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Primeval Prelude: Reverse Harem Siren Romance (Spellsinger Book 4)

Page 24

by Amy Sumida

  “Blooders will start bargaining with immortals for their blood,” I concluded.

  “Or they'll just start abducting them,” Declan added. “I have a horrible image of bands of Blooders roaming the streets in black vans, searching for powerful beneathers.”

  “We need to call a meeting,” Torin said as he stepped up. “The immortals need to be warned of what could happen if they let this secret slip.”

  “And it needs to be done delicately,” I added. “If we simply tell the other races that Blooders will come after them, they'll laugh themselves silly. Or they'll be offended that we're insinuating that they can't defend themselves against Blooders. They'll spread the word just to prove that they aren't afraid.”

  “Fuck,” Torin hissed. “You're right. We need to be subtle about this; tactful.”

  “About a bunch of Blooders in the sun?” Odin asked as he joined us. “Good luck with that.”

  “Odin!” I declared. “You're smart and charismatic.”

  “Thank you,” Odin preened. “I like to think so.”

  “You could speak to them, couldn't you?” I asked him. “Explain it so they aren't offended.”

  “And how am I supposed to do that, Elaria?” Odin huffed as he looked across the training field. Then his expression changed, becoming thoughtful. “We need to make it about honor instead of weakness.”

  “What do you mean?” Torin asked.

  “I'll speak to them after the battle,” Odin said decisively. “When you've fought beside people, you share something that can't be expressed in words. After the battle, the other troops will feel a kinship to these Blooders. If we ask them to respect and protect the Blooders by keeping their secret, I believe that they will. They will feel honor-bound to do so.”

  “See?” I smacked Odin's shoulder. “I told you that you're smart.”

  “How's this for smart; I think we need to get the Blooders more types of immortals to drink from,” Odin said. “We need to see just how strong we can make them.”

  A Blooder tossed Thor over his shoulder, and the Viking God laid where he landed, laughing with amazement.

  “You are indeed, the wisest of Witches,” I murmured.

  We all began to smile.

  Chapter Fifty-Five

  The next day, Reyne contacted me. Mimir and his Giants had entered Primeval. The Lesser Fey had previously offered to pick off the Giants, one by one, as they made their way to the Amber Temple. But I asked Reyne to have everyone stand down. I didn't want Mimir to send war parties after the Lesser Fey as he continued to march on us. Despite that previous refusal of mine, and the sight of the Giants themselves, Reyne once again offered to help.

  “Reyne,” I said gently, “I understand that you and your people want to defend your home, and if you'd like to send your warriors in behind the Giants—to engage any who try to run from the war—then I wouldn't be opposed to that. But I don't want your families in danger again. Think of your children.”

  “I am thinking of my children,” Reyne whispered. “That's why I need to fight. I can't get the image of that army of children out of my mind. The kind of evil that would do that cannot be allowed to live. It cannot be allowed to spread, Your Majesty!”

  “And it won't,” I promised him. “We have a massive army of multiple races from the Beneath. We will triumph, Reyne. If you want to help, what we could really use is supplies. An army this large eats a lot.”

  “We can help with that.” Reyne chuckled. “I imagine that you've seriously depleted the temple stores.”

  “They're nearly empty,” I confirmed. “I was going to send men out to fetch food soon.”

  “We'll take care of it, Queen Elaria,” he promised. “We'll be happy to provide for the army.”

  “Thank you, Reyne,” I said sincerely. “An army is only as good as the food that fuels it.”

  “Then our army shall have the best food we can provide,” Reyne declared. “We'll bring the first shipment tonight.”

  “Excellent,” I said. “And, Reyne?”

  “Your Majesty?”

  “I was serious about the Lesser Fey surrounding Mimir's Giants,” I said. “If we can ring them in, we can be assured that Mimir won't escape again.”

  “I'll let the soldiers know,” Reyne said. “I already have some scouts following the Jotun. It will be a simple thing for us to set our army into place.”

  “Brilliant!” I exclaimed. “We'll have them surrounded.”

  “May Primeval be with you, Your Majesty,” Reyne said.

  “It is, Reyne,” I said confidently. “It's already said so.”

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  The food arrived as promised, and the army's spirits were lifted with the improved fare. In the following days, the Blooders started exhibiting signs of increased strength, endurance, and heightened senses on top of their immunity to sunlight. They were thrilled to have received such gifts, and I was thrilled that they were benefiting from their loyalty to Banning.

  “You need to drink from other immortals,” I said to Banning as we stood watching his Blooders sunbathe.

  Sunbathing had become the Blooders' favorite pastime. No longer would they have to fake-bake with tanning creams. Now, they could come by a healthy glow naturally. Or unnaturally, as it were. Oiled-up bodies glistened on the strip of beach; all of them in skimpy underwear. For some reason, they hadn't thought to bring their bathing suits with them.

  “No,” Banning said simply. “I am content with my abilities.”

