A Matter of Breeding
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Howe, Dorothy, 207
Howe, Lorna Countess, 206
Humane Society of the United States, 46, 226, 227
Hungarian greyhounds: Romanian extermination of, 221
Hunting (Beaufort), 183
Hurlingham Club, 195, 210, 254
hybrid vigor, 138, 230; evidence of, 231–32. See also American Kennel Club; crossbreeding; genetic diversity
Ibizan hounds, 52
inbreeding, 5, 88, 115, 122, 126, 129, 152, 165, 171, 217; and aristocracy, 136, 138; calls to reduce, 234; coefficients of, 77; for disease research, 260; in dogs and wolves, 47; for extreme anatomies, 11, 26, 94; of farm animals, 70; vs. health, 46, 70, 79, 94, 131, 136, 215, 227, 234, 260; and intelligence, 97; for sequencing dog genome, 260; for stylized behavior, 197–98; vs. traditional breeding, 90, 92, 94. See also blood purity; extreme anatomies; genetic diversity
Institute of Veterinary Animal and Biomedical Sciences (Massey University, New Zealand), 86
Irish setters, 85
Irish terriers, 167
Irish water spaniels, 145
Irish wolfhounds, 52
Italian greyhounds, 115
J. Craig Venter Institute, 233
J. Crew, 119, 235
Jack Russell terriers, 15, 92, 104, 175. See also Parson Russell terriers
James I, 67, 187–88, 192
Japanese Chins, 121
Japanese spaniels, 148, 155
Josslyn, Lizzie Adele, 141
The Joy of Breeding Your Own Show Dog (Seranne), 225
Karl of Prussia, 141
Karma Dogs, 99–100
Keeshonds, 220
Keller, Helen, 222
Kennel Club (UK), 5, 6, 25, 43, 87, 91, 95, 106, 159, 171, 182, 185, 202; aristocratic origins of, 132, 135; president of, 135, 178. See also American Kennel Club
Kernochan, James L., 214–16, 218
Kerry Blue terriers, 119
The King’s Speech (film), 54
Kirkness, Ewen, 233
Knickerbocker Club, 137
Knutsford, A. Holland Hibbert, 3rd Viscount, 206
Kuvaszes, 170
Labradoodles, 98; health problems in, 231
Labrador–German shepherds, 101. See also assistance dogs; crossbreeding
The Labrador Retriever (Wolters), 34
The Labrador Retriever Club (US), 207
Labrador Retriever Club of Great Britain, 206
Labrador retrievers, 2, 75, 77, 97, 100, 114, 118, 120, 173–74, 176–77, 192, 199, 200; in AKC’s “top ten,” 128; American debut of, 204–7; and Black Dog Tavern (Massachusetts), 179; Blind of Arden, 179; in cities, 175, 176; color preferences in, 34–35, 82, 86, 89, 114, 120, 177–79, 182, 190; crossbreeding of, 98, 100–101, 102; culling of, 34, 177, 190; and Downton Abbey, 89; early field trials of, 207–13; and eugenics, 82, 86, 88; fraudulent pedigrees for, 46; and gentrification, 105; health problems in, ix, 4, 86, 173, 174, 186–87, 224, 225, 229, 230, 231; in heraldry, 61–62; The Labrador Retriever, 34; Labrador Retriever Club (US), 207; Labrador Retriever Club of Great Britain, 206; Legends in Labradors, 221; “Marley” of Marley & Me, 229; and Michael of Kent, 135; and Saint John’s water dog, 34, 179–82; and stylized behavior, 182–85; in wartime, 222; Yellow Labrador Club (UK), 178. See also blood sport; extreme anatomies; Saint John’s water dogs
Lady and the Tramp (film), 84
Lakeland terriers, 159
landraces, 50–51, 58, 131, 179; gentrification of, 51
Landseer, Edwin Henry, 116, 178
Larson, Greger, 90
Lauren, Ralph, 137, 177, 223, 256
Laurence, Christopher, 229
The Leash (social club), 137
Leavitt, David, 28. See also Olde English Bulldogges
Legends in Labradors (Martin), 211
Leonbergers, 122; in disease research, 232; health problems in, 232
Lhasa apsos, 121, 122
line breeding: vs. health, 233. See also inbreeding
