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More than Temptation

Page 13

by Taige Crenshaw

  Morgan’s gaze was caught by Bella. She looked so lovely and he couldn’t wait to get her home later. Bella lifted her head and met his gaze, smiling warmly. She blew him a kiss and on her face, he saw the promise she had made to make him beg. Morgan shifted in his seat and tugged on his T-shirt to cover the effect she had on him.

  “Let’s go,” the photographer said.

  Driscoll, Bella and Stuart slipped seamlessly into a pose that was provocative. Morgan frowned, staring at Stuart’s hand low on Bella’s hip and his face pressed against the side of her hair like he was whispering naughty things to her. Driscoll’s hand was on her belly and his head was bent to where he seemed to be seconds away from kissing her. Bella’s look was one of confidence and sex, making Morgan want to go up there, pull the men away from her and drag her off to somewhere private. He clenched his fists. He trusted Bella and the men, but after being thwarted earlier, Morgan was on edge to get out of there and to her house or his. As the day progressed and they changed outfits as well as poses, his need increased. Bella was gorgeous in each outfit she wore and Morgan imagined removing each article of clothing from her body, baring her skin to his view, his touch, and for him to taste.

  Morgan leant forward, knees spread and his hands lowered between them and clasped together as he observed them in their current clothing and pose. All his attention was on Bella. The skin-tight, red leather, halter-top pantsuit she wore was tempting him like nothing else she had worn today. The matching knee-high boots made her legs look longer and he imagined them wrapped around him as he carried her off to bed. Bella shook her head and her curls moved, framing her, giving her a wild, untamed feeling that extended to her expression. The crew with the photographer turned on the fan and her hair lifted in the breeze, adding to the sensation of wildness.

  “That’s it, Bella,” the photographer yelled. “Move to the left, Stuart.”

  He walked into view and Morgan realised that he was a striking man in his own right. His motions were powerful—as if he was about to take Bella and make her his. Stuart moved to her and grabbed her chin between his fingers and lowered his head, pulling his mouth into a snarl. Bella did the same and the moment was powerfully exotic. The photographer snapped away and Bella and Stuart moved into various poses as if battling for dominance.

  “That is it. Well done, people.” The photographer did a hop.

  Those on the stage laughed then milled around. Bella and Stuart hugged then Bella hurried over to the photographer and spoke with her. She nodded then Bella came down the stage to him. Morgan rose as Bella reached him.

  “Let’s get a picture together.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him with her.

  “Bella, I’m not dressed for a picture with you looking like that,” Morgan said.

  “We can fix that,” Driscoll said. “Take off your shirt and sneakers. Your black jeans will work fine.”

  Morgan glanced uneasily at the crowd of people.

  “Don’t mind them,” Bella said. “It’s just you and me. Think of it as another adventure. Our first photo shoot together.”

  He focused on her. Morgan stripped off his shirt. Wolf whistles broke out all over the room.

  “Back off, ladies, he’s mine.” Bella’s gaze was locked to his.

  “I suddenly feel so unloved,” Driscoll said.

  “They didn’t react that way when we stripped,” Stuart added.

  “You didn’t strip in front of us,” the photographers said.

  The other women ‘uh-huhed’ in agreement.

  “We can do that now,” Driscoll said.

  “Yeah,” Stuart retorted.

  Morgan glanced at them. Driscoll took off the vest he was wearing, leaving his upper body bare. Whistles came from the women. Driscoll laughed. Stuart, who was already bare-chested, reached for the button of his pants. The noises of the women increased.

  “No getting naked,” Nathan called.

  The sounds of disappointment were loud.

  “Maybe another time.” Stuart smiled playfully at the women. “Or when Killjoy isn’t here.”

  “Would he really get naked in front of these women?” Morgan whispered to Bella.

  “He might drop his pants, but he has on boxers.” Bella shook her head. “Stuart usually comes off as the most sane of the group, but he is as nutty as Driscoll. They are the only ones who can talk each other down when they get too out there. That’s what makes them such good friends—that ability to understand things about each other that others don’t.”