  “Banning,” I said softly. “You won't be cheating on me.”

  “Do you know how many affairs have begun because of the Blooder feedings?” Banning asked as he turned to me.

  “Affairs?” I asked in shock. “Between Blooders and other beneathers?”

  “That's right.” He smirked. “A Blooder bite is hard to resist. You should know that.”

  “I do, but...”

  “But beneathers don't like Blooders,” Banning finished for me. “Ironically, beneathers think we are beneath them. They view us as magic-less parasites who have to consume life to prolong our own.”

  “Yes,” I said simply.

  Banning knew what beneathers thought of his kind, and he also knew that I had thought the same way once. My mother had taught me never to trust a Blooder. She had believed that they'd do whatever they had to, to get blood, and I had believed her. My relationship with Banning in this life had a rocky start, to say the least.

  “Well, their lusts were enough to get them past their distaste,” he said crisply as he waved a hand outward.

  I hadn't given a second thought to the other beneathers on the beach. But now I looked closer; nearly every race was out there, among the Blooders. Only the Spellsingers were absent. The other races weren't just basking in the sun; they were salivating over the display of Blooder flesh.

  “I can relate to that as well.” I grinned as I looked back at Banning.

  “Elaria,” Banning remained serious, “that is exactly why I can't bite another immortal. It would be akin to stroking a woman intimately. And it would not only excite the person who fed me, it would also excite me. It's a physical reaction that neither of us would be able to control.”

  “What if I were there with you when you fed?” I offered.

  “That might take care of my needs”—he frowned as he thought it through—“but what of those of the person I drink from?”

  “What if I was that person?” Torin offered as he stepped up.

  Banning and I both turned to look at Torin in shock.

  “Really?” I asked.

  “I've already watched you feed him, and that went well,” Torin pointed out. “I'm confident enough in my sexuality to be comfortable with Banning's bite arousing me. Just as long as you're the one to quench the fire.” He took my hand and kissed it.

  “He can bite me too,” Gage offered casually as he walked over.

  “Whoa,” Banning whispered. “I don't know if I'm okay with this.”
  “Afraid of me turning you on, Ban?” Gage teased. “I'd understand if you were; I'm a lot of man.” He winked at Banning.

  “No,” Banning huffed, and then his expression changed. “Maybe.”

  “We're all grown-ups,” I said. “And we're in an unusual relationship. I think we can deal with it. We know our own sexuality, and each other's. Even if new feelings were to arise, there would be no confusion as to where they stemmed from or how long they would last.”

  “Are you man enough to bite me?” Torin smirked at Banning.

  “A Shining One king and a Griffin,” Gage added. “That should give you a serious power boost.”

  “And power is important right now,” Declan added as he joined us. “Am I not invited to this party?”

  The men went silent.

  “Oh, I see how it is.” Declan smirked. “No one wants the pervert in bed with them when their defenses are lowered. If I were there, you'd really be afraid of your desires.”

  The other men looked uncomfortable as Declan laughed.

  “Have you all forgotten that we're connected now?” Declan asked. “If I'm a pervert, so are all of you.”

  I burst out laughing at the horrified looks on the men's faces.

  “Gentlemen,” Declan went serious, “I may be more diverse in my desires, but as far as sexual partners go; I am unwaveringly into women. I may enjoy watching men have sex with a woman, but I don't want to have sex with them; I assure you. And consider this; with all of my expertise, I will be the one most able to move things along properly, if they should start to go the wrong way.”

  “Fine, Declan,” Torin finally said. “You can come.”

  “Oh, I'm certain that I will,” Declan said with a saucy smile. “This way, gentlemen.” He motioned us inside the temple.

  “We're doing this now?” Banning asked.

  “Of course,” Declan huffed. “There's no time like the present.”

  “The Giants are on their way, Banning,” I pointed out. “Declan's right; we need to get you some immortal blood as fast as possible. We must all be at our strongest.”

  “And with three of us donating blood, it shouldn't be a strain on us,” Declan added.

  The other men looked at each other and shrugged. Declan was right, as usual. Say what you liked about Declan's tastes, but when it came to intellect, he was as sharp as the sword he carried. We followed Declan up to our suite, and he locked the door behind us. Then we went into the bedroom, and we all stood there, staring at the bed.

  “We're not strangers.” Declan sighed. “We've all been a part of every joining with Elaria since we were connected by the RS. This will just be a more physical participation.”

  “Let's try and remember that this is about strengthening Banning,” I suggested. “And making Banning stronger, makes us all stronger. We're essentially magnifying our power.”

  “This is also about you,” Torin said to me before looking at the others. “We must be as respectful of Elaria's feelings and comfort as possible. None of us want her hurt.”

  “And none of us are going to hurt her,” Gage said simply as he looked at the other men; one by one. “This is a non-issue.”

  “Okay,” Banning said. “So, how would you like to start, Elaria?”

