against the booth, a small smile on his lips. “Being a fire investigator and all, I figure you know of ways to make a fire look accidental. I’m sort of attached to my house.”

  “I wouldn’t burn your house down.” Morgan shrugged. “I’d do something more personal.”

  “Morgan wouldn’t be so silly as to be jealous.” Bella pinched him. “Right?”

  “Wrong.” Morgan pressed her hand against his arm. “You all looked like—”

  “Lovers.” Driscoll smiled smugly. “Good. That’s what we were going for. We’ve never actually been lovers.” He rolled his eyes. “It’d be yucky. She’s like a sister to me.”

  “I wouldn’t dance with my sister like that.”

  “Well, if we were actually related by blood, I wouldn’t either. But we aren’t. It doesn’t matter whether we are related by blood or not, I still wouldn’t cross that line.” Driscoll made a line on the table with his finger. “There, think of this as the line every time you see me.” He smiled.

  “You’re a little—”

  “Crazy,” the man sitting next to Driscoll said.

  “Shut up, Stuart,” Driscoll said cheerfully. “So, Morgan, my brother Spencer has some good things to say about you.”

  Morgan studied him again and noticed the family resemblance. “He does?”

  “Uh-huh.” Driscoll nodded. “Do you play games, Morgan?”

  “What sort of games?” Morgan studied him.

  “We usually have monthly game nights.” Driscoll gestured to himself, Stuart, Nathan and Bella. “Also, many of the Locke clan and a few other friends and so on. We rotate between people’s houses. We play anything from Uno, poker, Twister, Let’s Dance, video games, charades or any number of games. I’ve been out of the rotation for a long while, but I’m getting back into things. I don’t recall the schedule of when, but soon one of the game nights will be at my place. But you don’t have to wait till then. You can come to join us at the next one. Bella can tell you when and where.”

  “That sounds like fun.”

  “Good, you can come to it. Oh, I also have a weekly poker game.” Driscoll made a motion of sharing cards. “Come to that too. Let me win some money off you.”

  “I’ll come for poker,” Morgan accepted the invitation.

  “Morgan,” Nathan interjected, “let me warn you, he’s a card shark.”

  “Shhhh… Let me lure him in first.” Driscoll glared at Nathan. “And why haven’t you come by for a while for the game so I can win your money?”

  “Hmmm… Maybe it’s because I’ve been busy with a little thing called running Singleton.”

  “Pash. That’s no excuse.” Driscoll tapped his finger on the table. “All work and no play makes you cranky and me short of money.”

  Morgan chuckled.

  “That is so going on a T-shirt for you.” Bella laughed.

  “T-shirt?” Morgan glanced at her.

  “People give Dris T-shirts with some of his sayings on them. Some of what he says are doozies.”


  The people around the table started telling him about Driscoll’s sayings. The man just chuckled. The conversation segued to how the people in the group knew each other. Morgan listened to the stories and relaxed. Bella wasn’t anything but friends with any of the men.

  * * * *

  Later that evening, Morgan turned onto Burrows Place and drove to Locke Estates Two before taking the curve. He drove along the road that had turn-offs along each side that led to the homes of Bella’s siblings. At her turn-off, he slowed then banked right and drove towards her house.

  “It was a successful night.” Bella sounded pleased.

  “And was lots of fun.” Morgan ran his hand through his hair. “I was glad to ditch the wig, though. I don’t know how people wear those things.”

  “I guess if you wear them often enough, you get used to them.” Bella stretched.

  Morgan took his gaze off the road and looked at her. He clenched his hands on the steering wheel as he watched her dress ride up, showing sienna skin. The glimpse of it between the white boots and hem of her dress tempted him to touch. Morgan forced himself to look back to where he was driving. He pulled into the parking space next to her SUV and twisted the key in the ignition. They got out and closed their respective doors before they met at the hood and went up the walk to the house together, holding hands as they went up the steps. In front of the entrance, Bella faced him and kissed him before opening her door and going in.

  Morgan entered then shut it behind him.

  “Meet you upstairs,” Bella said as she went up towards the second floor.

  As had become his habit, he checked the back exit leading from the kitchen to make sure it was locked. He got two bottles of water out of the fridge, before going back to the foyer to set the alarm for the house and heading up the steps. The nightlights Bella kept on the landing area illuminated his way to her bedroom. The door was partially closed and he pushed it open with his shoulder. He strode over to the nightstand, placing a bottle on one then went to set the other down. As he did, Morgan stopped, thinking how in such a short time he’d already got so comfortable in her house. He remembered Bella moving around his place in a similar way.

  “I decided to draw us a bath.” Bella spoke from his right.

  He glanced towards her. She was framed in the doorway, already nude. Morgan went to her, stripping off his clothing, and was naked by the time he reached her.

  “We’re not nearly dirty enough.” He herded her back into the room then lifted her onto the bathroom counter.