lion dogs, 115, 130, 149, 217; Foo dogs, 121; and modern breeds, 19, 30, 31–32, 105, 110, 111, 113, 114, 121–23, 160, 171; origins of, 120–21; Shishi dogs, 121; tiger-dogs, 111–12, 113; Topsell on, 111. See also breed standards
Little Britain (BBC series), 72
Lloyd, Freeman: on ancestry, 169, 172; on blood sport, 161; and bulldogs, 25; on dog shows, 64–65; and eugenics, 87, 88, 89; on greyhounds, 129; on Labradors, 181–82, 207–8, 210; on springer spaniels, 77; on Staffordshires, 111; on upper-class hunting, 192, 193, 199, 202
longevity, 4, 227, 229, 234; in breeds vs. nonbreeds, 63, 231, 232, 234, 260
Louis XIII (king), 188
Löwchens, 121, 122, 123
lurchers, 200. See also greyhounds; mongrels
Lytton, Judith Neville (Lady Wentworth), 139, 145
MacDonogh, Katharine, 222
Malmesbury, James Edward Harris, 2nd Earl of, 34, 181, 204, 206, 251
Malteses, 121–22, 143
Martin, Nancy, 211
mastiffs, 141; and alaunts, 58, 59; and animal fighting, 19, 20, 116–17; and bulldogs, 16, 19, 20; and German shepherds, 52; as lion dogs, 111, 113, 121, 122, 123; and Saint John’s water dogs, 180; as tiger-dogs, 112, 113
McAllister, Ward, 136
McCaig, Donald, 183
McGreevy, Paul, 230
Meadowbrook Hunt Club, 214
Merlen, René, 219
Metropolitan Club, 137
Metropolitan Dog Club, 172
Michael of Kent, 135, 178. See also Kennel Club (UK)
Milbank, Samuel, 206
mixed-breed dogs. See mongrels
mongrels, xi, 8, 9, 74, 104, 156, 235; and Boston terriers, 131; and bulldogs, 25; and class, 47–48, 65, 66, 87, 110, 129, 132, 168, 193, 200–202; in creating breeds, 45–46; as “curs,” 8, 83, 97, 103, 191; “curs” and class, 47, 66, 164, 181, 183, 189, 190, 200, 215; health/longevity in breeds vs., 63, 227–28, 231–32, 234, 260; and humane movement, 67; intelligence in breeds vs., 97; and Labradors, 182; as “mixed breeds,” 48, 101, 103; as “mutts,” xi, 1, 3, 4, 8, 44, 47, 48, 74, 75, 84, 97, 99, 102, 103, 104, 105, 130, 141, 153, 156, 169, 180, 182, 200, 201, 202, 204, 228, 230; racial inferiority of, 49; as superior hunters, 202–4; and wolves, 47, 49. See also crossbreeding; designer dogs; eugenics
Morgan, John Pierpont, 52, 133, 137, 206
Morkies, 231
Mortimer, James, 135, 144
Mott, J. Varnum, 161
mutts. See mongrels
National Arts Club, 172
National Disaster Search Dog Foundation, 101
neurasthenia, 234
Newfoundlands: in disease research, 232; health problems in, 232
Nicholas II (czar), 141
Nightline (TV program), 7
Noel, Robert, 242
Norfolk terriers, 3, 159
Norwegian elkhounds, 52
Norwich terriers, 3, 159, 175
Olde English Bulldogges (Leavitt Bulldogs), 28
Old English sheepdogs, 119, 144
Olin, John Merrill, 207
On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 62
Orford, George Walpole, 3rd Earl of, 135
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, 231
outcrossing: and purpose breeding, 91, 92; and traditional breeding, 90. See also American Kennel Club; genetic diversity; inbreeding
Pacific Urns, 224
Pape, W. R., 63
papillons, xi, 114, 121
Parson Russell terriers, 108
Paw Printz Pet Boutique, 223
Pedigree Dogs Exposed (BBC documentary), 5, 6, 225, 227, 231
Pedigree Health Report (RSPCA), 227
pedigrees, x, 6, 53, 60, 100, 102, 104, 136, 140, 201, 203, 223; vs. conformation, 88; and designer dogs, 231; in early New York shows, 141–42, 144; etymology of term, 115; fraudulence in, 46; and French bulldogs, 36; vs. health, 70; human, 57, 79, 81, 135, 139, 168, 213; and Labradors, 174, 179, 210–11; vs. purpose breeding, 92, 97, 99; and Talbots, 59. See also American Kennel Club
Pekingeses, 48, 65, 110, 114, 121, 141, 160, 171, 181, 251; in Communist China, 220; health problems in, 145, 171. See also founding father myths