  Morgan already knew Driscoll came across as weird, easy-going and all sorts of things, but underneath he was an intense man many might underestimate. Stuart, on the other hand, was like a chameleon and adapted to people so well that they also underestimated him. Morgan studied Bella and smiled, knowing that she also had depths that many didn’t see. He was enjoying revealing each and every one of them.

  “Put this on,” Driscoll interrupted his musings.

  Morgan shrugged into the vest Driscoll had had on earlier then Stuart held out the braided leather necklace he had been wearing. Bella took it and put it around Morgan’s neck, smoothing it over his bare chest. He lifted her hand off his skin then kissed her fingers. The sound of the camera and the flash of light caught him by surprise. He glanced at the photographer and she smiled.

  “Spontaneous shots make the best photos.” She waved her hand. “Just have fun.”

  Morgan took her at her word and grabbed Bella then spun her out. She laughed and when he brought her back in to his body, she lifted her head. He bent and kissed her gently. The sighs of the women flowed around them while the men heckled them. Morgan chuckled and he just enjoyed being with Bella. They had fun and the photographer documented what they did. Morgan released Bella and ran to Driscoll, thumping him on the chest then took off. Driscoll let out a warrior cry then chased him. Laughter came around them as they chased each other. Morgan grabbed Bella and ran, dodging Stuart then Driscoll. He oomphed as he hit Nathan, who had also joined in. The photographer kept taking pictures as they played around.

  “Okay. That’s an official wrap this time.” The photographer came over to them.

  When she did, Morgan recognised her as a Locke by her eyes. He had met her before, although briefly.

  “I’ll have these for you soon, Bella.”

  “Thanks, Robyn.” Bella hugged her.

  “See you soon, Morgan.” Robyn gave him a hug then she went to her crew to wrap up.

  “See you, Robyn.” He lowered his voice as he spoke with Bella. “I didn’t even realise who she was.”

  “I wonder why.” Bella placed her hand on his chest. “Maybe because you were focused on getting me naked.”

  “Maybe.” He pulled her to him.

  “I saw your face when I came out in this.” She gestured to herself. “I knew I wanted to have a photo of us together.” She stroked his bare chest then down his bare arms. “I can’t wait to see how it turned out.”

  “You’ll look sexy.”

  “It’s you I’ll be looking at.” Bella snuggled against him. “The other photos of everyone acting crazy will be fun to see too.”


  “Morgan,” Driscoll called.

  He turned to him and instinctively caught the keys Driscoll threw at him. Morgan held them, looking at the keys then Driscoll.

  “Take my car. Nathan will give me and Stuart a ride home.” Driscoll turned and yelled, “Right, Natty?”

  Nathan rubbed his finger in his ear. “Damn, are you trying to deafen me? I’m right here. Don’t call me that,” Nathan yelled back.

  “Let us get changed and we can go.” Driscoll went off the stage.

  “He’s planning something,” Nathan muttered.

  “Yep.” Stuart laughed as he left to change.

  “Do you want to get changed?” Morgan asked, although he wished she would stay in what she had on.

  “Nah.” Bella winked. “We’ll return it another day. Come on.”

bsp; She held his hand and led him down the steps then they headed quickly down the aisle to the exit. Soon they were in the vehicle and heading towards Bella’s.

  “Are you ready to beg?” Bella’s sultry voice filled the cabin of the SUV.

  Morgan gulped and glanced at her. Bella stretched, making the red leather she wore go taut over her body.

  “We’ll see who will be begging.” Morgan licked his lips before he returned his attention to the road and sped up.

  * * * *

  Morgan typed but wasn’t really paying attention to what he was doing. He stopped, staring at the screen. As was usual, his thoughts turned to Bella. Since they’d admitted how they felt, their connection had got even stronger. Morgan relaxed against the chair and rubbed his hand over the back of his head. He couldn’t even remember the last time he’d slept alone. And he loved that he hadn’t, wanting to be with Bella as much as he could. It didn’t matter if it was a date out or just a simple night in, every moment was a thrill.