  “I'm not starting, remember?” I reminded him. “You won't be biting me today. Begin with one of them, and I'll handle any issues that may arise.” I winked at Declan.

  “Fuck; I can't believe we're doing this,” Banning huffed as he took a seat on the bed. “Okay, Torin; just give me your wrist. I'll try to make this as unpleasant as possible.”

  “Banning”—Torin laughed—“the pleasure will be the best part about this. I'm looking forward to what it will do for my intimacy with Elaria.”

  “Okay.” Banning blinked in surprise. “But I'm still only biting your wrist.”

  “I'm good with that.” Torin held out his hand to Banning; palm up.

  “You asked for it,” Banning huffed before he sank his teeth into Torin's wrist.

  At first, neither man seemed affected. Then Banning inhaled sharply and started sucking harder. I swallowed past a dry lump in my throat; shocked at how arousing it was to simply watch him drink. Banning's lips were pressed tightly against Torin's wrist, and his hands gripped Torin's forearm and palm possessively. Torin started breathing heavily, and his free hand slipped around my waist.

  “Sweet stones,” Torin murmured into my neck as he nuzzled me there. “I had no idea.”

  Torin's hand drifted down to the hem of my skirt. He pulled up the hem and then slipped his hands into my panties. I sighed as his fingers went straight to the perfect place and began to rub me feverishly. I angled in front of him to give him better access, and Torin removed his hand. I blinked in surprise as he lifted his fingers to his mouth and licked them with a rapturous groan.

  “Lift your skirts for me, Ellie,” Torin growled.

  I did, and he slipped his wet hand back in my panties. I leaned into his shoulder as I rode his hand. Then I felt Banning's hand at the back of my thigh. He found his way to my sex and started thrusting a finger inside me as Torin continued to rub me deliciously.

  “Fuck, that's hot,” Gage groaned.

  “Told you,” Declan murmured.

  Banning broke away from both Torin and me with a gasping cry, and Torin immediately scooped me up. He swept around and deposited me on the bed behind Banning. It all happened so fast; my mind started processing images in bursts. I saw Gage give Banning his wrist, and then Torin undid his trousers frantically. Declan's eyes darkened to deep purple as he watched Torin tear away my panties. I focused back on Torin when he sank into me. He was so hard and hot; surging into me like a possessed man. I took his face between my palms to steady him, and Torin took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and calmed a little, but his pace remained frantic, and then his mouth covered mine in a ferocious kiss.

  Torin moaned as he lifted his mouth from mine, and some of his passion seeped through the RS link into me. I gasped and went liquid; my body seizing with ecstasy as Torin pressed our pelvises together tightly. Love, power, and pleasure filled me as it did Torin. My head swam with sensation; not only that between Torin and I, but also the desire building in Banning, Gage, and Declan.

  Torin must have felt it too; it wasn't long before he groaned into his release and then collapsed over me. I wrapped myself around his massive body and shivered through the aftershocks of my orgasm. Through half-lidded eyes, I saw Gage approach us, and I unwound myself, but Torin remained pressed tightly against me. Gage laid a hand on Torin's shoulder, causing Torin to flinch. I inhaled sharply with the sweet stirrings his movements caused; my desire rising again. Torin sighed and rolled to the side; his member sliding out of me slickly. All he could do was shift out of Gage's way; he didn't even have the strength to pull up his pants.

  And then the griffin had me.

  But Gage wasn't content to take me on the bed, nor did he want clothes involved. Gage had already disrobed as he waited for Torin to finish, and he took the time to help me stand and remove my clothing as well. Then he lifted me off my feet and lowered me onto his sex. With my legs wrapped around him, Gage slammed into me as he remained standing. I moaned as his strong arms lifted me, and then gravity pulled me back down upon his shaft. The scent of griffin musk rose from his skin, and I bent to lick at the strong column of his throat; the taste of him delighting my tongue. I clung to Gage and lifted my mouth to his. We kissed deeply as we crested together; a screaming, clawing orgasm.

  Gage lowered me to my feet and then collapsed onto the bed beside Torin. Torin—who was snoring. I chuckled at that, but then I saw Declan. His hand was outstretched to Banning, but his scorching gaze was all for me. Declan had prepared as Gage had; removing his clothes before he had given Banning his wrist. His erection stood proudly before him, and when he held a hand out to me, I went to him and started to work his shaft.

  Declan moaned deeply; pressing himself further i
nto my grip, but then he reached down and stopped me. I looked up at him in surprise, and he nodded down to Banning.

  Banning was shaking with pent-up passion that had been growing steadily through two feedings. His mouth was working feverishly on Declan's wrist, and his cock strained at his jeans. Declan was stricken with pleasure as well, but he was a master at the art of intimacy, and he was able to control his desire better than anyone else in the room.

  “See to the Blooder,” Declan whispered to me before he kissed me gently. “You know I like to watch.”


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