Pembroke Welsh corgis, 34, 114, 115, 222; health problems in, 224, 229, 251. See also extreme anatomies; founding father myths
Perpetua Life Jewels, 224
Peters, Harry, 206
Petit Basset Griffon Vendéens, 3
Pharaoh hounds, 52, 217
pit bulls, 17, 105, 116, 160, 163, 230; Animal Farm Foundation, 98
pointers, 66, 73, 87, 114, 185, 186, 190, 193, 196–99, 205, 217; abnormal orienting response in, 197; and backing, 197–98; and early dog shows, 63, 199; and neoteny, 197; “Sensation,” 119, 199. See also blood sport
Poland: dog extermination in, 221
police dogs, 92, 97, 100
Pomeranians, 141, 155
poodles, 102, 114, 119, 123, 128, 141, 145, 171, 178, 213; in disease research, 232; health problems in, 231, 232. See also blood sport
Portuguese water dogs, xi, 2, 3, 75, 123; in disease research, 260
Procrustes (myth), 44, 49, 129, 133, 227
Puggles, 231
pugs, 21, 113, 119, 121, 131, 162, 174, 207, 220, 222; in disease research, 232; health problems in, 4, 6–7, 41, 71, 171, 230, 232. See also extreme anatomies
Punch (magazine), 55
puppy mills, xi, 46, 83, 228, 232; and designer dogs, 231. See also American Kennel Club
Pyrenean shepherds, 171
Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles, 217
Raper, George, 38
Regal Point Vizslas (kennel), 170
Reigning Cats and Dogs (MacDonogh), 222
reproductive uniformity, 25, 36, 45, 86, 92, 154, 260; breediness, 36, 83, 154, 157; breeding true, 49, 93, 94, 111, 229; Caius’s theory on, 46–47. See also breed standards; eugenics
retrievers, 190, 193; American fad for, 205; as assistance dogs, 98; breeds vs. nonbreeds, 201, 202–4; in cities, 175; early types of, 178; and field trials, 183; French fad for, 189; and neoteny, 197; in pigeon shooting, 195; in upper-class hunting, 86, 106, 178, 185, 196, 209, 217. See also blood sport; Chesapeake Bay retrievers; golden retrievers; Labrador retrievers
Rhodesian ridgebacks, 35, 113; health problems in, 171, 226
Richard III, 57, 67
Ritchie, Carson, 188, 219
Rockefeller Foundation, 81
rottweilers, 2
Royal Court (kennel), 170
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), 227, 229
Royal Veterinary College (University of London), 226
Royal Vista Miniature Pinschers (kennel), 170
Royal Windsor Kennel, 170
Rugoff, Milton, 138
Rural Sports (Daniel), 190
Saint Bernards, 3, 107, 147
Saint Hubert’s hounds, 180
Saint John’s water dogs, 34, 179–82, 204, 227
Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of, 56
Sandringham, Royal Kennels at, 195, 211, 230
schnauzers: in disease research, 223; health problems in, 223
Scottish deer hounds, 59, 143; health problems in, 4, 59
Sealyham terriers, 45, 159
search-and-rescue dogs, 83, 109; mongrels as, 101–2; National Disaster Search Dog Foundation, 101; in 9/11 artwork, 50, 77, 109; pit bulls as, 98
Seranne, Ann, 225
setters, 72, 75, 102, 114, 186, 190, 192, 193, 196, 203; and class, 187; and early dog shows, 63, 199; and lion dogs, 122; and neoteny, 197. See also Gordon setters, Irish setters
Shar-peis, 71, 113, 114, 119; in disease research, 232; health problems in, 4, 232. See also extreme anatomies
Shetland sheepdogs, 121, 159
Shiba Inus, 15
shih tzus, 121
Shihtzapoos, 231
silky terriers: health problems in, 229. See also extreme anatomies
Social Register, 137
SOS Dog (Gallant), 26
Spratt’s (dog food manufacturer), 146, 167
Stables, Gordon, 8, 9, 25, 49, 66, 78, 88, 145, 164, 201
Stafford, Kevin, 86, 94
Staffordshire terriers, 59, 111, 159, 170
Staverton, George, 21
Stephanopoulos, George, 76
Stifel, William, 199
Stockholm University, 93
Svartberg, Kenth, 93, 96, 97
Swedish Armed Forces, 91
Swedish Kennel Club, 91