  “Someone is pretending to work,” Kennan said just as he sat on the edge of Morgan’s desk.

  “Takes one to know one,” Morgan retorted. “At least I make it look good.”

  “You wish.” Kennan flipped him off then crossed his arms over his chest. “You’ve been Mister Happy lately.”

  “Life is interesting and an adventure.” Morgan smiled, thinking of how Bella liked to use adventures to get him to do things.

  “Bella has been good for you.” Kennan chuckled. “Looks like both of us were lucky to get Locke women, and they keep us on our toes.”

  “Julianne doesn’t seem like she would get into mischief like Bella does.”

  Kennan laughed until tears rolled down his face. He wiped his eyes then cleared his throat before he spoke. “There you would be wrong, buddy. Julianne has her own brand of mischief she gets into. Keeps things interesting.”

  “They sure don’t let us get bored.”

  “I love that about Julianne.” Kennan smiled a goofy grin. “She makes me enjoy so many things I used to just take for granted.”

  “Bella does the same for me too.” Morgan leant back in his chair. “She makes the simple things like just watching TV so much more. How do they do that?”

  “No idea. I just go along.” Kennan shrugged.

  “Me too. Bella leads me on so many things I never thought I would do myself.”

  “Has she talked you into skydiving yet?”

  “Nope. Uh-uh. Not happening.” Morgan shook his head adamantly to reiterate it.

  “Keep telling yourself that. They have a sneaky way of getting you to do stuff and you have no idea how.”

  “I know.”

  “They also make us saps.” Kennan chuckled. “The two of us are here talking about our women. God, we are so gone on them.”

  “We are.”

  “Anyway, although I came over to tease you about your goofy face”—Keenan made the expression as he stated then went back to his normal one—“I wanted to also pick your brain on the Davis case.”

  Morgan recalled the fire that had happened a few days ago. “What have you got?”

  Kennan filled him in on what he had. Morgan gave him his thoughts then they traded ideas back and forth.

  “There is something off with the son.” Kennan worried his lowered lip. “I can’t put my finger on it, but he is hiding something.”

  “Then find a way to get him to talk.”

  “I’ve tried, but he clams up around me for some reason.” Kennan rolled his shoulders. “You have a way with getting people to talk. Do you have some time for us to go by later for you to talk with him?”

  “Sure.” Morgan looked at the clock on his computer. “What time do you want to go?”

  “How about three o’clock? Give me some time to get some paperwork done.” Kennan sighed. “God, I hate paperwork.”

  “You and me both.”

  “Give you a hundred if you do mine for me.”

  “There is not enough money in the world.” Morgan shook his head.

  “So if I offered you all the money in the world to do my paperwork, you wouldn’t?”

  “I’d need to see the money first. And then I’d wonder who you robbed for it. Th—” His cell signalled a text coming in.

  “Go ahead. I need to actually go finish a report since someone wouldn’t do it for me.” Kennan rose and went back to his desk.

  Morgan glanced at his text and read then smiled as he rose. “I’m heading out for lunch.”

  Kennan and the other fire investigators who shared the office acknowledged his words and kept working. Morgan left the room and went to the exit. He opened the door and looked around before he spotted Bella sitting on a bench across the street in front of the police station. He went to cross the closed off street, looking both ways to see if any police or fire vehicle was coming in before he walked on.

  Bella tapped her hand over her heart as it raced while she watched Morgan come towards her. Only police or fire personnel drove or parked along this street so it was usually not busy. Each time she saw Morgan, Bella couldn’t believe he was hers. His jacket was open to show off his T-shirt and black jeans. Morgan reached the sidewalk then came to her. She stood as he stopped by her and she placed her hand on his chest. He kissed her briefly and Bella immediately wanted to be somewhere private with him.

  “Lunch together is a nice surprise,” Morgan said.

  “Yeah, we decided to take an early break for lunch today.” Bella tugged him to the bench. “I bought us sandwiches, drinks and chips.”