  He cupped her face and kissed her urgently. Bella opened and returned it, stroking her tongue along his, moaning. Morgan stepped between her spread thighs and rubbed against her opening. At the feeling, he wanted to sink deep within her. He controlled himself, pulling back and opening the drawer closest to them he knew she had condoms in. He took out a small packet then opened it quickly before he put it on his erection. He moved back into place and she shifted her hips forward. Morgan thrust into her, groaning as she took him in. Bella wrapped her legs around him, moving her hand up his back and holding him close.

  “Yes, Morgan.” She gripped him. “More, please.”

  He took her urging and grabbed her ass, jerking her against him moving faster. Each of his thrusts caused those wonderful sounds she made in pleasure to rise around them. Bella held him, moving with him as they worked towards release. Morgan was already primed from watching her all night and her singing. Although he hadn’t enjoyed watching her being touched by another man, he’d wanted her. Wanted her to be making the sounds she made only for him. He increased his thrusts, groaning as she clenched her inner walls around him. Heat climbed up his back and he held her, kissing the side of her face.

  He nipped her ear and said, “You feel so good. So tight around my cock. You like me filling you.”

  “Yes,” she answered although it wasn’t a question.

  “You’re wet for me.” Morgan slid his hand over her belly and between them, tweaking her clit. “Every time I’m anywhere near you, I want to be right here”—he thrust—“deep inside you. When you laugh I wonder how it would sou
nd with your lips wrapped around my cock.”

  Bella whimpered.

  “Mine, Bella.”

  “Yours.” She panted then breathed out and met his gaze. “You’re mine.”

  She kissed him wildly and rocked against him. Bella tightened around him then rotated her hips. Morgan groaned as his sac went tight, and he shuddered, coming.

  Bella moved against him while he climaxed, striving towards her own release. Morgan shook and she loved the effect she had on him. He clenched his fingers on her ass. She pushed into his touch before moving forward to where he penetrated her. She arched, moaning as she came. Morgan continued to move, slowing to prolong her orgasm. Soon he stopped. He kissed her gently before stepping back, then took off the condom and disposed of it.

  He went back between her legs and she wrapped them around him. Morgan lifted her and she tightened her legs on him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “You feel so good.” He carried her to the tub and set her down beside it. He went to get in. She stopped him and got in first.

  “Come here.” She held out her hand.

  Morgan got in and sat between her legs. She pulled him back until his head rested against her shoulder. She scooped water and let it flow down his chest. Picking up a wash sponge, she added bath gel and wiped it along his chest.

  “I could get used to this.” Morgan made a rumble of contentment in his chest.

  Bella continued to wash him. Being with Morgan was so very easy. She too could get used to it. Don’t do that, Bella. Just enjoy your time with him. You’re both having fun. Don’t read anything else into it but that.

  Although she had thought it, she knew it would be easier said than done.

  Chapter Five

  After getting a cup of tea, Bella set it on the surface then sat at the table that overlooked the backyard. She relaxed on the chair and flicked open the paper, but didn’t read right away. Instead, she thought of the last few weeks. She and Morgan had become closer and spent all their free time with each other. The weather had been so unseasonably warm, they’d had many outdoor outings. She’d got so used to speaking with him throughout the work day on a daily basis. They were in and out of each other’s houses all the time. Most nights, they slept in the same bed. At the moment, she was waiting for him to finish his workout before they had breakfast. The last few weeks had been fun, and she looked forward to the times they spent together.

  Bella focused on the newspaper and read as she sipped her tea. Soon she flipped the page and stopped. The ad made her bounce in excitement. Hurrying out of the kitchen and into the hall, she rushed towards the workout room. In the doorway, she paused, staring at his sleek muscles as he ran on the treadmill. The smooth motions as he ran let her know that his leg wasn’t bothering him. She was glad for that. Although he never complained, she could tell when he’d had a hard day and had worked the leg so much that it pained him. She didn’t mention it, not feeling it was her place. Bella continued into the room and came to stand in front of the treadmill.

  “Hey,” Morgan said, looking at her curiously.

  She didn’t usually disturb him when he was working out. Bella leaned against the weight bench and waved the paper she held.

  “The hot air balloon rides are opening next weekend at Couric Park.”

  “Okay.” He looked bemused.

  “They usually open the fourth Saturday in May but are opening early because of the good weather. So they’re two weeks early.”

  “Okay,” Morgan repeated then smiled. “Not sure why you’re telling me this.”

  “Because we are going for a hot air balloon ride.”

  He stared at her then shook his head. “Nope, I’m not. If you want to go, you go.”

  “What? Why?” Bella walked over to the treadmill. “It’ll be fun.”

  “My idea of fun isn’t going up in the air with someone who, I don’t even know if they know what they are doing blowing air into a balloon.”

  “Of course they know what they are doing.” Bella pursed her lips. “I’ve been on the rides before. They’re very safe. You fly in an aeroplane with someone you’ve never met. How do you know if they know what they are doing?”

  “They go through training and are vetted by the airlines they work for. Yeah, there are issues with the airlines, but still, I’d feel safer there.” Morgan continued to run. “And there is a whole metal plane between me and the world. So when I’m in the air I don’t have to see the open space except through a small window that shows me outside. The balloon doesn’t even have any walls.” Morgan pressed the controls and started his cool-off. “It is all space and has a basket you are in. A basket.”