Swedish University of Agricultural Studies, 91
tail docking, 117–18, 123
Talbot hounds, 59, 60. See also heraldry
Tegetmeier, William, 69, 71
terriers, 103, 104, 105, 111, 122, 143, 148, 167, 175, 202; in early dog shows, 72; as fighting dogs, 16, 159–60, 161, 163; and going to ground, 126; mythical origins of, 48, 110; tail docking of, 117; working vs. show, 85, 86
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 55, 216
therapy dogs, 83, 98–100; Karma Dogs, 99–100
Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall, 223
Tibetan mastiffs, 113, 121, 122
Tibetan spaniels, 121
Tibetan terriers, 122
Today Show, 70
Topsell, Edward, 110, 111, 112, 117, 123
Toy Dogs and Their Ancestors (Lytton), 135, 139, 145
Trafford, Henry de, 135
Transylvanian hounds: Romanian extermination of, 221
Tuxedo Park, 132
twisted stomach (gastric dilatation-volvulus): in Labrador retrievers, 229. See also extreme anatomies
Union Club, 137
United Kennel Club, 6
University Club, 137
University of Aberdeen, 97
University of California, Davis, 227–28
Veblen, Thorstein, 234
Victoria (queen), 68, 135, 143, 170, 251
Visconti, Bernabò, 219
vizslas, 120, 170
Walsingham, Thomas de Grey, 6th Baron, 194
war dogs, 49, 90, 92, 117, 122; alaunts as, 58, 194; ear cropping of, 116–17
Washington, George, 215, 251
Watson, James, 22, 23, 26, 41, 52, 159, 160
Wegman, William, 2
Weimaraners, 2, 120
Wellington, Arthur Valerian Wellesley, 8th Duke of, 206
Welsh springer spaniels, 75, 77, 88, 89, 97, 191; health problems in, 77; in mental illness research, 93–94; rage syndrome in, 94
West Highland terriers, 159
Westminster Kennel Club, 195, 205; logo for, 119, 199; and social clubs, 137. See also dog shows
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, xiii, 2, 3, 34, 52, 53, 62, 64, 65, 94, 133, 140, 168, 171, 174, 209, 216, 225, 228, 233; and blood sport, 66–68, 186, 199; and Crufts, 5, 87, 132; and eugenics, 77, 81, 87, 102; expansion of, 144, 146, 147; first, 63; and French bulldogs, 37, 38; and pedigrees, 141–42; and Scottish deer hounds, 59; sponsors of, 167. See also dog shows
Westminster Pit, 18. See also blood sport; dog shows
Wheaton terriers, 72, 103, 119
whippets, 60, 115
Whitney, Caspar, 198
Who’s Who (social register), 137
Wilde, Oscar, 53
Willis, Malcolm, 94, 95
Wilsson, Erik, 91–92
Windham, William, 17
Windsor, Duke of, 120, 131, 174, 207
Wolters, Richard, 34, 204, 205, 206, 212
wolves, 6, 11, 106, 112, 113, 124, 130, 158, 185, 220; and dog ancestry, 47, 48, 51–52, 79, 110; behavior in dogs vs., 16, 26, 48, 126, 130, 178, 197, 217; extinction of, 48; in heraldry, 58; and landraces, 50; and neoteny, 49; and tail docking, 117. See also blood purity; heraldry
Wyandanch Club (New York), 205
Yellow Labrador Club (UK), 178
Yorkshire terriers, 67, 147
The Young Sportsman’s Manual (Craven), 202
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Many names and other identifying characteristics of people mentioned in this work have been changed to protect their identities. The communal voice is not intended to presume upon the memories and experiences of others but to reflect the shared nature of the event itself, as the author remembers it.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Brandow, Michael.
A matter of breeding : a biting history of pedigree dogs and how the quest for status has harmed man’s best friend / Michael Brandow.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8070-3343-2 (pbk. : alk. paper)
eISBN 978-0-8070-3344-9 (ebook)
1. Dogs—Breeding. 2. Dogs—Pedigrees. I. Title.
SF427.2.B73 2014