  Morgan sat and she handed him the bag. He opened it and took out the food.

  “How’s practice going?” Morgan opened the foil then handed her a sandwich.

  “Good. It’s been interesting working together again.” Bella accepted the sandwich and other items. “The band said they forgot how much of a perfectionist I am.” She laughed.

  For the last week, after they had had agreement from the rest of the band members for both hers and Driscoll’s band that were still alive, she had been busy. They had been working to get ready for the benefit. They wanted it to be perfect and seamless. Since neither of their bands had performed in a venue for a while, they were making sure to practise to get back into the mindset of performing.

  “From what I’ve seen, you all will be great.” Morgan took a bite of his sandwich.

  “We’re just getting started. Just practising the music. Wait until we get to the real work of staging and set-up and such.”

  Morgan lowered his sandwich. “Real work? I thought what I saw was the real work.”

  “Nope.” Bella chuckled. “This is only the start. We started working on the dance moves today. My poor feet are aching. By tonight, I’ll be hobbling.”

  “I’ll give you a rub down later. Focus on your feet,” Morgan promised as he put his hand at the back of her neck and stroked.

  Bella lowered her head and moaned. “I’ll hold you to that. Now eat before I need to go back.”

  “How’d you get here?” Morgan asked, since usually he dropped her off in the morning when he went to work then when he could, he went by after and waited until she was done for the day before they headed home.

  “Stuart dropped me off.” Bella rolled her shoulders. “He’ll pick me up in about half an hour.”

  “Okay. I’ll be by to get you later.” Morgan frowned. “Unless an emergency comes up. I’ll text you either way to let you know.”

  “I know.” Bella patted his leg. “I’m looking forward to that massage later.”

  “Me too.” Morgan snagged a chip then ate it. “Did you all figure out what costumes you are going to wear?”

  “We started to.” Bella glanced at him slyly. “I did tell them I wanted to wear the red leather we took pictures in.”

  “Christ, Bella.” Morgan lowered his hand holding the sandwich. “I can’t go back to work with a hard-on.”

  “I’ll say you will be.” Bella glanced at his lap and the bu
lge under his jeans then met his gaze. “That will also be on the agenda later, after the massage.”

  “Talk about something mundane.” Morgan chuckled. “Kennan and I were talking about you and Julianne.”

  “Really? What were you talking about?” Bella sipped her iced tea.

  “Adventure, mischief and Locke women.” Morgan smiled.

  “Hmmm… I’m sure you mentioned how we make your life so much better.” Bella pushed her shoulder against his.

  “We sure did.” Morgan put his arm around her shoulder and slid closer.

  “Good answer, you’re a smart man.” Bella kissed him then leaned against him.

  “We also mentioned how the mundane is so interesting with the women in our lives.”

  “Humph. I should be offended that you used mundane in a sentence with me in it.” Bella smacked him gently on the stomach. “I’m in no way mundane.”

  “The mundane thing. That isn’t referring to you.” Morgan squeezed her softly. “You are in no way that word. Spitfire, crazy and wild are words that would better describe you.”

  “Those are words that I like.” Bella stared at him. “To describe you, I would say tempting, fun and tempting.”

  “You said tempting twice.”

  “Because you are doubly tempting.”

  “Okay then.” He kissed her nose then stared into her eyes. “I love you, Bella.”

  As it always did whenever he said it, her heart fluttered and joy filled her. “Love you, Morgan.”

  “And I am still not going skydiving.”

  “But I haven’t asked you in a week.” Bella pouted.

  “You were thinking it. I’ve seen that calculating look in your eye over the last few days.”

  “Damn, you’re good.” Bella chuckled. “I did think it but was planning a good way to convince you to go along.”

  “See, I know your ways,” Morgan teased. “You’re not going to convince me this time.”

  “We’ll see.” Bella winked. “I have some tools in my convincing arsenal I haven’t used yet.”

  “Oh, boy. Now I’m afraid.”

  “As you should be, buddy.” Bella chuckled. “Be very, very afraid.”

  “Crazy woman.”


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