  Bella bit her lip so as not to laugh at how he sounded so scandalized. She watched as he cooled down and he kept looking at her. Finally, he stepped off the treadmill and she grabbed his towel and took it to him.

  “Thanks.” He accepted it and wiped off his face, still eyeing her suspiciously. “It’s not like you to give up so easy.”

  “Nope. Just giving you time to debate in your head about all the reasons why we can’t go.” Bella glanced at her watch then smiled.

  “Smart ass.” Morgan tweaked her nose.

  She wrinkled it and smirked. “You know resisting is futile.”

  “Nope.” He pivoted and headed out of the room.

  “What do I need to do to convince you?” Bella followed him.

  “Loads and loads of sex.” He laughed. “Then again, even sex wouldn’t get me to go up in the death-trap that is a hot air balloon.”

  “See, now why’d you have to go and challenge me like that?” Bella said cheerfully.

  Morgan turned to face her then rubbed his hands over his eyes. “Christ, I know that look.”

  “What look?” She widened her eyes playfully.

  “The one that says you are determined to have your way and Poor Sap”—Morgan pointed to himself—“will be pulled along. And now the ‘trying to be innocent’ eyes. The ones that are fake as hell.” Morgan crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m not giving in this time.”

  “Come on,” Bella cajoled. “You’ll like it. Expand your horizons and try new things.”

  “That’s new. A nice, calm tone to convince me.” Morgan glared at her. “Nice touch, but I’m not falling for it.”

  “Falling for what?”

  Morgan rolled his eyes. “I don’t ever stand a chance saying no to you. Why is that?”

  “Because I’m Bella.” She laughed and pushed at his arms.

  He unfolded them and she stepped into his embrace. She put her hand around the back of his neck.

  “My Bella.” He kissed her.

  * * * *

  Bella held back her chuckle as Morgan stood with the hot air balloon operator. When they had arrived for their ride, Morgan had been full of questions, so she’d left him to it. She glanced at her watch and noted that it had been almost twenty minutes.

  “Fancy seeing you here,” Driscoll said behind her.

  Bella turned and smiled when she saw him then noticed Driscoll’s brother Spencer and his wife Regina were with him. Driscoll hugged her before Spencer did the same, then she and Regina exchanged hugs too.

  “You know I like to be here for the first weekend of the balloon rides.” Bella pushed at Driscoll’s shoulder.

  “Me too. After an absence that was missed, I have these two for company.” Driscoll glanced at the two people with him.

  Recently, Spencer and Regina had reconciled after being separated. There had also been distance between Regina and Driscoll, which they had since come to terms with.

  Driscoll looked back at her. “Stuart is being a slowpoke.”

  “I heard that.” Stuart strolled up then hugged her.

  “Are you two going to behave this time on the ride?” Bella chuckled.

  “Of course,” Driscoll and Stuart replied in unison and gave her identical, innocent looks.

  Bella didn’t believe it for a minute. “Oh, boy. I’m
glad I’m not going up with you.”

  Driscoll looked behind her. “What’s Morgan doing over there?”

  “He looks like he is interrogating the man.” Stuart also was watching over her shoulder.

  “He’s never been on a ride. He’s a little nervous so he’s asking questions.”

  “Oh no, he shouldn’t be nervous.” Driscoll grinned. “We can help him not to be.” He strolled towards Morgan.

  “Definitely.” Stuart smiled and touched her shoulder. “Leave it to us, Bella, we’ll make him love it.” He followed after Driscoll.

  “Why don’t I believe you two?” she called after them.

  “You know us too well,” they said again in unison.

  Spencer and Regina laughed, then Spencer spoke, “They will either have him wanting to go up or running for the hills.”

  “Knowing them, it will be both.” Regina leaned against her husband. “What’s going on between you and Morgan?”

  “And that is my cue to join the guys.” Spencer kissed Regina on the cheek then left.

  “He knows me so well. He is leaving before I get to the raunchy stuff.” Regina laughed and slid her arm into the crook of Bella elbow. “So tell me.”

  “There is nothing to tell.” Bella shrugged. “We’re having some fun.”

  “Hmmm… Fun.” Regina clicked her tongue. “Since we’ve been here, he’s glanced over to you at least twenty times, and his look isn’t ‘just fun’.”

  “What?” Bella looked at Morgan and met his gaze. Morgan winked and went back to talking with the men.

  Bella felt warm all over.

  “See, that’s the look, and you have it too.”

  “There is no ‘look’.” She focused on Regina. “You’re imagining it.”

  “A goofy ‘I’m so glad to be with him and can’t wait to get home where we can have wild, swing-from-the-chandelier sex’ look.”

  “Reggie.” Bella stared at her then laughed loudly. “I bet that is what you’re thinking about Spencer. You’re putting that onto me and Morgan.”

  “Hmmm… What I’m thinking about Spencer isn’t something I can say in company.” Regina leaned close to her and whispered, “I missed the balloon rides. Not just for the fun of it but for the aftermath. When Spencer’s adrenaline is going, he gets very aggressive and all dominating. Rawr.” She fanned herself.


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